29 Mar 1995 459 1992–95 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF QUEENSLAND VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS No. 132 FIRST SESSION OF THE FORTY–SEVENTH PARLIAMENT WEDNESDAY, 29 MARCH 1995 C ONTENTS Adjournment . 463 Attendance . 464 Electricity Regulation 1995 – Motion for Disallowance . 463 General Business – Special Public Importance Debate . 461 Local Government (Aboriginal Lands) Amendment Bill . 462 Local Government Legislation Amendment Bill . 461 Meeting of Assembly . 460 Notice of Motion – Queensland cricket team . 460 Notices of Motion . 460 Personal Explanation . 460 Petitions . 460 Postponement – Government and General Business . 463 Questions . 460 Treasury Legislation Amendment Bill . 461 460 No. 132 – 29 March 1995 1 M EETING OF ASSEMBLY The Assembly met at 2.30pm pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker (The Honourable J Fouras) read prayers. 2 P ETITIONS The following petitions, lodged with the Clerk by the Members indicated, were received— Mr J Goss, from 130 petitioners, praying that the Parliament of Queensland will reconsider the withdrawal of funding for tutors employed at TAFE institutions. Mr Lester and the Minister for Minerals and Energy (Mr McGrady), from 694 and 128 petitioners respectively, praying that the Parliament of Queensland will (a) immediately remove the Board and executive staff of the Royal Queensland Bush Children’s Health Scheme and appoint an administrator as an interim manager; (b) immediately re-open the Townsville and Yeppoon Homes and retain all homes in their coastal communities; and (c) ensure that community input is sought, as a funding requirement, prior to any proposed future changes in administering the Scheme. Mr Rowell, from 57 petitioners, praying that enactments permitting a breach of the natural Ripple Creek Catchment divide be withheld. Mrs Woodgate, from 4,272 petitioners, praying that an inquiry be set up to investigate the legality of the Queensland activities of Planned Parenthood Australia. 3 P ERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr Grice, by leave, made a personal explanation relating to comments made in the Senate on 28 March 1995. 4 NOTICES OF MOTION 5 NOTICE OF MOTION – QUEENSLAND CRICKET TEAM Leader of the Opposition (Mr Borbidge), on behalf of Mr Veivers, moved – That this House— (a) commends the Queensland cricket team, the mighty Bulls, for their outstanding and historic victory in the Sheffield Shield Final at the Gabba, where the Crows were well and truly stoned; (b) notes the legendary contribution of Alan Border to Queensland Cricket where the Shield win has capped a great career; and (c) further notes the great performance of that other ‘oldie’ – Carl Rackemann. Question put and passed. 6 QUESTIONS Questions were asked. Paper: Deputy Leader of the Coalition (Mrs Sheldon) tabled the following paper— Letter requesting an investigation into the pinball and amusement games industry Questions continued. Papers: Mr Slack tabled the following papers— Letter, dated 16 December 1994, from the Deputy Premier, Minister for Emergency Services and Consumer Affairs and Minister Assisting the Premier on Rural Affairs (Mr Burns) relating to the Whyte Island mangrove area Letter, dated 18 January 1995, from the Chairman of the Port of Brisbane relating to a public meeting concerning Manly boat harbour, retention of certain mangroves on Whyte Island and plans for the future development of the Port of Brisbane. Questions continued. No. 132 – 29 March 1995 461 7 GENERAL BUSINESS – SPECIAL PUBLIC IMPORTANCE DEBATE Mr Speaker informed the House that pursuant to the sessional order of 5 November 1992, the Minister for Environment and Heritage (Ms Robson) proposed that the following matter of special public importance be submitted to the Assembly for discussion— “This House notes the effective and responsive environmental policies of the Queensland Government and how these policies stand in stark contrast to the record of the previous National Party Government and the dearth of environmental policies from the current Opposition parties.” The following Members addressed the House— Mrs Edmond, Mr Elliott, Dr Clark, Mr Laming, the Minister for Environment and Heritage (Ms Robson) and Mr Slack Papers: Mr Slack tabled the following papers— Extract from Labor Times entitled “Just how green are the Nationals?” The Thomatis/Richters Creek Action Group – Memorandum entitled “Truth and Public Benefit” relating to the Yorkeys Knob oil dumping incident At 4.36pm, the discussion was terminated by Mr Speaker in accordance with the sessional order. 8 T REASURY LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL Order of the day read for the adjourned debate on the motion of the Treasurer (Mr De Lacy) – That the Bill be now read a second time. Debate resumed. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. Bill committed on the motion of Mr De Lacy. In Committee In the Chair: Temporary Chairman Ms Power Clauses 1 to 44 agreed to. Schedules 1 to 3 agreed to. Bill to be reported without amendment. Deputy Speaker Mr Palaszczuk resumed the Chair. Bill reported without amendment. Mr De Lacy, by leave, moved – That the Bill be now read a third time. Question put and passed. Bill read a third time and passed. Title agreed to. 9 L OCAL GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL Order of the day read for the adjourned debate on the motion of the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Rural Communities (Mr Mackenroth) – That the Bill be now read a second time. Debate resumed. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. Bill committed on the motion of Mr Mackenroth. In Committee In the Chair: Temporary Chairman Mr Briskey Clauses 1 to 12 agreed to. Clause 13 (Replacement of s 773 (Corporate and operational plans))— Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Rural Communities (Mr Mackenroth) proposed the following amendment— 462 No. 132 – 29 March 1995 At page 21, line 10, after ‘Ipswich’— insert— ‘, Logan’. Amendment agreed to. Clause 13, as amended, agreed to. Clauses 14 to 18 agreed to. Bill to be reported with amendment. Deputy Speaker Ms Power resumed the Chair. Bill reported with amendment. Bill, as amended, ordered to be taken into consideration. Mr Mackenroth, by leave, moved – That the Bill be now read a third time. Question put and passed. Bill read a third time and passed. Title agreed to. 10 LOCAL GOVERNMENT (ABORIGINAL LANDS) AMENDMENT BILL Order of the day read for the adjourned debate on the motion of the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Rural Communities (Mr Mackenroth) – That the Bill be now read a second time. Debate resumed. Paper: Mr Littleproud, during his speech, tabled the following paper— Letter, dated 27 November 1994, from the Council of Cherbourg Elders Inc concerning the activities of some members of Cherbourg Community Council and certain ATSIC members Debate continued. Mr Johnson moved – That the Member for Gregory be further heard. The House divided. AYES, 30 Beanland Gamin Johnson Malone Simpson Borbidge Gilmore Laming* Mitchell Slack Connor Goss J Lester Perrett Springborg* Cooper Grice Lingard Quinn Stoneman Davidson Hobbs Littleproud Rowell Turner FitzGerald Horan McCauley Santoro Watson NOES, 48 Ardill Clark Hamill Palaszczuk Spence Barton Comben Hayward Pearce Sullivan J Beattie D'Arcy Hollis Pitt Sullivan T Bennett Davies Livingstone* Power Szczerbanik Bird Dollin McElligott Purcell Vaughan Braddy Edmond McGrady Pyke Warner Bredhauer Elder Mackenroth Robertson Welford Briskey Fenlon Milliner Robson Woodgate Budd* Foley Nunn Rose Campbell Gibbs Nuttall Smith *Tellers Question negatived. Bill read a second time. Bill committed on the motion of Mr Mackenroth. In Committee In the Chair: Temporary Chairman Mr Briskey Clauses 1 to 12 agreed to. Bill to be reported without amendment. Mr Speaker resumed the Chair. Bill reported without amendment. Mr Mackenroth, by leave, moved – That the Bill be now read a third time. Question put and passed. No. 132 – 29 March 1995 463 Bill read a third time and passed. Title agreed to. 11 POSTPONEMENT – GOVERNMENT AND GENERAL BUSINESS Leader of the House (Mr Mackenroth) moved – That Government Business Orders of the Day Nos. 4 to 15 and General Business Notices of Motion Nos. 1 to 3 be postponed until a later hour of the sitting. Question put and passed. 12 ELECTRICITY REGULATION 1995 (SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION 1995 NO . 468) – M OTION FOR DISALLOWANCE Mr Gilmore, pursuant to notice, moved – That the Electricity Regulation 1995 (Subordinate Legislation 1995 No. 468) tabled in Parliament on 22 February 1995 be disallowed. Debate ensued. Question put. The House divided. AYES, 31 Beanland Gilmore Lester Quinn Turner Borbidge Goss J Lingard Rowell Veivers Connor Grice Littleproud Santoro Watson Cooper Hobbs McCauley Simpson Davidson Horan Malone Slack FitzGerald Johnson Mitchell Springborg* Gamin Laming* Perrett Stoneman NOES, 47 Ardill Clark Hamill Palaszczuk Sullivan J Barton Comben Hayward Pearce Sullivan T Beattie D'Arcy Hollis Pitt Szczerbanik Bennett Davies Livingstone* Purcell Vaughan Bird Dollin McElligott Pyke Warner Braddy Edmond McGrady Robertson Welford Bredhauer Elder Mackenroth Robson Woodgate Briskey Fenlon Milliner Rose Budd* Foley Nunn Smith Campbell Gibbs Nuttall Spence *Tellers Question negatived. 13 ADJOURNMENT Leader of the House (Mr Mackenroth) moved – That the House do now adjourn. Debate ensued. And the House having continued to sit till 12 midnight— THURSDAY, 30 MARCH 1995 Debate continued. Question put and passed. The House adjourned at 12.03am. 464 No. 132 – 29 March 1995 14 ATTENDANCE The
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