Remembrance Sunday Carr, H.L

Remembrance Sunday Carr, H.L

Abel Smith, R.E. Bentinck, H.D.A. Boscawen, Hon. V.D. Budenberg, D.H. Adamson, W. Bethell, C. Bowen Colthurst, R.M. Bull, R.H. Addy, J.C. Bickersteth, R.L. Bowes-Lyon, G.P. Bullivant, R.P. Ades, E.H. Binning, Lord Boyd, H.A. Bunting, P.L. Aguirre, E.M. Bion, R.E. Bradshaw, P.C. Burke, H. St G. Albright, M.C. Birch, S. Bradshaw, R.E.K. Burnaby, G. Aldersey, H. Birchenough, M.J. Bradshaw, W.D. Burnand, C.F. Allanson, K.A. Birkbeck, G. Bragg, R.C. Burne, C. Allen, J.E.R. Birkbeck, G.W. Brant, R.V. Burrell, R.F.T. Allen, M.R.H.A. Birkbeck, J. Breese, W.L. Bury, D.S.H. Allhusen, F.E. Birney, D.L. Breul, O.G.F.J. Bury, F.J.L. Allom, C.C.G. Black, D.C. Britton, A.W.N. Butcher, W.G.D. Amos, C.S. Blacker, I.F.E. Broadbent, C.H. Butler, G.K.M. Anderson, I.F. Butler, J.O. Anderson, J.T. McK. Butlin, Sir H.G.T. Anderson, M.H. Buxton, A.B. Andrewes, C.N. Buxton, Andrew R. Ansell, A.G. TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE Buxton, J.M.V. Apperley, B.L.M. Buxton, M.B. Arbuthnot, M.H. Calthrop, E.H.D. Armitage, G.E. Cambridge, Lord Frederick Armitage, S.R. Campbell, I.M. Armstrong, M.R.L. Campbell, J.A. Arnold Wallinger, Campbell-Johnston, P.S. Revd G.S. Sunday 10 November 2013 Capel-Dunn, D.C. Ashton, C.T. Capron, R.H. Austen-Cartmell, A.J. Carless, H.D. Backhouse, H.E. Carlile, E.H.H. Backus, A.R. Carp, V.A. Bailey, D.J. Remembrance Sunday Carr, H.L. Bainbrigge, P.G. Carr, W.C. Baker Cresswell, G.E. Carver, O.A. Balfour, A.M. Castle, T.R. Balfour, J. Cavendish, Lord J.S. Ball, B.F. Cay, A.J. Ballamy, H.W. Cazalet, E. Ballance, L.A. ACT OF REMEMBRANCE Cecil, H.K.A. Ballantine Dykes, T.L. Chadwick, J.H. Balston, J.P.H. & MATTINS Chamberlain, E.D. Barber-Starkey, W.H.J. Chambers, J.C. Barbour, R.J. Chance, E.G. St C. Barclay, R.G.A. 10.55 am Chance, E.S. Barclay, T.H. Chapman, W.H. Barclay, W.M. Charles, J.A.M. Baring, P. Chichester, W.G.C. Barkby, H. Churchill, W.M. Barker, M.S. Clark, E.F. Barkley, H.A.Y. Clark, J.H.M. Barnard, R.H. Clarke, C.M. Barnsley, T.K. SUNG REQUIEM Clark-Kennedy, A.K. Barthropp, S.A.N.S. Cliff Hodges, W.H. Bassett Wilson, P.F. Clifton, H.E. Batley, R.C. 6.15 pm Clissold, H. Beale, E.A. Clive, Viscount Bealey, A.C. Close-Brooks, A.B. Beamish, J.O.H. Close-Brooks, J.C. Beaumont-Nesbitt, W.H. Blake, G.P. Brodie, E.J. Clough, A. Beaumont-Thomas, N. Blundell, C.S. Brooke, P.R.S. Coates, A.R.M. Becher, M.A.N. Blundell-Hill, C.J. Browne, C.P. Cockerell, S.P. Bedell-Sivright, D.R. Blythswood, Lord Browne, M.B. Cocks, W.F. Beer, A.H. Boardman, S. C.