
THE AUSTRALIAN NAVAL ARCHITECT Volume 11 Number 1 February 2007 The Australian Naval Architect 4 THE AUSTRALIAN NAVAL ARCHITECT Journal of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (Australian Division) Volume 11 Number 1 February 2007 Cover Photo: CONTENTS James Craig and Young Endeavour during the 2 From the Division President Tall Ships’ race on Sydney Harbour on Australia 3 Editorial Day 2007 (Photo John Jeremy) 3 Letters to the Editor 5 News from the Sections The Australian Naval Architect is published four times per 8 Coming Events year. All correspondence and advertising should be sent to: 10 From the Crow’s Nest The Editor 12 General News The Australian Naval Architect FR5,1$ 7KH,QÀXHQFHRI'HPLKXOO%HDP 32%R[1R Demihull Separation and Water Depth EPPING NSW 1710 on the Wave Generation of Catamarans $8675$/,$ ²/-'RFWRUV5<RXQJDQG email: [email protected] G. J. Macfarlane The deadline for the next edition of The Australian Naval Ar- chitect 9RO1R0D\ LV)ULGD\$SULO 28 The Internet +HHOLQJ7ULDOV7LOW7HVWVDQG,QFOLQLQJ Articles and reports published in The Australian Naval Experiments — Hugh Hyland ArchitectUHÀHFWWKHYLHZVRIWKHLQGLYLGXDOVZKRSUHSDUHG WKHPDQGXQOHVVLQGLFDWHGH[SUHVVO\LQWKHWH[WGRQRWQHFHV- +<3(5¶DW$0& VDULO\UHSUHVHQWWKHYLHZVRIWKH,QVWLWXWLRQ7KH,QVWLWXWLRQ 32 Education News LWVRI¿FHUVDQGPHPEHUVPDNHQRUHSUHVHQWDWLRQRUZDUUDQW\ H[SUHVVHGRULPSOLHGDVWRWKHDFFXUDF\FRPSOHWHQHVVRU 37 The Profession correctness of information in articles or reports and accept QRUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUDQ\ORVVGDPDJHRURWKHUOLDELOLW\ 41 Industry News arising from any use of this publication or the information 43 Membership which it contains. 43 Naval Architects on the Move The Australian Naval Architect 48 From the Archives ISSN 1441-0125 5R\DO,QVWLWXWLRQRI1DYDO$UFKLWHFWV Editor in Chief: John Jeremy RINA Australian Division Technical Editor: Phil Helmore on the 3ULQW3RVW$SSURYHG33 World Wide Web 3ULQWHGE\%((3ULQWPDLO 7HOHSKRQH www.rina.org.uk/aust February 2007 1 A major achievement during the year was the technical and From the Division President ¿QDQFLDOVXFFHVVRIRXUPDMRUELHQQLDOHYHQWWKH3DFL¿F $VKDVEHFRPHSUDFWLFHWKLVFROXPQFRQVWLWXWHVP\UHSRUW ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 0DULWLPH &RQIHUHQFH KHOG LQ -DQXDU\ RQWKHFDOHQGDU\HDUWRWKH$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJ and February in conjunction with EA and IMarEST. which is scheduled to be held in Melbourne on 14 March &RQJUDWXODWLRQV DQG WKDQNV DUH GXH WR -RKQ -HUHP\ 2007. (chairman) and Keith Adams as our representatives on the It is also my last report to you as President of the Australian organising committee. Flushed with the success of their 'LYLVLRQDV'U6WXDUW&DQQRQZDVHOHFWHGDVP\VXFFHVVRU HIIRUWVLQWKH\KDYHUHSRUWHGWR'LYLVLRQDO&RXQFLO by the Division Council in December and will have WKDWDUUDQJHPHQWVDUHDOUHDG\ZHOOLQKDQGIRUWKH3DFL¿F DVVXPHGWKH3UHVLGHQF\EHIRUHWKHQH[WHGLWLRQRIWKLVP\ 2008 conference. favourite journal. As reported last year the Division received an invitation The year was one of further consolidation of our role within WR PDNH D VXEPLVVLRQ WR WKH 6HQDWH LQTXLU\ LQWR QDYDO WKHHQJLQHHULQJSURIHVVLRQZLWKLQWKH,QVWLWXWLRQDQGRIRXU shipbuilding. This submission was made and resulted