VOL. XLIV., NO. 151. ClaMdfled AdTertisliig on Page 0 MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, MARCH 27,1226. m N P A C ^ ) p r ic e t h r e e C B X m AT 93, CRIMEAN FORD GETS COACH GDIL SWINDLER HERO FACES JAIL DRYS REFUSE Clemenceau Predicts His Death TAKE JEWELER This Year, life Work Being Done FOR WAYSIDE INN D.S.BIUJONSn Honored Citizen of Asbury ” # TRIMSBUSINESS TOPUmWTO Annexes Four Horse Power Held on 45 Year Old Charge PARIS, March 27.— "I have fiolahed my labors. My life is ASFENUFOR E U R O P E ^ G O W Made by Aged Sheriff. completed. I will die tbia year.” Vehicle of Early Days to Match Antiques. MEN, $450,DM TESTJF ? m M. Georges Clemanceau is Quoted as having made this predic­ Asbury Park, N. J., March tion to friends who have visited him at bis tiny seaside cottage. GBOANDITS Boston, March 27.— Henry 27— On a 45-year-old charge. “ The sorrow In the twilight of my life,” Clemenceau is re­ A V ^ S M O O r Dr. Edwin’ Pye Turner Rowe Ford has annexed another an­ Osbaldeston, 93, veteran of ported to have said, “ la that I have discovered that, although tique. This time It Is a four Made Fake Sales of Tele- the Crimean waik|gBd one of Flatly Declare Tbemselves I have completed, the program of labor laid out, for me, man horsepower affair— not a fliv­ Joseph Trop Grilled Today ver. Asbury Park’s most respected doesn’t find happiness In ending his life’s work. Happiness S6oator Stirs Dp Contry k j citizens spent last night in the Against Edge Plan for In his search for things very idione Stock as Insider, city Jail, The charge was pre­ comes only in continuation of work and not In finishing your as a Whittemore Sospec^ ancient to keep company with ferred by Deputy Sheriff Fos­ job.” the Wayside Inn, Mr. Ford has Asserting Prirate LoaM Says She Has Spent ter Black, 91 of Binghamton, Referendum— Afraid of M. Clemenceau has made provisions so that his death will not Two More Members of purchased old fashioned black­ N. Y., who alleged Dr. Osbal­ be announced to the world until after bis burial. smith shops, grist mills, a dis­ deston stole a horse and broke trict school and spinning WiB Never Be Pai4 Husband $ 4 0 Clerk. Jail there in 1881. Issne, Says theW ets. Gang Songht in Cleveland. wheel. All date back to the Black said he recently saw time of the Revolutionary a picture of Dr. Osbaldeston War or earlier. Bankers Show CoBcenL New York, March 27.— An In­ In a newspaper and recogniz­ The latest acquisition to his Washington, March 27 — The New York, March 27.— The scene genious scheme through which at ed him as the man indicted in congressional drive for a national treasures Is the antiquated Binghamton 45 years ago. of the Investigation Into the activi­ stage coach owned by the Washington. March 27— A eu;^, referendum In 1928 on modifica­ Peck Measure Ballot Box least a dozen business men are Dr. Osbaldeston today was ties of the Whittemore bandit band Northboro Historical society, prlsingly frank statement by Sen­ tion of the American prohibition alleged to have been swindled out released In the custody of his shifted to Cleveland today. which plied on the highways In ator Reed Smoot, Republlchn of lawyer. In tears Dr. Osbal­ law struck a snag today when dry the days when the Wayside Inn of $460,000 was revealed today Baltimore and New York detec­ Utah, that (he hundreds of millions deston denied the allegation. leaders announced they would op­ Used in ^*Fighting Fifth*^ was the Rltz Carlton of New through the arrest of a “ girl Ponzl” J. Lyle Kinmouth, local ed­ tives were reported en route to the England, of dollars which American bankers pose it. and her husband, a clerk. itor, telegraphed to Gov, Ohio city as a result of the state- have poured, and are still pouring. The prisoners, charged with em­ Moore asking that he refuse In the face of this opposition, Into Europe In leans since the war however, the wets laid plans to ^ ment of Mrs. Edna Condon Unkel- bezzlement and obtaining money to permit extradition. But Even That Does Not Re­ "can npver be paid,” caused a fu­ under false pretenses, are Charles Dr. Osbaldeston was the project, not only the' referendum j back, wife of “ Baltimore Willie,” PLAN THREE MOVES rore of excitement and some em- - W. Bange, 26, and his dark-eyed leader of an expedition Into but the whole Question of prohi- j one of the members of the gang young wife, Mrs. Grace Ott Bange. the Australian bushlands to bltloil modification Into the 1928 move the Jinx That held here, that “ Cleveland was the PREPARE TO GO ON barrassment In administration cir­ campaign. In which a President, cles