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This train leaves tion is capable of producing and fcort News Kens Bloomington-at 7:15 a. m., pasi training splendid vocalists, few have bar o f Cu m —Henry Day Chatsworth at 5:53 and arrives In met with such widespread recogni­ From Exchanges anD Offtar Kankakee at 10:35. Train 335, tion as Betsy Lane Shepherd, who Sources, Told Brisffy south bound,' Is also restored on tho appears in n recital at the new Grand time card. It leaves Kankakee at tomorrow, Friday evening, November 5:30 p. m., passes Chatsworth at «th. Forrest store SolD . Vl. js# ; Orders entered by Judge S. R. 8:06 and reaches Bloomington at A gifted soprano, tier's Is an All the stock and fixtures of the Baker Included: 5 :4 5 . of singing that captivates the hear­ Wilson Grocery company at For rent X. J. Delahanty v« Michael Sulll- The passenger train that passed ers, the bird-like tones coming forth were sold last Thursday by the trus­ ▼ an, trespass. Cause eontlnued. Chatsworth south bound at 10:10 a. in prodigal fullness. There is deli­ tee under direction of the referee In E. M. Bchrock, appellant, vs J. C. m. and north bound at 5:19 p. m.. cacy in the beauty of her tone, fine bsnkruptey. Consideration, $536. Burcky, et al, appeal from count/ have been discontinued. , expression in her interpretation, and court Leave to appellee to tile This means that there Is one pass­ when demanded a splendid strength Pioneer Physician Dies amended motion to dismiss appeal. enger train each way a day between and power. A natural voice, she has Dr. Ira F. Palmer, veteran physi­ Same filed. Cross motion by adminis­ Kankakee and Bloomington. It la trained this Instrument until It Is cian of Onargn,. where he practised trator for leave to file new bond and now possible to go to Chicago and adequate for all demands of sustain­ his profession for over half a cen­ for court to approve bond on file. Ap­ return the same day by changlug ed lyrics and florid passages. tury, passed away at Mayo Brothers’ pellee objects to allowanoe of cross­ trains at Kankakee. Miss ShepherD was born in Penn­ hospital in Rochester, Minnesota, re­ bill. Heard by court and taken un­ There la no agent on duty after 5 sylvania, of parents who were mu­ cently, following an operation, aged der advisement. o’clock In the evening at the Chats­ sicians of exceptional ability. The 80 years. tenors Corrigan vs Phillip Imm, worth station: the depot Is locked; musical environment In which she appellant, appeal. Motion for new the platform Is not lighted and peo­ liveD, together with her Diligent County Fair Loses Money bond allowed. Appellant ruled to ple who desire to board this train stuDy anD untiring energy, have According to latest reports the to­ file new appeal bond with statutory have the privilege of standing out In brought her musicianship to the pres­ tal expenses of the Iroquois county condition In penal sum of $2500 with the cold until the train arrives. ent state of perfection. Fair this year were $1,149.05 great­ security to bo approved by the court The I. C. has re-arranged the The many anD separate parts of er than the total receipts. It was within ten days. schedule of all the freight trains and this country that have hearD her are at first thought that his year's fair John B. Hayes, et al, vs LI site made all of'them mixed trains, that agreeD that her recitals are welcome would show a profit, hut when nil Brusnigham, et al, partition and Is, all carry a passenger coach anD Delights. They alike praise her win­ the bills were in it was found thut quiet title. Master's report of sale will carry passengers. The Day lo­ ning personality, clear expression, the fair failed to break even. filed October 12. No objections fil­ cals are scheduled tor regular stops anD her talenteD Interpretation of un­ ed. Report approved and same con­ at Chatsworth. The night tralni usual anD varieD programs. Not Onarga Pastor Dies firmed. must be flagged to insure them stop- alone in recitals, but as a soloist Rev. C. E. French, aged 54, pas­ Sophia Hoke, et al, vs Catherine ping for passengers. with oratorio societies