For enquiries on this agenda please contact Gary Marson 020 8547 5021 [email protected] This agenda is available on: www.kingston.gov.uk/CommitteeMinutes 3 February 2014 AGENDA Members are requested to bring to the meeting the pack separately circulated as ‘Destination Kingston Medium Term Service and Financial Plan 2014/15 to 2017/18 and Detailed Budget and Council Tax 2014/15. A meeting of the PLACE AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE will be held at the Guildhall, Kingston upon Thames on TUESDAY 11 FEBRUARY 2014 at 7:30 pm Members of the Committee Councillor Patricia Bamford (Co-Chair) Councillor Liz Green (Co-Chair) Councillor Simon James (Co-Chair) Councillor Sushila Abraham Councillor Dennis Doe Councillor Stephen Brister Councillor Adrian Holder Councillor John Burgess Councillor Richard Hudson Councillor Malcolm Self Councillor Howard Jones Councillor Frank Thompson Councillor Gaj Wallooppillai EMERGENCY EVACUATION ARRANGEMENTS On hearing the alarm which is a loud siren please leave the building by the nearest available fire exit and assemble by the triangle at the front of the Guildhall. Anyone requiring assistance to evacuate the building should go to the refuge areas which are situated outside Committee Room 1 and the Mayor’s Parlour where you will be met by a member of the building management team and assisted from the building. RECORDING OF THE MEETING - This meeting will be recorded and the recording will be available on the web site with the agenda and minutes. FILMING - residents and journalists/media wishing to film meetings are permitted to do so but are asked to give advance notice of this and respect any concerns expressed by people on being filmed. CALL IN –The deadline for the call in of any decisions is 5:00pm 5 working days after the publication of the minutes, the date will be shown on the minutes. 2 AGENDA QUESTIONS AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION • a 30 minute question and answer session at the start of the meeting –advance notice of questions is encouraged. • contributions during the debate on items at the discretion of the Chair APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND ATTENDANCE OF 1.1.1. ALTERNATE MEMBERS 2.2.2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests and any other non- pecuniary interests (personal interests) relevant to items on this agenda. 3.3.3. MINUTES To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 28 November 2013. MEDIUM TERM SERVICE & FINANCIAL PLAN 2014/15 TO Appendix A 4.4.4. 2017/18 (DESTINATION KINGSTON 2014-2018) PLACE SHAPING PRIORITY 2 PROGRAMME HOUSING Appendix B 5.5.5. SERVICE TRANSFORMATION -RE-COMMISSIONING PLACE-SHAPING PRIORITY 1 PROGRAMME - RE- Appendix C 6.6.6. COMMISSIONING OF PLACE 7.7.7. RECOGNITION OF FAMOUS PEOPLE AND PLACES Appendix D APPOINTMENT TO OUTSIDE BODY - LONDON YOUTH GAMES 8.8.8. LIMITED The Committee is asked to approve the appointment of Councillor Simon James as the Council’s representative on London Youth Games Limited in place of Councillor Sharon Hartley. Each London Borough is represented on the Board and the Council’s appointee receives regular information on sports development work in Kingston and on teams participating in the annual London Youth Games. URGENT ACTIONS TAKEN UNDER STANDING ORDER 32 - CIL Appendix E 9.9.9. CHARGING RATE 10. URGENT ITEMS AUTHORISED BY THE CHAIR 3 11. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The following matter may be considered in private if the Committee agrees that, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public are excluded from the meeting on the grounds that it is likely that exempt information, as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, would be disclosed. This paragraph covers information relating to the financial and business affairs of any particular person. PLACE SHAPING PRIORITY 1 - RE-COMMISSIONING OF PLACE Appendix F 12. EXEMPT ASPECTS A1 APPENDIX A PLACE AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE 11 FEBRUARY 2014 DESTINATION KINGSTON – MEDIUM TERM SERVICE AND FINANCIAL PLAN 2014/15 TO 2017/2018 AND DETAILED BUDGET AND COUNCIL TAX 2014/15 REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE SUMMARY The pack ‘Destination Kingston, Medium Term Service and Financial Plan 2014/15 to 2017/18 and Detailed Budget and Council Tax 2014/15’ (which has been circulated separately to all Members of the Council and is available to view on the Council’s website and in public libraries) sets out the Medium Term Service and Financial Plan for 2014/15 to 2017/2018 and the detailed information required to enable the Policy & Resources Committee to make recommendations to Budget Council on 27 February 2014. That meeting will formally approve the plan, together with the revenue budget and council tax for 2014/15. The pack contains all the information that will be presented to the Council meeting and is structured as