Am erican Newspapers Are the Voicfi of a Free. Mystic Beview. No. Woman’s tea llasonle Tamptoi which was IfttTfffrfT frf t)W. C0imb|ttW ■1^ tma’a Hother Orole will greatly anloyad by aU thooa pres­ fiupnma Forest from Spring City, The Weather mMt tomorrow eyenlng at S, at Benefit aseodaUon, wlU meet -to­ Ce Event itT o r a morrow evening in Odd Fellows ent. At g .o’clock a rout beaf Penn.; Clartc L. Maine, member of Dslljr Net Pross Ban FttrwMt of o, a. w eocr I the boine of Hre: William Relaer, miinar wsa senrtd to all Tall Ob- Extension oommlttee. Supreme B7 Unnmota Prlve. halt Preaident Mra. MUdred Ted- HAkE'SSELF «k r tiM Mmrtli *4 foid rsqueata all.maihbera who or- Big Success dsn in tee Masonlo Temple. ■ :* Fonat, from Westarly, Rhode Is­ MopUy'immy. m m or Tbe drawing of the PontlM'aer land; CSrt C. Hadydua, District - , Tii« Orlgliial hi Ntw Eoftand kas b*Mi appotatod Oattl, of i r Florence dared articles at the recent dem- Mie Uttb chug* tai tonpemteM onatration to come prepared to dan given away by Nutmevg For­ Repraaentatlve Dtstrlot No. 10, of Amalgimiatod ■traet, aoeompanled by friends, Supreme Forest, of Provldenoet R, 9,676 thia afteriMou: doudy toulgbt, Mt left Satilrday' for Miami Beach, r<{^ve them tomorrow ght est, took -pbee at 6:40 In front of O ittm aiid Butcher Work- Over 500 Members of Balch’s Oarage and wSa w<m by I.; Wilbert Hadden, District Rap- and HEALTH MARKkf Muwfcw of J » : A ^ t M om I m iMt algbt. uahMi. local MS. Hartford. Florida, by motor. She will make Charlie Yokes of 84 Pratt atreet. raaentatlve, District 15, Sujprme Buigun »f qrculuHoua Mancnetter~~-A City of ViSdge Charm trnatM of the flnaat Social her headquarters at the^ Olsen Ho* Mias Marjory and Miaa Dorothy Or^er Attend Cere* Cb«My of Hartford Road, and a Rocky Htn, Conn. Fonat from M^ehedtar, Conn.; tel. The Sldonlan degree waa snan- Charlea O. Ounderidti,. Grand IB S ____ group of Hartford women, recently monial on ^Saturday / donated “yester-year" arUcles of pUflsd by Nutmag Forest and 48 Cadar . from Oanlelsonn Conn.: idA^raESTERi CONN„ TUESDAY, OCTOBER A 1848 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CFfiTB r ifr . aad ICn. Jamoa T. Sheldon Manchester Iteflstered Hnrsea candldatas ware' Inltiatad. Iks Duke Erickson, Grand ’T to Oadar TUESDAY SPECIALS gev«raMnfi>i r»gu ts> 5 {;•? at T Oak Haoa will be married Association will hold a meeting apparel to the Wadaworth Atnen- VOL. LXIX.. NO. 8 eum C ^ u m e ooUectlon. Thousands of peraons Unsd Man- csnmonlal closed with a prognun from West Hartford. ’ Z r S r G r ^ Stamps OivOB With Cssl^ffalas. afictjr peara on Friday. October 7. tomorrow at 7:80 p. m. la the chaster’a Main atreet from the. of fins entertalnmsnt starting at were married In Holyoke, Qinie Room of Manchester Me- A meeting of the Infant Jesus terminus to the Center Saturday 10 o’clock, .X tfe .. but have apent pracUeally morlid Hospital. Miss Atable Let - Tciki A R k / i ‘ Outing End Admirals See their life in Maa^ea- of Prague Mothers Clrols will be to witness aiiothar apeetaculaf Tall Among^ tea guests of honor an manrled Foster, Held representative of Red w en : Herman H WlUaredt, Past Cross Nurse l>ivlaion, nitl be the held Wednesday evening at eight Cedar Fun Parade. LoUy pope PILLSBURY PIE CR U St Shootings and Death Bupnmsi Tall Cedar from Spring h. Thut speaker. ^ o’clock with Mrs. Henry McCapn, 69 Pleasant atreet ' St BHlsa- and haUoons were in avldenee CHty. Penn.; L. Darlington Lesaig, NaYy Morale beth’a Circle vrtll also meet Wed- everywhere aa the Tall Cedars S Pkg. Conbliutton Sd. 3 l 8 Carl Swanson, of 14 Thomas needay evening' with Mra. Michael passed out several hdhdrpd bal­ Drive, left Saturday at 8 p. m. Maasaro of i f William street New 1!)S0 I'ACKARD / At Lo^ Ebb The Hoosiiig Anthority frcm New York, by Scandinavian loons and thousands of i< ^ popo Break Calm in U. S. Air I4nee, for Copenhagen, Swe­ The Dorcas Society will hold |ta to the klddlaa all along the line of M A ZO LA OIL 5 4 2 ,1 9 o f ilia Town of Maaehastar, den. / He will visit with his moth­ monthly meeting Wednesday Sva- march. A generous sum 'was Secrecy * Shrouded Pa er, four .brothers and two sisters O A M m x i.’