Martyrdom of Lady Fatima Al Zahra (as) according to the 75-day narration Al Fatimiyya – the second Ashura This week we arrive at the anniversary of the martyrdom of the mistress of the women of the world, Lady Fatima Al Zahra (as), accord- ing to the 75-day narration – i.e. that she left this world on the 13th of “Jamadi Al Oola”, 75 days after her father – the Messenger of Allah – did. It is an occasion highly regarded in many countries, as believers start a 10-day mourning period known as Al Fatimyya, or are just coming to the end of one period of mourning before starting another. On this occasion, speakers read the “maqtal” – the martyrdom account – of Fatima Al Zahra (as) just as they do for Imam Hussain (as) on the 10th of Muharram. Indeed, Al Fatimiyya is the second Ashura, as expressed by the late Grand Ayatollah Mirza Jawad Tabrizi (q). Some may say that the concept of holding Al Fatimiyya majalis – congregations – is new, un- like Ashura where majalis have been the norm for centuries. Is this not a “bid’a” – a new crea- tion in religion? The answer is no, and this was made appar- ent in our Mohsiniyya publication. Just as the Prophet (PBUH&HF) mourned Imam Hussain (as), he mourned Fatima Al Zahra (as) in that same gathering – so the starting history of mourning for the Holy Progeny is the same. What has been different is the circumstances enabling Shiites to hold majalis for the differ- ent occasions. However, when our honourable scholars saw doubts being cast from within our circle on the great tragedy of Al Zahra (as), they rose to affirm this truth. This revival was accompanied with many activities that will be maintained by Allah’s will, as long as principled jurists continue in this path. May Allah bestow success on all those running Al Fatimiyya activities. لول اليد اجلهولة اأهوت فوق البتولة ما كانت العقيلة بالأ�رض ت�سبى بالغا�رضية The House of Sorrows: a means of protest against the oppressions Q: When our speakers relate the tragedies that befell the Mistress of the Women of the World, Fatima Zahra (as), they refer to Bait Ul Ahzan – “The House of Sorrows” – a place she (as) cried in until she left this world. Why did she (as) cry so much? Is it not considered an objection to the will of Allah (swt)? A: Ayatollah Sayyid Mahdi Al Mar’ashi: Ya’coub (as) cried for losing Yusif until his eyes became ill due to the grief, even though he was a prophet. Additionally, what flaw is there in the Mistress of Women crying for the Master of Creation? The Messenger of Allah (P) cried for his son Ibra- him, and when people spoke to him regarding this matter, he said it is a mercy. Also what has been narrated about Imam Zain Ul Abideen (as) and his extensive crying for the tragedies of his father – is it said that in his crying he was objecting to the will of Allah?! Peace be upon her, with her crying she aimed to move the Ummah towards her oppression and that of [Amirul Mo’mineen]. Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammed Al Waheedi: Fatima (as)’s weeping for the period of 75 or 95 days between her father’s passing and her passing away, was due to the severe trag- edies that befell her, as she has been narrated to say: 2 ّ�صبت َّعلي م�صائب لو ا ّأنها *** ّ�صبت على الأيام �صرن لياليا Such tragedies befell me, that had they fallen onto days, they would have turned into nights.. Among her tragedies was losing her father – the greatest tragedy on Islam and its people – the usurping of her right, the beating of her face, the burn- ing of her door, the breaking of her rib, and the various oppressions of the caliphate- usurpers. Her crying could have been emotional and this does not conflict with submission to the will of Allah, because accepting the destiny [set by] Allah is an act of the soul, while grief and crying is an act of the body. Additionally, her crying could be aimed – to show oppressiveness from the transgressions of the ruling body and to awaken the people. Ayatollah Mirza Jawad Al Tabrizi: In addition to stating what the above two scholars have collec- tively stated, the late Ayatollah has said: “[When speakers say] that Al Zahra (as) cried day and night, it does not mean that this act took up all her sacred hours, rather it signifies that her crying was not limited to a specified time and not another.” All references relate to the Arabic versions of the source All references relate to the Arabic versions of the source For more information, or to contribute towards the cost of these publications, contact [email protected] For more information, or to contribute towards the cost of these publications, contact [email protected] لول اليد اجلهولة اأهوت فوق