THRIFT WEEK VALUES CONTINUE THROUGH SATURDAY AVERAGE DAILT CIRCIJLATION. 4er the Month of May, 1988 WEATHER Feteeaet at u. a. Weather Buiean, 6.153 Hartford Member of the Audit Oooaslonal showers tonight end Friday; not much change Id tem- Boreun of ClTealaUans perature. MANCHESTER — A QTY OF VILLAOE CHARM' VOL. LVIL, NO. 219 (Claasifled AdvertUing on Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PHlCE THREE CENTS .J? CHAS. RAY QUnS JAPS ABANDON Just a Smoke at Twilight of Congress wROGERSPAPER WAR TO BATHE DISPUTE OVER FUNDS IN NEW SET-DP RIVE^FLOODS IN CONGRESS DELAYS Hontioiilton P. Faxton, Of Bombing Planes Now Carry I Boston, Is New President; Bags For Barriers; Choh ENDING THE SESSION No Other Changes In Or- era Added To Horrors (N ganization Of Local Firm. War, Hood; Yangtze Rises Conference Of Senators And ’ McQall Is Sentenced Huntington P. Faxon, of Boston, Shanghai, June 18.— (A P )— The Representatives Attempt- Mass., has beZh elected president Yellow river flood fed by a steady To Die in the Chair and treasurer of the Rogers Paper downpour of rain unrolled a ribbon ing To Reach Accord Manufacturing Company, following of death and disaster 10 to 20 miles the resignation of Charles Ray from wide and 90 miles long across the Appropriations; Hope fari these offices, it was announced to- flat plains of Honan province today. For Cash Kidnaping day by Raymond A. St. I-aurent, Chinese and Japanese armies locked In combat on the Pelpln-Hsinkow Miami, Fla., June 16 — (AP) __ Adjournment Before front fled before' the torrent which FrankUn Pierce McCall, 21 was sen- Japanese now estimate will take a tenced today to die In the eelctric toll of 50,000 lives. Washington, June 16.— (Ajpi) ( Advices from Hankow, the provi- chair for the kidnaping of Jimmy sional Chinese capital, said the re- Cash, Jr. Members of the first $12,000#-- lentless flood surging southeastward Cautioning the crowded court- 000,000 peacetime Congrofui t-: from tom dikes had penetrated be- room to keep quiet. Circuit Jud^ fretted and fumed today ovor -; yofld Fukow, 70 miles south of Kal- H. F. Atkinson called the minister’s a $10,000,000 barrier that * feng on the Lunghal railway and 90 son to the bench. stopped their pell-mell ruah miles south of the Yellow river. AnUclpaUng quiet, rest, and summer vacations after a long, busy session of Ongress, these two men "You plead guilty to the offense Sweeping over thousands of acres ^ bang out the session’s end took deep. Indulgent breaths and settled down comfort- adjourn. of farmland, driving peasants and as charged of kidnaping and hold- ably with a common spark to enjoy their preferred smokes. Left Is the Senate’s head man Vice ing James Bailey Clash, Jr., for A conference committee ot A- armies before it the flood was de- President Gamer, and at right. Speaker of the House WilUam B. Bankhead. ’ clared by Japanese war dlspatcha ransom. What have you to say for Representatives and Senat(Mj£^ youtself?” he demanded. ' to have affected 2,000 villages with struggled manfully to level the; an aggregate population of 500,000. McCall merely shook his head. ‘ I find you guilty os charged In obstacle in time for a Japanese bombing planes, tempor- arily diverted from their death- the Indictment,” the Judge contin- windup tonight. Some coi|^: dealing activities, dropped thousands “LOST DIVISION ued, “the same being a capital of- ferees said they were "makiair I RDCH NOT OBUGED fense under the laws of Florida, of empty bags, ordinarily used for progress.” ‘ trenches and machine-gun neats. In- and I sentence you to be held until The barrier consisted of Jk to the flood area for use by Japan's such time as you shall be delivered army engineers In repairing breach- IS DRIVEN OVER to the superintendent of the state handful of last minute apprab ,i ed dikes. priations written into tte TO PAY AUSTWAN’S prison at Ralford, there’ to be held Drop Food, Tools. Safely until a death sentence shall Third Deficiency BiU. The bHI Food and tools also were being, FRENCHBORDER be carried out.” as paued by the House carrl^ \ dropped to isolated Japanese troops The Judge said the governor fighting the new enemy. allotments totaling $279,000>(^| w6uld fix tbe date for tbe execution, Charles Ray While the main course of the DEBTS, FUNK AVERS specified the prisoner was to bo put 000. The Senate added flood was southeastward, another General, Wiih Rear Guard, newly elected vice president of the to death by electricity and concluded 000,000 to that. company. peril was reported north of the with the customary, “May God have When the two brand river where Japanese said C3ilnese mercy on your soul.” Mr. Faxon, a