i " D INSECTA MUNDI, Vol. 11, No. 2, June, 1997 129 c Nomenclatural changes, reinstatements, new combinations,'and new synonymies among American Cerambycids (Coleoptera) Gérard Luc Tavakilian Entomologie Forestiere ORSTOM B.P. 165 97323 CAYENNE cedex, FRENCH GUIANA Abstrrct:New synonyms: Protortnascabrosa Waterhouse, 1880 and Protortna recurvatuni Williams, 1829 = Strongylaspis costifer Thomson, 1877; Callopistira ruficollis Bates, 1870 = Eriphus croceicollis White, 1855; Odontocera cinctivetitris Bates, 1870 = Odorrtocera simplex White, 1855; Tomopterus auraritiacosignatus Zajciw, 1969 = Tornopterus sitnilis Fisher, 1930; Ceratnbyx spoctnbilis Voet, 1778 = Ceratnbyx velutitius Fabricius, 1775; Cltiori ochraceus Bates, 1885 = Lamia spinifera Fabricius, 1792; L~SSOI~O~USslreplrerdi Pascoe, 1859 = Callidiunr equestre Fabricius, 1787; Ceratirbyxpulveruletrtus Olivier, 1790 = Ceranrbyx farinosus Linnl?, 1758; Lamia crypta Say, 1832 = Saperda annulata Fabricius, 1801; Ptericoptus forsteri Tippmann, 1960 = Bisaltes birquetii Thomson, 1868; Ataxia flaviceps Breuning, 1942 = Steriocorus obscurus Fabricius, 1801; Cryptocraniutn gounellei Breuning, 1980 = Cryptocraniutn cazzeià Lane, 1958; Epectcrsis grossepunctata Breuning, 1942 = Superda juncea Newman, 1840;Paraclytenrrrestragatitea Breuning, 1974 = Janresia lineata Fisher, 1926; Hippopsis tremata Galileo and Martins, 1988 = Hippopsis tireinerti Aurivillius, 1900; LaariaputrctataFabricius,1792 = Ceratnbyx(Latttia) Daviesii Swederus, 1787; LC~O~ILS(Oedopezci) pogonoclreroides Audinet-Serville, 1835 = Latiria ocellator Fabricius, 1801; Colobotliea velutitra Bates, 1865 = Latiria tnacularisOlivier, 1792;Xylergates dorotheae Gilmour, 1962 =Xylergateselaineae Gilmour, 1962; Colobotliea velutitra Bates, 1865 = Latiria tnacularis Olivier, 1792; Pretilia telephoroides Bates, 1866 = Saperda tuberculata Fabricius, 180 1; Guyanestola tnacrophtlraltna Breuning, 196 1 =Estoloides (Estoloides) angustifrotis Breuning, 1943; Drycotlraca niartnorata Martins and Galileo, 1990 = Guyanestola brusiliensis Breuning, 1974. The following species are reinstated: Strongylaspis costifer Thomson, 1877; Oxyttierus lirieatus Dupont, 1836; Hebestola operaria Erichson, 1848; Hesycha latercilis Thomson, 1868. The genus Hephiciltes Thomson, 1864 is reinstated. New combinations: Hephicdtes ruber (Thunberg, 1822);Protortna costifera (Thomson, 1877); Knulliana cincta spinifera (Fabricius, 180 1) comb. nov.; Atwin operaria (Erichson, 1848)comb. nov.; Paraclytenrnestra lineata (Fisher, 1926)comb. nov.; "1 Oedopeza ocellator (Fabricius, 1801) comb. nov.; Toronmus incisus (Bates, 1864) comb. nov.; Pretilia tuberculata (Fabricius, 'i 1801) comb. nov. Drycoflrcieaturrialbw (Breuning, 1943) comb. nov. Drycotltaea trutrcatipennis new name for Estola stictica 1942 1881) a Breuning, (nec Bates, i- Some hostplants are given. Introduction ence number sampled by a botanist; several parts During my various visits through several insti- are distributed throughout main botanical institu- tutions sheltering historical collections, I noticed tions of the world. some unknown synonymies which are interesting to publish. The acronyms used are: 1. Reinstated species: MNHN for the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, BMNH for the British Natural History Museum in Subfamily Prioninae London, AMNH for the American Museum of Natural History in Tribe Macrotomini New York, USNMfor the United States National Museumin Wash- Protorma costifera (Thomson, 1877), reinstated and ington D.C. (Smithsonian Institution), new combination. ICCM for the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- Strorgylaspis costifer Thomson, 1877: 275 vania, Protorma scabrosa Waterhouse, 1880: 289, new syno- ! MNHU for the Museum für Naturltunde der Humboldt nymy Universitiit in Berlin, Stmodontes (Prolornia) scabrosus;Lameere, 1903: 215 ZMK for the Zoologislt Museum in Copenhagen, Protorrria recurvaturn Williams, 1929: 143, pl. V, fig. 1, MNRJ for the Museu Nacional da Quinta da Boa Vista new synonymy in Rio de Janeiro, Protorrria recurvata Blackwelder, 1946: 552 [Catalog] ZSMA for the Zoologische Staatssammlung des Bay- erischen Stanteesin Munich, Lameere, without having seen Thomson's ma- NRS for the Naturhistoriska Riltsniuseet in Stockholm. terial, simply synonymized Stroizgylmpis costifer Concerning host plant records, the scientific with Strongylus& cortica,rius (Erichson, 1848). name is followed by the herbarium collection refer- AU the following authors (Villiers, 1980: 143 and ./ h i UlUU ,< I: -..II ~ .I .,_ . ., -.~~ .-.I -..L ..Ai? i . .. ... ..,.. .. ....... .- . .. .. 