today. They were arrested on the com­ seek a lost party of explorers. real headQuarters." plaint of William J. Clark, Mrs. He was a practicing physician the entire membership of the IN CHAPMAN CASE House and one-third of the Senate Mrs. Unkelback, taken Into cus­ Senator Smoot's position as Bange’s brother-in-law, who said before old age Lirapacitated Broods Over Keeney WITH TAYLOR CASE chairman of the Senate Finance him. will be elected. tody at Baltimore last night, was he had given Mrs. Bange $24,700 understood to have given detectives Committee, as a member of the for stock but had received instead Senator Edge, Republican of New Jersey, who sponsored a res­ Street— As Usual '"Noth­ there the names of two members of American Debt Funding commis- a batch of receipts. olution authorizing the referendum Habeas Corpus, New Trial the gang not yet caught. It is be­ Mon, and as an occasional "ad- Forty Dollar Clerk declared he would lead a fight to lieved that they may be In Cleve­ Now Denied That Doenments Inistration spokesman,” gave bis Mrs. Bange, whose husband earns carry these Issues to the people. ing land. stp’ — ent an official tinge that $40 a week as a clerk In the Stand­ WESLEYAN GLEE and Appeal to Pardons npparently was very disconcerting Dead Against It District Attorney Banton today Vital to It Are Missing ard Oil Co., told police that hy as­ The drys are dead against the to the International banking world. suring her victims she could huy was planning again to question Wall Street Seeks News proposed referendum. Two of the Residents of the “Fighting Board to Be Attempted. Joseph Trop, former convict. Trop American Telephone and Telegraph CONCERT TONIGHT prohibitionists leading spokesmen, Wall street banking houses Company stock at par, she had ac­ Fifth” school district are discuss­ was taken Into custody late yester­ from Prosecution Office. rushed Inquiries by 'phone and] Senator Sheppard, Democrat of ing today with much Interest last day as a result of the confession of cumulated a fortune In four years. Texas, co-author of the Volstead telegram to their representatives In j By Investing Clark’s money and night’s special meeting which tax­ Hartford, March 27.— Three Unkelback that Trop was one of Washington, seeking light on Sen­ act, and Senator Willis, Republican the “ fences.” Trop, who claimed borrowing more, she said she of Ohio, announced they would op­ ed the little schoolhouse to its ca­ court moves were projected today Los Ajgeles, Calif., March 27.— ator Smoot's bald admission thati National Champions to Sing to be a legitimate jeweler, admit­ some ten billions of dollars In pyramided her capital up to $100,- pose Edge’s proposal. It was their pacity and which resulted In an­ In the Gerald Chapman case. F^rst, While District Attorney Asa Keyes 000 during the first year. ted to police that his office was “ un­ American capital are now In Eu­ contention that the biennial elec­ Ray M. Wiley of Springfield, Is to der his hat.” HevStoutly denied was reported speeding to Los An­ Mrs, Bange said she had less other adjournment— or In other rope to stay, because Europe never at High School for Sen- tion of dry Congresses, have fur­ that he had purchased any stolen geles from the east, where he will be able to pay them back. than $1,000 left of her money, hav­ nished a sufficient referendum on words, another victory for the move in an effort to secure a writ ing lived sumptuously, traveling Manning faction. The only thing of habeas corpus from some fedetal jewelry from the Whittemore gang opened a ne'W Investigation of the The Senator’s statement was bur I the dry Question. but police believe he may give them abroad and spending lavishly. De­ As a result of dry opposition, missing to make the meeting last William Desmond Taylor case, ^ed deep In the recesses of his! iors’ Benefit. district court judge In either Massa- valuable information, 50,000 word speech, which reQulr- tectives doubted this statement, the wets held small hope of having night a real rural school meeting plans were reported being rushed chusetts. New York or Connecticut Trop led detectives to his safety ed four hours for delivery In the .V,^ however, and planned to search her the referendum authorized at the was the absence of old bam lan­ here for placing the case before the safe-deposit box today. terns as the school now has electric on the ground that Chapman Is Il­ deposit vault where $20,000 worth opening debate on the Italian debt The musical clubs of Wesleyan present session of Congress.
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