graduate of Har- troops fleeing westward from h PerOons PositioD; Fran- terwards, uadtr heavy guard, he agree how much of that vard in the class of 1912, has been German Minister DechreS| Called Cold Blooded waa taken to an elevator and re- Chenchow had cut new holes in the 000,000 shall be left id tl vice president and a director of the dikes of the Tsln river. ’ ‘ He made no further comment In turned to bU cell. company for the past 11 years. He co Strives To End War finally passed, the >0(6817 Tslnyang, about 60 miles north- There Are No Legal Or LATE NEWS court on the $10,000 ransom abduc- Jack Kehoe, the defense attorney haa had extensive experience In tion MeCaU confessed to hnving appointed by the coulrt, said he gressmen can go home. manufacturing and finance. He is west of Chengchow and on the op- posite side of the Yellov7 river, was Byv^Several Campaigns. perpetrated a t' Prlpsotan May $8 thought McCall had recelvad a fair Hlto Out af the Way planning to spend part of his time menaced, they said. Moral Crowds For Ac- FLASHES! but remarked privately that^tt waa trial yesterday and ' that - there in Manchester, in executive charge the most cold-blooded thing I ever would be no appeal. He said ha had A tre^ *'oat of iha way The outskirts of Tslnyang were mpet major plecae ' at leg! ' of the business for the board of di- under water and the Japanese gar- heard of—there were no mitigating folowed McCall's Instructions In rep- rectors. tion; U. S.-British History. Hendaye, France (At the Spanish circumatances In this esse.” The wage-hour bill awtdtod rison was struggling to barricade "THE EEL” CAF^TURED resenting him and that be conferred dent Roosevelt’s conslderaUoa. EvHk No Other Changes. the center of the town. Frontier), Jupe 16.—(A P )—Spanish McCall heard hie doom without with the defendant tbU morning No other changes have been made Nf>w Ha«-en, Jons 16.—(AP) __ controversial flood control leglsll^ The rolling torrent similarly was flinching. HU faeat/waa Impassive and McCall declared be had nothing in the Rogers operating .organiza- Bremen, German, June 16— (AP) New Haven police announced today Insurgents sprung a carefully set tlon, over which a flUbueter threat* ;;' I that Frank Bednaresyk, 20, allaa trap on the govemment'e last-ditch^ and he looked stra l^ t shesiA A f- more to say. tion, It was stated. Thomas H. —Economics Minister Walther ened yesterday, was at tha Whna Johnston, who has been general su- (Continued on Page Ten.) “The E d” sought in the slaying ot defendSre In the Pyrenees Mountain’ House. Funk declared today thaj Germany passes today, forcing perintendent since 1920, wUl con- Policeman Edward H. Wendlond, „ the Govem- A Joint conference oommlttoa tinue In this capacity. Robert F. waa not obligated to acknowledge had been captured In Maocole, Md. ment’s lost” Forty-third Division agreed yesterday <m a formula fbP to flee Hawley who has been with the com- state debts of annexed Austria Officials said the jonth was work- across the frontier Into distributing $212,000,000 of farm pany since 1923 will continue as France. HOOVER WILL TAKE either fir>m the viewpoint of inter- ing with a traveling carnival when CLAIMS U. S. IS READY benefit payments provided In the assistant treasurer. arrested lost nlghL He wee turned The fighting In tbe far north, bill. Final approval o f this agraa Saul M. SUversteln, associated national law or on economic or over to two New Haven detectlvee, however, waa, only one phase of me'nt was expected to send tha with the company since 1928, in moral grounds. who imniedUtely left tor this city widespread Insurgent offensives. measure to the White House eonaa* production and development work, PART IN CAMPAIGN He added, however, that Germany with the prisoner. Generalissimo Francisco Franco was TO TALK DISARMAMENT time during the day. haa been elected vice president in waa trying to come to an agree- Bednarezyk w as' held erimliially said to have ordered commanders In Senate action was elated on Preat* charge of production. Raymond ment with Sir Frederick Lelth-Ross, respoDSlble for (he alsyfng In a all areas to launch campaigns to dent Roosevelt^ veto of a bill ooe^ A. S t Laurent, who Joined the com- bring the civil war to a quick close. pany In 1929, as salea director, baa clilef economic adviser to the Brit- coronePe finding last week together tlnulng low hfterest. rates on gov- Former President Tells Re- ish government, "In a aplrit of mu- with Thomas Coyne. The latter Is In tbe South, a major battle de- Bridsh Premier TeDs House GIFT OF MILLION ernment farm / loans. The Housa.
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