ANNUAL REPORT 2003DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT– AND 0URBAN PLANNING4 Level 12 Roma Mitchell House 136 North Terrace ADELAIDE SA 5000 DX407 PO Box 8197, Station Arcade ADELAIDE SA 5000 Telephone (08) 8204 8200 Facsimile (08) 8204 8216 www.dtup.sa.gov.au Department of Transport & Urban Planning Annual Report - DTUP (Print) ISSN 1448-7357 Annual Report - DTUP (Online) ISSN 1448-742X Annual Report - DTUP (CD-ROM) ISSN 1448-7365 Front Cover Dynamic photograph of traffic entering the Heysen Tunnels DTUP 2003-2004 Annual Report The Honourable Trish White MP The Honourable John Hill MP Minister for Transport Minister for the Southern Suburbs Minister for Urban Development and Planning Level 9 Level 12 Chesser House Roma Mitchell House 91-97 Grenfell Street 136 North Terrace ADELAIDE SA 5000 ADELAIDE SA 5000 The Honourable Rory McEwen MP Minister for State/Local Government Relations Level 9 Terrace Towers 178 North Terrace ADELAIDE SA 5000 Dear Ministers, I have pleasure in presenting the annual report of the Department of Transport and Urban Planning for the year ended 30 June 2004. The Department continues to change to meet the diverse needs of the Ministerial portfolios and the Government’s strategic directions. The report details the work, achievements and relevant statutory and financial information of the Department and provides an insight into the priorities for 2004-05. The Department looks forward to a challenging and exciting year in which it will continue to contribute to the growth and prosperity of South Australia. This report is for submission to Parliament and complies with the requirements of the Public Sector Management Act 1995 and the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987. The report of the Commissioner of Highways under the provisions of the Highways Act 1926 is also incorporated within this report. Yours sincerely, T W O’ Loughlin CHIEF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND URBAN PLANNING III CONTENTS TRANSPORT PLANNING MESSAGE FROM THE 21 Introduction CHIEF EXECUTIVE 1 Objective Functions PROFILE STRUCTURE 5 Operations Introduction Major Highlights for 2003-04 DTUP Vision Statement Key Results for 2003-04 DTUP Mission Statement The Way Forward for 2004-05 ORGANISATIONAL CHART 6 TRANSPORT SERVICES (TRANSPORT SA) 29 Introduction MINISTERIAL RESPONSIBILITIES, Objective ADMINISTERED ITEMS AND STATUTES 8 Functions Operations LEGISLATION 9 Major Highlights for 2003-04 Minister for Transport, Urban Development Key Results for 2003-04 and Planning The Way Forward for 2004-05 Minister for State and Local Government Relations REPORTS FROM THE REGISTAR OF Minister for Southern Suburbs MOTOR VEHICLES 39 Register PRIORITIES 10 Revenue Accident Towing and Investigations MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS 2003-04 11 Vehicles Securities Register Road Safety Reform Rights of Review and Appeal South Australian Road Safety Strategy E-Commerce 2003-10 Overseas Travel Transport Security Port River Expressway PLANNING SA 43 North-South Corridor Master Plan Introduction Mawson Interchange Functions of the Agency Public Transport Patronage Objectives of the Agency Real Time Passenger Information Operations NOMADS On Track Major Highlights for 2003-04 Improved Facilities at Noarlunga Interchange Key Results for 2003-04 Parklands 2036 The Way Forward for 2004-05 Places for People Program Regional Open Space Enhancement Subsidy OFFICE OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT 51 (ROSES) Program Introduction Coast Park Objectives Functions STATE STRATEGIC PLAN 13 Operations Major Highlights for 2003-04 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION 14 Key Results for 2003-04 The Way Forward for 2004-05 SOCIAL INCLUSION 15 OFFICE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT 59 SUSTAINABILITY 16 Introduction COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS 19 Objectives Functions Operations Major Highlights for 2003-04 Key Results for 2003-04 IV The Way Forward for 2004-05 DTUP 2003-2004 Annual Report OFFICE FOR THE SOUTHERN SUBURBS 63 HUMAN RESOURCES 77 Introduction Overview Functions Employment, and other Human Resource Matters Objectives Private Sector Mobility Program Operations Workforce Diversity Major Highlights for 2003-04 Indigenous (Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander) Key Results for 2003-04 Employees The Way Forward for 2004-05 Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Disability OFFICE OF THE NORTH 67 Training and Development Introduction Performance Management Objectives Equal Opportunity Programs Functions Occupational, Health, Safety and Injury Management (OHS&IM) Operations Disability Action Plans Major Highlights for 2003-04 Monitoring and Reporting Key Results for 2003-04 The Way Forward for 2004-05 The Way Forward for 2004-05 STATUTORY OBLIGATIONS REGIONAL MINISTERIAL OFFICES 71 Introduction ACCOUNT PAYMENT PERFORMANCE 87 Objective Functions BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 88 Operations CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENTS 89 Major Highlights for 2003-04 Key Results for 2003-04 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION STATEMENT 90 The Way Forward for 2004-05 REGIONAL IMPACT STATEMENTS 90 CORPORATE SERVICES DIVISION 73 OVERSEAS TRAVEL 91 Purpose Objectives ENERGY EFFICIENCY ACTION PLAN REPORT 92 Key Results for 2003-04 Significant Energy Management The Way Forward for 2004-05 Achievements Annual Energy Use Reporting – DTUP CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 75 Risk Management NATIONAL COMPETITION POLICY 96 Fraud Detection and Internal Audit Legislation Review Contracting and Procurement Competitive Neutrality Policies and Procedures National Road Transport Reforms RECONCILIATION 97 Reconciliation Statement Public Sector Employment and Human Resource Capacity Building Cultural Awareness Partnerships with Aboriginal People The Way Forward for 2004-05 CONSULTANCIES 99 FINANCIAL PAGES 100 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 181 AGENCY CONTACT DETAILS 182 V ADDENDUM T W O’LOUGHLIN Chief Executive Department of Transport and Urban Planning DTUP 2003-2004 Annual Report MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE The Department of Transport and Urban Planning (DTUP) TRANSPORT INITIATIVES has diverse responsibilities in relation to urban and regional Phase 1 of the Road Safety Reform Package, incorporating development, State and local government relations, road infrastructure, education of drivers and the public, and and public transport systems and services, and social regulatory measures, was further developed and inclusion initiatives. implemented. The Department provides policy advice to the Minister for The Department is managing a vigorous investment Transport, the Minister for Urban Development and program that this year saw approval for a solution to the Planning, the Minister for State/Local Government Relations ongoing problems of the Britannia Roundabout; the and the Minister for the Southern Suburbs. commencement of work on the City-West Connector, which will include replacement of the Bakewell Bridge; and The organisational changes that I reported on last year have Commonwealth funding approved for the Port River demonstrated their value during the past year. Expressway project. The Transport Planning Agency has provided a clearer Increasing use of public transport will be achieved by transport policy focus and worked hard to improve the building on our successes in information and marketing State’s share of Commonwealth road funding in the Auslink which demonstrates the benefits of public transport. program, although the State continues to receive a disproportionately low share of Commonwealth road PLANNING INITIATIVES funding (on a per-capita or per-kilometre basis). The Urban Development and Social Policy Division has been created within Planning SA to respond to the need and The Transport Services Agency has continued to pursue associated challenges for better coordination and policy operational efficiencies and improved responsiveness with determination within government. This covers issues such its focus on service delivery. as the shortfall in the supply of affordable housing, and the level and nature of social and physical infrastructure to be provided for residential and industrial development. The Corporate Services Division implemented a shared services approach to corporate and transactional services within the former transport agencies in September 2003, Planning SA worked with a number of key State and then extended the approach to the remainder of DTUP. Government agencies and organisations to create a revised The shared services arrangement has already demonstrated Planning Strategy to guide future development in significant efficiency gains and service improvements for metropolitan Adelaide, and a new draft strategy for the the Department. Inner Region. The Office of the North and the Office for the Southern Suburbs continue to provide a focus for economic development and social inclusion opportunities within those particular communities, adopting innovative whole-of- government initiatives. The community expects government to deliver as a single unit and these offices continue to play a pivotal role in government meeting that community expectation. 1 LOCAL GOVERNMENT OUR PEOPLE On 8 March 2004, the Premier of South Australia and the I would like to take this opportunity to thank staff across President of the Local Government Association (LGA) the portfolio for their commitment, loyalty and signed the State-Local Government Relations Agreement, professionalism during a challenging year. More than many an initiative of the Minister’s Local Government Forum. Departments, our staff in this Department have transferable The Agreement aims to improve consultation arrangements professional skills that are highly valued in both the private and communication practices, and building closer, more sector
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