130 Volume 11, No. 2, June, 1997, INSECTA MUND1 others) accepted Lameere's judgement. Fortunate- In 1801: 326, he described Saperda annulata ly, Thomson's type of Strorgylmpis costifer is vis- and gave the short following description in latin: ible in the MNHN, and in fact, belongs to the genus thorace rotundato, subspinoso, antennar um ar ti- Protorma. Later on, I saw Williams' type in ICCM culis basi albis, which agrees with the type in of Protorma recurvaturri and came to the conclusion Fabricius' collection in the ZMK (conspecific with that Williams species is just a synonym of Thom- Say's Larriia crypta); both the locality (America son's species. Williams wrote "It was carefully com- meridionali ) and the synonymy (Saperda lirceata pared by me with the type of Protorrna scabrosa 1792: 314) were wrongly associated with the above Waterhouse, from which it is quite distinct." In fact, description. The confusion was obviously caused by the descri11tion of Protoririsarecurvatum was based an error in the printing of page 326 in Fabricius' on asingle male specimen, and the type ofProtorina Systema Eleutheratorum. It is clear that between a scabrosa in the BMNH is female. The three the Saperda riigricoriiis (no 47) and the Saperda describecl tasa belong to the same species, and the tristis (no51) the synonymies were wrongly skipped. valid name is Protorrna costifera (Thomson, 1877). Bates in the supplement of Biologia Centraliber- icana (1885: 347) wrote: Ataxia Crypta ... Said by Subfamily Cerambycinae Erichson to be the Saperda lirieata of Fabricius (Ent. Syst. ii p. and registered in the Tribe Trachyderini 314), so Munich catalogue, but it does not agree with the Oxynterus lineatus Dupont, 1838 reinstated description, which refers also, as Fabricius states, Oxymerus lirrealus Dupont, 1838: 41, pl. 211, fig. 1 to a South-American (Brazilian ?) insect in Lunds [Brazi I] collection. Erichson might have seen the type and Oxytrterus approximatus Dupont, 1838: 44, pl. 212, Bates read the wrong description (Fabricius, 1792: fig. 2 [Cayenne] 314). The name Saperda armulata being used sev- Oxyirierus elorcgatus Dupont, 1838, 1838: 45, pl. eral times by Fabricius, we decide to conserve Say's 213, fig. 1 [Cayenne] species name in order to avoid more confusion. The Oxyiiierus distiiiguendus Dupont, 1838: 48, pl. 214, complete synonymy of Ataxia crypta is the follow- fig. 2 [Demerary] ing: Oxyiiterus acideatus subsp. lineatus Hüdepohl, 1979: 20, p1. I, 1(m) Ataxia crypta (Say, Oxyirterus aculeatus var. lineatus RBmillet, 1988: 1832) 130 Saperda airirulala Fabricius, 1801(nec Fabricius, 1792): 326, new synonymy Lamia crypta Say, 1832: 5 From November 1982 to January 1983 the Airirriseus ? cryptus Haldeman, 1847: 47 species was particularly abundant around Kourou a Slenosoma crypta Leconte, 1873: 302 where I saw more than thousand. I definitely do Ataxia crypta Leconte, 1873: 344 not agree with Iiiidepohl synonymies and status Ataxia sordida Haldeman, 1847: 56 changing (Hiidepohl, 1979: 20). The correct synon- Stonosoirta sordida Leconte, 1852: 158 ymy, after checking the types found in the MNHN, is listed above. Consequently Hebesstolaoperariu Erichson, 1848 synonymized with Saperda armulata Fabricius, Subfamily Lamiinae Parysatis riigritarsis Thomson, 1868b, andParysa- tis flavesceias Bates, becomes a valid taxon Tribe Pteropliini 1880 and we can write the following synonymy: Fabricius described (1775: 180) a Steriocorus Ataxia operaria (Erichson, 1848), reinstated arirculatus from "America meridionali" belonging Hebestola operaria Erichson, 1848: 574 to the Banks collection (today in the BMNH). Fab- Parysatis rrigritarsis Thomson, 186%: 120 ricius later on (1801: 310) mentioned the synonymy Esthlogena operaria Lacordaire, 1872: 600 with Cerambyx aimulatus Olivier, 1792 and Cer- Ataxia Zirreata Gemminger and Harold, 1873: 3100 ambyxhirtipes Degeer, 1775 (belonging to the actu- [Catalog] al genus Colobotliea Lepeletier and Audinet-Ser- Parysatis flavescerrs Bates, 1880: 112 ville, In he described a Saprda 1825). 1792: 314 Tribe Onciderini limata from America meridionali. The two syn- types in the ZMK belong to Degeer's species, Cer- ambyx hirtipes. La.nipedusa lateralis (Thomson,1868) reinstated .... .. .......... 'I I ;v." ', .). , ,.. ' ....,. , I~ .,:. ........ .. ... '.>,.. 8.. < I. 5 ..I -1 ...I . ., . .... _. - . ........................ ...cl.-,... :li- . k "' INSECTA MUNDI, Vol. 11, No. 2, June, 1997 i3i Hesycha lateralis Thomson, 1868a: 63 [Cayenne] Heph, ia 1tes Thomson, 18 64 reinstated Lampedusa obliquator Dillon and Dillon (nec Fabr- Type species: Hoplrialtes tricostatus Thomson, ,1864 icius, 1801), 1945: 114, pl. V, fig. 10 (= Traclryderes ruber Thunberg, 1822) [Brazil] by original designation. Lampedusa ob Ziquotor (Fabricius, 180 1) Heplrialtès Thomson, 1864: 285 Larriia obliquutor Fabricius, 1801: 303 Hypsiorria obliquator Thomson, 1868a: 50 Hephialtes ruber (Thunberg, 1822), comb. nov.
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