-H. Bruce, R.J.T. Cokayne, T.P. Beeston-Bancroft, J.B. Bodenham, H.E.C.H. Bruce-Dick, O.R. Coke, D.A. Bell, C.W.H. Bolitho, G.R. Brudenell-Bruce, J.E.J. Colman, A.R. Bell, E.V. Bolton, W.S. Brunton, E.H.P. Cook, F.R. Bell, G.M. Bond, C.G. Buchanan, A.G. Cooke, N.G. Bell, J.J. Bonham Carter, A.T. Buchanan, A.N. Cookson, C. Bell, W.H.D. Bonvalot, E. St L. Buchanan, D.L. Cornish, C.L. Bellew, R.C. Bosanquet, S.J.A. Buckland, T.A. Cowper, G.M. Cox, D.N. Drewe, A. Geldard, J. Haviland, D.R.F. Cox, D.P. Drummond, G.H. Gelderd-Somervell, R.F.C. Hayes, J.C.A. Craven, F.H.D. Drysdale, D.R. George, J. Hazell, P. Crawley, E. Duff, B.P. Gething, H.B. Heape, B.R. Crewdson, T.W. Duff-Dunbar, K.J. Gibbons, E.I. Hebblethwaite, C.J. Crispin, H.T. Duncan, D.A. Gibson-Craig, Sir A.C. Hedley, W.A.C. Croft, J.A.C. Dunville, J.S. Gilliland, V.K. Helm, H.P.D. Cropper, John Eade, A. Gilmour, A.S. Henderson, A.S. Cross, M.C. Eardley-Wilmot, A.R. Gilson, R.Q. Henderson, D.M. Crosse, E.A.W. Eckersley, P.T. Gjers, L. Henderson, F.R.W. Crossley, B. Eddison, R. de P. Gloster, T.A. Henderson, W.J. Crowe, H.B. Edgcumbe, P.R. Goddard, A.S. Henn, E.H.L. Cumming, R.M. Edwardes, T. Goddard-Jackson, N.W. Henri, F. Cunningham, J.M. Egerton, C.R. Godfrey, A.S.T. Herbert, P.W. Cunningham, J.S. Egerton, P. de M.W. Godman, T.E. Herbert, R.H.B. Currie, J.L.R. Eiloart, H.A. Gold, P. Herdman, G.A. Currie, R.F.I. Elgar, H.S. Goodwin, H.D. Herman, G.A. Cuthbert, G.I. Eliott, J.L.H.B. Gore Browne, H.T.T. Herries, A.D.Y. Cuthbert, S.J. Ellicott, F.A.J. Gosnell, R.P. Heslop, G.H. D’Arcy-Irvine, B.W.J. Elliot, H.H. Goss, R.J.V. Hess, H. Dabell, W.A.R. Elliot, Hon. G.W.E. Gossage, P.L. Hetherington, T.W. Daffarn, M. Elliot, W.E. Gracey, H.C. Hext, T.M. Dain, J.R. Elveden, Viscount Graham, K.W. Heywood, A.G.P. Dart, H. Eugster, M.J. Grant, A.F.M. Heywood, B.C.P. Darwin, E. Evans, B. Grant, Alex Heyworth, H.P.L. Davey, W.H. Evans, R.A. Grantham, E.R.H. Hicks, B.P. Davidson, N.R. Evelyn, P.G. Grantham, F.W. Hilary, H.J. Davie, W.D.B.S. Ewing, A.H. Grattan-Bellew, W.A. Hill, C.E.C. Davies, A.C. Ezra, D. Gray, E.J. Hills, W.F.W. Davies, G.LL. Fanshawe, B.V. Gray, M. Hilton, H.D. Davies-Cooke, P.J. Farmer, H.C.M. Green, H.S. Hilton, M.V. Davis, C.R. Farquhar, H.B. Gregory, J.S. Hindley Smith, E.H. Davis, H.L.N. Favell, E.V.M. Gribble, C.H. Hoare, G.S.P.G. Davis, P.B.N. Feilding, Hon. H.S. Griffith, G.F. Hoare, H.C.A. Day, J. Fenwick, A.L. Griffiths, R.E. Hoare, J.M.H. Day, M.C. Ferguson, H.M. Grigg, R.F.S. Hodgson, C.A.G. de