A Vocabulary, Containing Chinese Words and Phrases Peculiar To

A Vocabulary, Containing Chinese Words and Phrases Peculiar To

This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. http://books.google.com Ik* SI- ■^ & VOCABULARY, CONTAINING CHINESE WORDS AND PHRASES Peculiar to Canton and Macao, and tc the Trade of those Places ; • TOGETHER WITn THE AND ADDRESS OF ALL THE OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT, TITLES HONG MERCHANTS, &C. &C. .•'..'•'.... :' :.*";-. ; ( '. -\ V ' ALPHABETICALLY ABRANG CD, •Aad intended as an Aid to Correspondence and Conversa tion in the Native Language. • • > ', - V: MACAO, CHINA : PRINTED AT THE HONORABLE COMPANY'S PRESS, BY P. P- TltOHS. , • I ■ ilDCCCXXIT.- '' ; A5/7 ^ VOCABULARY, C CONTAINING CHINESE WORDS AND PHRASES v S Peculiar to Canton and Macao, and to the Trade of those Places ; TOGETHER WITH THE TITLES AND ADDRESS OF ALL THE OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT, HONG MERCHANTS, &C. &C. ' . ' . .••""'• 1 . X ' ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, ' And intended as an Aid to Correspondence and Conversa tion in the Native Language. j MACAO, CHINA : PRINTED AT THE HONORABLE COMPANY'S PRESS, I BY P. P. THOMS. ,- MDCCCXXIT.. -• . - —i ii 1/ ( -1ARVARD\ I UNIVERSITY LIBRARY I UK 26 1»6& « J>-, I $ ^ 7 / /<2 <3^-. /££ /' Jl_- . ■I IIPI Mil I. ..1.1 « •> . .' » \W .!. flf> '---"" "» -:. - " u"-' 'T ' . -» I '" '» .' if- — . ■ Note. The Pronunciation of the Characters is in the - Mandarin dialect; the dialect peculiar to the. Province being altogether unfixed, and varying essentially hetweeu Canton and Macao. For^the sake of • uniformity, the Compiler has. made use of the :| system of Orthography adopted in the Dictionary of Dr. Morrison, to a Manu- - script by whom he is indebted for a considerable portion of the contents of this Vocabulary. J. P. D: ".C3 ' « .' • l l .. I. -i . ii^i^ VOCABULARY. •" ' 8fc. ACCOUNT, ^g g chang-mfih,. Account Book, ffljr Vh| soo-poo. ACCOUNTANT,' ^ ^ swan-show. ADMIRAL, 7J£ |J ^ *^ shwiiy-sze-te-tuh. AGATE, j■j§ |j| /g ma-naou-shlh. AGENT, f^ g» || tae-le-sze. AGREEMENT, Iffy j|L y5-tan; g| j~L e-tan ; |j) . J©, cha-tan. ALMANACK, }|| ^ tung-shoo ; ^ ||? ^she-heen- shoo. ALMONDS, bitter, Jfc ^C plh-hang ; Sweet, j^ ^ nan hang. \ ALOES, J|^ Jj£ yanSchin *, L'gnum Aloes, flf <|jj ^ e-nan-heang. • . _ • J i "*"* . -- .....,..- . , , . l — . - M mi wm 6 ALUM, §| fan ; in Crystals, |j| gj£ king-choo. ' AMBASSADOR,^ gsze-chin, j| =g hwang-chae, AMBER, Jg pih , HJQ hoo-pjh. Red, jfr iQ heu« pih. False, ^ Jpj ^ ,po-le-sung. AMOUNT of asum, it Jf kung,ke. AN-CHA-SEE, or Ganchasee, Judge of Canton, J^fc 4^ .||£Gan-cha-szej J^ -gj» Ne6-tae. Title, or style by courtesy, ^ ^ Tajin. • . ?, ANCHOR (ship's), J|? gjj teS-maouV "Weigh anchor, 5 $a ke.maou. ,'•".'- ANCHORED, ^ J£| wan-pa. ANNISEED, /Jv jgf~seaou-hwuy: -Star Anniseed, J\ ffi pa-ketf. APPLE, ^^ing-kwo. : . ARECA NUT, or^Betel, j£ ^ping-Iang. ARMS, & M ping.keae. ARRACK, gg Jjjjf . jg a-lak-tsew. - . • j,. ARROW ROOT, g^leeb fun ; ]j§ ^raa.te.fun * & ^ ® chia.chpo^fan.: . .