VPDES PERMIT FACT SHEET This document gives pertinent information concerning the reissuance of the VPDES permit listed below. This permit is being processed as a minor municipal permit. The effluent limitations contained in this permit will maintain the Water Quality Standards of 9 VAC 25-260-00 et seq. The discharge results from the operation of an extended aeration activated sludge package treatment plant with metals treatment, tablet chlorination and tablet dechlorination of effluent prior to discharge. This permit action consists of reissuance of the permit for a term of five years with limitations for pH, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS), dissolved oxygen, ammonia as nitrogen, total residual chlorine (TRC), total recoverable copper and total recoverable zinc. (SIC Code: 4952 - sewage treatment) 1. Facility Name and Address: Groundhog Mountain Resort (Buck Hollar) STP Groundhog Mountain Water & Sewer Co., Inc., 2812 Brennen Lane, High Point, NC 27262 Location: 27 Buck Hollar Road, Groundhog Mountain Resort, Milepost 189, Patrick County, Virginia 2. Permit No. VA0066575 Expiration Date: September 1, 2011 3. Owner Contact: Mrs. Janet Clodfelter Telephone No.: (336)869-4032 Executive Secretary, Groundhog Mountain Water & Sewer Co., Inc. 2812 Brennen Lane., High Point, NC 27262 Mr. Robert Reed, Operator, Groundhog Mountain Water & Sewer Co., Inc 2014 Willis Gap Mountain Road, Fancy Gap, VA 24328 Local telephone: (276)398-3957 Winston-Salem: (336)788-1609 Mr. Ron Hyatt Telephone No.: (704)568-4929 President, Groundhog Mountain Water & Sewer Co., Inc. 6819 Rambling Rose Drive, Charlotte NC 28212 4. Application Complete Date: February 17, 2011 Permit Drafted By: Susan K. Edwards Date: July 15, 2011 DEQ Regional Office: Blue Ridge Regional Office Reviewed By: Bob Tate Date: August 25, 2011 Public Comment Period Dates: July20, 2011 through August 20, 2011 5. Receiving Stream Name: Unnamed tributary to Birds Branch (River mile: 3.24) Basin: Yadkin River Sub-basin: N/A Section: 1 Class: IV, Mountainous Zones Waters Special Standards: PWS 7-Day, 10-Year Low Flow (7Q10): 0.017 MGD 7Q10 High Flow months: Jan. - June 1-Day, 10-Year Low Flow (1Q10): 0.016 MGD 1Q10 High Flow months: Jan. - June 30-Day, 5-Year Low Flow (30Q5): 0.024 MGD Harmonic Mean Flow: 0.043 MGD 30-Day, 10-Year Low Flow (30Q10): 0.021 MGD Tidal: No 303(d) Listed? No (see section 13 for more information) Attachment A contains a copy of the flow frequency determination memorandum from the 2007 reissuance. It is believed the 2007 critical flows were low due to the influence of recent draught years preceding those critical flow calculations. There have not been updated gauge statistics available to statistically base an adjustment in critical flow values. 6. Operator License Requirements: III 7. Reliability Class: III 8. Permit Characterization: (X) Private ( ) Federal ( ) State ( ) POTW (X) PVOTW (X) Possible Interstate Effect ( ) Interim Limits in Other Document VPDES Permit No. VA0066575 Page 2 of 9 9. Wastewater Treatment System: See Attachment A for a treatment plant schematic and a copy of the site visit report. Discharge Description Outfall Discharge Source Treatment Design Flow 001 63 seasonal residences of Aer-O-Flo extended aeration package 26,000 gallons Groundhog Mountain Estates wastewater treatment plant consisting of per day & the seasonally operated comminutor, aeration tank, clarifier, sludge Doe Run Lodge (at reissuance return, sludge holding tank, chlorination, Lodge is not operating) dechlorination, metals removal system & cascade aeration 10. Sewage Sludge Use or Disposal: A VPDES Sewage Sludge Application Form was submitted in the application for reissuance package for the VPDES permit. Sludge is held in the aerobic sludge digester tank. The permittee contracts a local septic waste transporter for disposal of sewage sludge from the wastewater treatment facility to the Martinsville City Sewage Treatment Plant, VA0025305. 11. Discharge Location Description: The resort is on the south side of the Blue Ridge Parkway, milepost 189, Groundhog Mountain, Patrick County, Virginia. The treatment plant is located in a hollow, between two ridges on the western side of the Groundhog Mountain Estates area of the resort. A copy of a portion of the USGS topographic map indicating the discharge location is included in Attachment A. There are no significant (large) dischargers to the receiving stream or water intakes within the immediate area. Name of Topo: Laurel Fork (020A) Discharge: N 36°38’24”, E 80°32’29” 12. Material Storage: Tablets used for chlorination and dechlorination are stored within a storage building within the fenced and locked plant yard. No materials are stored in a location that exposes them to rainfall where they might present a risk of reaching State waters. 