3D BIM SERVICES FOR HOME BUILDERS TRLV 60x25 BUMP OUT 1ST & 2ND HORIZONTAL SIDING FLOORS 1' FROM BASE FLOOR PLAN 12 12 12 ROOFING PER SPECS 8:12 10 10 10 6" FRIEZE HORIZONTAL BOARD TYP SIDING PER SPECS FYPON WCH 123X9 10:12 10:12 1' - 0" 1 1/2" O.H. O.H. 02 Second Floor Window Head 7' - 0" 1' - 0" O.H. HORIZONTAL SIDING PER SPEC 12" PANEL SHUTTERS 4" TRIM 15" PANEL SHUTTERS TYP. 12 12 4" BRICK SILL 6 6 1' - 0" 6" FRIEZE O.H. ROOFING PER SPECS 4:12 6" 8" TRIM 15" PANEL O.H. 01 First Floor Window Head 8' - 0" SHUTTERS TYP. 4" CORNER TRIM TYP 8" BRICK SOLDIER BRICK ROWLOCK SILL BRICK VENEER GRADE 10" SQUARE STEPS AND RAILING COLUMN TYP PER SITE CONDITION OPT. RAILING OR AS REQUIRED BY SITE CONDITION Transition From 2D Platform To 3D Platform Creation of Various Design Options 3D Modeling (BIM) From Schematic Design Detailed Construction Documents Quantity Take-off Electrical and HVAC 2D Construction Documents 3D Modeling For Rapid Prototype (3D Printers) 3D Visualizations and Virtual Walkthroughs .pinnaclecad.com www COMMITMENT Maximizing client value by adopting the latest technologies and innovations Improving project efficiency by streamlining workflow and providing high quality services Saving time by using a large global team to leverage time zone advantages Reducing client cost up to 15% by harnessing a highly experienced global work force INDEX Transition from 2D Platform to 04 3D Platform Creation of Various Design Options 05 3D Visualization & Virtual 05 Walk-through Construction Document Set 06 Architecture 06 Electrical 07 HVAC 07 Plumbing 08 3D Modeling for Rapid Prototype 09 (3D Printers) Quantity Take-off 09 QC Process 10 Work Flow 11 Why Pinnacle 12 Testimonials 13 Project Snapshots 14 Revolutionizing the AEC Industry Proper planning and coordination are the keys to the the leading IT trade association, has named Pinnacle successful execution of projects in the construction among the Top IT Innovators for 6 years between industry. Advancements in 3D technology and the 2007-17. Pinnacle Infotech received Runner Up award advent of Building Information Modeling (BIM) have in Best Enterprise Category during NASSCOM EAST revolutionized the Architectural, Engineering and IT Awards 2017. Our process orientation & quality control Construction (AEC) industry. is as per ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2015 standards. BIM allows stakeholders to create and examine virtual The successful completion of more than 5051+ BIM representations of the architecture model and other projects in 36 countries has provided Pinnacle with a utilities of their project. The virtual construction can be deep understanding of international building codes used to generate accurate construction drawings and and procedures. Our global delivery system allows us address all constructability issues before construction to maintain constant contact with our clients making begins. geographical separation meaningless. Pinnacle Infotech has been acknowledged as the global We