• . ' . - ' ASH COLOUR, g -gr hwuy-slh. MMMrfMMM^MkMM * - 7 ARSENIC § ft sin sMh » ft ^ pC sMh> YeU°W' ASSAFCETIDA, ppj" |j| o-kwei. AUCTION, to sell by, $ ft f ming-tow-mae. AVERAGE PRICE, §J| $ <R ft tsuBg.ehe.ke^jrta. ' -•"• . B BAGGAGE, |^ Zp hing-le. BALANCE, for weighing, % Zf t'h8eu.ping. Of Ac counts, -ft 7jC|l chang.shwuy-ym. BALE OP COTTON,-^f^^PaoU-mSen^ BAMBOO, _-^/fr yMan.chuh. As a punishment, fr \% ^-p**'13*5' s^0*8'. for food, ^ ^ tung-seun. BANKRUPTCY, ^] £f taou-hang. BANKER, or dealer in money, ||[ @ /\ ym*P0°*Jin BANISH for life, % % chung^eun. For a time, ^^lew.too. BARGAIN, %^ft% ^raaC'slw8'ting' , V—, ,. -. ^.i-^.,.— ^M._J— ..— f ., !,,■,»i,f,^ .mi I, i --,, . Tinln-■ ....I i-i.ii -■ '. "l• .-.— ^hW^U-J W- 8 BARK, Peruvian, ^j£ gj| |jj kin-ke-llh. BARLEY, pearl, g £ e-jin, JJ^ e.me; common, 2^|£l ta-mlh.'-; BARREL, ^ ^| muh-tung. BARRIER at Macao, || ^ kwan-cha. BARTER, # ^ J| j| e-ho-ylh-ho, BASKET, |g g lan-kwang. BATAVIA, ^f/p )$|J P£ Kea-Ia-pa. BAY of the Sea, f|wan5 $| |^ hae-yu, BEADS, ^ choo, BEAVER SKiNS, -jgj. || jfe hae-lo-pe, BECHE DE MAR, jjjjt j£ hae-san. BENGAL, g 8g WilMang.ya.la. BENJAMIN, Gum, £ J^ 5fr Gan-seih-heang. BETEL NUT, ^^pi„g-lang. BEZOAR, J^ H new-hwang. BILL FOR GOODS, ^ ^ h(Ktan , Jg g ^ chang. muh-tan. / BIRD'S NEST, edible,^ jg yen.wo. ;' BISCUIT,^ ^ |J;mLpaou.kan,g ff meenping. * l MMfeMWHW 9 woo-miih. BLACK-WOOD^ iW'l BLACK LEAD, |jj yuen. BLANKETS, f^fa^ yang-plh-chen.. BOAT, jjgl ting, Chop, boat, gj JJJ^ Jj| jg| se-k.wa- peen-ting ; Fast Boat, 'jyj Jfa£ kwae-ting. Small Bpa.t, ^ £]jj[ san-pan ; Passage Boat, ^ ^ too-ch.uen., BOCA TIGRIS, 1# P*j hoo-mun. Bogue Fort on the West, g |^ Jg || hwang-tang-paou-tae. Ditto on the East, ^ f£| #&1 1^ sha-ked'-paou-tae. BOHEA TEA, ^^ ta-cha. , j. BOMBAY, D^ (g Mang.mae. BOND, gj i^. yS-tan ; fg- ^i tseay-tan ,- g| j|L yin,tau. Bond given to government, "H* &g kaji-kellu •.• BORAX, jgjjj $? pang-sha. , / ,....;. ,, BORROW, j^. ^ tseay-lae, : . BOTTLES, Jj£ J|| jj| po-le-tsun. :, BOX, ^ hfij^l ^J. seang-tsze. BOX, Jj| |^ ^jv hwang-yang-mulv ;. \ BRAZIER, H| ||£ tung-tseahg. - ' '. ;.-> , BRASS, jff U| hwangntung. 10 BREAD, J?|| |j|j meen-tow ; |>vj fy meen paou; BRIMSTONE, Jjjj H lew-hwang. BROAD CLOTH, /\\ jjj? seaou-ne ; [j£ g| pjg to-lo-ne. BROKER, 0 |£ king-ke ; ^ g| paou-Jan. BUILD, "$k ^ keen-kae. BULLET, §ffi ^jh* tan-tsze. BULLOCK, ^ new; iji. ^Jj new t5. BUSINESS in trade, '^ ||? sang-e. BUTTER, ij^ J|j new-yew. BUTTON, ^f. new ; Jp |^ kow-new. Button or Ball on the cap, an ornamental distinction, mg" Tjf maou- ting.. • . • .»'.'•..;. "'..•.- . ' ..'•.-' Nine ranks, -ft 5p kew-pin, distinguished by the fol lowing Buttons. These buttons have little or no thing to do with official rank, being often bought for money by unofficial persons; and confer no other privilege than exemption from corporal punishment, until after the wearer has been formally deprived'. t. .4 1st rank. &I ^ 2J hung-paou-shKh, Transparent "" red. I' -1 11 2nd rank, Jjf gjj shan:hoo, Plain Coral, or opaque red. 3rd rank, . ^ JJ} ^ hwa-shan-hoo. Flowered Co- ral. 'I .' ••. 