S1780 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2015 the Attorney General, transmitting, pursu- Air Force nomination of Col. Randall Reed, Army nominations beginning with Eugene ant to law, an annual report relative to the to be Brigadier General. S. Alkire and ending with Patrick R. Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Pro- Army nomination of Col. Brian J. Mennes, Staresina, which nominations were received gram for fiscal year 2014; to the Committee to be Brigadier General. by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- on Finance. Air Force nomination of Maj. Gen. Mark A. sional Record on February 25, 2015. EC–1008. A communication from the Sec- Ediger, to be Lieutenant General. Army nomination of Jacob A. Johnson, to retary of Health and Human Services, trans- Air Force nomination of Gen. Robin Rand, be Colonel. mitting, pursuant to law, the fiscal year 2014 to be General. Army nomination of Patrick Mascarenhas, report of the Department of Health and Army nomination of Brig. Gen. Jeffrey B. to be Major. Human Services’ Federal Coordinated Health Clark, to be Major General. Army nomination of Debra Mayers, to be Care Office; to the Committee on Finance. Army nomination of Col. Ronald J. Place, Major. EC–1009. A communication from the Acting to be Brigadier General. Army nomination of Dwaipayan Director, Office of Regulations and Reports Marine Corps nomination of Brig. Gen. Chakraborti, to be Major. Clearance, Social Security Administration, Burke W. Whitman, to be Major General. Army nominations beginning with Eric B. transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Marine Corps nomination of Col. Michael Hintz and ending with Bart D. Wilkison, a rule entitled ‘‘Submission of Evidence in F. Fahey III, to be Brigadier General. which nominations were received by the Sen- Disability Claims’’ (RIN0960–AH53) received Marine Corps nominations beginning with ate and appeared in the Congressional in the Office of the President of the Senate Brig. Gen. Craig C. Crenshaw and ending Record on March 4, 2015. on March 18, 2015; to the Committee on Fi- with Brig. Gen. Craig Q. Timberlake, which Army nomination of Kathryn A. nance. nominations were received by the Senate and Spletstoser, to be Colonel. EC–1010. A communication from the Assist- appeared in the Congressional Record on Army nomination of Rachel S. Theisen, to ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- March 4, 2015. be Major. ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to Army nomination of Col. Paul K. Hurley, Army nominations beginning with Robert law, a report relative to section 36(c) of the to be Major General. A. Blessing and ending with Paul L. Minor, Arms Export Control Act (DDTC 14–153); to Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Timothy J. which nominations were received by the Sen- the Committee on Foreign Relations. Kadavy, to be Lieutenant General. ate and appeared in the Congressional EC–1011. A communication from the Assist- Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Stephen J. Record on March 19, 2015. ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- Townsend, to be Lieutenant General. Army nominations beginning with Joanne ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to Army nomination of Col. Tammy L. Mir- S. Martindale and ending with Charles Yost, law, a report relative to section 36(c) of the acle, to be Brigadier General. which nominations were received by the Sen- Arms Export Control Act (DDTC 14–151); to Army nomination of Col. Maria C. Powers, ate and appeared in the Congressional the Committee on Foreign Relations. to be Brigadier General. Record on March 19, 2015. EC–1012. A communication from the Direc- Navy nomination of Capt. John G. tor, Employee Services, Office of Personnel Army nomination of James L. Boggess, to Hannink, to be Rear Admiral. be Colonel. Management, transmitting, pursuant to law, Air Force nomination of Maj. Gen. Arnold the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Prevailing Rate Marine Corps nominations beginning with W. Bunch, Jr., to be Lieutenant General. Andrew J. Copeland and ending with Brian Systems; Redefinition of Certain Appro- Air Force nomination of Lt. Gen. Stephen priated Fund Federal Wage System Wage A. Lionbarger, which nominations were re- W. Wilson, to be Lieutenant General. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Areas’’ (RIN3206–AN10) received during ad- Navy nomination of Vice Adm. James F. journment of the Senate in the Office of the Congressional Record on February 25, 2015. Caldwell, Jr., to be Vice Admiral. Navy nominations beginning with Sean M. President of the Senate on March 20, 2015; to Navy nomination of Rear Adm. Michael T. the Committee on Homeland Security and Miller and ending with Joseph B. Powell, Franken, to be Vice Admiral. which nominations were received by the Sen- Governmental Affairs. Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Joseph P. EC–1013. A communication from the Fed- ate and appeared in the Congressional DiSalvo, to be Lieutenant General. eral Liaison Officer, Patent and Trademark Record on February 25, 2015. Army nominations beginning with Brig. Office, Department of Commerce, transmit- By Mr. BARRASSO for the Committee on Gen. John W. Baker and ending with Brig. