Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60587-8 - The Cost of Counterterrorism: Power, Politics, and Liberty Laura K. Donohue Index More information Index A and others v. Secretary of State for the Home torture, evidence obtained through Department, 335 Convention Against Torture and, 113 Abbasi, Feroz, 89, 90 ECHR and, 113 Abbott, Diane, 63 Guantanamo´ Bay, 92–93 Abdalla, Suleiman, 75 Advanced Research and Development Activity, Abdullah, Abu, 295 258 Abu Ghraib ADVISE (Analysis, Dissemination, denial of abuses at, 100 Visualization, Insight and Semantic exposure of abuses at, 100 Enhancement), 259–260 Geneva Conventions, effect of suspension AEDPA. See Antiterrorism and Effective Death of, 102 Penalty Act of 1996 inquiries into abuses at, 101–102 Afghanistan War international inquiries into abuses at, Geneva Conventions, applicability of, 76, 102–103 78, 81, 82 military intelligence, role of, 102 Guantanamo´ Bay, and indefinite detention public reaction to abuses at, 100–101 at, 74 report on, 102 Taliban (See Taliban) specific techniques used at, 101–102 Agiza, Ahmed, 106 Accountability in counterterrorism. See al-Barakaat, 177–178, 180 Transparency and accountability in Alberts, Bruce, 309 counterterrorism Albright, Madeline, 149 Ackner, Lord, 17 Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 (US), 23, 276, Acxiom, 185 277, 291 Adams, David, 56–57 al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, 177 Adams, Gerry, 126, 128, 293 Allen, Lew, 224 Adams, Jan, 254 al Qaeda Adams, John, 276 designated foreign terrorist organization, as, Aden, Abdirisak, 178 149, 154, 166 Administrative efficiency, effect of enemy combatants, as, 77–78, 82 counterterrorism on, 28 funding of Admissibility of evidence alternative remittances, 157–158 interception of communications, amounts required, 153–154 recommendation re, 354 bin Laden, by, 146–147, 154, 156 RIPA, under, 200–201 changes in methods, 347 469 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60587-8 - The Cost of Counterterrorism: Power, Politics, and Liberty Laura K. Donohue Index More information 470 Index al Qaeda (cont.) Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act charitable sources, 154 of 1996 (US) diamond trade, through, 156–157 designation of unlawful organizations under, drug trade, through, 156–157 312 foreign sources, 156 domestic rebellion and, 26 Saudi sources, 154 financial counterterrorism under Geneva Conventions, applicability of, due process and, 150 77–78, 80, 81, 82, 87–88 financial transactions with foreign lack of awareness by United States, 154 governments, 149 organizational structure of, 154 freedom of speech and, 150–151 prisoners of war, as, 81 judicial authority, 149–150 al Sanabil Association for Relief and material support for terrorist Development, 180 organizations, 149 al Taqwa, 171, 179 overview, 123, 148, 149 Alternative remittances, 157–158, 180–181 habeas corpus under, 16 American Association for the Advancement of interception of communications under, Science, 301 13 American Bankers Association, 162 Aqeel, Aqeel al-, 176–177 American Civil Liberties Union, 227, 249–250, Arar, Maher, 108, 111 255, 270 Armey, Dick, 252, 270 American Friends Service Committee, 227 Armstrong, Colin, 144 American Library Association, 240, 343 Armstrong, Robert, 328 Americans for Democratic Action, 227 Army Field Manual, 98 American Society for Microbiology, 296–297 Arnaout, Enaam, 171 American Society of Newspaper Editors, 343 Ashcroft, John Amsterdam Treaty, 6 Abu Ghraib, on, 100 Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight business records, on obtaining, 234 and Semantic Enhancement (ADVISE), citizen reporting programs and, 254 259–260 emergency warrants and, 235 Anelay, Baroness, 69 executive detention and, 311 Anti-Drug Abuse Act (US), 151, 152 FOIA and, 342 Anti-Terrorism, Crime, and Security Act (UK) funding requests, 13 criticism of, 58 Geneva Conventions, on applicability of, data protection under 82 avoiding detection under, 211 National Security Letters, on, 238 ECHR and, 212 TIPS and, 252 expansion beyond terrorism information, Truong case, on, 234 210–211 USA PATRIOT Act and overview, 210 advocacy of, 1 proportionality, 211–212 Congressional testimony of, 1–2 USA PATRIOT Act compared, 210–211 defense of, 26, 270 voluntary code of practice, 210 opponents of, on, 2 financial counterterrorism under “wall” between investigation and forfeiture of assets, 141–142 prosecution, and elimination of, 249 freezing of assets, 142 Assets Recovery Agency, 143–145 minimal impact of, 142 ATCSA. See Anti-Terrorism, Crime, and open warrants, 142 Security Act reporting requirements, 142 Atkins, Humphrey, 36 indefinite detention under, 58 Atlas, Ronald, 296 knowledge-based speech under, 310 Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (US), 298, 301, port and border controls