Gc W.L 973.7406 M59ve 1893767 REYNOLDS HISTORICAL GENEALOGY COLLECTION J ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 833 01083 6119 i JQF THE I (9 Commandery of Vermont Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States* I ! January 4J 12Q4L i liUULINQTON: Fuee ritijss ASSOOIATION, 1904. 1893767 y&>[Jk&jJC Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 http://archive.org/details/rosterofcommandOOmili /: MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. Vermont commandery. jRosterjof , the commandery of Vermont, Military order of the loyal legion of the United States. January 4, 1904. Burlington, Free press associa- tion, 1904. c23 3 p. ' 3 &$ ? OFFICERS OF THE COMMANDERY-IN-CHIEF Commander-in-Chief, Brevet Major-General D. McM. Gregg. Senior Vice-Commander-in-Chief, Major-General John R. Brooke. Junior Vlce-Commander-in-Chief, Rear Admiral Charles E. Clarke. Recorder-in-Chief, Brevet Lieut-Colonel John P. Nicholson. Registrnr-in-Cliief, Brevet Major William P. Huxford, Treasurer-in-Chief, Paymaster George DeF. Barton. CItnncclIor-In-Chlef, Brevet Captain John Oj Foering. Cbanltttn-ln-Chlef, Brevet Major Henry S. Burrage, D. D. Council-in-Chief, Captain Roswell H. Mason, Brevet Major Henry L. Swords, Brevet Major A. M. Van Dyke, Brevet Brig.-General F. A. Starring, Brevet Major Charles A. Hopkins. OFFICERS OF THE COMMANDERY Commander, Second Lieutenant George Grenvillo Benedict, U. S. Y., Burlington, Vt. Senior Vice-Commander, Col. Redfleld Proctor, U. S. V., Proctor, Vt. Junior Vice-Commander, Rear Admiral Charles E. Clark, U. S. N. Recorder, Brevet Captain Henry O. Wheeler, U. S. V., Burlington, Vt. Registrar, First Lieutenant Carlos D. Williams, U. S. V., Burlington, Vt. Treasurer, Brevet Major Gardner S. Blodgett, XL S. A , Burlington, Vt. Cliuncellor, Charles E. Boach, Burlington, Vt. Chaplain, Chaplain Edwin M. Haynes, Rutland, Vt. Council, Major Josiah Grout, U. S. V., Derby, Vt. Commander Allan D. Brown, U. S. N. (retired), Northfleld, Vt. Colonel Dudley K. Andross, U. S. V., Bradford, Vt. First Lieutenant Leander C. Leavens, U. S. V., Richford, Vt. Companion James F. Hooker, Brattleboro, Vt. PAST OFFICERS COMMANDERS. 1891-2. Bvt. Maj. Gen. William Wells, U. S. V. 1892-3. Brig-. Gen. Stephen Thomas, U. S. V. 1893-4. Bvt. Brig-. Gen. William W. Henry, U.S. V. 1894-5. Colonel Amasa S. Tracy, U. S. V. 1895-7. Maj. Gen. Oliver O. Howard, U. S. A. (Re- tired). 1897-8 Major John L. Barstow, U. S. V. 1898-9. Bvt. Major Alonzo B. Valentine, U. S. V. 1899-0. Lieut. Col. Franklin G. Butterneld, U S.V. 1900-1. First Lieut. F. Stewart Stranahan, U.S.V. 1901-2. First Lieut. Joel C. Baker, U. S. V. 1902-3. Capt. Theodore S. Peck, U. S. V. 1903-4. Second Lieut. George G. Benedict, U.S.V. SENIOR VICE-COMMANDERS. 