PACIFIC PETROLEUM GEOLOGIST NEWS LETTER OF THE PACIFIC SECTION AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLE UM eeoloelsfs Number 1 ASSOCIATION ACTlVI TI E S The annual Christmas Dance held on December 6, appears to have been an out- standing success! 79 aouples enjoyed a pleasant evening of eating, dancing, and ebc. Many thanks to Blll Ifunter and his crew - Bruce Barron, reservations and tiaket sales, and Dennis Allen, publicity. The "Tranquility Hourn and door prizes were sponsored by the following firms whose generous oontributions are greatly appre- ciated. CALIFORNIA SECTION AIPQ ELEerS OFFIUERS A & A Oil !fool Service Co. Baroid DlvPsion, Nationall Lead Co. Newly elected officers of the AIPG Bendix-United Geophysical Corp. (California Seation) are from left to right: Borst & (Piddens, Logging Serviae Bennie W. Troxel - Secretary Treasurer Boswell Perf orating Co. Jay Q. Marks - President Comet Reproduction Service John C. Manning - 1st Vice President Cook Testing Co. Stanford Esohner - Executive Committeeman Core Laboratories, Inc . William B. Beatty - Executive Committeeman Dresser Atlas Willard J. Classen Jr. - Exec. Committeeman Exploration Logging, Co. Beolsgic Engineering Service, Inc. Wological Fkploration, Ine. Geophysical Semiae, Inc . SEPM ELECTIONS Halliburton Serviaes I.M.C. Drilling Wud Lloyd C. Pray, Professor of Qeology at V. E. ICuster Co., Inc. the University of Wisconsin, has been Mercury-Christensen Co. elected President of the loeiety of Economic Oil 5'801 Corn. Paleontologists and MI.nerologists. Othep Paaific Oil Well Logging, Inc. officers eleated are: Regan FaPge & Engineering CO. Servioee Vice-President - Orville L. Bandy, USC Sohlumberger Well Serviacs Counselor for Paleontology A R. I. Smith aorp. Donald F. 'Poomey, Pan Tryad Serviae aorp. American Research Lab. United Directional Services, IRc. Counselor for Mineralogy - Welex, Ino. Robert J. Dunham, Western Oeophyaiaa~co. Shell Developmenf Co . Editors of the Journal of Paleontology - Raymond L. Ethington Raymond E. Peak, both Manuel Caatro, Alumni Chairman for the from the Univ. of Mo . 1969 Psoifia Seation Convention, would like Searetary-Treasurer - Robert H. Dott, Jr. to ,hear from those wishing to set up Alumni (Incumbent) Univ. of Luncheons pt that time. Anyone wishing to Wisoonsin. do so ahould oontaat him rior to The above officers, together with Past- Jan 20 196 His addrePm08Wi1.hin President Robert N. Ginsburg of The John -1. -1. US Aweles, Calif. 90017. Hopkins University and Cbrald M. Friedman, ph~: 438-2909. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Editor of the Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, will comprise the nine member oounail of the Soclety. Page 2 L.A. BASIN UEOLOQICAL SOCIETY EXECUTIVE CO~lTEE,PACIFIC SECTION AMERICAN ASSOC. OF PETROLEXTM dEbLOCISTS The L. A. Basin Geological Soodety 27 November meeting was highlighted by Louis J. Simon President the eleotion of: new officers. Mr. Ton Rodney G. Colvin Vice President W. Redin, Union, was selected 1969 John N. Terpening Secretary chairman and MP. William Q. Calkins, Willis R. Brown Treasurer Standard, was selected 1969 finanoial Ted L. Bear Past President advlsor. Some 62 local geologists Bruce A. Black Editor enjoyed a barbecue steak and red wine Morton Polugar San Joaquin Delegate feast followed by a talk on "me Geology Frederic R. Kelly N. Calif. Delegate and Petroleum Possibilities of the San D. E. Ritzius Coastal Delegate Gabriel Basinn by Howard Stark, consult- J. D. Traxler Los Angeles Delegate ant. Of partioular interest wepe the, Bruce D. Brooks Sacramento Delegate Pliocene paleogeologio maps shown and John P. Gates Alaska Delegate the tectonic history with respeat to ASSOCIATED SOCIETIES source beds and reservoir rocks. The MCSPdAPS combine put on the barbeque (HoCullock-Sum-IsIarathon-Am.ricq- ~tmfba-~auley-signal) PACIFIC PETROJXUM QEOLOQIST . Published monthly by the Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Qeologists Eiighlighta of the meeting followr Change of Address, subscription and member- ship Inquiries should be addressed tot Treasurer's Report--% books of Membership Secretary, Pacific Section AAPCB, the Section are under routine scrutiny ??.0. Box 17486, Foy Station, Los Angeles, by the Internal Revenue Servlce. Ela California 90017 problems are antioipated. Material for publication and requests for Mr. Black expressed concern of the missed copies should be addressed tor members in Sacramento over large expen- William J. Hughs, Texaco Inc., 1215 East ditures by the Excorn. It was agreed San Antonio Drive, Long Beach, Calif. 