1923 CONSTITUTION (AMENDMENT). CUAP. 6 CHAPTER 6. An Act to amend the " Constitution Act." H.S.B.C. mil. c. 44; 1!»U. c 11; 4 ; [Assented to 21st December, i.O>.}.] ]<;{i; =• 'u TS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the vnf.mm . cc i{ _is , 14: H Legislative Assembly of the Province of IJritish Columbia. iii^<>! c. i? , ,, K«l. C 1- enacts as follows:— iirj, c. 14. 1. This Act may he cited as the "Constitution Act Amendment short title. Act, 1023." 2. Section 10 of the •'Constitution Act,'' being chapter 44 of the Amends <. in "Revised Statutes of lirilish Columbia, 1011," is amended by striking out the word " forty-seven " in the first line, as amended by section 2 of the "Constitution Act Amendment Act, 1915," and substituting therefor the word "forty-eight." 3. Schedule 0 of said chapter 44 is repealed, and Schedule C as i;,.™.u-^ s.i, e contained in the Schedule to this Act is substituted therefor. 4. (1.) For the purpose of the revision of voters' lists under the Region of voters lists " Provincial Elections Act " subsequent to (he passing of this Act, Registrars of Voters shall lie appointed, and lists of voters shall be revised for the electoral districts as named and described in the Schedule to (his Act (in this section referred to as "new electoral districts,'' as distinguished from the existing electoral districts, which are in this section referred to as " old electoral districts"). (2.) For the purpose of preparing (he first revised list of voters for a new electoral district the boundaries of which differ from tlm boundaiies of an old electoral district of the same name, the Regis­ trar of Voters of the district shall strike from the last revised list of voters of me old electoral district the names of all voters who reside without the boundaries of the new electoral district; and the list with those names so struck off shall be deemed, for all purposes of the revision, the last revised list of voters for that now electoral district. Not less than six weeks before the date tlxed for the sittings of the Court of Revision, the Registrar of Voters shall 19 CHAP. 6 COXSTITCTION (AMENDMENT). 14 GEO. 5 prepare from the names of voters so struck off a list of the names of those voters who reside in any adjoining new electoral district, and shall forthwith transmit the list to the Registrar of Voter.? for the adjoining new electoral district. (3.) Every list of names transmitted under subsection (2) to the Registrar of Voters for an adjoining new electoral district shall he deemed, for all purposes of the revision, a part of the last revised list of voters for that district, and the Registrar of Voters to whom it is transmitted shall post up a copy of the list in his office and a copy in a conspicuous place on the outside of the door of his office. (4.) For the purpose of preparing the first revised list of voters for a new electoral district as to which there is no old electoral district of the same name, the Registrar of Voters shall place on a list the names of the voters appearing on the several lists trans­ mitted to him pursuant to subsection (2), and the list so prepared by bini «hall be deemed, for all purposes of the revision, the last revised list of voters for that new electoral district. (5^) For the purpose of "reparmg the first revised list of voters for a new electoral district .he boundaries of which correspond with the boundaries of an old electoral district of the same name, the last revised list of voters for the old electoral district shall be deemed, for all purposes of the revision, (he last revised list of voters for that new electoral district. (6.j The lists of voters as last revised in conformity with this section shall be the lists of voters to be used at all elections held affer the dissolution of the present Legislative Assembly, and in the taking of any vote of the electors under the " Liquor-control Pleb­ iscites Act," being an Act of the present session, taken after the completion and certification of the lists so revised. 17.) Where an election is held in any old electoral district after the completion and certification of lists of voters revised in con­ formity with this section and before the dissolution of the present Legislative Assembly, the Registrars of Voters of the new electoral districts the areas of which comprise in whole or in part the area of the old electoral district shall, under the direction of the Deputy Provincial Secretary, prepare from the last revised lists of voters for their respective districts a list of all voters who reside within the boundaries of the old electoral district, and the list so prepared and certified by the said Registrars of Voters and the Deputy Pro­ vincial Secretary shall, for all purposes of that election, and without any further revision or the holding of any Court of Revision, be deemed to be the last revised list of voters for that old electoral disti . (8.) This section shall for all purposes be construed as one with the " Provincial Elections Act." 5. He<...ons 2 and 3 shall come into force upon the dissolution of the present T/egi8lntive Assembly. 