George Washington University Law School Scholarly Commons Amicus Curiae, 1960 Amicus Curiae, 1960s 10-1960 Amicus Curiae, October 1960 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.law.gwu.edu/amicus_curiae_1960 Recommended Citation George Washington University Law School, 10 Amicus Curiae 1 (1960) This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Amicus Curiae, 1960s at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Amicus Curiae, 1960 by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. llI111.1 U N11. 1 (@d11brr. l!t.6U Welcome To Law School Convention Is The Students By: Charles B.-Nutting, Dean Huge Success. (j. W. Praised The National Law Center A record 271 students, representing delegates included Don Campbell, Jerry "Since the memory of man runneth 96 law schools from across the nation, Cooke, Wally Dickson, Helen Lane, not to the contrary" it has been the were the guests of the George Wash· John McCormach, Ron Natalie, Gus custom for the Dean of the Law School, ington University Law Center during the Partee, John Swartz and S.B.A. Presi- or whoever stands in the shoes of the recent Twelfth Annual Meeting of the dent Joe Visek. The cooperative effort Dean, to welcome students at the be- American Law Student Association. of the entire delegation was often men- ginning of the academic year. It is a In recognition of this school's con- tioned by visiting delegates as the key particular pleasure for me to do so at to the success of the convention and to tribution to what was termed the best this time since I, too, am experiencing their personal feelings of comfort and annual convention in the history of the my first full year at George Washington. welcome. To my fellow freshmen, then, a word of Association, the George Washington Stu- greeting. dent Bar Association was awarded a Highlighting the activities of the week spontaneous and unprecidented award were embassy receptions, a tour of We are entering law school at an ex- for meritoreous service to A.L.S.A. Washington, D. C., a picnic sponsored citing time. After ninety-five years of Bob Wise, a law senior at George by the G. W. U. legal fraternities and distinguished history the school is em- Washington University and Annual sororities, a Potomac cruise, and a barking on a new venture which we all Meeting Chairman, was elected Second dance at the Willard Hotel. Stag "host- hope will result in the development of Vice President of the Association at the esses" were on hand to assist the Com- a truly signficant program of legal edu- concluding session, August 31. Wise mittee and to make the delegates. feel cation and research. Although you will captured the votes of 77 schools, to 14 more at home. not be immediately affected, before you for his opponent. This was easily the The official business of the Associa- have finished your course of study you greatest margin of victory enjoyed by tion,conducted at the Annual Meeting, will, we believe, be conscious of pride any of the successful candidates for ex- took place within the two houses of the in what has been accomplished and ecutive offices and constitutes a gen- Association's bicameral legislative sys- pride also in the fact that you will be uine tribute on the part of the delegates tern: the House of Delegates, including graduates of this institution. to the job done by Wise as Annual voting delegates of all member associa- From the first day of classes you have Meeting Chairman. tions, and the Board of Governors, com- been members, in a very real sense, of As chairman, Wise was also Chair- posed. of the five executive officers and an ancient and honored profession. It man of the George Washington Host the Circuit Vice Presidents representing is our obligation to see that you are School Committee, which had been twelve regional areas. qualified to continue in it. It is yours planning for the five day affair here in In addition, special topic workshops to see that you prove yourselves worthy the Nation's Capital since October, 1959. were conducted for the interchange of of it. The resources of the school are Committee members included Penn ideas in the following areas: world peace at your disposal. They include a learned Chabrow, Dick Constant, Clarise Felder, through law, legal aid programs, moot and distinguished faculty, devoted to the Henry Green, Pat McDermott, Tom court programs, professional responsi- cause of legal education, a good library Phelps, Bob Price, Dan Sachs, Marv bility and ethics, law graduate place- and an excellent law review. Stern, and Wise, It is primarily through ment, and information for S.B.A. presi- But, perhaps more importantly, they the efforts of these people that G.W.'s dents. include you and your fellow students. responsibilities for planning and execu- Through the Student Bar Association, ting the convention were met. of which you are members, you provide The largest single delegation to the ABA Legal Aid Chairman for yourselves a wealth of opportunities convention was that from the George Calls For A New to learn things about the law and law- Washington University Law Center. In yers which cannot be effectively com- addition to the members of the Host Development Program municated to you in the class room. The School Committee listed above, G. W. professional meetings of the association, From The LEGAL AID BRIEF CASE the Van Vleck Case Club, Amicus Curiae tacts with the practicing members of our ~ok~~. The impact of the 1960 census figures and other activities are all parts of your must bring about a reappraisal of Legal legal education, and important parts as The life of a lawyer is not easy but Aid and Defender promotion in the well. The legal fraternities will help you it is rewarding, not only in a material United States, Edward W. Kuhn, Chair- form close friendships with at least some sense but also in its opportunities to man of the Standing Committee on of your colleagues and will provide in- help men and women and to lead in the valuable opportunities for informal con- the development of a better society. (Con't on page 4) 1\mttus Clturittr grams, Scoop Sheet, Publicity, Law Day, Court Tours, Awards, Summer Picnic, 1\utiruli Qturiar Grievance, Student Directory, Photogra- Editors in Chief __Charles L. Marinaccio phy, Placement, Public Relations (news . Thomas J. Harrigan notices of student honors, awards, and Associate Editor William S. Hochman graduation) , World Peace Through Research Editor., AIlan Plumley ~ Law, and Law Dance. Day Editor Walter Dickson Night Editor AIlan Ephraim If you are interested in any of these Public Relations Gary N. Nateman A Note From co-curricular activities please notify us Editorial Staff: Edward J. Snyder via the SBA mailbox in the ante room of James D. Constantinople The President Dean Nutting's office.. I look forward to Robert Price I wish to extend a cordial welcome our biggest year and to the opportunity Stephen Grayson of meeting and getting to know more Stanley M. Hochouser to every returning student whether a Robert E. Lynch upperclassman or a first year student. of you personally. Faculty Advisor John J. McAvoy The title of this column includes the initials S.RA. These are the initials of your Student Bar Association. It is your Law Review To Begin Bob Wise Elected SBA because each and everyone of you are a member. A small portion of your Apprentice Program To Steering tuition is set aside to help finance our The Law Review announced the com- many activities. The governing body mencement of an apprentice program, the Position In ALSA is the Board of Governors on which purpose of which is to train prospective It is with justifiable pride that we eleven posts are filled by elections and Law Review Staff personnel with all make note of a student of the George five by appointment. facets of Law Review work. Persons de- Washington University Law Center Since the SBA is a student organiza- siring to become affiliated with this pro- whose qualifications have recently gained tion it is designed primarily to be a gram should contact Bill Dickey, Di- national recognition and whose accom- benefit to the students themselves. The rector of this Program. Requirements plishments have brought credit to our SBA, like any organization, can only are a minimum of a 75 cumulative school. be as effective, in supplying these bene- average, participation in the Case Note Such a man is Bob Wise, recent fits, as are the combined efforts of those competition (which is also open to any Chairman of the Twelfth Annual Meet- who participate. The backbone of the and all students who have an average ing of the American Law Student As- SBA, is therefore, the law student who no lower than 68) and training with sociation and newly elected Second Vice volunteers his services to improve him- the regular staff during the year. It is President of that Association for the self, his SBA, and his school through urged that all students who do qualify coming year. work with the SBA . avail themselves of this opportunity to As an undergraduate at McPherson When you graduate from law school, familiarize themselves with Law Review College in Kansas, Bob established an you should be ready to serve the needs work on an informal basis. It will aid early pattern of academic and extra- of your client. Will you be able to them immeasurably when they find curricular achievement.
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