KET PRESS BUN AVERAGE DAILY CIROUIiATION THE WEATHER. OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of Joly, 1026. Probably showers late tonight and Friday. Slowly rising tem* 4,872 pOratnre. L tV ------- ^----------------------------------- ■'------- -----------------------i7 d ^ . gVV VOL. XLIV., NO. 273. ClaaeUled AdTertislng on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGU^'*’ ^ (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ITALIAN PRINCE SLAIN DISTANT BLAST FATAL; CANTON PROBE AS HE CATCHES POACHER Lillian Cannon O. K.*s Ederle NO ONE HELD TO BLAME Rome, Aug. 19.— Prince Don Middletown, Aug. 19.— Mike Umberto Ruspoli, member of Swim as Pure Sportsmanship Zahorsky, 34 of Bridgeport, met CARPENDER, STEVENS HELD one of the oldest aristocratic death on the state hospital REACHES JUDGE, families of Italy, was shot .ind grounds here accidentally on killed today by a poacher, whom ’August tenth and no one Is re­ By LILLIAN C.INNON. I shall not wait for a competitive he had surprised updh the sponsible for' the fact, according <¥>race, unless arrangements are Ruspoli estate near Rome. Cape Gris Nez, Aug. 19.— I have to Coroner if. A. Smith. COPSJAWYER just heard of the offer of NEA Ser­ quickly made, no matter how rich FOR GRAND JURY; NO BAIL The Ruspoli family has been A jagged piece of shale hurl­ vice and the Scripps-Howard News­ the prize. If I delayed and -othera ed 540 feet by a blast penetrat­ prominently identified with. should not contribute to the purse American society, several of its papers to contribute $5,000 toward ed the man’s skull and he died a $20,000 purse for a competitive to raise it to the amount named by almost instantly, tbe coroner Former Prosecutor Under members marrying American Gertrude, I might sacrifice my last CROSSES OF FIRE women. race across the English Channel. found. The blast was set off Hall-Mills Murder Sospects ------------------------------------------------ s> Encouraging for me, yes! It is opportunity of swimming the chan­ while workmen were building a MERCHAIfTSOF one of the most fiattering expres­ nel, as the season is now getting IN AERIAL BOMBS Arrest; “ Got Whole Gang well along. If the race is arrang­ dam near Silvermine cottage at sions of confidence I ever received, the hospital. Committed for IndictmenI and especially after my being driv­ ed for promptly, however, or should Huge Noises and K. K. K. Em­ Where I Want Them,” AMERICANS FALL en back by the storm in my first at­ jcome after I have succeeded alone, MEXICO WEARY blems in Air Stir Ire Around tempt. And the offer suggests a I would, of course, be glad to join Proceedings as Special fascinating picture of the doze^ or in such competition. Greenwich Declares U. S. Aftomey. JfJ FRENCH PLANE so swimmers along this coast all The talk of swimming in compe­ COOLIDGE PARLEY O F C m C H W A R Hearing Suddenly Ends; taking the water at once like a tition for a purse, as I have heard Greenwich, Aug. 19.— Four school of porpoises, and splashing it. grew out of criticisms of Ger­ aerii^i bombs discharged near Cleveland, O., Aug. 19.— ^Whip­ out for the gold on the farther trude Ederle’s great and successful the Cos Cob cemetery during Prima Facie Case Estab­ shore. swim appearing in British newspa­ ON ARMS LIKELY the night loosed as many ping the curtains aside on the whole Most of Them Catholics Bat Bostonian Killed, 8 Tonrists But my training and my hopes pers. It is unfortunate that these fiery crosses that floated away conspiracy that is alleged to exist remain just the same as they were criticisms should have .appeared. leaving behind great excite­ lished, Judge Rules; Simp­ between members of the “ Jungle” before. Disappointed because of Tugs are a necessity unless sulcidi Failure at Geneva Expected Hit hy Boycott, Urge End ment throughout t,he district. and certain Canton officials to per­ Hurt as Channel Liner that ill-timed thunderstorm, I am is the object. I saw all of the Police found the remains of Ederle swim, and I want to say son Declares He Has Evi­ vert the course of justice and the keeping in condition and waiting the bombs when they; rushed Crashes in England. the first day that looks favor­ again now that it was a gallant and to Be FoDowed by Call by of Strife; Calles Cold down to the site but no per­ prosecution of law violators, U. S. able. sportsmanlike performance. sons were about. dence in Reserve; Will District Attorney A. E. Bernsteen to Episcopate Plea. The bombs, according to ex­ today revealed that the arrest of London, Aug. 19.— Robert Blan-j U. S. Govermnent. perts here, cost over $100 Norman Clark, former assistant to ey of Boston was killed and eight j each. Prosecution will fol­ Not Ask for Increase in KING OF BANKNOTE WOMAN’S KNIFE low if the bombers can be the solicitor of Canton, was but the other Americans Injured when the | Mexico City, Aug. 19.