Adaptive behavior of Scotocryptus melitophilus Reitter (Coleoptera, Leiodidae) to live with its host Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier (Hymenoptera, Apidae) José Maurício Dias Bezerra 1 Rui Carlos Peruquetti 2 Warwick Estevam Kerr 3 ABSTRACT. Forty six beetles Scotocryptus melitophilus Reitter, 1881 collected in a nest of Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier, 1836 were studied. All beetles were put together in a large petri dish with 14 males, 14 virgin queens and 14 workers of M. quadrifasciata, which was not aggressive towards the S. melitophilus and flew with 3 to 10 beetles attached to them. When groups of 20 workers, 20 males and 20 virgin queens were put separately in three petri dishes, the workers become attractive to beetles afier they were seven days old, while the males afier the 19 days old. Only one virgin queen five days old attracted one beetle. The anatomic parts ofthe workers bees more attractive to the beetles when smeared to a filter papel" were the head (32%), abdomen (29%) and legs (29%). The part of the workers bees that less attracted the beetles was the thol"ax (10%). S. melitophilus, both males and females , are able to distinguish caste, sex and age differences of their host M. quadrifasciata, what can increase the adaptive value ofthe beetles involved in phoretic behavior. KEY WORDS. Scotocryptus, Melipona, adaptive behavior, phoresy, caste Comparing ants and termites with social wasps and bees, the number of symbionts is large in the first two groups, whose majority are ground dwellers, and small in the last two groups (WILSON 1971; KISTNER 1982). However, the high-so­ cial stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponini) seem to be an exception to this rule. Their nests have many guests as mites, moths, cockroaches, flies, beetles, fungi and bacteria, some of they are obligate symbionts (WASMANN 1904; SALT 1929; NOGUEIRA-NETO 1970; MACHADO 1971;FLETCHMAN&CAMARGO 1979; ApONTE 1996; KERR et aI. 1996). Beetles associated with bees can be classified into two categories: a) parasites and predators and b) those that use the by-products ofthe bee's activities, such as honey, pollen, wax, fungi, propolis and garbage (YANEGA & LESCHER 1994). ln the 1) Correspondence address: Departamento de Química e Biologia, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão. Cidade Universitária Paulo VI, Caixa Postal 09,65000-000 São Luís, Maranhão, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 2) Laboratório de Genética Bioquímica, Departamento de Genética e Evolução, Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Caixa Postal 676, 13565-905 São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 3) Departamento de Genética e Bioquímica, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Bloco 2E, Sala 20, Cam pus Umuarama, 38400-902 Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Revta bras. Zool. 17 (1): 199 - 203,2000 200 Bezerra et ai. latter category is the genus Scotocryptus Girard, 1874. Its four species are alI neotropical, as their favorite hosts, stingless bees of the genus Melipona Illiger, 1806. Although, they are occasionaIly found in association with other meliponine bees (ROUBIK & WHEELER 1982). The melittophilous Scotocryptus are quite different from the other genera of Leiodidae because they are blind and flightless, lacking membranous wings. Some parts oftheir body (head, antennae and legs) can be folded and their tibiae rest in grooves on the femora. The median part of each mandible has a deep groove that allows the beetle firmly grasp onto the legs ofthe bees (ROUBIK & WHEELER 1982). Ali these characters facilitate their retention on the host's body, aIlowing the beetles to be moved phoreticaIly, their only way of dispersing from one host nest to another (WASMANN 1904; NOGUEIRA-NETO 1970; ROUBIK & WHEELER 1982). Their larvae also exhibit some adaptations for inquilinism, as dorso-ventral body compression and 10ss of stemmata (WHEELER 1985). The surface of the larva body is covered with strong setae that can help it not be threw out ofthe hive by the "garbage bee 2", that is the bee who gets the garbage from the "garbage mound" and takes it to the outside. A stingless bee colony profits from the Scotocryptus population, since it reduces the amount of garbage in the nest (ROUBIK 1989). This paper adds some behavioral information on Scotocryptus rnelitophilus Reither, 1881 that suggests these beetles are highest adapted to their hosts, since many of the observed behavior can increase the adaptive vaI ue of theses phoretic beetles. MATERIAL ANO METHOOS Forty six adults of S. rnelitophilus were found in a nest of Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier, 1836 located in a branch of a tree (Fiais sp.: Moraceae), 35 cm in diameter, 5 m above ground near Viçosa, Minas Gerais (20045'S; 42°51 'W). The beetles were coIlected and transported to the laboratory of the Apiário