November 27, 1986 Network Listing Tune In This Week's Feature WEDU Tampa, .'1, ,shOwn (In "Ghti 0 • 131 WXFL Tampa. FL 181 WGN Chicago, II. .. • 191 WTSP 5t.Petersburg. FL .. • HILL STREET BLUES .., [10/ WTVT Tampa. FL III " [13J Grace Gardener (Barbare Babcock) returns to WTBS Atlanta, GA .... r " !15) WFTS Tampa, FL III [2AI the police precinct as Sister Charity, a nun WXlT Sarasota. FL .., • (40) WTOG St.Petershurg. Jo'1, m " [44J who now seeks the captain's aid in establish- CINEMAX " Cinemax C r2'~J ing a counseling center, in the "Amazing DISNEY Disney Channel DIS 2'" [60J HBO Home Box Office H8D [56) Grace" episode of NBC's "Hill Street Blues," TMC Movie Channel M ",. 159J SHOW Showtime S " [58) THURSDAY,NOV. 27. m ® (16) CED Series lTIJ [44J Superior Court til!) (j]) [40) National Oeo- H80 ~ [56) Inside the NFL 12:45 m m [15] :\10VIE: 'Down- m CD [15J Andy Griffith HBO ~ [56J MOVIE: gr~hic Special -' In Stereo. hill Racer' fD ® [2BJ MOVIE: 'The Em- 'Goonies' (CCl In Stereo. eM 124J MOVIK'Murphy's M ® [59] MOVIE: 'Another M @ [59] .\IOVIE: 'A Wed· Thursdav peror's New Clothes' M (2Q) [59J MOVIE: 'Th~ Country' Romance' (CC) di~' In Stereo. m @ [44J Gimme a Break River Rat' (CC) DIS @ {60J MOVIE: 'Mary 11:300 ® [8] Tonight Show re 12:55 C f1§l1241MOVIE: '1984' 11/27/86 DIS ~ [60) MOVIE: 'The 7:30 0 ® 181 Hollywood Poppins' night's guests are David Let- 1:00 IID@ [10J News Fantasy Film Worlds of ~uares HBO @1) [56] MOVIE: 'Real terman and Robert Palmer. m ® [28] Voyage to the Geor£!! Par iii ® [9J Henson Genius' (CO In Stereo. (60 rnin.I In Stereo. Bottom of the Sea HBO rg1J [56J Son of the Not- (Ii)@[10) Wheel of Fortune M (2Q) [59J MOVIE: 'Just the o (])[9] .\I~num, P.I. So-Great !\foments in Sports 1:10 II) G11 [13] ?ll0VIE: 'The Av- (I) CUl (131 Entertainment Way You .<\re' lID G]) [10J mJ @ 140J ABC enging' S ~ 158J MOVIE: 'Great Ex- Toni,l(ht 9:30 0 ® [8) Night Court News Nlghtline 1:30 18\Tales of the Unex- pectations' [28J J\-10VIE: 'Fiddler 0 ® m ® ED @ [44) The First IE) G]) (13) MI New Dating o oo [31 Nightly Business on the Roof' a.c, l!.£eted Thanksgiving Game (I!J G]) [10J Music City, Report Em @ [40) M*A*S*H ID CID [28] Night Gallery U® [9} Good Times 10:00 U @ [3} Out of the Fiery U.S.A. ED GJ) f44J People's Court Furnace: From Alchemy to ors (gI [60] MOVIE: 'Black- 1:55 S@[58]MOVIE:'CityLim. em tIl (l6J Ask Your Sister e @ [24} MOVIE: 'Baby ... the Atom (Ce) The nature of beard's Ghost' its' to Dance Secret of the Lost Legend' 11:45 S ~ 158J MOVIE: 'Jaws' m m [151 Safe at Home In DIS @[60] Still the Beaver metals is studied from al- 2:00 0 ® [8J National Geo- cherny to the works of Marie 12:00 ([l) @ (10J Hawaii Five-O graphic Special Stereo. 