Millikin Quarterly WINTER 2009-10 LIFTING UP Alumni making a difference where they live ... and beyond Millikin Quarterly Vol. XXV, No. 4 Winter 2009-10 Produced by the Millikin University Offi ce of Alumni and Development. E-mail comments to: [email protected] Millikin Quarterly (ISSN 8750- 7706) (USPS 0735-570) is published four times yearly; once during each of the fi rst, second, third and fourth quarters by Mil- likin University, 1184 West Main Street, Decatur, Illinois 62522- 2084. Periodicals postage paid at Decatur, Illinois. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Millikin Quarterly, Millikin University, 1184 West Main Street, Decatur, IL 62522-2084. Telephone: 217-424-6383, or call toll-free to 1-877-JMU-ALUM. Millikin Quarterly magazine has been recognized with national APEX awards of excellence for four years in a row and is the recipient of a 2008 bronze award from the Council for the Support and Advancement of Education, District V. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the magazine. ON THIS PAGE: A student approaches ADM-Scovill Hall on a snowy day last January. pgs 1-17 - web.indd 1 12/18/2009 3:32:46 PM BEING A MILLIKIN ALUMNUS BENEFITS YOU DID YOU KNOW YOU ARE ENROLLED AS A FREE MEMBER OF THE MILLIKIN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF 12 ACADEMIC CREDITS AT THE UNIVERSITY? PRESENT YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD FOR THESE BENEFITS: • Free admission to regular season home games for men’s and women’s basketball, football and volleyball (no fees for other sporting events) • 10 percent discount on two tickets for any MU Fine Arts event booked through the Kirkland Fine Arts Center box offi ce in person or by phone (217-424-6318). (Does not apply to season tickets, previ- ously purchased tickets or co-produced events) • Free gift from the Millikin Bookstore; no purchase necessary • 10 percent discount on private voice/ instrument lessons for alumni and imme- diate family through the School of Music Preparatory Department • 10 percent discount on all food and bev- erages purchased at Common Grounds Coffeehouse on campus • 10% discount on annual membership fees to the Decatur Indoor Sports Center (DISC) at Millikin (excludes daily admis- sion fee) • Free use of MacIntosh Pool in Griswold Physical Education Center during open swim (M-F, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.) when lifeguards are present. • 10% discount at Lock, Stock and Barrel restaurant near campus for food items on nights of home athletic contests (excludes Homecoming) • Access to Staley Library and check out privileges (must show ID with current address to obtain library card and must be renewed annually) • Free use of MU computer labs on a time-limited, need basis through special arrangements with the information technology offi ce • Tuition-free auditing of classes on a space-available basis; administrative fee of $50 applies for each semester • Complimentary career and employment assistance in the Career Center OTHER BENEFITS • Offi cial transcripts available through MU Online (millikin.edu/registrar); $5 each. Transcript service also available by mail through registrar’s offi ce. • Complimentary issues of this magazine • Free access to the online alumni e-mail directory, “Milli-Link XP” • Complimentary alumni e-mail account. Need a membership card? E-mail the alumni offi ce at [email protected] or call toll 2 free to 1-877-568-2586. Winter 2009-10 Millikin Quarterly At left: Gorin Hall pgs 1-17 - web.indd 2 12/18/2009 3:32:57 PM The end of this year is a special time Roll of Donors section is not avail- of refl ection for me. For all of us, the able online.) It’s also where you’ll fi nd holidays bring remembrances of the profi les of several other outstanding signifi cant events of the past year and students who have made the most of Ithankfulness for those that added mean- what Millikin offers them, as well as the ing and value to our lives. However, names of several thousand individuals, this year has brought an added layer of businesses and organizations who have thoughtfulness for me, as I prepare to helped make our students’ education enter my last year as president of this possible. To me, it is the true glory of great university. the cycle of higher education at Millikin; And make no mistake about that how those who recognize the benefi t – this is a great university. Too often, of the Millikin experiences fi nd ways to we in the Millikin community tend to “pay it forward” with gifts of their time, underestimate the magnitude of what talents and treasures – ensuring that we do here – and how well we do it. We the life-changing experiences offered to are modest about our accomplishments, previous students are further enhanced even humble; but