4th rank, % || leang-lan, Transparent Blue. 5th rank, jjg ;lg= gan-lan, Opaque Blue.: 6th rank, 7fc fa leanrplhv.6* fc g| shwiiy-tsufc, Transparent White, or crystal, r. 7th rank; g| '^ gah-plh, or Opaque White. .'. / 8th rank, ^ kin, Gold. 9th rank, |^ yin, Silver. (Not worn.) BUY, g jjj mae-lae * g || che-mae. CABIN, jljjgf ^.^chuen-wei-low; *g* kwan tsang. CABLE, -|§ g| chuen-lan. CABRITA POINT, opposite" to Macao, mnn ke-king-yang-meen. v ii CALCULATE, $| ^J tuy-swan. '• f ..*•>-. 12 CALM, ft jk ^ f fung che selh leaou ; J|| gjfc hae-tsing. CAMBODJIA, ^g J|| gj Tseen*lo4tw«. CAMLETS, ^ ^ yu-sha. Dutch, ^J |g yu-twan.. CAMP, *$$. ying. i CAMPHOR, Borneo, $J<, Jj* ping-peen. Chinese, %f£ j|| chang-naou; Camphor• tree, ;^| ^- chang-nmh. CAM-SING-MOON passage, ^ J| ^ kin-sing-mun. CANAL, Great,. *i| |J J^j* yun-leang,ho ; g>J .Jpfyu, ho. ' ' " •?/'.. CANDAREEN, — ^ ^| ylh-fun-yin.. , •',.; CANDLE, $g.jj| l&rchttlr. CANES, ^kan;/|^chuh. CANISTER of a Tea Chest,. |g ^ yuen^ung. Small round Canister, ^ fjg cha-keuen. CANNON, ^ ^ ta-paou. CANTON PROVINCE, j§ * Kwang-tung, A T| yug-tung. Canton City, gj |jlj J^ kwang-chow-foo ; ^g ttg „. sang-ching. .. .. , "' & in i " .,.--,,-^ -'.'" . .. *. - — -** 13 'CAKVAS, j[JL /{ft fan-poo, Sail cloth. CAP, |[ii J- raaou-tsze; Summer Cap, ^ |jlj| leang* maou. "Winter Cap, fg| ljl| nwan:maou. CAPITAL, in money, ^ || pun-tseen. Chief city of a country, ^ J^ king-ching. CAPTAIN in the Navy, |£ |g f| -& |f chen-chuen* tsung-ping^kwan. Captain, or Master of a Merchant ship, jM{ J£ chuen-choo. CARD, visiting, ^ |JJj pae-teg. Playing Card, fijfc J^j! che-pae. *•• • CARGO, $g g chuen.ho ; ^ j^ $) JJ chuen-tsa* tem-ho. CARPENTER, ^ ]/£ muh-tseang», CARPET, £]j, fjj te-chen. CARROT, $E |g §} hung-lo-peih* CAS A BRANCA, near Macao, |jj} jij Tseeh-shan. CARVED^IVORY, fj ^ Jp |j| teaou-hwa*ya-ke. CASE, outer, 2j| f§ taou-seang. Cahinet, |jg kea. 4 CASH, (Chinese), gj §| tung-tseen ; 'Jg'Ie. CASK, jg JU tsew.tung. •.^ ..!*.' CASSIA LIGNEA, $ £ kwe,pe/, % & £ g^ peen-kwei. Buds, || ^. kwei.tsze. CATTY, Iff kin , ^ kin. CAULK, jj^ta-tsang. :; CEDAR, jjg ^J* pih-heang-mfih , ^ ^ na„.mflh. CELLAR, }jg || tsew-fang. CHAIN, g &§ teg-leen. ' , CHALK, g| ^ pfc-hwuy; jfc^fjgf ho.sMh.fun. CHARCOAL, ^ tan, ^ J| muh-tan. CHART, J*f JJ; HJ hae-sha-too. CHEAP, g| TsSen, jgfl£ kea-te. ; . peen. ' . ' ' CHE-KEANG Province, ft ft ^ ChS-keang,sang. CHEST, 0seanff,^^ke&.wan. CHESNUTS, H ^ feft-tsze. CHIEF OP BRITISH FACTORY, ^ db ^jj g .^^ Ying-keIh.le-kw5Ta.pan. (See President.) " CHILLIES, ftlh ^^ u i -i c iiirt n --nut -w i■ -r> ■ iir ■ iiit■in ..■■ii . -In ii iHrfl*" 15 CHINA, tjl gl chung-kw5; ?C ^§\ teen-chaou; ^*' »/+■ 1— U| , " ica l&a ta-tsmg-kwS. CHINA GRASS, ^ g| ^ t'heen-tsan-sze, " The silk of celestial worms." CHINA ROOT, i ^ ^ too-fiih-ling. CHINESE, NATIVE, ^ ^ Han-jin ; jpk A Tang-jin. (Latter commonly used at Canton.) CHINCHEW, »|j M tseuen-chow. CHOP, or agreement, £jj jp[ cha-tan. CHOP BOAT, frffi ta-ting; or g§ J& j§ ||«r kwa-peen-chuen. Grand Chop, &£ Jjj^* hung-pae j ^ Jp^ta-pae. Chop or Custom-house, ||H Q[ kwan-kow.

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