NOW AVAILABLE C h a u c e r: Canterbury Tales—The Nun's Prleat'a Tale 3/3 BOOKS Tyrrell: The Principles of Petrology 17/- FOR YOUR STUDIES Lowson & Sahni: Text­ IN ALL SUBJECTS book of Botany—Edition for India, Pakistan and are Obtainable from Ceylon 25/- A, McLEOD, A. McLEOD, "Brisbane's Best "Brisbane's Beat Bookstore," fbtfat Bookstore," 107 mu^AHKivn sx., 107 ELIZABETH ST., BRISBANE BRISBANE The University of Queensland Students' Newspaper Vol, XVIII, - No, 7, THURSDAY, APRIL 2171949 Kegistered at G.P.O,, Brisbane, for transmission by poat ag a periodical. Varsity Drama Success Since the last "Semper U.Q.D.S, Runs Amok Floreat" was published the Umversity oj Queensland With Arsenic and Old Lace Union has lost the services oj The first night of "Arsenic and Old Lace" given in the Albert Miss Joan Miles. Miss Miles Hall on 12th April by the University Dramatic Society was so has been employed jor the last very good that the rumour spread, and there was a bumper house two years as the Secretary oj to follow. the Union. It is a riot of a comedy by .Joseph Kesselring. The setting is In this capacity and also in in a house crammed with Victorian bric-a-brac, including eleven her capacity as Housing bodies buried in the cellar and two more on stage awaiting the Oficer jor the University, last sad rites. There are two charmingly demure murderers, two Miss Miles has become ahnost others more haywire, a looney brother, whose only crime is that as traditional within the he imagines that he is President of the United States, and a bevy Union as our Treasurer, Mr. of nitwit policemen as ga-ga as anyone else on stage. And all of Hulbert. this to be presented with lusty action in the prim premises of the Albert Hall! The play is crammed with laughs. The curtains are splendid. And generally, if well done, it is a delightful evening's entertainment, term there is a play mainly for • ,! freshers. If you understand this policy you will appreciate the good qualities PAM HARPER •r^ • # of this production. It brought to­ #^%- gether on the stage the experienced Two quiet presentations were fay members of the Society, who now John Florence (as Mr. Gibbs) and have a reputation for very good Hugh Knox (as Mr. Witherspoon). work, and the newer members who Theirs were very small parts. I hope gain much from the association with that We will see more of these two in i^^HKiii SS ;_*, actors of secure technique. There is, larger parts in later plays. with such a cast, irregularities and Rolfe Lukey, Len Culpan and Bob unevenness. But the spontaneity of James were the best of the police­ At the Union Council Meet- w i all concerned carried them over mere men; and they gave just sufficient ing oj 7th April, it was my difficulties such as those. touches of American accent and char­ pleasure on behalj oj all Mem­ acteristics not to overdo things. Morton Smith, who has had. pos­ By what must have been an over­ bers oj the University oj ^ sibly, the most varied experience of sight, the name of the producer was Queensland Union to jarewell the cast, gave the best performance, left off the programme, Geoff. Miss Miles and to present to m ' as the bibulous, crazy Dr, Einstein, Cossins, who was the man, has every present to her a Canteen oj \ , ^ff Never once was he out of phase; and reason to be pleased with his work. his final exit was a splendid climax. Generally it was a very bright Cutlery and a Crystal Whisky V' ' ^' w ' His companion. Jonathan Brewster show, foUowing well upon the first Set to serve as a small token (Noel Power), was a suitably appal­ production of the year and promising oj our appreciation jor her ling sort of Frankenstein, aptly and extremely well for the Society's main efforts on our behalj. ably offset by his looney brother production next term., r ' • (Maurice Ewing). Eleanor Cooke and F. W. WHITEHOUSE. Miss Miles has accepted a Pam Harper, as the charming, old, :o:- position as secretary oj a hotel ELEANOK COOKE sedate sisters who murder so daintily and so well, were good enough to in Port Moresby. make you want to avoid them in the R. DAmSLLS, The Society rose to the opportun­ Chem. lab, or the kitchen. Perhaps ComiTieni* Pres. U.Q.U. ities; and the obvious fact that the the hardest part was given to Avis players were enjoying themselves NichoUs who had to play one of the Procession thoroughly, set instantly in progress few sane characters in the piece— points will be added up after the an hilarious infection that spread the vicar's daughter who is being led Procession has returned—making a from the stage. to a maidenly ruin "beside distilled ANNOUNCINGlJt