Central da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, where they are put in a large petri dish together with some rotten wood, honey, pollen, and garbage, being kept at 28°C. Moistened cotton maintained humidity high within the petri dish. ln the laboratory three observations were performed with the beetles: I) ln order to know whether phoresy really occur and how many beetles each bee can f1y with, the following observation was made. Ali 46 beetles were put together with 14 males, 14 virgin queens, and 14 workers of M. quadrifasciata in a 15 cm diameter petri dish. Every time a beetle became attached to a bee, this bee was set free in a room in order to see whether that bee would f1y with the beetle attached. The bee was recaptured afie r 2 minutes. The test was repeated 15 times. 2) To see whether aIl castes are equally attractive to the beetles, the following experiment was made. Three groups ofbees consisting of20 workers, 20 males and 20 virgin queens, from four different colonies of M quadrifasciata, were formed as soon as they emerged. These bees were considered one day old. They Revta bras. Zool. 17 (1): 199 - 203,2000 Adaptive behavior of Scotocryptus melitophilus. .. 201 were put in a c1ear glass petri dish 15 cm in diarneter and 2 cm deep and fed for 30 days. ln this time interactions between bees and beetles was promoted separately to each bee group. The interactions were observed for tive minutes and every bee had the sarne opportunity to be reached and grabbed by a beetle. ln this period the sex of the beetles (males of the beetles are c1early different from the females due to the presence of patches of yellow hairs on the tarsi of the anterior and median legs) and the frequency of beetles attached to bees of different age was recorded. The beetles were maintained separated from the bees until the moment ofthe tests, which were made nine times per day (three for workers, three for males and three for queens). 3) ln order to find out which part of the bee is more attractive to the beetles, three workers of M quadrisfasciata were dismembered. Their heads, their thoraces, abdomens and legs were separated macerated and poured onto four fi Iter-papers (I cm diarneter). These papers were put equidistant in a 15 cm diameter and 2.5 cm high petri dish. Three beetles were put in the center ofthe dish and each visit longe r than four seconds was considered an attractive behavior. The beetles were under experiments for 38 days. Voucher specimens of S. me/itophilus are deposited in the Museu de Entomologia da Universidade Federal de Viçosa and Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo. RE5UL T5 ANO Ol5CU5510N Scotocryptus me/itophilus grasped with its mandibles the abdomen, legs and, occasionally, wings of M quadrifasciata. The bees do not show aggressiveness towards the beetIes. However, afier being submitted to 10 minutes of experiments, three workers becarne aggressive and behave strangely. They began to beat its wings rhythmicalIy, crouch, and subsequently secreted a transparent liquid that in contact with the beetles killed them instantaneously. The bees flew easily with two beetles, one attached to each corbicula. ln one experiment a worker of M quadrifasciata flew with 10 beetles, three in one corbicula and seven in the other, what means 38-48 mg of load (average of S. melitophilus weight: 43±5 mg, n= 30). The beetles preference for corbicula is understood, since it is the part where the bee apparently has less tendency to try to get rid of extra cargo. When a beetle attaches to the corbicula it folds its legs beneath its body and maintains the antennae exposed. It was found that only one tive day old virgin queen (out of20) attracted one beetIe. Ali workers were attractive to the beetles afie r they were seven days old and alI males become atlractive after they were 19 days old, both until the end of the experiment (30 days). It was interesting to notice that when the experimenter held a attractive worker or a attractive male with a forceps, this became attractive to the beetles, but if the forceps were used with a non-attractive virgin queen, the beetIes paid no attention. Such observations showed that S. me/itophilus, both males and females, are able to distinguish caste, sex and age differences ofits hostM quadrifasciata. Thus, Revta bras. Zool. 17 (1): 199 - 203,2000 202 Bezerra et aI. virgins queens are not quite attractive, workers are very attractive and males are attractive only when they already have left the hive. Since males of M quadrifas­ ciata are ousted from the hive when they are lOto 12 days old and for the firs! three or four days thereafter they are allowed to re-enter the hive, but do no! after. Likely, the eagemess the beetles showed for workers of seven days or more, and not for virgin queens or males (these younger than 19 days old) maximizes their phoretic opportunities.
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