البتولة ما كانت العقيلة بالأ�رض ت�سبى بالغا�رضية The murderer’s confession In the last edition, Al Fatimiyya She said: “[You] are not wel- and enemy of the Prince of 1, we covered the first man’s come [here]. Is it with the Believers…” confession of his aggression devil’s horde that you are on the holy house as he lay on threatening me, O […]? Surely She then grabbed the door his deathbed along with the the devil’s horde is weak.” preventing me from open- various Sunni sources in which So I said: “If he doesn’t come ing it; I pushed but it became this account was related. Al out, I will bring a mass of difficult so I lashed the whip Majlisi, one of the greatest wood and set it on fire over at her hands, hurting her – I Shiite scholars, also relates that the people of this house; I will heard her sigh [from anguish] the second man sent a letter to burn whoever is in it unless Ali and cry. I almost gave in and Mu’awiyah, in which he tells is led to pay allegiance.” left the door, but I soon re- of what they did to Al Zahra membered [my] spite against (as). In it, he confesses: I [then] took Qonfodh’s whip Ali and his involvement in the and lashed, saying to Khalid blood of Arab heroes. “I came to his home viciously bin Waleed: “You and the men I kicked the door; she had to bring him out; I told the ser- collect wood quickly.” stuck her abdomen to the door vant Fidha: “Tell Ali to come shielding it; I heard her cry out and pay allegiance to [the I said: “I am setting it on fire.” a wail that I believed would first man] as the Muslims have She said: “O enemy of Allah bring down Medina’s skies. collectively chosen him”. She and enemy of his Messenger She said: “O father! O Mes- said: “The Prince of the Believ- senger of Allah! This is what is ers (as) is busy.” I said to her: done to your love and daugh- “Leave this [saying] and tell ter. O Fidha! Help me; by Al- 3 him to come out or we will lah, the [foetus] that I am preg- come in and bring him out nant with has been killed.” forcibly.” I heard her go into labour; as Then Fatima came out [to us] she was leaning on the wall, I and stood behind the door, pushed the door and entered. saying: “O misguided liars, She met me with a face that what do you say and what do encompassed my vision [due you want?” to its “noor” – holy light]. I I said: “O Fatima!”, she said: slapped her face from outside “What do you want O […]?” her veil [with such force that] I said: “What is up with your her earrings broke and dis- cousin – he sent you to re- persed to the floor. spond and remained behind the veil?” Then Ali appeared; when I She said: “Your tyranny – o felt his presence I rushed to wretched [man] – is what has the outside of the house and brought me out and upheld said to Khalid, Qonfodh, and the testament on you, and ev- whoever was with them: “I ery other misguided deviant.” escaped a great matter”. I said: “Leave the nonsense and the tales of women; tell Ali to come out.” Bihar Al Anwar V30 P293/295; Al Hidaya Al Kobra P417. All references relate to the Arabic versions of the source For more information, or to contribute towards the cost of these publications, contact [email protected] لول اليد اجلهولة اأهوت فوق البتولة ما كانت العقيلة بالأ�رض ت�سبى بالغا�رضية Enlivening Al Fatimiyya َو َمن ُي َع ِّظ ْم �َص َع ِائ َر َّ ِالل َفاإِ َّن َها ِمن َت ْق َوى ْال ُق ُل ِوب “And whoever magnifies the symbols of Allah, it surely is the (outcome) of the piety of the hearts.” (Hajj:32) Some of the many ways for respecting, enlivening, and • Participating in lamentation processions (mawakib) magnifying Al Fatimiyya as a symbol of Allah, was de- • Serving food in her name (peace be upon her), for fined by the late Grand Ayatollah Mirza Jawad Tabrizi (q) blessings (baraka) as follows: • Writing verses on her tragedy • Distributing audio, video, and written publications • Holding mourning congregations for ten days in relating to her tragedy “Jamadi Al Oola” and another in “Jamadi Al Thani”; • Reciting her ziyarat and reading the doaa known as these are the 75- and 95-day narrations for the date of “Sanamay Quraish” her martyrdom (peace be upon her and her family) • Additionally, the Grand Ayatollah used to walk with • Wearing black clothes, covering mosques, matams his students at the Hawza of Qom, barefoot, from (hussainiyas), and majalis with black banners, and his home to the shrine of Lady Fatima Al Masooma raising black flags on homes to signify the deep grief, (as), as a symbol of love, devotion, and loyalty to the as in the days of Ashura – for there is no day like the status of Al Zahra (as).
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