Murray State's Digital Commons The eN ws Newspapers 6-23-1955 The ewN s, June 23, 1955 The ewN s Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tn Recommended Citation The eN ws, "The eN ws, June 23, 1955" (1955). The News. 1209. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tn/1209 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eN ws by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. UvS. TEAKVNG OH » VER^UA ALS -jutting* from PAGES Jo's This Issue I» *.. NEWS^^ 12 — The Farm and Home Paper of the Ken-Tenn Territory Note Book Volume Twenty-Four Fulton, Fulton County, Kentucky, Thursday June 23, 1955 Number Twenty-Five Now that thr word it out a- bout this "rugged hill country in Southwest Kentucky" and everybody knows about tha Chamber Of Commerce Nepro Promts Be fng By Local "backwoods justice" w,. dispense StSS around here, our next question is Where do we go from here? The front page stories in the Membership Drive Is MEMBERSHIP DRIYE Police Officer On Sunday Nite Memphis Press-Scimitar, the story in Newsweek, a weekly Board Members R. C. Waire, a Negro resident of South Fulton is pro newsmagazine, th,. editorials in testing the severe beating he said he received at the the Hickman Courier and re- Meet To Discuss hands of a Fulton policeman Sunday night in front of prints and comments in various Town-Building Plan CANDIDATE ADAMS the Swift and Company plar.t. Waire was picked up other publications have, as one The membership drive for Committee, which is doing such ; Future Of Group person said "Put Hickman on the current year in these towns a splendid job under the direct- j late Sunday night as a suspect in a series of "peeping At a meeting of the ( <,inun- VISITS FULTON IN torn" incident in East Funton. • Ii„ map" Th..i~u rtui mil..rl "kirkml,>iff" with » Chamber n( "j', ment- ilv concerts Assneiat:• ,n held We have asked ourselves many Commerce dinner meeting last toned the necessary improve Tuesday afternootftfcv boai J of Witnegnes -who- saw Waire later said he received time what the end result of ThursdaJ y~ Durin" g "th e -comin 1 g ment' s in 'traffi c anJd parking directors went on frecord as de- CAMPAIGN INTEREST two cuts and other lacerations about the head, suffered the "expose" will be. It is poss- two weeks every bu,«ir*'»a in (which ore also under way In ferring a membership campaign from a hemorrhage of the eye and received a badly both towns will lie contacted for a committee); recreational- faci- for this year. President Win Prominent State ible that the next term of court bruised place on his shoulder. Waire said that Officer In September will be watched their membership -- to build lilies, transportion. and the in- whitnel presided at the meet- Official Popular with keen .interest, and an oui towns both economically- terest a Chamber of Commerce tng Carmi Page beat him over the head with the butt of I'lmneaf juror will be as hard and community-wist must have in the cities' govern- ; Foi five years an important In Farm Circles his pistol while officer E. W. Bethel sat in the police to find as the proverbial needle The guests at the dinner were mental alfairs since "they have part „( the cultural program of car near the plant. in the hay-stack Juries In the Bin Little. Public Relations and - direct bearing on making your Fulto4. ,he association has Coudedote PONE The News learned that: then Page dragged him out of pvtl. according to thr Jones Publicity Director, Martin Zook, towns desirable places for people brought a large numbei of tal- Ben S. Adams. Commissioner the car and started hitting him published, have been weak- directui of Agriculture, and W to live and for new. business to ented Bnd accomplish. -, artists of Agriculture and a candidate Sunday night Mrs Carmi for lieutenant-Governor in the Page and Mrs. E. W. Bethel over the head with the butt ol minded. easily influenced, fesr- P Brooks. Director of Member- locate here" He dwelt-at length t„ the city The program has his pistol. Waire said he kept on Democratic primaries in Au- were sittu^g on Mrs. Bethel's . ful people who havp held a ship of the Memphis Chamber industrial development and been designed to brtng Carnegie protesting his innocence about gust was a visitor in Fulton Tues- porch on Vine Street when they gone-hog, far more important of Commerce In his talk to the 'he needs of a town to satisfy nail artists to the email com- ihe 'peeping