recognize the importance of effective work leader in providing innovative BIM solutions. We have process management and regular communication received several awards and recognition from both when outsourcing services. We have developed an industry and government. Pinnacle received Deloitte ideal mix of infrastructure, experience, global Technology Fast 500 award in 2014 for 86% growth rate presence and commitment to excellence that has led in Technology as per Asia Pacific Ranking and Deloitte to long-term relationships with more than 1151 clients Technology Fast 50 India award in 2015. NASSCOM, worldwide. Benefits of Building Information Modeling (BIM) COORDINATION : Streamline communication with 3D visualization among all stakeholders for quick decision making during design and pre-construction phase. EFFICIENCY : Eliminate RFI and stoppages by checking the accuracy and completeness of project plans and drawings before construction. QUALITY : Improving Quality by producing accurate Construction drawings directly from the 3D BIM model. SAVINGS : Pre-construction reviews mean better use of manpower, better quality construction and reduced rework and wastages, all of which translates into lower costs. PROJECT MANAGEMENT : Detailed Material BOQ and drawings with 3D visualizations enable a better look at “The Big Picture” and aid in the review, scheduling and monitoring of each project. Our Clients have reported cost savings up to 15% by successfully implementing BIM. 03 platform. Pinnacle hasthecapabilityandexperiencetoshiftentiredesignoperationofanorganizationfrom2Da3D T Construction Documents 3D Model Client Inputs a welldocumentedprocessandsoftwaretoolsdevelopedin-house.W designers tointeractwithvariousstakeholders.Pinnaclehasfacilitatedthistransitionforseveralcompaniesusing other templatesinordertostandardizevariousdesignoptionsandseamlesslytransitionfrom2D3Dplatform. ransition from2DPlatformto3D P 64' - 6" OVE RALL S LAB 6" 5' - 6" 58' - 6" D-4 1 A-3.0 AR 1 HB 1' -91/2" 2' -01/2" LEDGE 6" BRICK 6' -61/4" 13' - 6 1/2" 3' - 1 1/4" 11' - 11" 11' - 1 1/2" 18' - 3 3/4" S LOP E TIAL 8' -81/4" 1/8" P E R F T. MIN 14' -81/4" 1/4" P E R F T. MAX 17' -83/4" D-4 SLAB (TYP.) THICKENED 8"x16" 4 16' -61/4" 10' -33/4" D-4 1 POINTS OFOPTIMUMMOISTURECONTENT 95% OFSTANDARDPROCTORDENSITY VISQUEEN OVER4"CRUSHEDSTONESOIL OR FIBERMESHREINFORCEMENTOVER6MIL 3000 P (TYPICAL) CONCRETE SLAB REINFORCEMENT OVER6MIL W1.4X1.4 3000 P (TYPICAL) CONCRETE SLAB OF OPTIMUMMOISTURECONTENT PROCTOR DENSITY OVER SOIL VISQUEEN OVER4"CRUSHEDSTONE SLAB PLAN .S.I. .S.I. 4"CONCRETESLABw/6'X6' SLAB (TYP.) THICKENED 8"x16" 21' -6" 4"CONCRETESLABw/6'X6' WWR ORFIBERMESH SLAB (TYP.) THICKENED 8"x16" W/ 95%OFSTANDARD WITHIN 3%POINTS 1' - 4" 7' - 1" 3' - 6 1/2" 20' - 5 1/2" The 3Dplatformprovidesarealisticlookandfeeloftheprojectatinitialstage,whichfacilitates 15' -91/4" 5' -1" D-4 8 BASEMENT W1.4X1.4 WITHIN 3% 4' -113/4" 4" OVERALL SLAB WWR 18' - 8 1/4" 7' - 3" 14' - 5" 17' - 7 3/4" W/ 44' -0" 6' - 3" 27' - 8 3/4" 