— President found, it Was said today, for first step in a sensational expose of "Washington, Aug. 19.— Belief Bail of Mrs. Hall; Sensa­ new Farman Goliath plane, cross- j Calles today gives every indication houses were shaken by the ex­ \ conditions that led to the shooting that the Geneva disarmament con­ channel air liner of the French Air of standing firmly against peace plosions though no actual of Don R. Mellett, publisher of the FAKIRS ESCAPES ROUTS “ STABBER” ference is foredoomed to failure and damage has been reported. Union, met disaster on Rompey movements in the religious con­ tion Is Promised as Mur­ Canton News, on July 16. that President Coolldge will Initiate Took Bribe, Cliarged Marsh, in Kent, after crossing from troversy initiated in the Catholic an American plan of arms limita­ Clark, whose office was that of France late yesterday afternoon. Episcopate’s letter of yesterday. CUT IN FOREIGN BOOZE der Gun Is Found. tion was expressed here today as-the local prosecutor was arrested late Another passenger was killed and Zecchaniti, World's Prize Wife of Bridgeport Newspa­ The letter petitions the president yesterday on information supplied five other persons injured, includ­ aftermath of Secretary of state to suspend the -religious regula­ by Louis Merer that the latter had REAL, SAYS ANDREWS ing the pilot and mechanician. The Kellogg’s Plattsburgh speech. tions on the ground they make Im­ Somerville, N. J., Aug. 19.— given him $25 and two bottles of Counterfeiter, Gets Out perman Chases Suspect •pilot died today. Many membert of the CooHdge possible the life of the fiatholic whiskey, in return for which Clark Henry Carpender, cousin, an(^“ Wil. The machine had completed a administration are known to be Church in Mexico. had obtained the return to Merer of For First Time in His Regime He” Stevens, brother, of Mrs. Pram difficult passage of the Channel in of Mexican Jail. Into Anns of Cop. keenly anxious for an extension of The government is asked to grant a seized automobile. a heavy rain and the pilot was seek­ “freedom of conscience, thought, Supply of Imported Liquor Is ces Stevens Hall, were today held The district attorney was highly the "Washington agreement for le- ing a forced landing place when he duction in naval armaments but religion, teaching, association and Being Reduced. without ball for the grand Jury Jubilant today over the success that collided with a barn and the plane the press,” and the request is made has so far attended the prosecution Me.\ico City, Aug. 19.— John Bridgeport, Aug. 19.— Mrs. Jul­ have felt no progress could be made on charges of murdering the Rev. was wrecked. until European nations had made that the^hurch be granted “ recog­ Washington, Aug. 19.— The use of his Investigation. Zecchinati, a former resident of Dr. Edward Hall, New Brunswick, In adition to bone fractures, cuts ia Saltez, wife of a local newspap­ the attempt through the League jf nition of the necessary personality of airplanes to patrol rum row and Bernsteen reiterated today that and contusions suffered by some, New York, but of Italian birth, al­ er man, acted promptly when a to make these liberties effective.” the Coast Guard’s blockade of the N. J., clergyman, and Mrs. Eleanor he had dedicated himself to the task Nations and failed. ‘ all the Injured are suffering from leged to be an expert bank note stranger entered her apartment in No Goal In Sight The letter expresses the pro­ Atlantic coastline has materially Mills, a chorister in Dr. Hall’s left unfinished by Mellett’s death— shock. reduced the smuggling of contra­ countefeiter, was being sought by Fairfield avenue yesterday after­ The preparatory conference at found conviction that this Is the church. that of cleaning up the city of Can­ ' The Injured only way to en.’, the old religious band liquor into the united States ton. In this crusade Bernsteen said Mexican police today following his noon, for she seized a butcher knife Geneva has struggled for weeks to Decision to hold Stevens and car­ The injured Americans include: and chased the man into the arms find a basis for reaching an agree­ conflict. from European countries, it was he has the cooperation of Attorney announced today by General Lin­ pender was made by County Judge Miss Victoria Valden of Balti­ escape from the Mexico City jail of Policeman William Buckley who ment to end the burden of competi­ The requested suspension is not Joseph R. Roach and other investi­ more; Miss Mildred Vaiden, her where he was being held for extra­ made conditional upon congression­ coln C.
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