3 ftCjC SUGAR 96 Degree U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, October 19. Last 24 hours' rainfall, .00. Test Centrifugals, 4c; Per Ton, $80.00. 88 Temperature, Max. 82; Min. 72. Weather, cloudy. Analysis Beets, 9s. 4 Per Ton, $79.20. ESTA&USHED JULY VOL. XLIV., NO. 7551. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1906. PRICE FIVE CENTS OUR RALLIES SWEEP OF TROPICAL CYCLONE HELD IN TOWN LAST EVENI NG s ? Beer Flows Freely in Brown's Precinct Booze and Buncombe Combined Two Democratic Gatherings at Opposite Ends of Town. ? IK v V The Democrats held a well-attend- ed chine-ma- de condidate. He asked for night on support for himself and the whole of and successful meeting last A , the Democratic ticket, who, he said, VI . of Harvey s Kahhi Sri the grounds Frank would do for the people what was zesidence. right. Jri corps of speakers was on A large KINN'ET OX BROWN, hand and same good talk was listened. ' 'Brown was personally a nice man, h- - The hit of tne evening was ue uy had showt.fl himself incapable of ?5 iff . - audi-- l WeS?- Trent, who holds his forcing the laws whiCh he had pledged ence as well as any man on the local himself to enforce. In this respect he stump ha Proved himself to be a weak man '"i unworthy of reelection to his re. The meeting was devoid of sensa- - and sponsible omce. .personally, ne was or-er- and was ly ana -- . ... ., . tional incident friendly to Brown, but politically, no. -j - well-conduct- ed throughout. He had heard that Brown counted ou IN TIIE CYCLONE BELT A GLIMPSE OF HAVANA. SIL.VA STARTS. his friendship with the Hawaiians t& 1 i M. A. Silva. was the first speaser. galn him votts but pointed out that ' He said In part. the Hawaiians had a keen eye for th "The Democratic party at its con-- welfare of their beloved county and mention selected representative men would not let a friendly feeling fot c DENATUR IZED will coun-wor- k is for Its ticket who, if put in office, Arthur M. Brown allow tnelr Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, for the people whom they repre- - try's best interests to be sidetracked. fiant. i Only yesterday he had been Brown "Tour welfare," continued Silva, attorney in a law case. Politically hs ALCOHOL Cuba and Florida Feeling Its "demands that you vote for them on couidn't stand for him, however. H. DEflDJROKE November e. We, unlike the Itepuhli-- had lost control of the people by per-cans- , you are not in a position to tell mttjng wrong-doin- g to go unpun. Devastating Touch Loss of Life that we have done this and that, for isheil Aid t Berger Begs for Hawaiian Commerical the simple reason that the Democrats wasn-- a question to consider that Is any-- lt and Property Great, liave never had a chance to do Brown was a wnite man and Curtis to Bring Band Man Studying thing. Two years from now, however, Iaukea a native. The thing for voters pride if we're elected, we'll point with tQ cnslder was which raan WOuld AN Home. Methods. we've done. to what the office of Sheriff with most honor " 1 . f QlirA ti (Associated Press Cablegrams.) ?: j ... i t inner la - "Any pariy his county He had no hesitation in William Aylett, member of the Royal (Mail Special to the Advertiser.) to get rusty and out of the habit 01 saying that Iaukea was that man. 8 SAN SALVADOR, October 20. A tempest things for you and me. Know- Hawaiian Band, and also a member WASHINGTON, D. C, October has raged for ten doing (Continued on Pa.ge 3.) (Continued on Page 4.) ing this to be a fact, let us make a Mr. J. N. Williams, assistant man- days in the republic of Salvador, flooding valleys, destroying cattle clean sweep. Let us out with the old ager of the Hawaiian Commercial Su- crops drowning of new, vigorous and and hundreds people. The loss is incalcul- party and in with the gar Company has been in Washington ne. Give the Democrats the chance BOOKSELLER A. J. LYON able. Guatemala and Honduras have suffered the loss of millions. for a conference with the Commissioner for which they are asking. Kick the W. HURRICANE SWEEPS OCEAN. machine out of office. It is no good DIES AT HIS DINNER TABLE of Internal Revenue, Mr. John like is wished to discuss the and in a small community this Yerkes. He WASHINGTON, October 20. The Cuban hurricane-- extends no 3v . not needed. The Democrats have 11 V. V .'. V;V V'.". V.