torn" charges. to the public interest than a membegi last Thursday night, industrial prospects as follows: munitiet at a email cost to the day. Mr Adams conferred with saw a Negro walk by the house (Ofticer Page said that he gone-citlxen You remember Mi Brooks offered tome tug- "Before you can sell Fulton as members. A membership drive his local campaign managers and turn north on Maple Street. asked Waire to get out of the nf hogs and men hog-dealers •testions for lift Chamber of • location (or industry, you has been held once a year to and visited many of his Fulton Within a short time a 1938 car and when Waire refused get three years . , killers go Commerce to do u> have Ful- mu,t create in Fulton Jhe typ, of secure memberships friends. Ford passed the house and the Page attempted tc get the Negro scot free with a Circuit Court ton "keep moving ahead as It community in which an industry It was the conceosus of the Mi Adams, a native of Hop- ladies remarked that the driver medal from the jury for bra- should in the future" He com- would want to locate" That we members of the board of direct- kinsville, and popular in agri- looked like the man who had out of the car. Page said that it became necessary to subdue very plimented Ihe program now un- mu,t mal" Fulton "an. attractive Drs present that the member - cultural circles all over Kentucky just walked past the house. Of- said that he was most gratified the Negro when he resisted ar- der way of this Agriculture Packa«» »nd, lha< package ship drive be deferred until, u . — ficer Bethel had just driven up rest.) > We tadlv doubt the valu, ot to Industrial prospec**.' further action could be taken wl,h lhe respons, his campaign in his car and on hearing the He was taken to the ladies the extremely bad publicity Uut These are things the Cham- - on the future of the organixat- ** receiving all over the State, remark said that the Negro was and they said "they thought" it haa been given lli|* area and ber of Commerce is presently ion. H,. reported that he has cam- the "peeping torn" suspect that was the same man who had pass- the aspersions the! havr been COUNTY ROADS 3 working on — but in order to \ representative of the Com- P»'*n managers in 89 counties had been menacing East Fulton east en the Integrity of the M "sell that package" it is neces- munity Concerts Association Kentucky and each of them residents. He did not see the ed the house. They could make penons alone who served sary to have sufficient funds to was in Fulton last Saturday con- was working diligently in the driver of the car, he said no positive identification. the Jarie* in the three eases ,7 TIMES BETTER NOW maintain an office and to send ferring with the executive board interest of his campaign Bethel got in his car and pick- (Officers Pag,, and Bethel ferred to in the trtieea lepresentatives out to sell! j of the organisation. ,n ruiton County Lucien Is- ed up Mr Page and together said that at first Waire denied THAN DURING 1937 The membership committee. bell and J. A. Willingham are they trailed the auto to the he had been in the area and now working for memberships co-chairmen for the Adams Swift plant where it was park- later admitted that he had been To rrlrrth your memory the in the Chamber of Commerce, campaign. Both men are act- three cases in question cited as ed waiting for a train to pass. near the Gulf bulk plant in the Combe Reveals is under direction of Chic Win- ively engaged in Farm Bureau "backwoods Justice" were: REV. CHARLES ROE Wair, told this story: vicinity of Vine and Maple.) Massive Program gate and Leon Hutchins The work in West Kentucky and Officevjnicerj Page went to the car The trial of Ida Davis, In- men who are out selling to- Waire said he was taken to the dicted for murder Th, rase re- During 714 Years day (others will be added I are: TO BE NEW PAHOD ^ ,?rominent .in Sute andtoldhim togetoutand'used city jail where he wit Constantly sulted In a hung jury for lack I continued on page seven) IV UL Hill r«JIVRci«ies of the organization. abusive language to him be- jabbed in th(, stomach with a of evidence presented to the More than 3 times as much ] Mr Adams left Fulton Tues- cause of hjs (Wajre',, alleged nightstick for a confession. He Jury and the cat, was subse- highway construction hat taken i AT 1ST CHRISTIAN day evening and proceeded on piping torn" acttviUes.
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