Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-1-1953 The B-G News May 1, 1953 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News May 1, 1953" (1953). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1125. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1125 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Dance Concert, ODK APhiO Blood Bank Forum Planned For Scheduled For Tuesday This Weekend See Page Two DW&BA Gteeti State Utiiuersittj VoL37 Official Student Publication. Bowling Green, Ohio. Friday. May 1. 1953 No. 48 UAC Constitution Two-Division Forum Debates Campus Politics Mass Meeting Social Group Falls By 12-9 Vote Is Proposed Suggests 118 An attempt to form an indepcn-9 A proposal to convert the pres- dent students' political group on ent student-faculty Social Commit- campus was defeated Monday tee into a Social Policy committee night when Student Senate, by a Board, Room Prices and establish a second committee As Nominees nine to twelve vote, rejected the for social activities has been giv- constitution of United Action Con- en to Pres. Ralph W. McDonald by Over 300 Assemble gress. Increased To Meet the Council on Student Affairs. To List Candidates At the same time, Senate re- Arch II. Conklin, Dean of Stu- moved the social status clause in High Living Costs dents and chairman of the Council, At Wednesday night's nomina- ■ta by-laws, included in the new pointed out that this is only a pro- tion meeting 118 students were representation plan for election of A general increuse in all Uni- posal, to be studied by Dr. Mc- nominated for campus positions, Senators. This had provided that versity board and room prices will Donald. go into effect next September, ac- according to Dave Dawson, election Greek or independent status of The change would set up a candidates for Senate offices and cording to Arch B. Conklin, dean of chairman. More than 300 students students. Social Policy committee of six stu- membership be listed with the dents and four faculty members attended the meeting. names of candidates on the ballot. Room and board in Kohl Hall, as a policy making group only. Campaign posters will be placed Senators objected to the "inde- Williams Hull, Shatzcl Hall, Ivy Duties would include formation of in parts of the Nest and Student pendent" clause of the UAC con- Hall, and Stadium dormitory will policy, advising the Coordinator Senate designated by the elections stitution which would eliminate be $2B2 per semester. Room and of Student Activities, and allocat- committee, according to Dawson. Greeks from joining the organiia- board in Falcon Hall, and Kast and ing social committee funds. He also stressed that all campaign West halls will be $234 per semes- Photo by Dal Brim tion. Many expressed the opinion Second Group Planned material must be removed by 9 p.m. that it would set up a two-party ter. All students living in these Panel members of the Omlcron Delta Kappa forum on Tuesday, May 6. The only The second committee would be system of Greeks and independents dormitories must eat in University- make plans for the open discussion to be held 2:30 Sunday other time campaign posters will on campus. provided dining halls unless a culled the Social Activities com- afternoon at Gate Theatre. mittee, under the proposed set-up. be allowed is during the hours of 8 justifiable reason is presented, ac- Seated are Katherine O'Connor and Robert Boettck. and 10 p.m. on Tuesday, tho night Ask Clarification It would handle the functional cording to the Dean. Room rent in Standing, left to right are Richard Daley. Paul W. Jones, of the election campaign rally. They also asked for a further these dormitories will be higher for aspects of campus social activities, John Grossman. William Blttner. and David Dawson. clarification of the goals and issues students who do not eat in Uni- and would be a standing student Nominations for Senate presi- mentioned in the constitution. versity accommodations. The Uni- committee of the Student Govern- • * * * dent are Chuck Green, Herb Collier, p. ■ . _. ■ Panel members of the Omicron and Bill Bltner. For vice-presi- The preamble of the UAC consti- versity Commons will charge $10 ment Association. KlKlslfsfl KlAn Drlta Kappa forum who will dis- dent Don Brenner, Nancy Brown, tution states: "We, the independent a week for board under the new The committee would be directly New RushingINUJIIIIIVj Planr IUII <.„.