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Easter life begins at home, however - in a transformation of our spirits, CHURCH and the reconfiguring of all reality in the company of the faithful. In this way, we move beyond mere hope in Christ to actually seeing him with our eyes and THIS ISSUE April 8, 2012 touching him (1 John 1; see 1 Cor. 15: 19), because our lives are now ordered around and in him, "hidden in his body and bathed in his blood " (p. 28). NEWS Please join us in savoring the magnificent commen­ 4 A Coup for Cambridge tary on the lectionary readings at pp. 28-29 of this issue, as an entre to the remainder. How is God enacting the mission of Easter before our eyes and in FEATURES our hearts, "trampling down death by death , and on those in the tombs bestowing life"? Let us pinpoint 8 Anglican Alliance After One Year the places, thank him for his loving mercy, and join in By John Martin with joyful gratitude. Alleluia! 11 OUR UNITY IN CHR IST series ON THE COVER: Resurrection, Fresco in the Sansepolcro Cathedral, Claudio Giovanni Columb o. Spacial Catholicity By Mark D. Chapman 14 Second Annunciation By Jon Adamson 16 Take Your Place at God's Banquet By Daniel H. Martins BOOKS 21 To Change the World by James Davison Hunter Review by Jordan Hylden 24 Christian Peace and Nonviolence edited by Michael G. Long Review by Scott Bader-Saye CULTURES 18 God Is in the Neighborhood By Dennis Raverty 20 Fruit A poem by Michael Cover OTHER DEPARTMENTS 28 Sunday's Readings A L1v1~JGCHURCH Sponsor 30 People & Places We are gratef ul to Trinity Episcopa l Church , Southport , Connecticut [page 29], whose gene rous support helped make th is issue possible . The LivingChurch is publishedby the LivingChurch Foundation.Our historic missionin the EpiscopalChurch and the AnglicanCommunion is to seek and servethe Catholicand evangelicalfaith of the one Church,to the end of visible Christianunity throughoutthe world. April 8, 2012 • THE LIVING CHURCH 3 NEWS April 8, 2012 A Coup for Cambridge By John Martin The Church of England's worst­ kept secret is out now that Arch­ bishop Rowan Williams, 61, has announced that he will become Master of Magdalene College, Cam­ bridge, in January. Speculation has been rife for months, fuelled by rumours that Williams was already in the diary for public events in Cambridge in 2013. The appointment is a coup for Cam­ bridge University, as he is expected to attract a long queue of doctoral theology students from across the world. After serving as Archbis hop of Canterbury for a decade, Williams had made no secret that he was looking at his options for the future. Last autumn, for instance, he told members of the Compass Rose Soci­ ety that he was not minded to take on a second Lambeth Conference, even though this was open to him. He said he would exit in plenty of time for his successor to plan well for 2018. His job may esse ntially be chief parson of the nation, but the role of Archbishop of Canterbury is inevi­ tably political. Four of his prede­ cessors were martyrs (Alph ege, 1012; Thomas Becket, 1170; Simon Sudbury, 1381; and William Laud, Archbishop Rowan Williams is returning to academia. Steve Punter/Crcal!vr Commons photo 1645). An arc hbishop is the target for people's hostility towards the Established Chur ch and the faith it espo uses. Shaiiah into British law was greete d but it is not as if that has overshad­ Williams has been at the centre of with near hysteria. owed everyt hing ," he said in an more than his shar e of domestic The Anglican Communion 's con­ interview with members of the political spats . He called the Iraq vulsive atmosphere created by huge British Press Association . "It has War "immora l and illegal." His sup­ differences over sexuality has meant certain ly been a major nuisance. In port for green issues and concer ns great personal pain for the arch­ every job that you are in there are over global warming drew fire from bishop. His strategy was to keep controvers ies and conflicts and this conservatives. His suggestion that people talking where possible, and one isn 't going to go away in a the legal code needed to acknow l­ to his great credit that continues. hurr y." edge a growing Muslim population "Crisis management is never a The arc hbishop has said the con­ by incorporat