90807 that this authority 1s vested in the ExCom, and the local IBIsQ~$QMeaeh have proper representation. Vice Besf dent's Report --A f our-raan board has been appointed to review papers to be included in Don Weaverts Santa Barbara publicationt William J. Eiughs A. D. Warren - Mobile (SEPM) R. Pierce USGS A Assistant Editors Neil P. Carroll - Peter J. Fischer R. ICPaetsah - Standard (AAPG) J, Sohoellheimer - USGS A Bibliography Lucy Birdsall Presidentcs Report--State of Consti- tution. !Torn Baldwin, the looal oonstltu- tional representative disagrees severely with the draft of the new constitutisfi. CO~SPO~ENTS me draft will be published in the pebru- am assue of the AAPQ. Stuart A. Keesling A special luncheon of all the &Is- Los Angeles tlrict representatives all be held with Northwest DIP. Counselman, Nat. Pres. AAPQ, during Sacramento Bruce D. ~ooks the Spring Convention at Che Internatisnal San Prancisco Hotel. At that time he will give his Rod Nahama version of the constituti~nand either Bill Moran or Tom Baldwin will present theirs. Paoific Seotion 1970 C~nvention. march 25 - 47 (approximate date). R.mpp, site chairman, reaomends either the NOTICE: NEXT DEADLINE JANUARY 15, 1969 Internatrional Hotel, Disneyland, or 'Fhe Newporter Inn. It was unmiqauely agreed that the Nemorter fnn is the place. SPRINO PICNIC Mark Weidlel*, Shell Oil Co., has been appointed Chairman of the 1969 Spring Pionic. Page 3 SPRING FIELD TRIP WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES Bob Hacker, Chairman of the Spring For the benefit of those meambers wh~ Field Trip announces the following schedule: occasionally wonder where their money goes, particularly the Pacifio Section dues of Saturday, March 29, assemble at $3.50 per year, we submit the following: International Hotel at 7:30 AM to board charter buses for Ventura via Santa Monica Approximate monthly cost of printing Mountains, Conejo Valley and Oxnard Plains. and mailing the PPG Newsletter $300.00, Eleven issues per year $3300.00 Field discussion at Ventura Avenue Oil Field covering structure and stratigraphy, Number of paid up members 950 + and world-famous landslide control sites. Annual This will be followed by field examination dues $3.50 x 950 = $3325.00 of the axial outcrop of the San Miguelito The newsletter is presently being Oil Field. The trip will then continue mailed 3rd class rather than under bulk north along the coast to Carpenteria for a rate. TMs about doubles the mailing cost beach discussion of Santa Barbara Channel but cuts the distribution time from as offshore developments and conclude with a much as 3 weeks down to a week or less. bar be que . Funds for other Pacific Section and The return trip will be via the coast local society expenses such as announce- route Point Plugu-Malibu to International ment cards, distinguished lecture expenses, Hotel. postage, etc. must be raised by other means- conventions, picnics, monthly dinner meetings The cost, including guide book and or what have you. barbeque, will be $5.00 to $7.00, and attendance will be limited to 135. DISTINQUISHED LECm SERIES Tour guides will be: L. C. McFarlW~d, Ed Hall, Hank Neal, Dick Haines, Bud Ogle, Ron Heck, John Truex and Bob Hacker. Lewis G. weeks, geological consultant, will present his distinguished lecture before the Los Angeles Basin Geological AAPG EXPANDS STUDENT PROGRAM Society 'on Jan. 17, 1969 at the luncheon meet- at the Rodger Young Auditorium. A program of employment for geology Mr. Weeks will speak on Oil Exploration in students, successfully piloted in Oklahol:.a Australia, With Case History Lessons. last summer by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, is being expanded Mr. Weeks has had a long and varied nationwide, president Frank B. Conselman career from the time of his graduation from announced. the Univers1.t~of Wisconsin in 1917 as a geologist. Starting out as a mining During the pilot program, supported engineer in Mexico and the southwest United by AAPG member Gov. Dewey Bartlett of States, he eventually became Chief Qeologist Oklahoma, 27 students from 19 out-of -state for the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. universities were employed by 14 oil com- Since 1958, he has been a geological panies. consultant working on both industry and governmental assignments on a world wide Next summer, 150 universities and 300 basis. oil companies will be inkited to partici- pate, AAPG officials said. Dr. James L. Martin, Jr., Chief Geologist for Sinclair Oil Co.1~domestic We understand Bob Hacker, Spring Field division, heads the AAPG's student program Trip Chairman, hurrying to a meeting with committee. AAPG headquarters in Tulsa will his tour guides, ran out of gas on the serve as a clearing house to match oil freeway. Hopefully, he will not extend his company requirements with student requests. organizing to his charter buses but will "leave the driving to us1'. GEOLOQICAL ATTRITION AIPG is conducting a study of attrition Dave Day has joined Arrowhead Explor- among geologists, -the cause for geologists' Whom ation Co. as their California representative. leaving the ranks of the profession. His office is at 1731 - 28th Street, do you know that is no longer practicing Bakersfield. geology? Those who leave with "early retire- ment" as well as for the more usual causes Wes Bruer will start on his new job should be included. Questiomires will the first of the year. He will become the later be sent the AIPG to the people you Special Consultant to the State of Calif. list: all we need now is the names and Department of Conservation in Sacramento.
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