1 Average Dally Net Pran Hun PAGE TWENTY MONDAY, MAY 18, 1968 Fior Tke W eek Ended The Weather mrnirliTfitTr Enmfng Herald 9Uy 11, 1968 Caumoe of Showeiu tonlgM EuFttttig and tomorrow. Low tonight 50 About Town Phi Beta Kappa 15,070 to 05. Higli tomorrow In 60a. kianehester A City of FiOage Chsmm The Phebe Circle of Emanuel Taps Mrs. Perry Church Women will meet to­ VOL. L X X X V n , NO. 191 morrow at 7:30 p.m. In Luther Mrs. Gall Noren Perry, (TW EN TY PAGES— TWO SECTITONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, M AY 14, 1968 (Claaslfled Advertlaing « b Rage 17) PRICE TEN CENTS HaU of Emsmuel Lutheran daughter of Mr. and Mrs. GOMFIETE Church. The Rev. C. Henry An­ Helmer Noren, formerly of 9 derson will lead a study of the Robin Rd. and now of Coven­ manifesto. Hostesses are Mrs. MSURANCE Helen Johnson, Mrs. Edward try, was inducted last Wednes­ School Board Votes 8-1 Werner aond Miss Esther M. day Into the Epsilon Chapter of Bulletin Johnsoa. Phi Beta Kappa, national honor SERVICE society. The Senior Methodists of U.S., Hanoi South Methodist Church will Mrs. Perry was valedictorian LBJ IN WASHINGTON have a luncheon meeting Thurs­ of the 1959 graduatli^ class at Busing Project to Continue WASHINOTON (AP)—Presi­ Manchester High School. She day noon In Susannah Wesley dent JohnMn returned here HaU of the church. The Rev. will graduate next month with REAL today from a weekend of re­ Richard Dupee will lead a Bible honors from -the Unaverslty of By WILUAH OOE expansion of educational pro­ schools next fall without in­ recommended that Hartford study. Plans for a June picnic Connecticut, majoring In mathe­ ESTATE The majority of an estimated grams beyon'd the local level. creasing established pupil- children again be placed In laxation at his Texas ranch matics. will be made. 250 residents attending last The motion to have Manches­ teacher ratios, recommended at groups of two or three In class­ to confer wtth his top ad­ Next Talk Moves She has been teaching mathe- ter continue Its participation a maximum of 25 pupils per rooms with no more than 22 or visers on the U.S.-North Viet­ night’s Board o f ElducaUon was made by Beldon Schaffer teacher. Members of the Army-Navy maitdcs at the high school level 21 Manchester pupils. nam peace negotiations in AuxUlary wishing to prepare in Jewett City for the past meeting stood and cheered as and seoonded by Dr. Walter Early In the session, before He said, in answer to ques­ By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER sumed to be- far less speedy the bombing he has already flowers for the Memorial Day year. the board ■voted 8-1 to continue Sohardt, both Democrats. The the public discussion. Assistant tioning by Phelon, that specific Paris. Before the White House AP Special Correspondent than Washington's, there may halted; Xuan Thuy said recipro­ Project Concern In Manchester Parade will meet Thursday, She now resides in Scotland two were members o f the board Superintendent of Schools Ron­ classrooms have not yet been conference, Johnson flew by PARIS (A P )— U.S. and be many uch gap in the future city is out of the question since next year. meeting program. But the blank May 29, at 1:80 p.m. at the with her husband, Alan Dwight two years ago that voted unan­ ald Scott reported that adminis­ pinpointed to receive Project helicopter to the Pentagon North Vietnamese negoti­ the United States Is the “ ag­ The' vote was .taken at 10 days In the calendar will give clubhouse. Perry, and their two children. imously to have Manchester be- trative studies of space' esti­ pupils. to take part In ceremonies ators mapped their next gressor” In air and sea opera­ p.m. in the Beimet Junior High towns to participate In the proj- mate 61 of the project children ^ rm estimates cannot be moves in the Paris peace opportunities for secret meet­ tions against the North. honoring four Medal of Hon­ ings and French go-between ac­ The Twins Mothers Club of School Auditorium after near­ come one of the five original now In Manchester could be made until several factors are talks today — and traded This deadlock has In fact ex­ ROBERT J . SMITH, ly tiwo hours of discussion by ect. continued. Those now In Grade or winners and dedicating the tivities when needed. isted for many months, but the Greater Hartford will meet known. These include the num­ verba'l punches from their Wednesday at 8:1B p.m. In the WS€S Headed board members and the (public S<d)affer’s motion was ”to re­ 6 would not go on to junior bers of local children being re­ HaU of Heroes honoring med­ The need may arise soon