8:00 D@[3J Living Planet: Por· Curie. (60 min.) IE) G]) [13J Night Heat Ten- fD ® [28] Rawhide Em C1!l [401 ABC News trait of the Earth sions run high when the ED GJ) [44J Jeffersons o ® [8] All in the Family H8D (ll) [56] MOVIE; 'City o ® [8] The Cosby Show ® 19J G] [44] News leader ofa white supremacist Limits' M ~ [S9J Short Film Show- o m group is fatally stabbed and case U ® [9] MOVIE: 'The (Ii) @ [10J Ul) @ [40] 20/20 2:20 m [D (44) MOVIE: 'The Wicked Lady' ail elderly Jewish man be- o @ 131 MacNeil-Lehrer (CC) (60 min.) Capture' lID @ [10J Our World (CC) (IZJ [13J Knots Landin" comes the main suspect. (70 2:30 II) (jJ) (13) CBS News Nigh- Newshour CD min.) m@(13Il\10VIE:'Smokey twatch Joined in Prolfress o ® [8] Je:opardy em m [16] Future Probe II: ID ® [28] Incredible Hulk U ® [9] Barney Miller and the Bandit III' Business' in the Telematic 2:50 C @ {24] MOVIE: 'Model e:!) (ll) [401 National Geo· Ul) @ [40] Jimmy Breslin's Behavior' CHEERS U!) ® [10] ABC News Age People (60 min.) II) (11) [13] CBS News lI!.aphic Special S @ {58) MOVIE: 'Some 2:55 m CD (15) MOVIE: 'Money W @ {441 MOVIE: 'The m (IT) (44) Love Connection From Home' The long delay of Thanksgiv· 1m ® {16j Spanish Kind of Hero' H8Q (ll) [56] MOVIE: 'Co· Hobbit' 3:00 111 (]) [9] Odd Couple m CD (15\ College Football: 10:15 m CD [15] MOVIE: 'Valley coon' (CO In Stereo. ing dinner causes the hungry East Carolina at Miami, Fla. DIS@ \601 Best of Walt Dis- of Decision' M @ [59J MOVIE: 'Come neL Presents (60 min.) 12:300 ® [8] Late Nil('ht with Back to the 5 & Dime Jimmy guests 01Carla (Rhea Perlman) m (I) l281 Great Turkey 10:300 tID {81M*A*S*H David Letterman Tonight's Caper S ~ l581 Picnic teC). Em CID [44} INN News Dean, Jimmy Dean' to lose control, and a toad fillht 8:30 C'I CID 181 Family Ties (ee) guests are Tom Hanks (man- Elif @ l40\ Entertainment t1:00 0 @ t31 Doctor Who ning the Late Night Guest- 3:25 S (nJ (58] MOVIE: 'Mistress 'l'on\gh\. A.c\.o:rr'Rooort "Y. Clung Alex objects when Steven .. (I) leI em ® POI em tnl Pamela' empts, on "ClIee,s," "l1lU1I1I- and E\y!le enroll A.ndrew m a Caml. Marv A.lbert and co- talks to ET about his new \13] (il!) @140] News median John Mendoza. t60 J1A ~ NOY. 27;. on CTV. NBC_TV movie, "Men:>' Or pre-schooJ. (R) In 3:30 =JIl(2rrll&iNM~ViE:'Nut- ZC~~ :- Wr!~.The Honeymoon_ rnin,2 (R) In Stereo. EVENING Murder," and tells why he se- c:... cker' lected this controversial pro. 9:00 8@{3lMystery:BrafFar, • CID(281 Twilight Zone DOO(91 MOVIE: "L'f'e With 3:55 OJ (!j) [44J MOVIE: 'The 6:00 I!J @) (9] Facu of Life Father" ject for his return to televi- rar OJ CID[441 Late Show: Star- Half-Breed' Cl!J@{to]m@l(13JEIi) sion. o ® [8J Cheers m (IT) [44J MOVIE: 'Drum 4:00 (9] MOVIE: 'Tbi_ @(40 News ring Joan Rivers 111 ® lID (fO) f101 Colb s Beat' Earth Is J\Iin4:' 6:00 U @) [3] Focus on Society U® [9J Benson M ®"l [59J !