1891-2. Brig-. Gen. Stephen Thomas, U. S. V. 1892-3. Major Levi G. King-sley, U. S. V. 1893-4. Captain Pearl D. Blodgett, U. S. V. 1894-5. Lieut. Col. Franklin G. Butterfield, U.S.V. 1895-7. Major John L. Barstow, U. S. V. 1897-8. Bvt. Major Alonzo B. Valentine, U. S. V. 1898-9. Captain Samuel E. Burnham, U. S. V. 1899-0. First Lieut. Herbert Brainerd, U. S. V. 1900-1. First Lieut. Joseph II. (Moulding-, U. S. V. 1901-2. Captain Frank Kenileld, U. S. V. 1902-3. Lieut. Col. William Y. W. Ripley, U. S. V. 1903-4. Colonel Red held Proctor, U. S. V. JUNIOR VICE-COMMANDERS. 1891-2. Major Levi G. King-sley, U. S. V. 1892-3. Captain Urban A. Woodbury, U. S. V. 1893-4. Bvt. Lieut. Col. George W. Hooker, U.S.V 1894-5. Major John L. Barstow, U; S. V. 1895-7. First Lieut. Willard Farrington, U. S. V. 1897-8. Captain Frank Kenfield. U. S. V. 1898-9. First Lieut. F. Stewart Stranahan, U.S.V. 1899-0. First Lieut; Josoph II. Gouldlnff, U. S. V. 1900-1. Lieut. Col. E. Henry Powell, U. S V. 1901-2. Second Lieut. Henry Mallard, U. S. V. 1902-3. First Lieut. Hittredgo Hawkins, U. S. V. 1903-4. Rear Admiral Charles E. Clark, U. S. N, RECORDERS. 1891-02. First Lieut. William L. Greenleaf, U.S.V. (Date of death, Dec. 18, 1902.) 1902-4. Bvt. Captain Henry O. Wheeler, U. S. V. Appt'd. Dec. 21, 1902.) REGISTRARS. 1891-3. Captain George E. Davis, U. S. V. 1893-01. Captain Robert B. Arms, U. S. V. 1901-2. First Lieut. Lorenzo W. Sliedd, U. S. V. 1902-4. First Lieut. Carlos D. Williams, U. S. V. TREASURERS. 1891-04. Bvt. Maj. Gardner S. Blodgett, U. S. A. CHANCELLORS. 1891-02. Bvt. Captain Henry O. Wheeler, U. S. V. (Resigned Dec. 21, 1902.) 1902-4. Charles E. Beach. (Appt'd. Dec 21, 1902.) CHAPLAINS. 1891-01. Chaplain John E. Goodrich, U. S. V. 1901-04. Chaplain Edwin M. Ilaynes, U. S. V. COUNCILORS. 1801-2. Captain Urban A. Woodbury, U. S. V. Bvt. Lieut. Col. George W. Hooker.U.S.V. Captain Pearl D. Blodgett, U. S. V. First Lieut. P, Stewart Stranahan, U.S.V. Bvt. Major Alonzo B. Valentine, U. S. V. 1892-3. Bvt. Lt. Col. George W. Hooker, U. S. V. Captain Pearl D. Blodgett, U. S. V. First Lieut. F. Stewart Stranahan, U.S.V. Bvt. Major Alonzo B. Valentine, U. S. V. Second Lieut. George G. Benedict, U.S.V. 1803-4. Lieut. Col. B. Henry Powell, U. S. V. Major Hiram E. Perkins, U. S. V. Lieut. Col. Roswell Farnham, U. S. V. First. Lieut. Frederick E. Smith, U. S, V. First Lt. William H. Humphrey, U. S. V. 1804-5. Captain George O. Tyler, U. S. V. Captain Charles F. Branch, U. S. V. Captain Ebenezer J. Ormsbee, U. S. V Major Nathan P. Bowman, U. S. A. Firs£ Lieut. Joel C. Baker, U. S. V. 1895-6. Bvt. Major Alonzo B. Valentine, U. S. V. Captain Frank Kenfield, U. S. V. Chaplain Edwin M. Haynes, U. S. V. First Lieut. Joseph II, Goulding\ U. S. V. First Lieut. Lorenzo W. Shedd, U. S. V. 1896-7. Major Josiah Grout, U. S. V. Bvt. Captain Austin W. Fuller, IJ. S. V. Second Lieut, Hugh Henry, U. S. V. Captain Edward Dewey, U. S. V. First Lieut. Charles C. Kinsman, U. S. V. 1897-8. Capt. Frederick D. Butterfield U. S. V. Captain Samuel E. Burnham, U. S. V. Captain