GLOSSARY OF DA TA PROCESSING TECHNICAL TERMS s E L ■ V ■ TEMB ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, INCORPORATED P . 0. BOX 9148 • FORT LAUDERDALE. FLA. 33310 • AREA CODE 305 587-2900 INTRODUCTION The terms and expressions listed on the fol~owing pages were compiled from The Proposed American Standard Dictionary~:, . of American Standard Association Terminology, and other reliable sources. These terms are those whose individual mefnings are different in the information processing field than from their meanings in the general technical vocabulary. ,:, Copyright 1964, Commerce Clearing House, Inc. -A- ADDRESS PART A part of an inatruction word that specifies the address ABSOLUTE ADDRESS of an operand. ( 1) An a ddr,'ss th;it is p,•r manently assigned by the machine dPsig,wr to" stor,ig,• location. (2)A pattern of characters ADDRESS REGISTER that idt>ntifies a uniqun storage location without further modification. ·Synonymous with machine addresa. A register that stores an addr~ss. ABSOLUTE ERROR ADP. The value of the error without regard to its algebraic sign. Automatic data processing per~aining to automatic data processing equipment such as EAM and EDP equipment. ACCESS TIME ALGOL. ( 1) The time interval between the instant at which data are called for from a storage device and the instant deliverr Algorithmec oriented language. An international pro­ is completed, i.e., the read time. (2) The time interval cedure -oriented language, between the instant at which data are to be stored and the instant at which storage is completed, i.e. the write time. ALGORITHM ACCUMULATOR A prescribed set of well defined rules or processes for the solution of a problem in a finite number of steps,e.g., A register in which the result of an arithmetic or logic a full statement of an arithmetic procedure for evaluating operation is formed. a specific function to a stated 1Precision. Contrasted with heuristic. ACCURACY ALGORITHMIC LANGUAGE The degree of freedom from error, that is, the degree A language designed for expressing algorithms. of confo·rmityto truthor toarule. Accuracy is contrasted with precision, e.g., four-place numbers are less pre­ cise than six-place numbers, nevertheless a properly ALPHABET computed four-place number might be more accurate than an improperly computed six-place number. An ordered set of unique representations, .:ailed char­ acters, e.g., the 26 letters of the alphabet, 0 and 1 and the complete American Standard Code for Information ACQUISITION SYd-rEM Interchange (ASCII). The part of the system used for analog-to-digital conversion. ALPHANUMERIC Pertaining to a character set that contains both letters ADDRESS and numerals, and usually other characters. (l)An identification, as represented by a name, label, or number, for a reg~ ster, location in storage, or other data ANALOG COMPUTER source or designation. (2) Loosely.any part of an instruc­ tion which specifies the location of an operand for the A computer that solves a probl.em by operating on con­ instruction. tinuous data representing variables to simulate the behavior of the variables and their relationships. ADDRESS, ONE-LEVEL ANALYSIS Same as direct address. The methodical investigation of a problem, and the separation of the problem into smaller related units for ADD.RESS, ZERO-LEVEL further detailed study. Same as immediate address. ANALYST ADDRESS FORMAT A person skilled in the definition of problems and th f' developement of algorithms for their solution, Pspe cin lly The arrangement of the address parts of an instruction. algorithms which may be impjlPmPnted on a c o mputer. The expression plus one is frequently used to indicate that one of the addresses specifies the location of the next instruction to be executed, e.g., one -plus-one, two-plus-one, three-.plus-one, four-plus-one. AND BASE ADDRESS A logic operator having the property that if Pis a state­ A given address from which an absolute addre es is derived ment, Q is a statement, R is a statement, • then by combination with a relative address. the AND of P, Q, R, . • is true if all statements are true, false if any statement is false. P and Qare often represented by P. Q, PQ, P Q, PXQ. BASIC TIMING PULSE The highest frequency pulse available for commutating or ARGUMENT decommutating of data. An independent variable, e. g,, in looking up a quantity in a table, the numbrr, or any of the numbers, that identifies BENCHMARK PROBLEM the location of th~ desired value. A problem used to evaluate the performance of computers relative to each other. ARITHMETIC SHIFT (1) A shift that does not affect the sign position. (2) A BIDIRECTIONAL FLOW shift that is equiv/!