interaction with the Australian community. As a primary in John Jeremy and me appearing before the Senate LQGLFDWRURIWKLVFRQVROLGDWLRQDW\HDU¶VHQGDJUHHPHQWZDV Committee in late June. The Committee has since issued reached with Engineers Australia on the text of a new and WKHLU¿QDOUHSRUW SHUPDQHQW DJUHHPHQW SURYLGLQJ PXWXDO UHFRJQLWLRQ RI The Australian Naval Architect continued to be an TXDOL¿FDWLRQVDQGUHFRJQLVLQJERWKLQVWLWXWLRQV¶UHVSHFWLYH important and effective part of the Division’s activities status as the internationally pre-eminent institution in naval during the year. It continues to develop as a journal of high DUFKLWHFWXUHDQGWKHSHDNSURIHVVLRQDOERG\IRU$XVWUDOLDQ standard of which the Division is rightly proud and is well engineers. Our Chief Executive and I are scheduled to supported by the Division membership and a respectable IRUPDOO\ VLJQ WKH QHZ DJUHHPHQW ZKLFK UHSODFHV RXU international readership. Achievement of this support has SUHYLRXV+HDGVRI$JUHHPHQWGXULQJKLVYLVLWWR$XVWUDOLD EHHQODUJHO\GXHWRWKHHIIRUWVRIWKH(GLWRULQ&KLHI-RKQ within the next month. -HUHP\DQG7HFKQLFDO(GLWRU3KLO+HOPRUHWRJHWKHUZLWK Conclusion of the new agreement has been the culmination the journal’s advertisers and sponsors. RIVRPHFRQFHQWUDWHGZRUNE\WKH-RLQW%RDUGXQGHUWKH¿UP Our Sections have continued in their activities as reported OHDGHUVKLSRI%U\DQ&KDSPDQWKH'LYLVLRQ¶VLPPHGLDWH in The Australian Naval Architect. Sections also have past President. Another worthwhile outcome achieved by web pages which are accessible through the Institution’s WKH-RLQW%RDUGKDVEHHQWKH¿QDOLVDWLRQDIWHUVHYHUDO\HDUV ZHEVLWHDQGZKLFKWKH\DUHHQFRXUDJHGWRNHHSXSGDWHG RIHQGHDYRXURIDQDYDODUFKLWHFWXUHDUHDRISUDFWLFHZLWKLQ DQG XVH WR WKH IXOOHVW SUDFWLFDEOH H[WHQW ,Q WKLV UHJDUG WKH1DWLRQDO3URIHVVLRQDO(QJLQHHUV5HJLVWHU PHPEHUVVKRXOGQRWHWKDWWKH5,1$ZHEVLWHZDVXSJUDGHG The Australian members of the Institution’s Council GXULQJWREHPRUHDFFHVVLEOHDQGLQIRUPDWLYHIURP KDYHEHHQDFWLYHLQWKHPHHWLQJVRIRXUJRYHUQLQJERG\ a user’s perspective and more readily updated from the HQFRXUDJLQJLWWRWDNHDQRXWZDUGIRFXVDQGSURJUHVVWKH perspective of the Division and Sections. Members are WDVNVRIQRWRQO\GLUHFWLQJWKH,QVWLWXWLRQEXWDOVRPDNLQJ encouraged to regularly visit and contribute to its forums it more truly international in terms of organisation as well covering various areas of professional interest. DVPHPEHUVKLS%U\DQ&KDSPDQ-RKQ-HUHP\DQG,KDYH The Division has continued to provide prizes for students in participated in these Council meetings by teleconference. naval architecture at both the Australian Maritime College 'LYLVLRQDOQRPLQHHVKDYHDOVREHHQDFWLYHRQWKH5,1$¶V and the University of New South Wales. I congratulate VSHFLDOLVWFRPPLWWHHVRQVDIHW\VPDOOFUDIWDQGKLJKVSHHG the students who have been awarded these prizes. The vessels. It is through these committees that the Institution Division is also particularly indebted to Austal Ships for VHHNV WR LPSURYH QDWLRQDO DQG LQWHUQDWLRQDO VWDQGDUGV LQ WKHLUFRQWLQXHGVXSSRUWRIWKHMRLQW5,1$$XVWDOSUL]HVDW WKHVHVSHFLDOLVWDUHDV,WLVSDUWLFXODUO\VDWLVI\LQJIRUPH both of these institutions. DVDUHJXODWRULQYROYHGLQWKLVDUHDWRQRWHWKHLQFUHDVLQJ Progress made by the Division is due to the collective efforts involvement and acceptance of the Institution’s input in