24' - 0 1/4" OVERALL SLAB 73 ' - 2 44' -0" 16" THICKE NE D S LAB 13 / 2' -0" 3 CONC. 30"x30"x12" 25' -11/2" 3' -41/2" 2" 6" OF OPTIMUMMOISTURECONTENT PROCTOR DENSITY OVER SOIL VISQUEEN OVER4"CRUSHEDSTONE REINFORCEMENT OVER6MIL W1.4X1.4 3000 P (TYPICAL) CONCRETE SLAB 24"X24" PAD OF OPTIMUMMOISTURECONTENT PROCTOR DENSITY OVER SOIL VISQUEEN OVER4"CRUSHEDSTONE REINFORCEMENT OVER6MIL W1.4X1.4 3000 P (TYPICAL) CONCRETE SLAB D-16 FTG. 2 WALL 4" FOUNDATION .S.I. D-4 7 .S.I. 7 4"CONCRETESLABw/6'X6' 8 WWR ORFIBERMESH ' 4"CONCRETESLABw/6'X6' - W/ 95%OFSTANDARD A-3.0 WWR ORFIBERMESH 0 1 2' - 0" W/ 95%OFSTANDARD 5 2 / 1 6 " 7' -1" WITHIN 3%POINTS 23' - 6" WITHIN 3%POINTS 3' - 3 1/2" D-16 PAD 3X3 CONC. 1 CONC. 30"x30"x12" 12' -9" 16" THICKENED SLAB THICKENED SLAB FTG. 1' - 9 1/2" 1' - 6" 3 16' -3"M.O. 2 ' 22' -6" - 6 1 S LOP E 3 23' - 10 1/4" /3 WH 1' - 4" 2 " 4" 1/8" P E R F T. MIN TO FTG 1/4" P E R F T. MAX S LOP E 1/8" P E R F T. MIN 1/4" P E R F T. MAX 14' -5" 13' -5" 6" BRICKLEDGE OUTLET INISLAND UNDER SLABFOR ELECTRICAL CONDUIT 14' - 8 1/2" MAIN HOUSE AT LEVELOF 8" SERVICE DOOR PAD OPT. 10' -2" WIDE CURB 8' -111/2" 4" W/ OPT. 3X3CONC. 8' -13/4" 8' -0" 2' -101/2" 12' - 9" 10' - 9" W RE F . 1/4" PERFT. 1/8" PERFT. HB SLOPE 4" MAX MIN D-16 D-4 2 1 FINISH 16' - 10 1/2" 2' - 11" 3' - 2 1/2" 9' - 2" 9' - 2 1/4" 6' - 7 3/4" 16' - 0" M.O. 6" 23' - 0" 41' - 0" 64' - 6" OVE RALL S LAB 64'-0" P 6'-0" 58'-0" 1 D-5 1 17'-10 /2" 1 7'-3" 32'-10 /2" 1 1 13'-10 / " 2'-1 28'-10 / " AR 4'-0" 2 2 4'-0" 1 / 4 " 1'-4" OP T. 4X4 OP T. 4X4 6'-3 ST 8' CLG 2'-4" BAS E ME NT WINDOW #2 2'-7 BAS E ME NT WINDOW CPT OR 1 / 2 " 3 8'-5" / 4 " 1'-10 OPT TIAL . 2'-10 CANTILEVERABOVE 1 / 4 " 4" GRAN. 3 1/2"CONCSLABOVERMIN. (TYP.) CONCRETE SLAB 1 / UNFINISHED BASEMENT 4 O41 " 16" RAISED 2X4 BEARING WET BAR CONC. ON 36X36X12PLAIN 3 1/2" FILL 4" GRAN. 3 1/2"CONCSLABOVERMIN. (TYP.) CONCRETE SLAB OPT. 8' CLG FULL CPT 7 TOP ø FTG. ADJ. 8 WALL 22'-0" 22'-0" 6 8' CLG FILL (TYP.) 9 PIPECOL. 5 9'-6 BRG. THICKENED SLABUNDER 8X16 PLAINCONC. 10 8'-1" UP 4 1 / 2 11 " WALL (TYP 3 12 2 13 DROPPED BEAM W/ 9'BSMT. ADD (2)RISERS 1 14 .) SUMP 10" D-4 BASEMENT 3 1 1 3'-7 /2" 3'-7 /2" BEAM DROPPED 5'-6" 7 7 SUMP 2 7 ' '- - 9 5 8 8 / / 1 8 " " D-5 1 44'-0" 44'-0" BASEMENT 2'-10 MECH 8' CLG 1 / D-16 2 CPT wh " 2 2'-0" 3'-0" 5'-0" FTG. D-16 TURN SLABFLOORDOWN 7 PUMPS EJECTOR SUMP IF ACESS CRAWL AT GARAGEDOOROPNG. AND 10'-4" GRAN. VAPOR BARRIEROVER CRAWL SP LOCAL CODES HVAC NO AS SPECIFIEDBY TE: 8'-0" 16'-8" 6'-2" 18'-2" FILL A CE TO UNEXCAVA 22'-0" 22'-0" 16'-3" AND COMPACTEDFILL. SHALL BEON4"GRAVELORSAND POL 3 1/2" (TYP.) CONCRETE SLAB 1'-4" Y . MOISTUREBARRIER. THICK CONC. OPT TED FTG. 36X36X12 PLAINCONC. GROUTED ON 8X16 CMUPIERFULLY . CANTILEVERABOVE (TYP MIN. DROPPED BEAM DROPPED BEAM .) BEAM POCKET (TYP.) OVER6MIL 10'-4" SLAB D-16 1 S LOPE 2" TO FRONT 2'-10 1 / 2 " W/ 3'XCONC. SERVICE DOOR OPTIONAL D-16 D-5 2 3 23'-0" 41'-0" 64'-0" FINISH GRADE 2' - 4" 1' -0" O HE E L HT.
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