Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1965-1969 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine 8-21-1969 August 21, 1969 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_65-69 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Arkansas Baptist State Convention, "August 21, 1969" (1969). Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1965-1969. 7. https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_65-69/7 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine at Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. It has been accepted for inclusion in Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1965-1969 by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.'' Perso nally_ He really is able ! speaking .IN THIS ISSUE: CHEROKEE VILLAGE Church was '.treed·' in its early stages by Arkansas missionary, page ~He 10, when he found great promise for establishing is ahle' a church. In a Sunday School class recently, the discus­ ) _sion centered on that part of the Sermon on the PINE GROVE Church, Sweet Hoine, will ob­ Mount in which the Lord warns his followers ·serve its 10oth anniversary f?unday, Aug. 24, with against being too much concerned at laying up former pastor Roy Hilton as guest speaker, treasures on earth (Mt. 6:19-34). ·page 5. Some one suggested that if every person in the world would do what is called for in Matthew 6 :33, UNIVERSITY A VENUE site is selected, page that the earth would become a part of heaven it­ 6, for Arkansas Baptist Medical Center, to be self. erected at a cost of $18 million. No, said some one else, not quite! The world would be a much better place in which . to live if 'FIND OUT what God is doing .and help,' everybody would seek first the kingdom of God­ urges Dr. Charles H. Ashcraft, page 9, in an ad­ the reign of God within us-"thy will, not my dress to students. at Ouachita commel}cement. will.'' But even then life would not be perfect this side of heaven. The imperfectio1!,_1aowever, would GENESIS BOOK written by 0. M. Stallings, be on the part of man, not of God. page 8, of Conway, deals with every one of the This brings us to our main co~siderati.on here, fifty chapt~rs. the ability of God to meet the needs of our lives.. , Consider these wonderful assurances from the C. E. AUTREY to join staff of New Orleans Apostle Paul: Seminary, page 14, as he retires four months ''He [Abraham] staggered not at the promise early as top evangelism leader for The Southern of God through unbelief; but was strong in .faith, Baptist Convention, director of the SBC Home giving glory to God; Mission Board's division of evangelism. ''And being fully persuaded that, what he had pr.omis~d, he was able also to perform (Ro:m. COVER story, page 5. 4:20-21). Speaking of God's severity upon the Jews, the chosen people, because of_their waywardness, Paul Arlailsa~ Baptist warns the Gentiles: ~ August 21, 1969 "Behold therefore the goodness and 'severity · Volume 68, No. 33 of God: on tliem which fell, severity; but toward Editor, ERWIN L. McDONALD, Litt. D. thee, goodness·, if thou continue in his goodness : Associate Editor, MRS. E. F.- STOKES otherwise thou a:lso shalt be cut off. Managing Editor, FRANKLIN I. PRESSON "And ~hey also [the Jews who had fallen Secretary to Editor, MRs. HARRY GIBERSON away], if they abide not still in, unbelief, shall be .. Mail Clerk, MRS. WELDON TAYLOR graffed in: for Goq is able to graff them in again 525 \{eot Capitol Avenue, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201. Published weekly except on July 4 · and December 2'5. - Second-class posta&'e (Rolfl. , 11 :22-23). paid at Little Ro~k. Arkansas. Individual subscription, $2.75 per year. Church budget, 16 ce11ts J.)er month or $1.92 per. year per church family. Club plan (10. or more In Ephesians 3 :20, Paul ''puts on the side­ paid annually ln advance), $2.26 per yeal'. Sub.scriptions to foreign boards,.'' as we used to say of our equipping the address, $4.75 per ye&F. Advertising rates on request. Opinions expressed In editor ials and signed a rticles are those of th. farm wagon to hold the biggest possible load, as writer. Member of Southern Baptist Press Association, Associated he declares : . Church Press, Evangelical Press Association. Abbreviations used In cr editing news· Items: BP Baptist Press; ·CB. "Now unto him that is able to do exoeedmg Church Bulletin; DP Dally Pnoes ; EP Evangelical Press ; LC Local . abundp;ntly above all that we ask o.r think, accord­ Correspondent ; AB Assoelational