THE SAN 'FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1911. 59 ______^______________________________i T AUCTIONnr_VT*ir*r>r*j"*i~r SALES COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS >t'VifV'r"ya*'riV-'-'*m "rnnnnrnrrrtrinrijTjij-uTAnjuijiJuuTnr jTiyijTnnn ------ E CURTISIH. TAYLOR CURTIS 0404...0 for large: $8010: pigeons. ' ducks. 01.73 domestic" 20c; wheel, 21c; brick,' lators, the \u25a0 . block. with Brazil coffees. MOVEMENT OF VESSELScorps engineers. AUCTIONEER!>..;. H-; cream as was case " celved by Major Mclndoe. of AUCTIOKEER. VALUER AND squabs, $4(.r4.50; geese.. $2.5(>4?3 per pair: limbnrger. 19C_20e: roquefort, "The in the - .. - PURCHASER 10'ft20o; United \u25a0 turkeys. 30040 c. port stocks of mild coffees Arrangements have been made by \u25a0J. W.. Chap- Office and Salesroom, cor. Van Ness and Sacra- OP WORKS OF ART. live 18@20c per lb; dressed turkeys, 20 Butter California creamery extra, 82Hc; States are about 880.000 bags, as compared with ' per lb. firsts, man, traffic manager of the line, with Kerr.* metato (former Walter Building!. Phone Frank- I **".CC PHONE 024c creamery 30c: ladle butter, 22c; country 400.000 bags a year ago. .Countries of produc- the 000 CTTTTTPT?A ___*_ OT ______"*r Game (per Gilford & Co. to have the steamer dock at Hn 2264. Home C6553; Rea.. 806 Ashbury. I OU A OA . 1783. ; doren>—Gray geese. $4.3005.50: butter. 20c. tion have sold a good part of their crops to this trip. No permanent arrange-, "'".*'\u25a0 geese. BIPLANE TO CROSS Weidler dock ; 02.0003; $2.5003 for Kggs— ranch 26c; count, Europe for large: brant. small Local candled, case for forward shipment, which accounts ments for a dock have yet been made. "nd,s4'_s for honkers, $7.5009; hare, 22, : northern California case count. 20c; north- the lack of offerings (or shipment to the Elmore,: Captain Srhrader. 91.S0HJS; rabbits, 24c; United Steamer Sue H. cottontail $3. ern California, fresh eastern. 24 •. States." . sailed this afternoon with a full . list of passen- Beans—No. 1 pink. $6.25(36.50; No. 1 limas. gers and a full cargo for Tillamook. Henn- and Washington, $4.25; Seeds $13.25(36.30; Lady small New York Metal Market • Laden with 500 tons -of cement tand general (Estb.l9o2) Beans (per rtD—Rayos. small white*. $404.23; • black eyes. $7; garvanzas, copper OCEAN ORIENT freight, the Captain Kelley. $4.7505.10: NEW Feb. was steamer Westerner, By •a* $4..*50; YORK. 20.— Standard TO $3.25f13.5(1:. large Bayous, CURTIS te. $7; E. lentils. $4.2305. i *\u25a0 morning pink. white. $3.2503.50; quiet; spot, February, March tad April. 12.200 arrived this from San. Francisco and $3..,0(ic5.(M fcr sound lots. $3.73 for fancy Potatoes—Minnesota nurbanks. $2*32.10; Mich- 123<ic. The London market was steady; apot. docked at Couch street. It willToad lumper at and from $4 to $5 for off lots; red. $305.50; igan rural*. $_tij2.lii; Highland. $2.10(32.23; and Kalama for San Francisco. blackeye, , £55 sa: futures, 155 17s 6d. Arrivals reported at Balnler ' $3.0305.75; lima. $6.10f16.15; red kid- Idaho, $2(32.10; Colorado,* $2.1002.23". northern New York, 590 house returns show It Belongs to Chinese To complete Its cargo of floor for the orient, ney, nominal; early rose, $2; Salinas, $2.50; Ixmipoc, 02.50; tons. Custom # Aviator cranberry beans. $404.25: garvan- exports of 11.673 tons so far this month. Lake the liner Hercules has shifted from the Portland ris- $2.8003.23: horse beans, nominal: Man-' Oregon rose, $2*1.2.25; white rose local, $2.2,*,; copper, 12.(12u,fk12.87He; electrolytic, 12.371-41 flouring mills to the . Alblna dock.• It will.also Elegant-Furnishings, many of them rhnrlan hear: tor and Watsonvtlle. $2.35; Oregon*, $2(32.23; sweet yel- casting, 12(312.25c. and Will 200,000 of lumber there. '-.-.' for speckled O-13003.73 re $3.5004 low, 12.624 c; Travel in Hold load about feet kidneys. $3.25«J8J0; white, $2.30. Tin was unsettled; spot February, To' discharge more of its general cargo, the Seeds—Brown mustard. 5He: yellow mustard. March, 42.23f143c;44®45c:April, German ship Wilhelmine shifted from the Albers ——; flaxseed. 505Hc; canary. 314 alfalfa. Eastern May.43.75044 c: 41042c; dock to the north dock morning- from Combe-Billiet of Rue Neuve rape. c: Livestock Market 40.50(g41.50c. London was strong: spot. of Steamer bank this timothy. 8c; hemp. 3*,;o3Hs; futures, com- millet.1<:, 2'-,',iXilS8?%-c per lb. CHICAGO £194: £188 l.'.s. BAS PEDRO, Feb. 20.— North Pacific 4 CHICAGO. 20.