7 Volume 26, No. 5 SQUARE May, 1971 THE EDITORS' ORNCE "THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE PAGE WITH THE SWINGING LINES" Publishers and Editors Stan & Cathie Burdick Workshop Editor Willard Orlich Easy-Level Editor Bob Howell Record Reviewers We're happy to be receiving more Doug Edwards letters from readers, such as the one Phyl & Frank Lehnert • 2 Editors' Page printed in "Straight Talk" this month. Feature Writers 4 Mail If square dancing is to benefit from Dewey Berry 6 Meanderings • 9 Conductor Or Performer the abilities and wisdom of its partici- Myrtis Litman pants, these people must speak their 12 The Makings Of A President minds and air their problems. Editorial Assistants • 14 Caller-Leader Directory Out of the recent discussion about Mary Fabik 15 You Don't Say challenge dancing came a new feature Mef Merrell 16 What Is A Classic? for these pages, which will present • 17 Round Dance Resolutions views on advanced dancing to help all hand, young people have an obligation National Advisory Board 18 Songs Of Yesterday • 22 Morgantown Has A Mardi dancers better understand that phase to dance with the same good styling Edna & Gene Arnfield Gras of the activity. that is expected of their elders. Bob Augustin Another idea we'd like to encourage 25 Best Club Trick Best Club Trick, Dandy Idea, and Al "Tex" Brownlee is that of a more permanent round • 26 Calling Tips Square Line are all features that can- Louis Calhoun 28 Easy Level Page not exist without readers' contribu- dance classic list. We saw the proposi- Orphie Easson • 31 The Windmill System tions. Happily, a constant, if small, tion in Round Dancer magazine just Jerry Helt 32 Contemporary Squares stream of suggestions has been flow- before we went to press and hurried to John Hendron 34 Nat'l Convention Notes ing over the editorial desk here. In include it as the article "What Is A Phyl & Frank Lehnert this way, readers with a good, work- Classic?" We think the Leslies' idea 36 Challenge Chatter Melton Luttrell able solution to some problem, help is a move for more stability in round 37 Straight Talk Singin" Sam Mitchell others find answers to their questions. dancing and more assurance that dan- • 38 Mix And Match Ken Oppenlander To several of the ideas put forth in cers who at times find it impossible to 39 Square Line Vaughn Parrish this issue, we would like to lend our keep up with the newer dances will be 40 Ladies Choice Dave Taylor support. One is the above-mentioned able to continue enjoying the classics. 41 Dandy Idea Bob Wickers letter in "Straight Talk." We are all for Ruth Riley's article on songs re- 42 Workshop mixed groups dancing, perhaps because minds us of the variations and changes - 50 Feedback of our own teen-age children. Adults that came about as dances traveled SQUARE DANCE magazine is published 51 Puzzle Page pride themselves on square dancing as over distances and through time, and monthly at 111 E. Shoreline Dr., Sandusky, 52 R/D Reviews a wholesome, healthful, fun activity, were passed on by word of mouth. 0. by Burdick Enterprises. Second class pos- 53 S/D Reviews and then selfishly shut out young pec- "We've come a long way, baby," - tage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy deadline 55 News first of month preceding date of issue. Sub- ple who wish to participate. Any acti- since the days when the caller stood • 56 Events vity that will bring families together scription: S5.00 per year. Single copies: 50 in the woodbox or sat in the kitchen cents each. Mailing address: Box 788, San- 60 Bookshelf and close the "generation gap" should sink and belted out his commands for dusky, Ohio 44870. Copyright 1971 by 63 Sign-Off Word be encouraged. We're behind the Ma- a set that filled the pioneer cabin with Burdick Enterprises. All rights reserved. • 64 Do-Ci-Do Dolores honys— all the way! On the other a deluge of pulsating sound. 