Samuel H. Kelley, U. S. V. Colonel Dudley K. Andross, U. S. V. First Lieut. Henry T. Cushman, U. S. V. 1898-9. Captain Alexander M. Beattie, U. S. V. First Lieut. Herbert Brainerd, U. S. V. Captain Henry E. Foster, U. S. V. First Lieut. John C. Stearns, U. S. V. First Lieut. Clarence D. Gates, U. S. V. 1899-0. Chaplain Edwin M. Haynes, U. S. V. Bvt. Major James E. Eldredge, U. S. V. Lieut. Col. H.,Henry Powell, U. S. V. Second Lieut. Carmi L. Marsh. U. S. V, Colonel James II. Walbridge, U. 8. V. 1900-1. First Lieut. Lorenzo W. Shedd, U. S. V. Second Lieut. Curtis A. Hibbard, U. S. V. First Lieut. Willis W. Morton, U. S. V. First Lieut. Daniel W. Smead, U. S. V. Mr. Benjamin F. Butter-field. 1901-2. First Lieut. Erastus W. Jewett, U. S. V. Mr. John F. Mead. Mr. Edwin It. Morse. Captain Charles E. Parker, U. S. V. Captain Josiah O. Livingston. U. S. V. 1902-3. Lieut. George G. Benedict, U. S. V. Bvt. Brig. Gen. Stephen Moffitt, U. S. V. Captain Stephen F. Brown, U. S. V. Captain Henry E. Foster, U. S. V. Captain Charles E. Parker, U. S. V. 1903-4. Major Josiah Grout, U. S. V. Com. Allan D. Brown, U. S. N. (retired). Colonel Dudley K. Andross, U. S. V. First Lieut. Leander C. Leavens, U. S. V, Companion James F. Hooker, REGISTER OP MEMBERS Only highest and brovet commissions are given unless the Companion served in more than one organization. The names of deceased Compan- ions are marked with a *. FIRST CLASS ORIGINAL,. -|Allen, John II., 1st Lt. 14th Vt. Inf., Hlnesburgh, Vt. * xAndross, Dudley K., CaptJ 1st Vt. Inf., Col. 9th Vt. Inf., Bradford, Vt. Arms, Robert B., Capt. 16th Vt. Inf., Burlington, Vt. X Baker, Joel C, 1st Lieut. 9th. Vt. Inf., Rutland, Vt. \Ballard, Henry, 2nd Lieut. 5th Vt. Inf., Burling- ton, Vt. ^JBarstow, John L., Maj. 8th Vt. Inf., Shelbume, Vt. Beach, Charles E. Com. Sergt. 2nd N. Y. Vet. Cav. Bro. Capt. George P. Beach, Burlington, * Vt. Beach, Edgar A., 2nd Lieut. 4th Vt. Inf., Essex Junction, Vt. Beattie, Alexander M., Capt. 3rd Vt. Inf., Lancas- ter, N. IT. -f Benedict, George Q., 2nd Lieut. 12th Vt. Inf., Bur- lington, Vt. Blackrner, John C, 1st Lieut. Ind. Inf. Vols.. | + 135th Manchester Depot, Vt. ABlodgett, Gardner S., Capt. and A. Q. M. Vol., ' fc Capt. and A. Q. M. U. S. A.. Brevet Major U. S. A,, Burlington, Vt. Blodgett, Pearl D., Capt. 10th Vt. Inf., Capt. Vet. Roservo Corps. Burlington, Vt. H. Bowman, Nathan 1\, Major and Paymaster, U. S. A., St. Johnsbury, Vt. •Brainord, Herbert, 1st Lieut, and R. Q. M. %Bt Vt. Cav., St. Albans, Vt. i -A, Branch, Charles F., Capt. 9th Vt. Inf., Amherst, Mass. r Brown, Stephen F., 1st Lieut. 13th Vt. Inf., Capt. 17th Vt. Inf., Swanton, Vt. Brown, Allan D., Commander U. S, N., (Retired), Northfield, Vt. XBrown, Andrew C, Lt. Col. 13th Vt. Inf., Mont- pelier, Vt. Buck, Harmon A., Maj. and Surg". 150th 111. Vols., Burlington, Vt. Bullard, Gates B., Maj.
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