1882. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3493 protesting agaimt the repeal of the tax on matches-to the Com- County, Iowa; the petition of :M. V. Burdick and others, of Alla.ma­ mittee on Ways and Means. kee County, Iowa; and the petition of Judge C. T. Granger and three By Mr. PEELLE: The petition of Robertson & PelTy and others, attorneys of Allamakee County, Iowa, prayin~ for the pa age of t.he merchants of Indianapolis, Indiana, protesting against the repeal of bill for the establishment of a term of the Urn ted States district and the tax on matches-to the same committee. , circuit court in l\la on City, Iowa. As the petitions relate tp a bill By Mr. ROBERTSON: The petition of citizens of Fridge's Store now pending before the Judicjary Committee, I move their re-ference and Magnolia, Louisiana, for the restoration of fractional currency­ to that committee. to the Committee on Banking and Currency. The motion was agreed to. Also the petition of citizens of Fridge's Store and Magnolia, Louis­ Mr. PLIDlB presented three petitions of citizens of Kansas, in favor iana, for the construction of a ship-railway aero s the Isthmu of of an appropriation for education in the Territory of Alaska; whlch Tehuantepec-to the Committee on Foreign A.fi"airs. were referred to the Committee on Education and Labor. By Mr. SIMONTON: The petition of the board of health of Ten­ Mr. SEWELL presented the :petition of Surgeon-General Josepb. nessee, for Government aid to prevent overflow of the Mississippi K. Barnes, .Adjutant-General R. C. Drum, Inspector-General D. B. River-to the Committee on Levees and Improvement of the Missis­ Sa.ckett, Assistant Surgeon-General C. H. Crane, ChiefMedicalPux­ sippi River. veyor J. H. Baxter, and 5lieutenant-colonels, 7 majors, 14 captains, By Mr. STOCKSLAGER: The petition of 200 citizens of Clark 6 lieutenants, making in all37 officers of the Army, praying for -the County, Indiana, asking that a pension be granted to John Rial-to passage of the bill for compulsory :retirement; which wasrefe.tred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the Committee on Military Affair . By Mr. THOMAS: Papers relating to the bill to authorize the pay­ Mr. D.A VIS, of West Virginia, pre ented a petition of citiz~ns of ment of prize-money to the captors of the steamboat New Em No.5 Monongalia County,West Virginia, praying for national aid to com­ and cargo-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. mon schools; whic~ was referred to the Committee on Education By Mr. H. G. TURNER: The petition of W. M. Adams and 354 and Labor. others, citizens of Miller County, Georgia, for an appropriation for Mr. ANTHONY. I present resolutions of the General Assembly of educational purposes-to the Committee on Education and L:\bor. the State of Rhode Island, stating that they recognize tbe paramount By Mr. UPSON: The pet ition of citizens of San Antonio, Texas, importance of an intelligent ballot, and view with serious apprehen­ for an appropriation for educational purpo e -to the same commit­ sion the growth and extension of the illiterate vote of the country, tee. and recommending such legislation as will enable the States of the By Mr. 'VILLIS: The petition of Kn,thariuo Bender, and of John Union, in proportion to their illiterate population, to establish and D. Ra:v, for a pension-t() the Committee on Invalid Pensions. maintain a sufficient number of schools for the education of youth. By ~fr. WALTER A. WOOD: The petition of citizens of Troy, I move the reference of the re 'olutions to the Committee on Educ$1,­ New York, for the pas age of a bill to establish a uniform system of tion and Labor. bankruptcy throughout the United States-to the Committee on the The motion wa agreed to. Judiciary. Mr. FERRY presented the petition of Lucy T. Stansell and o~er Bl Mr. YOUNG: The petition of J. & M. Custy and H. W. Hoops, residents of l\lanistee, Michigan, pr~ying for the passage of a law for of 1\ew York City; of Shryock & Co. and 29 other busine firms of the adoption of a sixteenth amendment to the Constitution extend­ Louisville, Kentucky ; of A. Berga and 18 other business firms of ing to women the right of suffrage; which was referred to the Select Kansas and Missouri; of C. B. Yetzgor and 23 other business firms Committee on Woman Suffrage. · of Pennsylvania; of George Parsons and 34 other bu ine firms of He also presented the memorial of Lucy T. Stansell and other resi­ lllinois and Kentucky; of Frank E. Block and 47 other busine s dents of Michigan, protesting a~ainst the admission of Dakota into firms of Atlanta, Georaia; of Samuel Robinson and 8 other business the Union as a State unle s the nght of suffrage therein be conferred firms of Providence, Rhode Island, and of S. C. Bigg , of Chicago, upon women ; which was referred to the Committee on Te~itories. lllinois, and 