1923 CONSTITLTIOS (AMENDMENT). CHAP. 0 SCHEDULE. SCHEDULE C. ALBEKSI ELECTOHAX. DISTRICT. (1.) That tract of land comprised witiiin the following boundaries:— Commencing at a iiolut on the east coast of Vancouver Island, being the north-east corner or Mountain District; thence due west to the north-west corner of Dnnsmuir Distiict; thence south along the westerly boundary of Dnnsmoir District to the westerly boundary of the'Esquimau and Xanaimo Railway Land Grant: thence southeasterly along the boundary of the said Esquinialt and Nanaiino Railway Land Grant to the Xitinat Hirer; tbejce south-westerly along tbt centre of Nitlnat Uiver and Lake to the Pacific Ocean; thence northerly along the western shore of Vancouver Island, includ­ ing the islands adjacent thereto and around Triangle Island, to the north-east corner of Township 35, Rupert District; thence south along the western boundaries of Townships 34 and 33 to the north-west corner of Township 32. Rupert District; thence east along the north boundary of said Township 32 to the north-east corner of saiu township; thence south along the east boundary of said Township 32 and continuing south to the centre of the West Ann of Quatsino Sound; thence following along the centre of the said West Arm, Quatsino Narrow?, and the South-east Arm of Qu.itsino Sound to the head of the said South-east Ann; thence southerly and following the height of land between the waters flowing into the Pacific Ocean and those flowing into Johnstone and Broiighton Straits to the northern boundary of the Nootka Land District, beiug the fiftieth parallel of latitude; thence east along the said fiftieth parallel to the north-east corner of Strathcoua Park as established at the time of the passing of this Act; thence following the eastern bcuudarics of the said Strathcona Park to the north-nest corner of Nelson Land District; thence east along the northern boundary of Nelson Land District to the west shore of Comox Lake; thence southerly along the west shore of Comox Lake to the head ol the lake; thence south-easterly on a straight line to the her.d of Home Lake; thence along the southerly shore of Home Lake and the centre of the Qualicitm River to the easterly shore of Vancouver Island; tbeuec south­ easterly along the e.i!>t coast of Vancouver Island, including Rallcnas Islands, to the jtoint of commencement, shall constitute one electoral district, to be designated as "Alberni Electoral District," and return one member. ATLIN ELECTORAL DISTRICT. (2.) That tract of laud comprised within the following boundaries:— Commencing at a point on the sixtieth parallel of latitude, being the northern boundary of the Province of British Columbia, where same Is intersected by the one hundred and twenty-eighth meridian of longitude; thence south along said meridian to the fifty-sixth parallel of latitude; thence westerly and southerly along the height of land between the "(iters flowing into Skeena River to the south and those flowing into the Nass River to the north to the headwaters of Kitsunigallum River; thence south-westerly ou a straight line to a point in the centre of the channel between Soiiiervllle Island and the mainland; thence westerly to the li.ternationnl Boundary-line; thence north­ erly along said International Boundary-line to the north bounCary of the Province; thence easterly along said northern boundary to the point of com­ mencement, shall constitute one electoral district, to be designated ns " Atltn Electoral District," and return one member. Bi'RNAnr ELKCTOIUL DISTRICT. (3.) That tract of land contained within the municipal limits of the District Municipality of Burnaby ns they exist nt the passing of this Act, together with 21 CHAP. 6 CONSTITUTION (AMENDMENT). 14 GKO. 5 that portion of the District Municipality of South Vancourer lying south of Twenij-soventh Arenue and east of Victoria Drlre, shall- constitute one electoral district, to be designated as " Burnaby Electoral District," and return one member. CAJUEOO ELECTORAL DISTRICT. (4.) That tract of land comprised witfa'n the following boundaries:— Commencing at a point on tbe Fraser Hirer near Woodpecker Island, being the north-west corner of Lot 2930, Cariboo District; tbence east along tbe north boundaries of.
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