3 2 treasure, and he sure enjoyed reading the Lament. I think these articles are the greatest. We should be getting a group to sign up and hope they will be able to receive the March issue. I would like to suggest a slight Trudy Fleming change in the assembling and printing Boucherville, Quebec format of your wonderful magazine. Enclosed is our check and subscription SQUARE DANCE FAMILIES... They travel.... I would like to see your Workshop, blank. We've been quite awhile trying They laugh Caller's questions, Review and Figures, to find someone who could give us in- installed in the center section of your formation about your publication. We They play.... magazine. have been dancing about five years and They dance Since these parts of print have just really do enjoy it. And they keep about always taken up just eight pages, Tom Dawson this would take up just two full sheets Ottawa, Kansas UP-TO-DATE of paper and would be ideal to be able Please send me a subscription We on their hobbies... to "lift and use" instead of having to had a chance to read some back issues cut out the sheets. from 1968 and 1969 which were given This way it would make it ideal to to use and we enjoyed them very much. store them in a volume form for any The Turkey Trotter S/D Club had caller, teacher, or anyone else who been a record club until last summer saves this particular section for refe- when I became interested in calling, rence. mostly to get a new class started to re- I, myself, as a new caller, have place some of those people rotating to saved every one of these so far and other assignments. There is so much to wind up with a bunch of loose sheets learn about square dancing, and being which have to be stapled together in here where we have limited contact order to keep them in sequence. with the other dancers and callers, Sure hope you give this suggestion your magazine becomes our "Bible." some serious thought as my wife keeps My wife and I hope to get up to hiding the scissors, and I can't always the European Jamboree this fall if find them, and I'm running out of sta- possible.... looking forward to receiv- ples. ing the first issue of your fine maga- Hank Lehman zine. Jon Mastin Brady Lake, Ohio Turkey Thanks, Hank, but we think the generally Enclosed is my subscription for humorous center spread is a unique touch in our magazine, and if we alter the format another year. Enjoy the new SQUARE to adopt your suggestion, the center spread DANCE so much and look forward to would not be quite so appropriate. How- its coming every month. ever, in the near future we plan to publish Joe & Laraine Portelance a 3-year bound collection of the Workshop pages. This may solve your scissor and sta- Beverly, Mass. e7he souRRE DigNcE P 0 BO x 788 ple problem. Thanks for the article. Most of the SANDUSKY, OHIO support for something like this (walk j 44870 ....Your Epitaph in the February issue to support square dancing in the An- Please start my subscription NOW. My check (or money order) is enclosed. was quite a thing and really hit the chorage, Alaska area) comes from the [] One Year at SS. 11 Two Years at $9.00 spot for some. One of our clubs had it local clubs. I am getting a good res- C.,11,dian and F..reipt add 50, a year f.,r postage one Year at $3. read at their general meeting, and I ponse and have over S25 per mile (FIRST TIME SUBSCRIBERS ONLY) think it is a very good idea. We really pledged with more coming, so I con- NAME got a kick out of the Beginner's La- sider it a success already. All I have to ADDRESS ment. One of our recent graduates do is make sure I walk the 31 miles; had the experience with the same move last year the blisters got me at mile 21. CITY on his first night dancing with the Jimmy Carney club. The look on his face was a real Anchorage, Alaska STATE ZIP CODE 4 5 I really had a ball at the square and the other finely-feathered friends dance Mardi Gras (see cover and fea- hit Hinckley. This year a strange thing ture) in Morgantown, W. Va. (and happened. The birds were late. So a that's a mighty trite way to say it). couple of well bred-and-buttered city Every cluster of clubs should have one. fathers, fearing a catastrophe, impor- Maybe the color and flavor of New ted a pair of weather-beaten substi- by STAN BURDICK Orleans has already started to rub off tutes that looked for the world as if on square dancers everywhere. We've they'd had more than merely a swal- low! e rarely talk about Ohio. Is that of its agri-tradition, which, of course... heard of a good number of such fes- ? YEINIMPV-let's talk about Ohio, gave nourishment to our great hobbyii tive events lately. I took the family on this trip and then. OK, let's, It's our bread-and-but- As you drive along the country roads, ter state, after all. Rolt then. (Rea- you can't resisr comparing them to we lived it up in a motel. Several times ders, please excuse the talk - some of thL.
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