Candole, A.C.V. Finch, H.A.I. Grimston, B. Hodgson, G.W.H. de Geijer, E.N. Firth, Arnold Grimston, B.D. Hodgson, H.P.E. de Rothschild, E.A. Firth, R.C.D. Gunston, J. St G. Hollins, F.U. de Rougemont, R.C.I. Fisher, B.M. Gwynne, R.T.S. Holman, D. Dearden, A.J. Fisher, J.W. Habershon, L.O. Hopgood, J.L. Deighton, J. Fiske, C.H. Haden, F.H. Hopkins, J.W. Denham, J.K. Foljambe, P.G.W.S. Hadrill, J.P. Hopkinson, B. Denison, P.H.C. Forrest, J.W. Hall, F.G. Hopkinson, E.H. Denman, R.C. Forster, F.A. Hall, J.H.V. Hopkinson, R.C. Denman, R.P.G. Forster, W. Hallam, H.G.S. Hopley, G.W.V. Dennistoun, J.R. Foster, B. la T. Halliday, J.A. Horn, R.J. Dewar, J.M.F. Foster, J.C. Hamilton, H.O. Hornby, A.R.L. Dewhurst, G.C.L. Fowler, D.D. Hamilton, K. Hornsby, R.L.W. Dickinson, O.S. Fowler, J.D. Hanbury, D.H.T. Hornung, J.P. Dickinson, R.J. Fowler, P.S. Handford, E.F.S. Howard, C.C. Dickinson, R.S. Foyster, P.T. Handford, H.B.S. Howard, J.B. Dickson, G.F.T.B. French, Hon. E.A. Hanson, O.H. Howard, M.P.G. Dill, J.M.G. Frend, W.R. Hargreaves, J.M. Howard Smith, G. Dingwall, C.F. Frost, E.L. Harker, E.K. Howey, A.J.E. Dive, V.H.P.X. Gaddum, R.C.S. Harmsworth, Hon. V.S.T. Howitt, I. Dixon, J.E.B. Galbraith, A.N. Harper, F.L. Howkins, G.A. Dixon, N.E. Game, D. Harris, R.J. Hubback, F.W. Dobbs, W.C. Gandar Dower, K.C. Harrison, Everard Hudson, A.C. Dodgshon, A.J.C. Garfit, T.N.C. Harrison, R.A.I. Hudson, R.P.M. Dodgson, F. Garnett, K.G. Harrowing, J.S. Hughes, N.A. Dodson, G.L.L. Garnett, W.H.S. Hartington, Marquess of Hughes, T. McK. Don, A.W.R. Garnett-Botfield, A.C.F. Hartley, C.F. Hughes-Gibb, H.F. Donaldson, Sir H.F. Garrett, S. Hartley, W.E. Hulbert, T.W.G. Donaldson, N. Gaskell, P.H. Harvey, D.L. Hulton-Sams, Revd F.E.B. Douglas-Cooper, J.S. Gaunt, J.A. Harvey, F.L. Humphries, C.S. Dowling, G.C.W. Gedge, C.B. Haskins, F.W. Huntsman, B.C. Drabble, D.W. Gee, R.F. McL. Haslam, W.K.S. Ingram, T.L. TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE SUNG REQUIEM 6.15 pm The setting of the Requiem is by Gabriel Fauré. We are grateful to members of the Trinity College Choir Association for singing at this evening’s service. Common Worship: Services and Prayers for the Church of England, material from which is included in this service copyright © 2000 The Archbishop’s Council. Scripture quotations from The Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952 and 1971 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches in the United States of America, and are used by permission.

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