The tie that binds since 1926 The Cord Weekly WIUSL reverse Innet p01i0... die Green Day speak> to the P in Editorial Board reacts... 8 ( . >r, is, ! j{ -wli') ]■••:< . Page 1 Vo!ume_4s Issue 6 Wednesday September 29, 2004 www.clubiaurier.ca Number three in CIS c pi tssmmmmmmm riTWMlnff j » gMk »• • ft Full page18 coverage on game Erin Moore The Hawks unleashed their attack the own on McMaster Marauders during Homecoming on Saturday at University Stadium. Kicker, Brian Devlin (inset left), put the Hawks ahead 34 - 33 in the seconds of the with three field to win the The Hawks tied for first dying game a point goal game. are now place in the OUA and third in the country. Decision overturned Welker in Well, excuse us New BOD decision allows question underagers back into the Turret Laurier breaks on own Turret staff to use an alcohol record FRASER KING previous screening device on underage News Editor policy students on their in and on with way 2,873 their out. way Students who blow APRIL CUNNINGHAM Director Fraser WLUSU a positive result will be turned simultaneous News Editor McCracken brought forth if inbound away and would be a motion that would allow stu- There reprimanded with the same meas- whoopee was a mickey, a gondola dents under 19 to enter the Turret the ures available now if outbound. and Steven Welker. And when so blow long as they a negative cushion The motion allows $2500 to sittings WLUSU Board of Directors result on an alcohol screening and CEO be on an alcohol pressed their President device spent screening (the generic name of the device and for details on whether the activi- trademarked any necessary parts Breathalyzer). The ADRIAN MA "We're raise ties that occurred at the annual such as disposable mouthpieces. trying to organ motion passed with nine directors Cord News McCracken noted that "there is donor and it's Dean's followed the Union's in awareness, impor- Trip support of the motion and three for device tant donor strict new rules on enough money just one to sign your organ off-campus opposed. Last Saturday saw the University that at the moment," further noting card but more importantly to tell socials, they found out The motion essentially turns Stadium brimming with thou- "'we want the Welker had indeed mixed the that to evaluate your family about your wishes around Steve Welker's decision sands of Laurier alumni, current three. effectiveness [of the alcohol because they can overrule it in to prohibit minors from the students and local football fans device]." the unfortunate incident of "He was drinking in a gondo- Turret. screening your who demonstrated lively support Despite having the motion in death," said Laura Wood of the la going up a mountain," says While the both and consensus amongst to their home team a Piscitelli. Vice place,underagers are not yet Kidney Foundation. Anthony the Board of Directors was that worthy cause. allowed back into the Turret. Tim Fox, the organization's President: University Affairs for Pleased the having minors at the Turret was a by energetic turn-out McCracken noted that "it was the Senior Development Manager, is WLUSU. Piscitelli was on the risk, a happy McCracken noted were representatives of the consensus of the Board an alumnus of Laurier and was trip with the other WLUSU that general along "a breathalyzer would lower Kidney Foundation of Canada. that we wait until we the actu- amazed the school's Committee mem- the get by response Management risk of were on hand to losing our liquor They oversee al [alcohol devices] in at the bers to Vancouver, British license screening Homecoming game. almost down to zero.'" Laurier's attempt at breaking the Columbia in Piscitelli place before we start letting "The support that Laurier August. When record asked about his reaction to world for the most back in." to the has that he did not drink on the the underagers [sic] gives community says motion, Mike McMahon, amount of people to sit down on While the been con- trip. WLUSU's Turret staff will always incredible and Genera] Manager said a whoopee cushion simultane- to he said Not did Welker drink I have the screening devices at tinues be," enthusiasti- only don't think As of the feelings are ously. co-sponsors my but their disposal, it is unknown at cally. alcohol on the gondola appropriate." half-time event, the Kidney that the this moment whether the staff is Alumni Relations Officer Piscitelli says President While the finalized version of Foundation aimed to bring focus Steve with was others to drink." the required to use the screening Campbell agrees "pressuring motion is to the of not yet available, importance organ dona- - Please see 4 the - Turret, motion Please see page 2 tion. WHoopee, page allows the - Welker, essentially Please see page 2 News 2 Wednesday September 2004 - 29, The Cord Weekly Minors free to rock Casbah Keggers uncovered: of series of discussion one a Despite hours in a tense Board part meeting, McCracken's attempt to get under 19-year-olds back in the Turret is finally successful Cord News writer Rob Bennett into the mud of - will within digs keg parties Turret, from cover training is required then we "My hope is, a couple absolutely provide training." weeks." device minor in on every or only ROB BENNETT put individuals' safety at risk. The exact date that the alco- The WLUSU Management Cord News certain cases. At last hol screening devices will be Committee is currently research- a party weekend "My hope is that it is used," Czerwinski there available is not known, ing what model of screening says were said McCracken. The masses are disoriented; they that people defecated and McCracken was confident the device would best suit the needs reports McMahon said his staff stumble and and some of stagger urinated on the of the motion would be implemented of the Turret. property would be that "if them are face first in the mud. prepared, noting kegger. soon. Police sirens are blaring and peo- For parties that include at ple are scattering, most without least 10 kegs and 100 people or any sense of direction. My ears more, the police get involved. unintelli- are being subjected to gent babbling which distracts me "There are mobs of peo- from trying to avoid the puddles ple trespassing." of puke that encompass this con- densed chaos. Is this the front - Cheryl Czerwinski, Supervisor line of a surprise attack by of Enforcement extremists in a faraway country? By-Law No, it's the front lawn of a keg- in Waterloo. ger Thomas Robert Sargent says j This scene is a familiar one these parties are a concern on given Thursday, Friday or any because several underage stu- Saturday night. But according to dents attend and no ID-ing takes Czerwinski, Cheryl Supervisor place. of By-Law Enforcement for the "It is definitely an issue," of there City Waterloo, weren't who confirmed says Robert, that Jennifer Asselin last Contributed Photo nearly as many year. many underage drinking charges "Last the Fraser McCracken pressed the keg parties This old-timing policeman demonstrates how Turret security will year, have been laid. students and from the bar. Board to allow underagers back. you could count on one hand," screen underage entering departing "Keggers have been out there she so much more says. "They're for some time," observes the prevalent this year." Dean of Students, David Two officers sent out from McMurray. But the keg party to tend BOD Thursday to Saturday to hasn't been dominant from the so Quotable always quotes noise complaints typically in Laurier culture. receive 20 to 25 calls a she night, since the dou- "I that I I "I Only younger "What has happened is due to a feel strongly did all that had my mind made up a long notes. the first two weeks During ble cohort enrolled has the the has do for I think else lack of respect president needed to this issue." time ago. everyone of school, 92 were laid. charges demand, and therefore the has had their minds made sup- shown to the Board. I would hope up; so, She that the are says police ply, of keg parties increased. that in the future the Board does -Steve Welker, President of lets do this." working on a policy but current- McMurray warns that students not need to do the work of the WLUSU, in response to ly a by-law officer does not have should be "aware of their sur- president." Piscitelli's comments. -Trevor Cress well, BOD the seize authority to kegs. roundings and make the right Member; wanting to get the Czerwinski noted several choices," and continued nam- don't in the by -Anthony Piscitelli, Vice "I see many people vote done quickly after 2 with the rise in keg problems ing the various dangers associat- President: University Affairs, gallery. I want to know, is anyone hours of discussion about the parties. date ed with keg parties such as to President Steve Welker in really concerned?" Turret She there "mobs of says are and rape Rohypnol. regards to the lack of options people trespassing." They also BOD Comments? Questions'' that were presented to the -Kevin Spahich, Member, cause to and #*!§ iS**! I J Outrage? Discuss this damage properties Board. there. seeing only five people ' arlic at I TKi IGllwiO e online www. clublaurier.ca "The gondola drinking is Piscitelli went on to say that, is that if he did never justified," says Piscitelli.
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