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Indian Affairs. Gen. Flem B. Walker, Jr., which nominations titled ‘‘Changes to Implement the Hague Jonodev Osceola Chaudhuri, of Arizona, to were received by the Senate and appeared in Agreement Concerning International Reg- be Chairman of the National Indian Gaming the Congressional Record on March 19, 2015. istration of Industrial Designs’’ (RIN0651– Commission for the term of three years. Army nomination of Col. Ronald P. Clark, AC87) received during adjournment of the to be Brigadier General. (Nominations without an asterisk Senate in the Office of the President of the were reported with the recommenda- Senate on March 20, 2015; to the Committee Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, for the tion that they be confirmed.) on the Judiciary. Committee on Armed Services I report EC–1014. A communication from the Sec- favorably the following nomination f retary, Judicial Conference of the United lists which were printed in the INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND States, transmitting, a report relative to the RECORDS on the dates indicated, and JOINT RESOLUTIONS Conference’s Article III judgeship rec- ommendations and corresponding draft legis- ask unanimous consent, to save the ex- The following bills and joint resolu- lation for the 114th Congress; to the Com- pense of reprinting on the Executive tions were introduced, read the first mittee on the Judiciary. Calendar that these nominations lie at and second times by unanimous con- EC–1015. A communication from the Sec- the Secretary’s desk for the informa- sent, and referred as indicated: retary, Judicial Conference of the United tion of Senators. States, transmitting, a report relative to By Mr. HELLER (for himself, Mr. REID, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. FLAKE, and Mr. MCCAIN): bankruptcy judgeship recommendations and objection, it is so ordered. corresponding draft legislation for the 114th S. 842. A bill to amend the Intermodal Sur- Congress; to the Committee on the Judici- Air Force nominations beginning with face Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 to ary. Korey E. Amundson and ending with Chris- extend Interstate Route 11; to the Com- EC–1016. A communication from the Dep- topher L. Young, which nominations were re- mittee on Environment and Public Works. uty Assistant Administrator of the Office of ceived by the Senate and appeared in the By Mr. BROWN (for himself, Ms. COL- Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Agen- Congressional Record on January 26, 2015. LINS, Mr. NELSON, and Mrs. CAPITO): cy, Department of Justice, transmitting, (minus 1 nominee: Rhys William Hunt) S. 843. A bill to amend title XVIII of the pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled Air Force nominations beginning with Social Security Act to count a period of re- ‘‘Technical Amendments to Regulation List- Christopher M. Abbott and ending with ceipt of outpatient observation services in a ing Substances Temporarily Controlled Christopher G. Zummo, which nominations hospital toward satisfying the 3-day inpa- under Schedule I of the Controlled Sub- were received by the Senate and appeared in tient hospital requirement for coverage of stances Act’’ (Docket No. DEA–406) received the Congressional Record on March 4, 2015. skilled nursing facility services under Medi- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Air Force nominations beginning with Ni- care; to the Committee on Finance. fice of the President of the Senate on March cole H. Armitage and ending with Shannon By Mr. MARKEY: 20, 2015; to the Committee on the Judiciary. G. Womble, which nominations were received S. 844. A bill to repeal the medical device by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- excise tax, and for other purposes; to the f sional Record on March 4, 2015. Committee on Finance. EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF Army nomination of Jacinto Zambrano, By Mr. RUBIO: COMMITTEES Jr., to be Colonel. S. 845. A bill to require the Secretary of Army nominations beginning with Cheryl the Treasury to implement security meas- The following executive reports of D. Anderson and ending with Carlton G. ures in the electronic tax return filing proc- nominations were submitted: Smith, which nominations were received by ess to prevent tax refund fraud from being By Mr. MCCAIN for the Committee on the Senate and appeared in the Congres- perpetrated with electronic identity theft; to Armed Services. sional Record on February 25, 2015. the Committee on Finance. VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:57 Jan 12, 2016 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD15\MAR 15\S24MR5.REC S24MR5 DSKD7QTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 24, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1781 By Mr. KIRK (for himself and Mr. SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND version and abuse, and for other pur- DAINES): SENATE RESOLUTIONS poses.
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