under, 214 330 reports by judiciary under, 265 Atomic Energy Commission, 301 speed of enactment, 11 AT&T, 244–245 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60587-8 - The Cost of Counterterrorism: Power, Politics, and Liberty Laura K. Donohue Index More information Index 471 Attorney-client privilege under Financial security versus freedom paradigm, on, 4 Investigations (Northern Ireland) war model versus criminal law model, on, Order, 140, 141 7–8, 10 Aufhauser, David, 169 Blears, Hazel, 27 Authorization for Use of Military Force (US), “Bloody Sunday,”38 9, 71, 83, 244 Bloomfield, Kenneth, 293 Aziz, Shaukat, 118 Blunkett, David, 47, 63 Border controls. See Port and border controls Baez, Joan, 227 Boyd-Carpenter, John Archibald, 50 Bailey, Adrian, 355 Brandeis, Louis, 221, 279, 280 Baker, George, 338 Brandenburg v. Ohio, 282–283, 298, 315, 316, Baker, James, 155 335 Bank Secrecy Act Advisory Group, 152 Brennan, William J., Jr., 24, 221 Bank Secrecy Act (US), 151, 161, 162 Breyer, Stephen, 20, 84 Barot, Dhiren, 333 Bridger Tracker software, 169–170 Barr, Bob, 252, 270 Britani, Abu Esa al, 333 Bassam, Lord, 213 British Broadcasting Corporation, 293, 294, Bates, Richard Dawson, 37 308, 327–328 Beaver, Diana E., 95–96 British Union of Fascists, 288 Begg, Moazzam, 89, 90, 120 Brittain, Leon, 132 Beggs, Roy, 355 Brown, H. Rap, 225 Belfast Workers’ Film Guild, 292 Brownell, Herbert, 220 Bellinger, John, 9 Bugging. See Interception of communications Benefits of counterterrorism, 3 Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Benevolence International Foundation, 171, Enforcement Affairs, 181 180 Bureau of Investigation. See Federal Bureau of Benevolence International Foundation v. Investigation Ashcroft, 173, 175 Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Berger, Sandy, 9 224 Bethe, Hans, 301 Burger, Warren E., 227 Bingham, Lord, 59–60, 61–63 Burnside, David, 144 bin Laden, Osama Bush, George H.W. al-Barakaat and, 177 Saudi links, 155 al Qaeda, funding of, 146–147, 154, 156 torture, on, 111 communications by, 274, 351 Bush, George W. designated foreign terrorist, as, 166 al-Barakaat, on, 177 Executive Order 13,099 and, 148 citizen reporting programs and, 252 Biological Weapons Convention, 296, 309 Convention Against Torture, on, 100 Biometric tracking, 30–31 enemy combatant status, on, 82 Birkett Committee, 187, 190 financial counterterrorism, on, 165, 167, “Birmingham Six,”294 172 Bishra, Shukry, 172 Geneva Conventions, on applicability of, Black, Cofer, 103 80 Black, Hugo, 11, 322 patriotism, appeals to, 13 “Black lists,”35 7 state of emergency, declaration of, 71 Blackman, Honor, 67 war model versus criminal law model, on, 7 Blackstone, William, 35, 39, 49, 191, 290 Butler, Bill, 90 Blair, Ian, 66 Butt, Hassan, 295 Blair, Tony Bybee, Jay, 95 control orders and, 65 glorification of terrorism, on, 294–295, 339 Cainkar, Louise, 118, 168 minority groups, on, 27 Cairde Sinn Fein,´ 128 Northern Ireland, on, 138 Cambone, Stephen A., 247 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60587-8 - The Cost of Counterterrorism: Power, Politics, and Liberty Laura K. Donohue Index More information 472 Index Cameras, surveillance by. See Closed-circuit Chertoff, Michael, 159, 169 television, surveillance by Chief Surveillance Commissioner, 198, 204 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 326 Choicepoint, 185, 186 Campbell, Duncan, 327–328 Christian, George, 240 CAPS (Computer Assisted Passenger Church, Frank, 223, 228 Screening) program, 255 Church Committee, 228–229, 249, 253 Carlile, Lord, 115, 354 Churchill, Winston, 7, 36 Carlucci, Frank, 155 Churchill-Coleman, George, 117 Carlyle Group, 155 CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency Carnivore, 250 CIFA, 245, 246–248 Carter, Jimmy Citizen Corps program, 253–254 classified information under, 320 Citizen reporting programs Privacy Act and, 229 arguments in favor of, 252–253 surveillance oversight under, 265 Citizen Corps program, 253–254 Casement Park trials, 215 Coastal Beacon, 252 Casey Foundation, 118, 168 dangers of, 253 Castro, Fidel, 121 Highway Watch, 252 Catania, Giusto, 179 Marine Watch, 252 Cavada, Jean-Marie, 179 misuse of information, 253 Cavendish, Anthony, 308 Terrorism Information and Prevention Censorship and terrorism, 273–274 System (TIPS), 251–252 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Transportation Security Administration, 297 252 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act 1922–43 al Qaeda, investigation of, 154 (UK) Counter Terrorism Center, 147 designation of unlawful organizations under, data mining, 257 313 financial counterterrorism, role in ECHR and, 55 focus on, 158 expansion of powers under, 15 overview, 146–147 financial counterterrorism under, 129 FOIA exception, 343 forfeiture
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