Bulletin ; EBPS European Baptlat Preaa Service. • ing to the power that worketh in us. Page Two ARKANSAS BAPTIST NEWSMAGAZINE Showing out faith by our works Washington papers last week carried the heart­ benefit of persons on the :state welfare rolls. rending story of the murder of .a young mother Texas· voters, who ni:rie months previously had and the' death from starvation of her 18-months­ voted against the proposal, with greater enlight­ old son. ment on the proposition voted nearly two to one The badly deteriorated body, of Mrs. Claudia to adopt the amendment. E .. Weintraub, of Bethesda, Md., and the remains There are many ways ordinary Christians can of her son, Jeffrey, were found in the \V eintraub help destitue people. Texas Baptists, we believe, home Aug. 5, about a week after the mother had have shown one very effective way-through been stabbed to death. Officers said that the in­ Christians concerning themselves in government · fant, whose body was f9und in his crib, apparent­ and political affairs. · ly had died of starvation and dehydration about Christians who say by their actions that the three days after the slaying of his mother. The crying needs of people-men, women, and children air-conditioner in a window of the residence had -all around them is none of their business or con­ · apparently drowned the cries of the child so that cern are practicing heresy at its worst. even the people ne~t door had not heard him. Nothing can be done now for Mrs. Wintraub o.e (J,I ti-e /J-44-t and little Jeffrey. And now they are beyond the inhumanities of the criminally insane such as the If the Baptist pastor's habitat be somewhat thorny in Arkansas·, please let the pastor be pa­ p~rson or persons who killed them. But the sad news of what had happened to them should cause tient and let the brethren be very kind. Let pas­ us to be more concerned about doh_1g whatever we tors and churches seek to avoid irritating one an­ can to keep things like this from happening again. other. If the pastor's resignation would heal the Cases such as that of the W eintraubs, fortu­ bigg·est wound or two or three of the smaller nately,,.. are still rare. But this should remind us wounds, would not a lj.ttle more pious wisdom ~nd that untold numbers of others are slowly dying brotherly for}?earance heal all the wounds without for lack of proper housing, adequate food, cloth­ a resignation T-Baptist Advance, Jan. 25, '902 ·ing,. medical attention and opportunities for phys- Man-H st ~f God's Creation ' • ical, mental, and spiritual growth and develop­ ment for purposeful and abundant living. We Christians must be concerned about the needs of people-not just their spiritual needs, but also their physical and mental needs. Church people and church agencies · in Tex­ as recently joined forces with leaders from civic, community,-and legislative 'circles to persuade the voters of the state to reverse themselves and vote for a higher ceiling for welfare grants. Among the church leaders from many different denominations who .actively campaigned £or the increase was W. A. Criswell, pastor of First Church, Dallas, and president of the Southern Baptist Convention. "lt'.s not. being 'liberal' to minister to the needs of1 the hungry, the disabled, and the sick," Criswell said, at a meeting. ahead of the election. "It's just simply being Christian." Two agencies of the Baptist General Conven­ tion of Texas- The Christian Life Commis.sion and the Texas Baptist Human Welfare Commis­ sion- along with the convention's weekly paper, "WHEN J' La:;IK/N7l' THE #/Qo</T SK/£5 A/o/.0 SE.t: THE Wt:JRk' t:J.F The Baptist Standard, worked actively for "P.ro­ Yt:JVR r/A/6ER5- THE MC¥7/V .4#.(:) S7)1RS Yt:Jt/ hi-41/E /WAPE -f~AWt:JT U#PERS.i'A'#.O #t:JWYCJU C'M/6t'm'ER W/T#h!ERE positi'on 5," a constitutional amendment to raise ~M"' MAN, Tt:J PAY4#Y AT/F#T/t:W TCJ #/,#/ .4#.0Y.ET Ya//#11/E... q -1"..1'.4. tJ:J-5' ("/"AY£17R:f L//1'/AitS.P..I'IILII.f;_) the ceiling from $60 million to $80 million for the 7At"<t"'NA~ ·--... AUGUST 21, 1969 Page Three The people speak~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crisis in nation demands revival, Is it not true that far too many of But 1 Christian people had met together job as long as those who break the the American people are either asleep, to pray for the nation, and the In­ law are convinced that they are in tho or too morally sick to take a stand? donesian people rallied and drove the right.
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