Public Document Pack CHILDREN & LEARNING OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY SUB-COMMITTEE AGENDA Thursday 7.00 pm Town Hall 12 January 2017 Members 9: Quorum 4 COUNCILLORS: Gillian Ford (Chairman) John Glanville Keith Roberts Meg Davis (Vice-Chair) Robby Misir Carol Smith Nic Dodin Viddy Persaud John Wood CO-OPTED MEMBERS: Statutory Members Statutory Members representing the Churches representing parent governors Lynne Bennett, Church of Julie Lamb, Special Schools England Suzanne Summers, Parent Jack How, Roman Catholic governors (secondary) Church Steven McCarthy, Primary school governors Non-voting members representing local teacher unions and professional associations: Keith Passingham (NASUWT), Ian Rusha (NUT) and Linda Beck (National Association of Headteachers) For information about the meeting please contact: Debra Marlow, Principal Democratic Services Officer 01708 433091 [email protected]. Children & Learning Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee, 12 January 2017 Protocol for members of the public wishing to report on meetings of the London Borough of Havering Members of the public are entitled to report on meetings of Council, Committees and Cabinet, except in circumstances where the public have been excluded as permitted by law. Reporting means:- filming, photographing or making an audio recording of the proceedings of the meeting; using any other means for enabling persons not present to see or hear proceedings at a meeting as it takes place or later; or reporting or providing commentary on proceedings at a meeting, orally or in writing, so that the report or commentary is available as the meeting takes place or later if the person is not present. Anyone present at a meeting as it takes place is not permitted to carry out an oral commentary or report. This is to prevent the business of the meeting being disrupted. Anyone attending a meeting is asked to advise Democratic Services staff on 01708 433076 that they wish to report on the meeting and how they wish to do so. This is to enable employees to guide anyone choosing to report on proceedings to an appropriate place from which to be able to report effectively. Members of the public are asked to remain seated throughout the meeting as standing up and walking around could distract from the business in hand. What is Overview & Scrutiny? Each local authority is required by law to establish an overview and scrutiny function to support and scrutinise the Council’s executive arrangements. Each overview and scrutiny sub- committee has its own remit as set out in the terms of reference but they each meet to consider issues of local importance. The sub-committees have a number of key roles: 1. Providing a critical friend challenge to policy and decision makers. 2. Driving improvement in public services. 3. Holding key local partners to account. 4. Enabling the voice and concerns to the public. The sub-committees consider issues by receiving information from, and questioning, Cabinet Members, officers and external partners to develop an understanding of proposals, policy and practices. They can then develop recommendations that they believe will improve performance, or as a response to public consultations. These are considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Board and if approved, submitted for a response to Council, Cabinet and other relevant bodies. Children & Learning Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee, 12 January 2017 Sub-Committees will often establish Topic Groups to examine specific areas in much greater detail. These groups consist of a number of Members and the review period can last for anything from a few weeks to a year or more to allow the Members to comprehensively examine an issue through interviewing expert witnesses, conducting research or undertaking site visits. Once the topic group has finished its work it will send a report to the Sub-Committee that created it and will often suggest recommendations for the Overview and Scrutiny Board to pass to the Council’s Executive. Terms of Reference The areas scrutinised by the Committee are: Pupil and Student Services (including the Youth Service) Children’s Social Services Safeguarding Adult Education Councillor Calls for Action Social Inclusion Children & Learning Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee, 12 January 2017 AGENDA ITEMS 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS (if any) - receive. 2 DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Members are invited to disclose any interests in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting. Members may still declare an interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter. 3 CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chairman will announce details of the arrangements in case of fire or other events that might require the meeting room or building’s evacuation. 4 MINUTES (Pages 1 - 8) To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 8 November 2016 and authorise the Chairman to sign them. 5 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND DISABILITIES (SEND ) TRANSPORT UPDATE (Pages 9 - 34) The Sub Committee will receive a report detailing progress to date in addressing issues in the Havering Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Transport Offer and future intended actions. Members will be asked to note the content of the report. 6 QUARTERLY CORPORATE PERFORMANCE REPORT To receive a presentation from the Head of Business & Performance. At the time of publication this is not available but will be published as soon as possible. 7 RECENT REPORT ON SCHOOL PERFORMANCE AND SCHOOL PERFORMANCE DATA (Pages 35 - 212) The Sub Committee will receive a report detailing the contents of the latest report by Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Schools (HMCI) in respect of Havering schools’ performance; and the Council’s response to the findings in the report. 8 HAVERING SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN BOARD - ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16 (Pages 213 - 274) The Sub Committee will receive and consider the Havering Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2015-16. Children & Learning Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee, 12 January 2017 9 REPORT FROM OFSTED INSPECTION AND ACTION PLAN (Pages 275 - 320) 10 FUTURE AGENDAS Committee Members are invited to indicate to the Chairman, items within this Committee's terms of reference they would like to see discussed at a future meeting. Note: it is not considered appropriate for issues relating to individuals to be discussed under this provision. 11 URGENT BUSINESS To consider any other item in respect of which the Chairman is of the opinion, by reason of special circumstances which shall be specified in the minutes, that the item should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. 12 EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC To consider whether the public should now be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that it is likely that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, if members of the public were present during those items there would be disclosure to them of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972; and, if it is decided to exclude the public on those grounds, the Committee to resolve accordingly on the motion of the Chairman. 13 SUB COMMITTEE'S RECENT VISIT TO CHILDREN'S SERVICES (Pages 321 - 328) The Sub Committee will discuss and feedback on their recent visit to Children’s Services. Andrew Beesley Head of Democratic Services This page is intentionally left blank Public Document1M Pack Agenda Item 4 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CHILDREN & LEARNING OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY SUB-COMMITTEE Town Hall 8 November 2016 (7.00 - 9.15 pm) Present: Councillors Gillian Ford (Chairman), Meg Davis (Vice- Chair), Nic Dodin, Viddy Persaud, Carol Smith, Keith Roberts, Roger Westwood and John Wood Co-opted Members: Julie Lamb and Suzanne Summers Church Representatives: Lynne Bennett and Jack How Non-voting Member: Ian Rusha The Chairman advised those present of action to be taken in the event of an emergency evacuation of the building becoming necessary Apologies for absence were received from Councillor John Glanville, co-opted member Steven McCarthy and Linda Beck 1 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 6 September 2016 were amended to take account that Lynne Bennett was present, then agreed and signed by the Chairman. 2 HEALTHWATCH ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 Bev Markham from Healthwatch Havering presented the Healthwatch Annual Report. She explained that she was responsible for recruiting volunteers and had shadowed the Head of Learning Disabilities to understand the issues faced. They had attended Ravensbourne School to meet with parents to understand the challenges they faced. The main area was that there was no contact with NELFT. Work in this area had been centred on parents and carers in the community. Healthwatch continued to chair the quarterly meetings that bring together NELFT, the CCG, BHRUT, CAMHS, the local authority and Positive Parents, a representative group of parents of children who had learning disabilities. These meetings have been very successful and meet on the three-monthly basis. An action plan has been produced of what was expected from the group. There were 60 action points that were agreed at the start in 2014, Page 1 Children & Learning Overview & Scrutiny 2M Sub-Committee, 8 November 2016 and only 20 of these had been cleared as this was a very involved and complex subject. It was noted that there was also a Learning Disability work group with Queens Hospital which included a Learning Disability Paediatric Nurse. This group had worked hard in getting children with learning disabilities accommodated in each specialist area, and there was a specialist Phlebotomy Nurse. Members asked if there were other therapists that delivered services to children and adults with disabilities and whether this information was also provided to the Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee.
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