\1OVIE: 'Richard [8J Newswatch Miracle of Kathy Miller' o ® (Ii)@(10JWheelofFortune Pryor Live in Concert' In 11:45 S~ [58J MOVIE: 'Blow Out' 1:30 (Ii) @[10] News [9J [28] Facts of o ® m® m @ [13] Entertainment Stereo. 11:55 H80 ®:l156] Not Necessarily 1:40 S @ [58] MOVIE: 'Victor / Friday Life Tonight 9:30 (Ii) m [16] This Old House Television In Stereo. Victoria' In Stereo. lID ® (10] (I) @ [13] EID DIS (Ml [60) Zorro 10:000 ® [8J David Letterman's 12:000 (]) [9] The Honeymoon. 1:45 M ~ [59) MOVIE: 'Desper. 11/28/86 (ll) ~O\ News 8:00 .. @ [3] Washington Week Second Annual Holiday m ate Search· em W [16) GED Series in Review Film Festival U!l@ [10] -'10\'1£: 'The In- 2:00 o ® [8] MOVIE: 'Red Al- ED @ [44J Gimme a Break o ® [8] A-Team (CCl lID @ [10] Tears of Joy, visible Man's Rel'enge' ert' e @ {24] MOVIE: 'Mega. Tears of Sorrow Ii) @ [13) TJ. Hooker ID ® [28J Rawhide furce' o ® [9J MOVIE: 'It's a EID @ [40] Tears of Jo.\" fD [28jlncrcdible Hulk 2:05 HBO~ (56J Inside- the NFL DIS ~ (601 MOVIE: 'Thun- Wonderful Life' Colorized ® Tears of Sorrow (Cel. EID @ [40] Jimmy Hreslin's In Stereo. derhead, Son of Flicka' Version. 2:20 tID ®l [10\ (iID@{40)King. m@[44]News Peo.l!!e (60 min.) mill f15J Night Tracks In 6:05 m CD 115\ MOVIE: 'The Kid C (]]) [24J MOVIE: <The Kill- Stereo. With the Broken Halo' dom Chums: Little David's ED (U) [44] I.ol'e Connection Adventure (CC). ing Fields' (CCl 12:15 M ® [59J MOVIE: 'Red 2:30 C @ [24] MOVIE: 'Little 6:30 0 @ [3] Nightly Business H80 ~ [56] MOVIE: 'Power' Darlings' Report (I) (j]J [13] Alabama ...My Sonja' (CCl 2:15 [44J MOVIE: 'Getting tID [8] NBC News HOITle's in Alabama 12:20 m (JJ [15] Night Tracks In m® o CD CID(16) Bix Lives S (2]) [58] J\wvm: 'Crimes of Stereo. Str~ht' o ® i9] m lID 128J Good Passion' (CC) m ® [28J Best Christmas 12:25 e @ [24] -'Iartin Mull Pre- 3:00 111 l§.J [9] Odd Couple Times 10:05 m CD [15J NBA Basketball: em ® [16] Introduction to Pageant Ever sents the History of White M ® [59) MOVIE: 'Into the €I) (fj) \44J MOVIE: 'Soy lent Atlanta Hawks at Utah Jazz People in America: White Night' (CC) Biology 10::10at @ [44] INN ~ews fiI'!) @ [40] ABC News Grecn' Stress 3:05 H80 (llI [56] '10VIE: 'To e@,[24J MOVIE: 'Warning ors @ [60) The Longest 12:300 ® [8] Friday Night Vi- Live and Dic in LA.' (CO In m (1) [44J Jeffersons Sign' (CC) River deos Stereo. 7:00 .. @ (3\ Macl'ieil-Lehrer DIS @ [60} Five Mile Creek M (2Q) [59] MOVIE: 'Hundra' 3:20 m CD {15] Night Tracks In Newshour In Stereo. o (])[9] MOVIE: 'Satanic HBO (ll) [56] MOVIF.; 'A Sol· Rites of Dracula' Stereo. o ® [8] Jeopardy dier's Story' (CC) 11:00" @ [31 Doctor Who (IT) (44) Auto Showcase 3:30 o ® [9] INN Sews o ® t9] Barney Miller S (UI [58] MOVIE: 'Witness' o ® [8J Nightwatch m 4.:00 SLED E HAMMER! lID @ [10] ABC News H80(ll) [56] i\IOVIE:' Aveng.
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