follows: • Section 1 of the pack provides the summary and background information • Section 2 contains the draft text of the destination Kingston 2014/2015 to 2017/18 document to be published in March 2014. • Section 3 is the budget report and details for setting Council tax for 2014/15. • Additional annexes provide further detail and are referred to in the relevant parts of the report. Action proposed by the Lead Member for Finance and Resources It is proposed that: 1. the HRA 2014/15 base budget and the proposals for growth is agreed 2. the revised rent policy subject to constraints identified in paragraph 12 of Annex 10 is agreed 3. the proposed rent increases for HRA dwellings of 5.3% given in paragraph 12 of Annex 10 with effect from 1 April 2014 is agreed 4. the increase of 3.2% for Hostel rents, the rents in dwellings owned by the Council other than HRA properties, service charges and to other charges and fees for ancillary property with effect from 1 April 2014 is agreed 5. that no increase be made to Supporting People charges as per paragraph 16 of Annex 10 agreed 6. the indicative HRA revenue budgets for 2015/16 to 2017/18 in enclosure 2 to Annex 10 are approved 7. the approach to the re-commissioning of the services within the Committee’s remit is A2 endorsed, and the detailed budget proposals for Place Services, and the growth and savings associated with these, are approved for recommendation to Policy and Resources committee Reason for action proposed To consult the Committee on the proposed destination Kingston medium term plan and the detailed budget and council tax for 2014/15. BACKGROUND 1. This is the third budget process following the move from the Executive/Scrutiny model of decision making to Strategic Committees and in line with the 2013/14 budget setting process, each of the three Strategic Committees will have the opportunity to discuss the budget proposals. Health and Wellbeing Board will also consider the proposals for the first time this year. 2. Policy and Resources Committee will cover the overall draft budget and make the appropriate recommendations to Council. This Committee is asked to review the proposals relating to its area of responsibility in the context of the overall budget position. The Committee is asked to endorse the budget proposals within its remit to Policy and Resources. 3. The pack contains the budget proposals and supporting papers for all areas of the Council. In relation to the remit of this committee, the key parts of the pack are outlined below. a. Growth has been provided for a number of services within this Committee’s remit and these are outlined in paragraphs 19 to 22 of Section 3 . This includes growth for Homelessness, Private Lease Service, Waste Disposal, Flood and Water Management Act, Ride London and LA Social Housing Fraud. b. Budget reductions are outlined in paragraph 23 of Section 3 , with details in Annex 4 . The reductions relevant to this committee’s remit are across a variety of projects within OK2 – Commissioning, OK3 – Shared Services and some outside of the scope of the One Kingston programme. c. The capital programme is outlined in paragraphs 54 to 60 of Section 3 of the pack with more detail in Annex 9 . This includes information on allocations for the HRA capital programme, Empty Property Scheme, Street Lighting Column Replacement and Environmental Health and Trading Standards Software Investment. d. Annex 6 to the report provides a summary of the budget allocation for each service area. e. Annex 15 considers the forecast income and expenditure within the ring- fenced On-Street Parking and Bus Lane Enforcement accounts. f. Annex 10 gives details of the ring-fenced Housing Revenue Account budget. A3 4. Housing Consultative Committee considered the draft HRA budget at their meeting on 29 January 2014 and endorsed the proposals set out above in relation to the HRA. Background papers : held by Rachel Howard, Finance Strategy Capability Lead – telephone: 020 8547 5625, e-mail: [email protected] , author of report None B1 APPENDIX B PLACE AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE 11 TH FEBRUARY 2014 PLACE SHAPING PRIORITY 2 PROGRAMME HOUSING SERVICE TRANSFORMATION - RE-COMMISSIONING REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR OF PLACE SUMMARY This report makes recommendations following the appraisal of various options for delivery of the Housing Services, as part of the Council’s agreed commissioning process. For the purposes of the commissioning process the Housing Service was grouped into Landlord and Non-Landlord services. This work was carried out as part of the Housing Service Transformation Project, which is one of five priorities within the Place Shaping programme. The report describes the process through which the appraisal has been carried out and summarises the main findings which support the recommendations.
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