(lent to the multiplication of a number by a positive or n,egative integral power of the radix. In flowcharting, flow that can be extended over the same flowlines in either direction. ARITHMETIC UNIT BINARY The unit of a corqputing system that contains the circuits that perform arithmetic operations. ( l) Pertaining to a characteristic or ~roperty involving a ., selection, choice or condition in which there are two pos­ sibilities. (2) Pertaining to the number representation ASSEMBLE system with a radix of two. To prepare a ma'chine language program from a symbolic language program by substituting absolute operation codes BINARY CODE and addresses for symbolic operation codesandaddresses. A code that makes use of exactly two distinct characters, usually 0 and 1. ASSEMBLER A program that assembles. BINARY CODED DECIMAL Pertaining to a decimal notation in which the individual ASYNCHRONOUS COMPUTER decimal digits are each represented by a binary code group, e.g., in the 8-4-2-1 coded drcimal notation, the A computer in which each event or the performance of number twenty-three is represented as 0010 0011 where­ each operation starts as a result of a signal generated by as in binary notation, twenty-three is represented as the completion of the previous event or operation, or by 10111. the availability of the parts of the computer required for the next event or operation, BINARY DIGIT AUTOMATIC CODING A character used to represent one of the integers smaller than the radix 2. The machine assisted preparation of machine language routines. BINARY NUMBER AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMING The binary reRresentation of a number. Programming that uses a computer to perform some stages of the work involved ~n preparing a program. BIQUINARY Pertaining to the number representation system in which AUXILIARY STORAGE each decimal digit N is represented by the digit pair AB, where N=SA + B, and where A=0 or l and B=0, 1, 2, 3, A storage that supplements another storage. or 4 e.g., decimal 7 is represented l;>y biquinary 12. This system is sometimes called a mixed radix system having the radices 2 and 5. BIT BASE A binary digit. Same as radix. BLOCK CARRY A set of associated words or characters handled as a unit. (1) A character or characters, produced in connection with an arithmetic operation on one digit place of two or more numerals in positional notation, and forwarded to BLOCK DIAGRAM another digit place for processing there. (2) The number repre1ented by the character or characters in l. (,)Most A diagram of a system, instrument, computer or program. commonly, a character as defirled in (1), that arise s in in which selected portiors are represented by annotated adding when the sum of two or mote digits equals c,r <· xcced s boxes and interconnecting lines. the radix of the number repres~ntation system , (4) Less commonly, a borrow. (5) To forward a carry. (6) The command directing that a carr~ be forwarded. BOOTSTRAP A technique or device de signed to bring itself into a CASCADED CARRY desired state by means of its own action,e.g., a machine routine whose fir st few instructions are sufficient to bring In parallel addition, a carry pr~c e s sin which the addition the rest of itself into the computer from an input device. of two numerals results in a sum numeral and a carry numeral which are in turn added together, this process being repeated until no new carries are generated. BRANCH Contrasted with high-speed carjry. ( 1) A set of instructions that are executed between two successive decision instructions.( 2)to select a branch as CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT in 1. (3) synonymous with jump. The unit of a computing system that contains the circuits controlling the interpretation and execution of instructions. BREAKPOINT A point in a program specified by an instruction, instruc­ CHAD tion, instruction digit, or other condition, where the pro­ gram may be interrupted by external i.ntervention or by The piece of material removed, when forming a hole or a monitor routine. notch in a storage medium sucp as paper tape or punched cards. BUFFER CHANNEL (1) A storage device used to compensate for a difference in rate of flow of data, or time of occurrence of events, (1) A path along which signals can be sent, e.g., data when transmitting data from one device to another. (2) channel, output channel. (2) the portion of a storage An isolating circuit used to avoid reaction of a driven medium that is accessible to al given reading station,e.g., circuit of any driving circuit. track, band. BUS CHANNEL RATE One or more conductors used for transmitting signals or The frequency of incoming data words. power from one or more sources to one or more des­ tinations. Synonymous with trunk. CHARACTER BYTE An elementary mark or event that is used in combination with others to represent data. A character is often in A sequence of adjacent binary digits operated upon as a the form of·a graphic spacial arrangement of connected unit and usually shorter than a word.
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