LAST BREEZE WELCOME BACK THIS QUARTER FARMVILLE TEAM -MADISON COLLEGE- VOL. XXII Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, March 1, 1946 No. 26 Irene Rieder To Reign Dr. Landon To Electoral Board Reveals In May Day Celebration Speak On Great Candidates For Officers Irene Rieder will be Madison's May Queen, with Toni Willock Literary Men as her Maid of Honor at the annual ceremony to be held Saturday, Famed as America's favorite charac- SGA# AA, YW, Breeze, and Schoolma'am May 4, 4 p. m. on front campus. terist, Dr. Sidney Landon will be the Put Up Nominees; Elections Are March 5 Members of the court are: Mary guest speaker for Sophomore Class Candidates for the mirior offices en campus as announced by the Barnes, Bassett, Virginia; Mary Chea- Day to be held March 6. Presenting electoral board and nominatm^convention are: Alice Agnor, and Mary tham, Midlothian, Virginia; Gayle Bennett, Pumphrey "Speaking Likenesses of Great Literary Jane Pulton for vice-presidenTo?Student Government Association; Chowning, Urbanna, Virginia; Shirley Mien," Dr. Landon will give an insight Trigg Holladay and Shirley Wilfchis for secretary-treasurer; June Elliott, Hampton, Virginia; Jeanne To Attend Meeting into the lives of various authors, a touch of their traits, and a bit of their Sterling and Jane Sherman fo^recorder of points; Betty Sibert and IJawley, Broadway, Virginia; Melba Claire Bennett and Pat Pumphrey Marguerite Coffman for editor of the handbook. Frost, Norfolk, Virginia; June Payson, best-known works. will attend the National Kappa Delta YWCA nominees are Marguerite Needham, Massachusetts; Anne Petti- A faculty member of Ithaca College, Pi convocation in Milwaukee, Wiscon- Berryman and Betty Jo Stretchberry crew, Danville, Virginia; Cordelia Rob- New York, Dr. Landon is the author Russia Rebuilding, sin, March 11 through 13. They will for vice-president; Ethel Meador and bins, Hopewell, Virginia; Elizabeth of such well-known books as "Lucid represent the local Kappa Delta Pi Janice Lohr for secretary; Barbara Taylor, Ivor, Virginia; Virginia Moore chapter. Intervals," "Characters Studies of Men No Time For War, of Letters," and the plays, "Never- Wensel and Jessie Beaman for treas- Wiley, Roanoke, Virginia; and Lucia The girls will leave March 9 by train Says Davidian urer. Zeigler, Staunton, Virginia. more," which is based on the life of and return the latter part of the fol- Candidates for AA are Jeanette Pic- Candidates for the court, chosen by Edgar Allen Poe, "The Wolf," "The "At the close of every war the ten- lowing week. krel and Carolyn Woodfield for vice- the Athletic Association, sponsors of Gift," and "The Story Beautiful." dency has been for nations to forget This meeting is for discussion of president; Shirley Williams and Jane the ceremony, were voted upon by the The speaker has appeared before ap- why they were fighting and go their world issues and Kappa Delta Pi prob- MfcMurran for business manager; Vir- student bodyt in Monday's assembly, proximately 6,000 college, high school separate ways" began Dr. Simon M. lems. National officers will also be ginia Barnes and Hannah Finley for February 18. The chosen members of and other audiences during the past Davidian on Monday evening. elected. treasurer. the court were "tapped" in a special three decades, interpreting some of the Dr. Davidian, a well-known lecturer, . Nominated for business manager of assembly called for last Tuesday. Claire Bennett has. been appointed most beloved men of literature through was sponsored jointly by the Rotary the Breeze were Jean Lockard and An- Members of the AA dressed in white, delegate chairman of one of the groups his characterizations. club and Madison College. He selected geline Matthews. Nancy Lee Caufield first tapped the court members, pin- to discuss Kappa Delta Pi problems. Dr. Landon believes that "one of the as the topic for his lecture "Making and Betty Coyne have been nominated ning on their right shoulder a single The national president will act as her most priceless possessions of the peo- International Organization Effective." advisory chairman. ple of this country is their literature. for business manager of the School- iris. The Maid of Honor was presented The atomic bomb- which "blasted, ma'am. * with a corsage of daffodils, and the Pat is president of the local chapter By their inheritance from their ances- bled, beat, and burned Nagasaki," con- Mary Jane Fulton, of Staunton, Vir- on campus. tors and by the works of their genius, Queen received a corsage of white car- tinued Dr. Davidian, "makes the situa- ginia, is this year's junior class presi- nations. ■* they are the richest people on whom tion entirely different now." To illus- dent. She has been a member of the Following the crowning of the