RILWVPHPEHUVDQG,ZRXOGOLNHWRH[SUHVVP\WKDQNVWR the formulation and improvement of international safety PHPEHUVIRUWKHLUFRQWLQXHGVXSSRUWQRWRQO\GXULQJWKH requirements for shipping. year in review but throughout my time as President. In The Division’s own safety group had a somewhat less SDUWLFXODU,FRXOGQRWKDYHFRPSOHWHGP\IRXU\HDUVDV KHFWLF \HDU WKDQ LQ WKH SDVW DOWKRXJK LWV SUHYLRXV ZRUN 3UHVLGHQWZLWKRXWWKHVXSSRUWRIRXU6HFUHWDU\.HLWK$GDPV resulted in my being invited to participate in a panel who secures the smooth functioning of the Division by discussion of the proposed new national standard for ensuring that issues are dealt with properly and promptly. construction of commercial vessels at the National Marine 7KDQNVDUHDOVRGXHWRRXU7UHDVXUHU$OODQ6RDUVIRUWDNLQJ Safety Committee conference on the Gold Coast during FDUHRIWKH'LYLVLRQ¶V¿QDQFHVZKLFKHQDEOHXVWRFRQWLQXH September. The Division continues to have good relations RXUDFWLYLWLHVDQGWRWKHRWKHUPHPEHUVRI'LYLVLRQ&RXQFLO with the NMSC and has indicated a willingness to provide for their contributions and support to me in the management constructive input to standards being developed by the RIWKH'LYLVLRQ3ULPHDPRQJWKHVHDUH%U\DQ&KDSPDQ 106& ZLWK D YLHZ WR HQVXULQJ WKH YLDELOLW\ RI WKRVH DQG-LP%ODFNZKRDUHUHWLULQJIURP&RXQFLODWOHDVWIRU standards for implementation by our members. WKHWLPHEHLQJKDYLQJUHDFKHGWKHLUPD[LPXPSHUPLWWHG It was particularly pleasing to be able to attend a meeting WHUPDQG0DUN6PDOOZRRGZKRKDVDOVRGHFLGHGQRWWR of the Queensland Section which occurred during my Gold VHHNDQRWKHUWHUP Coast visit. The Australian Naval Architect 2 ,VKRXOGDOVRDFNQRZOHGJHWKHJHQHURXVVXSSRUWH[WHQGHGWR PHE\P\HPSOR\HUWKH$XVWUDOLDQ0DULWLPH6DIHW\$XWKRULW\ Letters to the Editor during my term as Australian Division President. 'HDU6LU )LQDOO\P\EHVWZLVKHVJRWR6WXDUW&DQQRQIRUKLV ,EHJDQLQWKHPDULQHLQGXVWU\¿YH\HDUVDJRLQ4XHHQVODQG 3UHVLGHQWLDOWHUPGXULQJZKLFK,ZLOOHQGHDYRXUWRSURYLGH DVDQDSSUHQWLFHERDWEXLOGHUEXWTXLFNO\WRRNDNHHQLQWHUHVW him with similar support as I have received from both him as in the design aspect of boats. This interest has led me to move 9LFH3UHVLGHQWDQG%U\DQ&KDSPDQDVP\SUHGHFHVVRU to Sydney to study naval architecture at UNSW. Rob Gehling 'XULQJP\WLPHDVDQDSSUHQWLFHLWZDVLQWHUHVWLQJWRQRWH WKDWWKHUHZDVQRPHQWLRQRIQDYDODUFKLWHFWXUHQRUGLG Editorial many of the companies which I encountered employ naval architects. If it were not for me studying the university en- Last December the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign WUDQWV¶JXLGH,ZRXOGQHYHUKDYHOHDUQWRIWKHFDUHHU(YHQ $IIDLUV'HIHQFHDQG7UDGHWDEOHGLWV¿QDOUHSRUWRQQDYDO ZLWKWKLV,RQO\GLVFRYHUHGWKHFRXUVHDWWKH$XVWUDOLDQ VKLSEXLOGLQJDQGUHSDLU7KHFRPPLWWHHFRPSOHWHGWKH 0DULWLPH&ROOHJHZKHUH,VXEVHTXHQWO\VSHQWP\¿UVW\HDU page report after considering a large number of submissions of study. The reason behind this was that the AMC publicises IURPLQGXVWU\DQGWKHSXEOLFHYLGHQFHIURPLQGLYLGXDOVDW WKLVVSHFLDOW\FRXUVH$XVWUDOLDZLGH:KHUHDV816:RQO\ hearings and overseas visits to a number of shipbuilders advertises within NSW. It wasn’t until a conversation with and other industries. a classmate that I discovered the possibility of studying the The report supports the continued development
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