4 other business :firms in the State of Ohio, for the pas­ Mr. HOAR p1·esented the petition of Bridget Adams, of W oreester, sage of bill to tax glucose five cent per pounii-severally to the Com-. l\la-ssachusetts, praying for the removal of the charge of desertion mittee on Ways and Means. agaiust her husband, Daniel Ad:tms, late a private in the Thirty-fust Regiment :Massachusetts Volunteers, and that she be allowed a pen­ sion ; which was referred t() the Committee on Pensions. CO::\DllTTEE ON MILITARY AFFAIRS. SENATE. l!fr. HARRISON. I am directed by the Committee on Jtiilita.ry Affah·s to ask leave of the Senat.e to sit during tho sessions of the TUESDAY, May 2, 1882. Senate. There are some matters pending before it which make the Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. J. BULLOCK, D. D. request nece sary. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. The PRESIDENT pro temp01·e. Is there objection to the tequeat of the Senator from Indiana ' The Chair hears none, and leave is PETITIO~S AND 1\IEMORIALS. granted. Mr. ALLISON. I present resolutions of the city council and the Board of Trade of :Mason City, Iowa; the petition of W. V. Lucas, REPORTS OF COlllriiTTEES. auditor of the State of Iowa, H. G. Parker, State senator, and other Mr. l\1AXEY1 from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was citizens of Iowa ; a petition of 18 members of the house of representa­ referred the bill (S. No. 1731) to authorize Dr. Walter l!eedJ of the tives of the State of Iowa ; a petition of 20 citizens of Hancock United States Army, to receive the pay allowed by law for discharg­ County, Iowa; anothe1· petition of 20 citizens of Hancock County, ing the duties of physician to the White Mountain ,Apache'mcli'ans Iowa; a petition of 33 citizens of Worth and other counties). Iowa; on the San Carlos Indian reservation, Arizona, submitted an adverse a petition of 20 citizens and business fum of Osage, Mitchell \Jounty, report thereon, which was ordered to be printed ; and the bill was Iowa; a petition of 20 attorneys and business men of Mar halltown, postponed indefinitely. Marshall Count.y, Iowa; a petition of 54 citizens and busine firm He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the bill of Winnebago County, Iowa; a petition of the attorneys of Eldo­ (S. No. 1645) to authorize Dr. C. E. Price, of the United States .Aimy, rado, Iowa; a petition of 21 citizens and business firms of Winne­ to 1·eceive the pay allowed by law for discharging the duties of phy­ shiek County, Iowa; a petition of the attorneys of .Ackley, Iowa; a ician to the Hoopa Valley Indian reservation, submitted an adverse petition of38 citizens and business firms of Franklin County, Iowa; report thereon, which wa ordered to be printed; and the bill was a petition of 7 attorneys of Hampton, Franklin County, Iowa; a peti­ postponed indefinitely. tion of 17 citizens of Franklin County, Iowa ; a petition of 13 citizens He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the bill of Floyd and Cerro Gordo Counties, Iowa; a petition of 23 citizens of (S. No. 1600) authorizing recruit in the Army to _purchase ori credit Floyd County, Iowa; a petition of 20 citizens of Floyd County, Iowa; certain articles necessary for their cleanliness and comfort, rej)Oried a petition of citizens of Clayton County, Iowa; a petition of 20 citi­ it with amendments; and u.bmitted a report thereon, which was zens of Greene County, Iowa; a petition of 20 citizens of Butler ordered to be printed. County,Iowa; apetitionofl9citizensof BlackHawk County, Iowa; Mr. MORRILL, from the Committee on Finance to whom V{~S a petition of 32 citizens of 'Vaterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa; a referred the bill (S. No. 561) for the relief of Robe;£ Stodart Wyld. petitio1!lof20citizensandbusine sfum of BlackHawk County,Iowa ; reported it without amendment; and submitted a report thereon, a petition of 42 citizens of Buchanan County, Iowa; a petition of 30 which was ordered to be printed. citizens of Delaware County, Iowa; a petition of 26 citizens and l\lr. PLATT. The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred business firms of Dubuque County, Iowa; a petition of 16 citizens the petition of Mary C. Thompson, widow of the late Dr. Fillnlore of Chickasaw County, Iowa i a petition of 51 citizens of Ceno Gordo Thompson, of Hot Springs, Ark ansas, praying to be granted a pen­ County, Iowa; a petition of 19 cit~ens and business firms of Cerro sion on account of services rendered the United States bv her hus­ Gordo County, Iowa; a petition of 16 citizens of Cerro Gordo County, band during tbe late war, have instructed me to report uiifavorably Iowa; a petition of 19 citizens of Cerro Gordo County, Iowa; a peti­ upon it, but the Senator from Arkansas [Mr.
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