the upshot of these for current and future generations of efforts is that lives are forever changed. Millikin students. Each year, young men and women For example, two of our most enter our doors seeking to fi nd out recognizable young alumni swept who they are and what they want to quietly into town this fall to share their President’s be, and Millikin is uniquely prepared to knowledge and insights to groups of help them answer that question. Only at eager young students who hope to fol- Perspective Millikin, do our students fi nd an environ- low in their talented footsteps. The two ment where they can perfect their skills shunned the media attention they could Douglas Zemke ’66, Millikin President and prepare for lives of meaning and have obtained while here, even though value through the power of performing theirs is a profession full of stars who currence. Over the course of the year, their learning. It is a distinctive attribute demand it. Instead, their focus was on dozens of alumni have come back to the of our curriculum that you’ll see, not just the students who seek to emulate them university to share their expertise with in the fi ne arts programs, but through- and the professors who helped get students, including Nicole Tester, also out the university in all majors and all them where they are today. ’99, who received the Young Alumnus fi elds of study – for example, in business One was Sierra Boggess ’04, who Award during this fall’s Homecoming majors who create and manage thriving most recently starred in Disney’s “The in recognition of her groundbreaking businesses while still Millikin students. Little Mermaid” on Broadway and was research in spinal cord rehabilitation. Student Seth Goodman of Lincoln, handpicked by Andrew Lloyd Webber Such gifts of time and talents, as Ill., exemplifi es those who have found to star in the sequel to his acclaimed well as fi nancial support, are a Millikin their niche by performing what they “Phantom of the Opera.” The new pro- cycle of giving that we see year after have learned while they are still stu- duction, “Love Never Dies,” is scheduled year, from generation to generation. dents. The business management major to open in London next spring and on As I unwrap other Millikin memories of earned his real estate license last sum- Broadway next fall. Boggess and an as- 2009 one by one, I am once again over- mer between his junior and senior years sociate from the Disney production held whelmed by the skill, generosity and and went on to close more than $2.5 master classes and conducted mock dedication of our students, alumni, par- million in real estate sales in his fi rst audition tryouts for a simulated national ents, volunteers, and faculty and staff year. He hopes to one day open his own production tour. who serve this university so faithfully real estate offi ce, and in a thank-you The other was Annie Wersch- and so well. Their deep commitment to letter to his Millikin scholarship spon- ing ’99, whom you may know as this university will be among my fondest sor, he says, ”I know that the skills and agent Renee Walker on FOX-TV’s “24.” remembrances as the year draws to a knowledge I am learning here at Millikin Wersching led a “Career Connections” close. ● as well as the personal interactions I session for eager-to-learn students dur- experience daily will contribute greatly ing Homecoming weekend while on a “It is a Millikin cycle of to my future success in the fi eld of real short break from her fi lming schedule. estate and life in general.” Turn to page Both actresses shared the gift of their giving that we see year 51 in this issue to learn more about Seth knowledge and refl ected on how their after year, from in our annual Honor Roll of Donors sec- Millikin experiences have prepared them generation to generation.” tion. (Please note: To ensure the privacy well for the careers they now pursue. of our alumni and donors, the Honor Their visits are not a unique oc- Winter 2009-10 Millikin Quarterly 3 pgs 1-17 - web.indd 3 12/18/2009 3:33:03 PM CAMPUS NEWS Monroe named to three-year term on Illinois council Radio station wins national award Dr. Dan Monroe, John C. Griswold Distin- Millikin’s student-run radio station, outreach program produced by Mil- guished Professor of History and a Millikin WJMU, was recently honored with a likin students. It caters to children ages professor since 2006, has been appointed national student production award at 3-7 and emphasizes the importance of the College Broadcasters Inc. (CBI) music in education. Characters on “The to the Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Coun- National Student Media Conference in Playground” guide the music along cil for a three-year term.
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