Red Cross To Open Drive the sun has ever shown." trate hom fast science is striding, the Social committee and was vice-presi- Queen, the Modern Dance group will speaker used the jet-propelled planes. The National Red Cross Member- Former Student Secretary dent of her sophomore class. Mary present their spring program. ship Drive will open on campus next He prophesied that in the near future To Speak In YW Chapel Jane is a home economics major. Director of the proceedings is Gayle Monday and will continue through one of these planes can leave New Alice Agnor, a music major from Chowning, assistant director, Jane Saturday. The speaker in chapel on March 8 York at 1 p.m. and arrive in Los An- Lexington, Virginia, is president of the Hartman, and Miss Louise Covington geles at 12:30 p,m. which would be Organizations in charge of the drive will be Miss Jenny Lind Gatlin, sec- Choral club. Last year she was a is faculty advisor. traveling faster than the sun. "It would are Kappa Delta Pi, Sigma Phi Lamb- retary of the Southwide Baptist Stu- member of the student council. As yet, neither the theme nor the dent Region. Her topic of discussion mean the annihilation of both Russia Shirley Wilkins, from Norfolk, Vir- ada, Clara Barton club, Spanish club, committees have, been decided upon will be "I Believe in Prayer." and America.if we should be stupid ginia, is a major in biology. She is a French club, and International Rela- but will be announced by Gayle Chow- enough to start fighting," warned Dr. member of Sigma Sigma Sigma soror- ning in the near future. Each member tions club. Davidian. ity. of the court has two attendants of her The goal has been set at one dollar Students Contribute He pointed out that Russia is the Trigg Holladay, of Rapidan, Virgin- own choosing, approved by AA. Fol- only nation who has increased her air or more per person. - ia, is in the elementary education cur- lowing is a list of the court members $271.87 To WSSF power since the war and is planning a A total of $271.87 was contributed riculum. She is on the Standards com- with their attendants. Elizabeth Tay- larger Army and Navy. mittee. by Madison students to the World lor, Louise Taylor and Betty Frizzell; The principle of the International Jane Sherman, a business major from SPRING VACATION Student Service Fund during the drive Melba Frost; Ora Thompson and Food Pool by which the surplus goods Orange, Virginia, is typist for the Stu- held here last week, announces Carrie Mary Moore; Jeanne Fawley; Janet from one country can be distributed dent Government Association, histori- PRESIDENT SAMUEL P. Lee Moore, chairman. Sollenberger and Marjorie James; among the peoples of the earth who an of Pi Omega Pi, and a member of DUKE ANNOUNCED YESTER- Members of the faculty contributed Anne Petticrew; Pidgy Baxter and ire needy was explained by the speak- the Schoolma'am business staff. DAY THAT SPRING VACA- $100 to the fund and $97 was collected Elrie Moore; Virginia Moore Wiley; er. "Europe is in worse shape than it June Sterling, of Norfolk, Virginia, TION FOR MADISON WILL at the amateur show and auction Feb- Beth Owen and Martha Thornhill; has ever been for food," stated Dr. is, a member of the Social committee, BEGIN AT 12 NOON, THURS- ruary 21. Mary Chatham; Edythe Layne and Davidian. Although 74 per cent of the treasurer of Alpha Sigma Alpha, and DAY, APRIL 18 AND LAST The remainder of the contributions Edith Garland; Lucia Zeigler; Katie wood and money comes from the a former member of the student coun- THROUGH TUESDAY, APRIL were made by students. The amount (Continued on Page 4) United! States many Europeans will cil. June is a business major. 23. CLASSES WILL BE RE- of money solicited personally amounted still starve this year. All candidates for Student Govern- SUMED AT 8 O'CLOCK THE to less than seven cents per person. On the other hand the occupation of ment Association.offices are juniors. Foltz to Attend Convention MORNING OF WEDNESDAY, The WSSF drive was sponsored Japan is being run comparatively'suc- Marguerite Berryman is a member Laura Virginia Foltz has been named APRIL 24. jointly on campus by the YWCA, and cessfully because General MacArthur of the YW cabinet and the Social com- as Madison's delegate to the national the French and Spanish clubs. had an already established government mittee. She is from Richmond. ' YWCA convention in Atlantic City, through which to work. Betty Jo Stretchberry, of Winches- New Jersey, March 2 through 6. The greatest personality to emerge ter, Virginia, is now treasurer of YW This is the first national convention from this war outside of Stalin is Nicholas R. Doman, Institute Guest, CA, and editor of Alpha Sigma Alpha. that the YWCA has held in six years.
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