possible 80 (20 .per judge) for each The programme of the Society for waters" by Mortimer Brewster (a THE PROCESSION OSCARJI! float. The float with the highest the year is of four plays. The first, long difficult part played very well number, wins (provided that more in Orientation Week, is by the older by John Miller); and he was saved WHAT IS IT? than 40 points have been alloted to members to rouse enthusiasm. The from insanity by the discovery that The weirdist, most. compUcated that float), second (and this was the second) is he was merely illegithnate. Dis­ contraption yet devised by human by tradition a comedy, farce or bur­ coveries like that were the order of hand! WHERE WILL IT BE PRESENTED? lesque, to capture the spirit of first the night, • Avis NichoUs' task was WHAT IS IT FOB? Normally at the Common Ball—if difficult because, the play being about this is held after the Procession, This term and to bring old hands and It is the annual trophy for the best y?^x^ ^^ ^°^\ probably will be awarded freshers together on stage. The nitwits,'' the few sane characters are float in the procession, second term play is the serious pro­ not so convincingly drawn by the at the Men's Club Dance. duction of the y^ar. And in third playwright. HOW IS IT JUDGED? WHO WILL CARRY IT? It is Judged on a basis of points! The leader of the Engineers' Band Originality, humour, entertainment will carry it like a standard. The value, quality and the impression float of the year which Won the pre­ created will all be taken'into con­ vious year's competition will lead GOT A TICKET? sideration. Points will be taken the Procession floats. off if any infringement of the rules It is Worth while having, so strive of the procession occurs on the' way to raise the standard of your float and TICKETS FOR COMMEM. ARE UMITEP, round the streets! —who knows?—your float may win. SO MAKE SURE YOU GET IN EARLY WHO WILL JUDGE IT? „ Float topics should be in by now!!! A very select body consisting of— •The Order of March will be finally NEXT WEEK Two well-known professors, decided to-morrow (Friday, 22nd Alcove Bookings Open A senior woman lecturer. April) so if you want to put a float The President of the Union, in the Procession and have not yet COMMEM. BALL, CLOUDLAND, APRIL 29 Making four judges in all. These will done so. ring LU 1269 after 5 pjn. allot points out of a possible 20 for before Friday. each float in the Profession. Their BRUCE N. GUTTERIDGE, Cdnv. Page Two SEMPER FLOREAT Thursday, April 21, 1949 ^twftx Jparmt Florence Sums Upl The most striking and significant statement of my first critic certainly lay in the lines:—"The enemy ... is the Papacy which is at present striving its utmost to provoke a third world war." Editor: JOHN O'DUFFY I recognise that you have a perfect right to your opinion, Mr. Sub-E(lltor."«; MURRAY WILLIAMS, BRIAN TI^OMASON, ALAN WALKER. Waring, but I have no more intention of setting about to disprove Staff: TED d'URSO, PERC BURTON, GRAHAM WINDRUM. JOHN EMMETT, MALCOLM HAM. JOHN HALL, DAN CUNNINGHAM, J SHANAHAN, J. it than to establish that the cow didn't juriip over the moon. You KELLY, JUNE SYMES, JILL LIDGARD, ELEANOR COOKE. MARGARET should not pay so much heed to the wild aberrations of "The HISLOP. Clarion," Likewise, Mr. Chapman, no exchange of words will Sporting Editor: T. McENIERY reconcile our fundamental difference of outlook; I cannot agree Business Managpr: FRED SCHUBERT that the power of Amsterdam is more than academic. We must THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1949, No. 7. have time to adjudicate our argument. Two champions of the Catholic two issues of "Semper" to my original Church have also crossed swords article. They came from the hands with me, I admit Mr, Potter's charge of people all claiming to be of the of presumption in seeking to cram flock of the same true shepherd, and the history of 500 years into half a yet might I not have been excused Student Government page of print. Aware of the magni­ from answering them on the ground After the Senate, the most important body in student tude of my undertaking, I had con­ that they cancelled each other out. fined myself narrowly to the subject The established prejudices of hun­ activities is naturally the Students' Union Council, Although this of Amsterdam and purposely avoided dreds of years still clog the outlook body has met three times already this year, very few students reference to the Roman Catholic of all the churches and blast the have shown any interest in its activities, despite the fact that Church.
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