13. Ambient Water Quality Information The receiving water body is an unnamed tributary to Birds Branch. The receiving water body is within Section 1 of the Yadkin River basin and no designated sub-basin of the State Water Control Board’s Water Quality Standards, River Basin Section Tables (9 VAC 25-260-460). The receiving stream is Class IV - Mountainous Zones Water with the special standards of Public Water Supply (PWS) applicable due to the proximity to the VA-NC state line. The outfall is at river mile 3.24. Groundhog Mountain Resort STP falls into the Yadkin River/Upper Ararat River watershed (VAW-M03R). The VAW-M03R watershed segment begins at the headwaters of the Ararat River and ends downstream at the Virginia/North Carolina state line. The segment includes the tributaries Johnson, Doe Run and Clarks Creek. The receiving stream drains to the Ararat River in a segment denoted as a Class IV water. The discharge is not within the segment where Natural Trout Waters or where Stockable Trout Waters are designated, in the Standards. Attachment A contains data from STORET Station 4BARA035.13 used to calculate the receiving stream values for pH, temperature and hardness. 303(d) Listed Segments (TMDL): This facility discharges to an unnamed tributary to Birds Branch. In the 2010 305(b) Water Quality Assessment Report prepared by DEQ, the Groundhog Mountain Resort STP falls into the Yadkin River/Upper Ararat River watershed (VAW-M03R). The 2010 305(b)/303(d) Integrated Report on Assessment the tributary sections of the watershed have not had their water Uses assessed. An excerpt from the web-based VEGIS mapping of the 2010 305(b)/303(d) Water Quality Assessment Report is provided in Attachment A. However, the Ararat River downstream of the discharge is 303(d) Listed for bacteria and mercury in fish tissues (see Attachment A). The TMDL has not been developed for either impairment. As an existing discharge within the watershed the facility should be included as appropriate in the TMDL when written. There is no approved TMDL for either the downstream bacteria or mercury impairment so no monitoring is included in this reissuance. After TMDL adoption it is VPDES Permit No. VA0066575 Page 3 of 9 expected that E. coli monitoring for an allocation will be part of the permit. The TMDL reopener special condition is included. 14. Antidegradation Review and Comments: Tier1 Tier2 X Tier3 The State Water Control Board's Water Quality Standards includes an antidegradation policy (9 VAC 25-260- 30). All state surface waters are provided one of three levels of antidegradation protection. For Tier 1 or existing use protection, existing uses of the water body and the water quality to protect these uses must be maintained. Tier 2 water bodies have water quality that is better than the water quality standards. Significant lowering of the water quality of Tier 2 waters is not allowed without an evaluation of the economic and social impacts. Tier 3 water bodies are exceptional waters and are so designated by regulatory amendment. The antidegradation policy prohibits new or expanded discharges into exceptional waters. The antidegradation review begins with a Tier determination. The unnamed tributary to Birds Branch is determined to be a Tier 2 waterbody. This determination is based on the waterbody segment (VAW-M03R) is not listed on Part I of the 303(d) list for exceedance of water quality criteria. As the headwaters of a mountainous stream, there is no data to indicate that this water is not better than the standards for all parameters that the Board has adopted criteria. As a Public Water Supply, in accordance with Guidance Memorandum 00-2011, the waterbody would be designated to be Tier 2 waters, and no significant degradation of existing quality would be allowed. For purposes of aquatic life protection in Tier 2 waters, “significant degradation” means that no more than 25 percent of the difference between the acute and chronic aquatic criteria values and the existing quality (unused assimilative capacity) may be allocated. For purposes of human health protection, “significant degradation” means that no more than 10 percent of the difference between the human health criteria and the existing quality (unused assimilative capacity) may be allocated. The antidegradation baseline for aquatic life and human health are calculated for each pollutant as follows: Antidegradation baseline (aquatic life) = 0.25 (WQS – existing quality) + existing quality Antidegradation baseline (human health) = 0.10 (WQS – existing quality) + existing quality Where: “WQS” = Numeric criterion listed in 9 VAC 25-260-5 et seq. for the parameter analyzed “Existing quality” = Concentration of the parameter being analyzed in the receiving stream These “antidegradation baselines” become the new water quality criteria in Tier 2 waters and effluent limits for future expansions must be written to maintain the antidegradation baselines for each pollutant. Antidegradation baselines were calculated at the last reissuance as described above. However, the discharge was listed as a domestic waste discharger in the 1975 Water Quality Management Plan for the Roanoke River Basin which is before the State Water Control Board’s adoption of an anti- degradation policy on November 28, 1975.
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