-- . methods of manufacturing denaturizeu machine and won't have one for the alcohol, which is authorized by the re- 200 miles out at sea. simple reason that if elected next cent law of Congress, in effect Janu- CUBA'S LOSS HEAVY. month their good works will suffice ary 1. Mr. Williams was accompanied to keep them in the offices to which on his visit to Mr. Yerkes by Mr. Geo. HAVANA, October 20. The people of this city are storm- your votes, I trust, will elect them." B. McClellan. bound. Twenty are known to have been killed. the provinces talk was very well received - to learn the In Silva's ! I, -- -. ' , C He was pleased that ' For the benefit of Portuguese present expense of supervising the manufac- of Havana and Pinar del Rio trees are uprooted and the loss to he made a few remarks in their own ture of the alcohol is to be borne by property is estimated1 at $2,000,000. language. the United States government. Mr. AH FAT'S ARGUMENT. Williams also examined with interest A TIDAL WAVE DISASTER. the plans of the government as to re- C. Ah Fat next mounted the stand. MIAMI, Fla., October 20. The steamer St. Lucia has police machine for tainers for the alcohol. Some sheet been He roasted the 4 - , - -- - - jr,- - -- . 1 -- k which e the way its members packed the con- ' steel containers have been made, sunk and twenty-fiv- passengers have been killed by a tidal wave. the Internal Revenue Commissioner in- vention and urged its extinction which, The entire fishing fleet is missing. It is known that 250 people have accomplished by tends to approve. he said, could only be been drowned. the Democrats at the polls. Then Mr. McClellan has visited the Light- J house Board, whose officers decided to Brown wanted certain men elected A STORM-SWEP- T erect the temporary beacon at Maka-pu- u KEY. Supervisors to serve his own private j usual delays of ad- 20. A ends. It was up to the Democrats to j without the ELLIOTT KEY, October tremendous storm is raging this scheme. vertising. Mr. McClellan urged that here. frustrate construc- The speaker told his listeners to the customarv red tape in the omitted in the vote the whole Democratic ticket and tion of a lighthouse be the most the not to distinguish between the haolos work at Makapuu, but FROM EUROPE VIA THE NORTH. I consent to was that the and the Hawaiians. A team of horses board would bids for con- was no good when separated, and the time for advertising for be shortened. SAN FRANCISCO, October 20. The Gjoa, which made the haoles and Hawaiians on the Demo- struction should ERNEST G. WALKER. Northwest passage and located the true magnetic north, has arrived cratic ticket were a first-ra- te team. here. By voting the straight ticket, the opinion a speaker was of the that AN D 1 11 EH BUBGLAHY clean sweep might be made in Oahu POLITICS IN GRAND JURY. County. got through, a voice After Ah Fat 3 JUST REVEALED : from the bushes shouted: 4 NEW YORK, October 20. As a result of the testimony given ' r- - no good no beer." 2 the grand by Charles F. Murphy, a of "Democrats J jury number subpoenas have The speaker was promptly bidden to Two weeks ago Friday night a small been issued. hold his ptace and he didn't let go of cottage belonging to Mr. C. Hustace, It again during the rest of the evening. Sr., back of the homestead on Bere-tan- ia THREE MORE DREADNOUGHTS. SHERIFF BROWN UNFIT. street, was entered by a burglar Kd Like, editor of the Aloha Alna. who evidently used a skeleton key. A linen, including LONDON, October 20. The admiralty will construct three followed. THE LATE A. J. LYON. large amount of house He drew particular attention to the tablecloths, napkins, etc., was stolen. more vessels of the Dreadnought type. platform pro- The next day Mr. Hustace entered the plank in the Democratic Albert J. Lyon, manager of the Lyon, tucky. He married Ella Ewell, a Sc cottage, his key. i viding for a minimum wage of $1.50 a book concern, died very suddenly at noma eirl. Mrs. T.von is itft to mourn opening the door .with AFTERNOON CABLE REPORT. day for icadworkers, and stigmatized his loss, together their and then for the first time knew that his home in Anapuni street last night with three of 5 Brown as a man unfit to hold sons, one daughter having died. Tha the place had been rifled, Sheriff 7:30 he po-th- ur It was at o'clock while was sons in A., Ar-- The matter was referred to the office on account of neglect of duty order of ae are Ralph in TURIN, Italy, October 19. The Zuckennann bank has failed at this place seated at the dinrer table.
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