. nlng at eight o’clock at Emanuel collected fl«m the many apeeta- Modess \ Treaty With Tito win accept bids for the re- in Smaland. Sweden, for abont a Lutheran church. Mra. Agnes tors lining the atreet for the crip­ pers Indicate Deep month. Yesterday, his i^ fe Anderson, chairman o f hostesses, pled children’s -Christmas fund. jlfaiMment o f water pipes at daughter Joan, received a cable G >ncem ; Congres Mine Walkout Today will be assisted by Mrs. Jo Ander­ The 17111 COdara wish at this time BEANS 2 cuu 2Sc saying that he had arrived at 8:1S SHrer Lana Homes. Bid son, Mrs. Florence.' AimettI, Mrs. to express their sincere apprecia­ Demands Yugoslav Am* sional Probe Loom's p. m. our time. Helen Armstrong, Miss Vivian tion for the generous donations to O JI^m U LL'S Tito Asserts Anderson, Mrs. Louise Bengtson a very worthy cause. ~ , • BK. T -.i»r. forms available at An Important meeting of the bas^dor to Prague Bulletin! Twin Strikes of Minim and Mra. Vera Peterson. .-^nie parade featured the annual • IOW p.\YN ! Rainbow board will be held this Be Recalled; No Indi* Washington, Oct. 4—OP) — Young Pushes May Be Chancellor . 80 Waddell Road evening at 7:30, at the Masonic Fall ceremonial of Nutmeg For­ : R - 1)1 11 )0 A ^ TOM ATO JUtCE.<».c.. 25e Nation Ready And Steel Workers Miss Janet Knofia, Mlae Marlon est. More than 500 Tall Cedars Membera of tee B oum Armed Temple. - Maher, Mies June Hall and Miss from all aectipns of the state, f’ ; 1 I ■> 1 M DEL MONEB cation Action . Means Services committee aald to­ Cost More Than $30,* day they win begin aa Investi­ D rive to H ike The executive board of' the Alice Roberts spent the week-end Rhode bland. New York, Maaaa- Final Break in Re* For Defense in New York and attended the chusetta anV Pennsylvania attend­ gation next week of chargee 000,000 Daily; Mine Washington scho<d Parent-Teach­ 46 OiVCa. er association will meet tomorrow CoIumWa-Harvard football game. ed the flfalr. ORANGEJUICE lations Betwewi Two that Navy morale hasi hit a Workers and ^Uthem BRUNNHK’S PACKARD new low and tee Navy haa Price Levels evening at. eight o’clock at the Immediately following the pa­ A c c u s e s R u b s Ir o f T r y ' home of the president, Mrs. Har­ Mary Buafanell Cheney Auxil­ rade, tee Manchester npe Band FABKAT Prague, CZechoslovakia, been weakened- to a danger­ Operators Gather for ry Benson,. of 193 Hartford road. iary recently presented to the presented a fine concert opposite ing to ‘Endanger ous degree. They mM wlt- THE OFFICE OF Veterans Hospital In Newington, Oct. — CZechoslova­ heeeee to be oiOed will in­ Cotton, Wheat and 0th* (Contract. Talks, But ] six sturdy card tables to be placed OLEO kia’s Communist goveniment ,Small People* in clude three adinlrals whose Mrs. Frsink Reese and three er Basic Farm 'Out* None in Steel Stoppage children, Dennis, David and Pa­ In the ' wWd. Hospitalisation scrapped its friendship pact Blunt Warning Speech names appealed In a sheaf of Dr . IRWIN REZNICK tricia Ann,, o f DeOraff, Ohio, are Oiairman Mrs. Etheleen Lewta FBEAH with Yugoslavia, today and papers slipped with great put Would Be Af* 'Visiting Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Past President Mra. Mildred demanded that thej Yugoslav secrecy to newsmen yesterday Pittsburgh, Oct. 4.—i/F )— Tedford presented the gift in be­ Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Oct 4— by « Navy source. Gun shots, and death broke Herman Lamprecht, o f 86 'Village ambassador to Prague be re­ fected by Proposal WILL BE CLOSED street. Mr. Reese will join to half o f the auxiliary. ’They BROCCOLI (dV-Prvmier. Marshall Tito accus­ the calm in the nation’s mine ' stopped to talb with Arthur Keat­ called {tnmediatelyb. 'there Washington, O ct. 4—(JPi— A se­ family at Thanksgiving time. DOreOPLEHAVE TO LOOK ing Russia M trying to “endanger Washington, Oct. 4—CAVrSena- fields as twin strikes of coal Mrs. Reese was the former Ruth ing, past commander of WaH EXntA tABOE rmESH was no Immediate indication crecy-shrouded sheaf of papers in­ Cheney Tent, No. 18. U. W. V., a small people” haa bluntly warned tor Young (R-ND) pushed a drive miners and steel workers i OCT. 8 AND 4 Lamprecht of this town. 8 . that tea damand for tea racpll of dicating deep concern among who la a patient there at present, teat Yugoalavia is ready to defend in the Senate today to jack up the ground on today at a daily Yugoobv Ambasaador Marijan high officers over Navy morale The Chaminade Music Club will and with a number of the other StUlnovic meant a final break in Itself to tee last breath. Reocoe wbrtcera stm gile to remove One o f 17 bodies from the remalni level of government price props cost of more than f 30,000,- veterans. CAULIFLOWER In one of to toughest speeches o f an Army hue, whieh was struck by a train In Ontario, (AMf.
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