anD orches­ Dwyer, et al, foreclosure. Referred tor of the Christian church of On­ The Day mixeD train (local) leaven tras is her training visible. She is arga for the past two years, died nt to master for evidence anD conclu­ Kankakee week Days at 7:15, Due at unusually versatile anD the wiDe sions. the Iroquois hospital in Wataekm re­ Chatsworth at 11:05 anD Bloomlng- range of her voice compasses either cently following an operation. Dr. Dennls W. Glinnen, et al, vs James ton at 3:16. Dramatic or coloratura roles with Gltnnen, et al, partition. Report of French had been ill only three days The north bounD mixeD train equal facility anD art. and his sudden and unexpected commissioners filed and approved. leaves Bloomington week Days at 8 SACRED TO THEIR MEMORY—Mty their deeDs of valor anD self sacrifice It Is expecteD that thU concert will death came as a great shock to Ills Decree for sale. m., Is Due at Chatsworth at 11:55 unDoubteDly prove one of the out- community, Ralph Stevens, charged with bur­ anD Kankakee at 4 p. ni. always remain fresh in our thoughts. To them we owe much—anD in reverent stanDing features of the musical sea­ ■ glary and larceny, was sentenced to T he night piixeD train leaves thankfulness we bow our heaDs in thrir honor. son here. Bloomington’s Smallpox Epidemic the state reformatory for a term of Bloomington weekdays at 5 p. m., Is ADmittance will be by carD only, A smallpox epiDemic has broken from one to 20 years. , Due at Chatsworth at 7:35 anD Kan which may be secureD at the House out in Bloomington. It is inDicateD The motion for probation of kakee at 10:16. Thia Was ColDest of Music. L. J. Haberkorn, owner that there were eighty cases report­ Adrian Bennett, Kenneth Wells, Eu­ The south bounD night mixeD anD proprietor.—aDv. eD up to TuesDay unDer quarantine gene Weaver and Clarence Hendrick­ train leaves Kankakee week Days at CULLOM NAN HURT October on RecorD DOINGS AROUND as suspects with one Death resulting. son, charged with burglary and lar­ 10:45, Is Due at Chatsworth at 2:03 i / ----------- Public Dances In the city anD other The month of October this year, Chatsworth Wants Hunkers ceny, was denied and Bennett, Wells a. m., anD Bloomington at 6 a. m. public gatherings are reporteD as IN GUN ACCIDENT has the Distinction of being the Can Use Five ForD-loaDs Hendrickson each sentenced to serve Since one of the passenger trains THE COUNTY SEAT haring been banneD by the boarD of colDest October on reoorD anD also from to 20 years In the reformatory. was taken off mall has been coming health there. Several thousanD resi­ for the small number of clear Days Secretary Will C. Quinn of the The charge againBt Weaver was noll- in on most any train on the I. C. Dents of Bloomington have been vac­ Charge of Shot Hits EDwarD During the month. There were but Interesting NewsTtems Taken Chatsworth Chamber of Commerce, ed. Dp to this time the local postmaster cinateD anD the epiDemic is thought five clear DayB During the entire is authority for the statement that An orDer was entereD annulling has not been aDviseD that any of the Twiehause When Gun Is From the Pontiac Daily to be well in check. the marriage of Fern Bowman vs Ja­ mixeD trains will carry mall. month anD there haD been but two there are jobs open In this com­ munity for about twenty-five corn cob Bowman. clear Days up to the 28th. Ootober LeaDer the Past Week DeeDeD Property Back to Sister AcciDentally DischargeD huskers. He recently announceD that The following Decrees of Divorce Stale Auto Investigator 29. 30 anD 31 w ere clear Days. George Megquler to Mary E. Lov- The monthly mean temperature the local commercial organization were granteD: DaviD H. Moore vs IDa Straw n .Xian ArraigneD ensteln, warranty, DeeD, 10-30-25, Looking Over Chatsworth was 44.6 Degrees, which was 11 De­ woulD register the neeDs of farmers Moore; Mera Kerr vs Robert Kerr. EDwarD Twiehaus, an unmarrieD John Pygman, Jr., of Strawn, was Lots 7 anD 8 in block 22, Chatsworth grees below normal. Maximum tem­ anD the applications of laborers, The charge of burglary anD lar­ V.
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