„ tho question "Should political and Paul Hirschey were nominated. students of Bowling Green State prices. responsible to both the Student parties be formed on the Bowling Carol Payne and Janet Teil were University, do hereby associate Students living in fraternity and Senate and to the Coordinator of Green campus on a Greek and in- nominated for secretary and Harry Student Activities, depending upon ourselves in the spirit of democra- sorority houses located on the Voted OK By IFC dependent basis T" have been an- Bowers and Robert Bickel were cy to stimulate individual, con- campus will be charged $100 per the nature of the activities. nounced by Jerry Helwig, forum put up for treasurer. structive thinking by all students, semester. The fraternities and Activities might include teas and chairman. Thirty*nine students were nominated to educate ourselves in the sound sororities will be held responsible receptions, U-A Prom, administer- For Next Semester Members of the panel arc John for senate representatives. The students governmental process, and to par- for keeping the maximum number ing the Urschel Park, campus An intermediate plan of rush- Grossman, chairman; David Daw- ore Hani Martin. Deloree Swayne, Orin ticipate to a fuller extent in the of students living in the quarters. movies, and similar events which Blaglo. Sue Carlisle. Robert Troknya, ing, which will go into effect next son, elections committee chairman; activity of our Student Govern- The houses, however, do not neces- would come under the direction of and Paul W. Jones, director of the Jerry Helwig, Pat Scott, Roger Caaten. ment Association." sarily have to be filled with mem- either Senate of the Coordinator of fall, has been passed by the Inter- Jack Mchelrloh. Diana Rlackwell. Chrlet- University News Bureau. Richard Ino Rcdrup, Joyco Crede. Sara Jane The purpose of the group, ac- bers of the groups. Independents Student Activities. fraternity Council in hope that it Daley and Robert Bostick will re- will be allowed to live in the houses Robinson, Bruce detain. Robin Smith, cording to the constitution, is to Senate Approval will reduce the time and cost of present independent interests, and .MIIMII, Rrowu, Qua* Fryc. Barbara "stimulate individual democratic and will be subject to the same Members of the Social Policy rushing. William Bittner and Katherine Roberts, BarbHrn Dowes. Kay ftleta. thinking and to serve our student house rules as the Greeks. Sully Miiran. committee would be approved by This means that in-coming O'Connor represent Greek interests. society by way of activity in Stu- The increase in board and rent, This second in a series of ODK mJSSt "!."'• .I.'0n "«R-lu«kl. Sally Student Senate from recommenda- freshmen may be pledged after Schmidt. Donald Slmmonda. Krnest dent government." declared Dean Conklin, can be at- forums will be presented Sunday Weckcser. Richard Marahnor. Sara tributed to the increase in the cost tions of its reviewing committee, seven weeks of their first semester Jonee, lick Haley, George Welch. Hour And One-Half Discussion at 2:30 p.m. in the Gate Theatre of living during the past year. subject to approvnl by the Univer- instead of waiting until February Aud. Robert, Uostlck, Arnold Brown. Frank sity President. as has been done in past years. Kraft. Betsey Sandlln, Sylvia Christian, Three attempts to call for a vote Purposes of the forum are: 1. to Jwtly Uorauch, Charles Smith, Ted on the question and a motion to Social Activities committee mem- However, there will be no change Beuke. nml llan Baker. in the point average necessary for bring the motives behind such poli- „Those inuiiIuk' for senior claaa of- refer the constitution back to the Late Students To bers would be chosen in a similar tical parties to the campus, 2. to ficers are; president — Bill Bradley, group for clarification were de- manner, but would not need ap- initiation. Pledges will still be re- Chuck Bonser, Fred Frlsbc, Vlnce Take College Test quired to have at least a 2.0. stimulate interest in the forthcom- Tauiplo. Wsller Nelson. Ralph MeKIn feated before the hour and a half proval of the President. ,lce Applications for the May 21 Se- ing mass elections, and 3. to have a ?.".• . president—Carl kjaiicrnan, discussion ended. A social sub-committee would llnl McGrady, R„y Fernandes, Joy lective Service College Qualifica- strong and representative Senate Traver. Bob Cocbran: seeretury—Jane Senators drew questions and tion Test must be submitted to continue to operate for freshmen as an outcome. Coakcy. Helen Klkara. Juanlta Richard- activities, with an adviser from son. M J. Harold. (Iretehen Van answers from one another and the Educational Testing Service, Pershing Rifles Hi inn ; treiiHurer—Naney Mchumaker, called on several speakers from Princeton, N. J., not later than the social activities committee. Menu Olschcakl. Barb McGlnnas, and the gallery.
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