on effect of the Paris talks is to WSURANSMiniS SURE 1914 on 'Whether the program o f bus­ new the contract between the high school here. tained at their present grades, headquarters on opposite the problem of de-escalating the force the United States and Goodwin Room at South Con­ al winners of the last c;en- sides of Paris. gregational Church, Hartford. By Mrs. Witham ing (Ssadvant^ed Hartford Mlenchester and Hartfbrd Scott said It appears that an the number lea'vlng town or war, following up President North Vietnam to look at It tury. Ambassador W. Averell Har- A Twin Grandmothers Silver children . t o local elementary Boards of Education for 1968- additional 24 spaces will be going to parochial schools, and Johnson's partial bombing halt jointly In the context of a search Mrs. David A. Witham of 25 649-5241 eohools ehiould be permitted to 69, under terms and conditions available In kindergarten and the number to be added due to rlman. emerging from the U.S. March 31. Since then U.S. bomb­ —real or pretended—for peace, Tea will be the feature of the M l MAIN m i i r , MANCHinVK Embassy after a morning of program. Lenox St. recently was re-elect­ continue. to be determined by the ochool Grades 1 and 2, making It pos­ district population Increases, ing has been concentrated on while the rest of the world ed president of the Women’s So­ (OiMsd new Nest te He«M ft Hale) Board Chairman John Rott- administratiion and approved by sible to accept up to 76 chil­ Scott said. conferring with his advisers, the southbound Communist sup­ watches. ner declared the motion passed said he had been going over the ply lines south of the 19th paral­ Western diplomats have sug­ Miantonomah Tribe, lORM, ciety of Christian Services of the Board of Education.” dren at the established ratios. Chairman Rottner and after a voice vote. The sole dis­ North Vietnamese statement at lel, and Harriman said the gested two forms of compro­ wUl meet tonight at 8 at Tinker The board said Its Intent Is There are presently 62 chil­ Schaffer both emphasized that D ollar North Methodist C3hurch at a senting ballot was caat by Atty. Monday’s session with a ‘‘ml- movement of men and materiel mise to break this opening stale­ Hall. Peter J. Vendrillo, sa­ to make the number of chil­ dren In the program, distrib­ any continuance of the project meeting at the church. Herbert iPhelon, a RepubUoan, dren It 'Will accept conditional uted among eight schools. croscope” to see whether he on these lines had been increas­ mate. chem, and Camlllo Vendrillo, could find anything construc­ Other officers are Mrs. Earle . 'Who has oonstetentiy opposed upon spaces available In the Scott said the administration (Bm Page Eleven) ing. He called on North Vietnam One would be for North Viet­ past sachem, will report on the tive. He indicated he had not to show some restraint. Custer, vice president, Mrs. WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRIDES | Drain nam to maintain an unbudging Great Council meeting last week had any success so far. Xuan called on the United In New Haven. Quentin Mangun, secretary, and public position but Indicate pri­ Mrs. Henry Hembrechts, treas­ At North Vietnamese head­ States to end all bombing and vately to the United States that urer. quarters across the Seine, on “ other acts of war" against Hanoi would de-escalate If John­ Dr. Hilda Standlsh of West Day In....Day Out... the Left Bank, a spokesman North Vietnam. He said that Program chairmen are Mrs. Slows son ended the bombing. Hartford will speak tomorrow said his government did not in­ was the reason these talks were 4 Neil Mosher, Christian social Another Is to treat the prob­ at 7:30 p.m. at an open meet­ WASHINGTON (AP) — The tend to pay “ ransom” to the arranged and other questions— relations; Mrs. Adelor Turgfcn, lem not as a stalemate over de- ing of the Manchester Newcom­ International dollar drain United States to get it to stop related to peacemaking—could escalatlon but as a block to car­ er's Club at. nHng Junior High missionary education, and Mrs. on PRESCRIPTIONS the rest of the bombing of North slowed to about $600 million dur­ oply be taken up after that. But rying the talks Into a new School. Her topic Is "S e x Edu­ Charles Sterling, spiritual Vietnam. That was his response Harriman said Johnson wants cation and Your Child.” Re­ g;rowth. resulting in meaningful ing the first quarter of this to a question whether Hanoi some evidence of reciprocity for (See Page Seven) freshments will be served. Committee chairmen are Mrs.
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