—Cattle-s-Recelpts. Lead was dull, with spot quoted at pany's steamer George W. arrived today , Dried Peas—Greea, $3.7304 per ctl; Niles, Feb. esti- 4.4004.30 c -. Elder • nominal, -.-TT.- mated at 30,000 head; market steady to 10c off. New York and at 4.25®4.30c East St. Louis. from Portland, via San Francisca ' with freight dcs Capucines, Many An- - Beeves. 0306.75: Texas steers. $4.20*13.50; west- London. £13. as*-a#|s--_|-MBl)_na|^_l HE; liner China, and passengers. It proceeded tonight. for San Paris.— - ern steers. $4.50*33.63: stoekf-rs and feeders, Spelter was dull at 5.60<a5.60e New York and which leaves to- Diego. Flour and Oonds $3.73(35.70; cows and at St. Louis. ; Fartaareons heifers, $2.00©5.70; 5.40f1.V45c East London. £23 ss. ; day on The steamer Centralla finished discharging a Trices for flour ln the two northern states have calves. $7(SO. Iron Cleveland warrants, 49» ln London. Lo- Its hundred part cargo of lumber here and cleared today for tiques and Objets dArt, Rugs, declined, but there 1* no change here. Hogs—Receipts, estimated at 38.000 bead; cally iron was quiet: No. 1 foundry. northern. and first voyage to San Diego with the remainder. It will touch Flour—California rim Iv extras. $5-40*1 net market strong to a shade up. Light. $7.20*3 $13.50010.25: No. 2 foundry. $15.25016; No. 1 here on Thursday for passengers and freight without bakers' extras. $5.4003.80; 7.60: heavy. $7*0.7.40; rough, foundry ami No. 1 foundry Hongkong:,' will for Grays Harbor, via Francisco. " rpperflne discount: mixed. $7.1007.15: southern southern bound San Pictures, Etc. $4.5004.70; Oregon and Washington. $7*17.13; good to choice heavy. $7.1507.40; pigs, soft, [email protected]. carry an airship The steamer Bee completed the discharge of a rer*bl. $4 6004.R0 for family. bakers' and pat- $7.40(37.70: l.nik of sale*. $7.20(37.40. cargo of lumber and cleared today for for Kansas the 1 part here ents and $404.2*> cutoff; patents, Sheep—Receipts, estimated across Pacific. \u25a0 $6.70; at 02.000 bead: London Hop Market Iledondo beach with . the remainder, • thence for do straights. $6.30; Dakota patents. $7.40; market firm to 10c up.- Native, $3.1004.73; air craft la of Everett, via San Francisco, reload. do straights. $7.20; per LIVERPOOL. Feb. 20.—Hops In London (Pa- The to • do clear. $6.60 barrel. western. $3.1004.50; yearlings. .$4.80(35.73; cific coast), firm at £4 os©£s :,«. the biplane model, The steamer Olympic / arrived this morning, ON THE LOWER FLOOR OF THE CURTIS STUDIO iamb*, . Farinaceous Goods— Bnekwbeat flour. $4.20; native western 03.23(36.50. v out five days from Belllnglnam, with flour, $3; $5*26.40. 57.000 feet buckwheat self-rising. buckwheat KANSAS CITY —Turpentine and Rosin and was built by of lumber consigned to the E. K. Wood lumber groats, $8; cornmeal, yellow $3. white $3. extra Feb. 20.— Receipts. IVaval company. VAN NESS, KANSAS CITY. Cattle— . ('a.. Fung Guey, an In- AT SACRAMENTO cream fellow $3.23, extra cream white $3.23; 9.000 head; market steady to a shade higher. SAVANNAH, Feb. Turpentine--Firm: | j The steamer Despatch finished the discharge corn floor. $3: $3.30; entire 87"V 4c; sales. 03; receipts, 87; shipments. 86; genious young cracked wheat. Native steers. 05.50f10.75: native cows and heif- ! , of 650,000 feet of lumber for the Pacific lumber wheat flour, $3.20; farina. $3.60; graham flour, ers. $3(36; stockers. and feeders. $4.60(35.80: stacks, 1.996. Chinese of Alameda company. at Wilmington and cleared today for 03; homnv. large $3. small $3. granulated $3; $4.23ft3.23; lives, western Rosin—Firm; sales, 513: receipts. ship- Eureka, Francisco, hulls. $4.7516*8.25: | 1.118; 446: via Sen to* reload. '. oatmeal. $4.23; do groats. $4.23: pearl barley. steers. $5.25*16.25; western cows, meats. stocks. 63.454. county, who will The steamer Yoeemlte arrived, out foar ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY, 21st, AT 2 AFTERNOON rye $4.23; OS.-S4IA.to. • has 0420; flour. $6: rolled oats. rolled Hogs Receipts. 6.000 head; market strong. Quote: B. $7.12*4: 0. $7.15; E. $7.17*4: F. | accompany his air- days from the Columbia river, via San Franclaeo. wheat, $3.30; rye flour, $3.25: rye meal. $3.10; Bulk heavy. $7.15(57.23: 07.2O:*»O. $7.^5: B. $7.40: 1. $7.60: K. $7.90; I split peas, of sales. 0T.15f17.85: M, $7.95; ship bringing passenger* and 830,000 feet of lumber yellow $8, green $8.50: extra cream packers and butchers, $7.1."(g7.35; light, 07,23® N.
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