ing some parts of favourite activity, I have to admit, troversy is about a broader issue: 4 THE LIVING CHURCH • April 8, 2012 how a communion of chur ches com­ There have been a number of prising a wide range of cultures can recent changes to the operations of consult about major issues. He saw the CNC. The Secretary General of the propos ed Anglican Covenant as the Anglican Communion attends as the best guide to future consulta­ a non-vo ting member , so the Rev. tion. Suspicions that the agreement Canon Kenneth Kearon will be pres­ would override the decision -making ent. A person chosen from among powers of provinces have triggered the Primat es of the Communion will an anti- Covenant campaign which be present with the right to vote. looks likely to succe ed in the Almost certainly this will be an Church of England. The archbishop African, with the choice probably has ask ed whether everyone wants between Bernard Ntahoturi of to see the divisions betw een Angli­ Burundi or Thabo Makgoba of the cans healed. Anglican Church of Southern Aflica. Rupert Shortt, the archbishop's Another first is that the Canterbury biograph er, wrote in the Guardian Diocese will supply six members. March 16 that history would judge Their connections and convictions Williams as "a great archbishop of will be closely scrutinized in the Canterbury in all sorts of ways, months ahead. The national compo­ many yet unsung." nent of the CNC is a standing group "I sometimes wonder whether electe d by the General Synod. Its more fractious members of his flock composition and balance changed realise how lucky they have been to recently with the election of an evan­ have him," Shortt added. "Institution­ gelical, Tin1Dakin, as Bishop of Win­ ally, though, his decad e in office will cheste r and his replacement by a lib­ probably end in honourable defeat. " eral Catholic. In the event that the Even so, Williams steps down Archbishop of York is a cand idate, confident that Cluistianity is not los­ his place on the CNC will be taken by ing the battle against secularisation a senior English bishop. in Blitain. "I don't think that there is The Archbishop of York, the Most somehow a single great argument Rev. John Sentamu, 62, who fled · that the Church is losing . I think Uganda to escape death tlu·eats from there is a great deal of interest still in dictator Idi Amin, is clearly front­ the Christian faith," he said . runner. He has grown in stature with "Although I thin k there is also a lot each successive senior appoi ntment of ignorance and rather dim-witted and is adept at using symbolic ges­ prejudice about the visible manifes­ tures to make a point. He is godly, tat ions of Ch1istianity, which some­ popular, with great media presence, times clouds the discussion ." and evangelicals will be solidly His successor will be chosen by behind his candidature. the Crown Nominations Comm is­ A Sentarnu appointment is not a sion (CNC). The first step in the foregone conclusion . The Rev. process will be Prime Minister Simon Cawdell, a General Synod David Camero n's appointment of a member, told TLC that Plime Minis­ layperson , normally either a senior ter Can1eron may think it politically politi cian or judge and probably a risky to choos e a very artic ulate woman this year, to lead the com­ opponent of gay marliage. "On the mission's work The CNC will offer other hand , if he goes with a propo­ two names to Camero n, who will nent of gay marriage he will very tender the CNC's first choice to the likely find himself choosing an arch­ Queen . He has already signalled that bishop who disagrees with him on while he supports same-sex mar ­ just about everyt hing else." riage he will not insist that the next There are not many English bish­ archbishop hold that view. (Continued on next page) April 8, 2012 • THE LIVING CHURCH 5 NEWS April 8, 2012 Rayna) Studios, Inc. 'I Will BlessYou' Report Released Historical!Y The Episcopal Church's Standing prior to General Convention, and Correct Commission for Liturgy and Music providing it to the wider church then Stained has released 82 pages of its report allowed bishops and deputies to Glass, on proposed pastoral blessings for hear from the wider church as part Wood same-sex couples.
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