Full Length Plays Author Title Item Class Copies Abbot, Rick June groom 20185898 DR:FL 9 Abbot, Rick Play on! 18246494 DR:FL 10 Abbot, Rick Turn for the nurse 20185901 DR:FL 10 Albee, Edward Delicate balance 18847471 DR:FL 6 Albee, Edward Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? 18392571 DR:FL 4 Anouilh, Jean Lark. Translated by Christopher Fry 20186185 DR:FL 21 Rehearsal. English version by Pamela Anouilh, Jean 18389325 DR:FL 6 Hansford Jo Anouilh, Jean Traveller without luggage 18398804 DR:FL 13 Archer, Jeffrey Beyond reasonable doubt 18392628 DR:FL 14 Arden, John Sejeant Musgrave's dance 20178891 DR:FL 14 Arden, John Three Plays 20178913 DR:FL 10 Aron, Geraldine Same old moon 18393756 DR:FL 12 Ayckbourn, Alan Absent friends 18383750 DR:FL 6 Ayckbourn, Alan Absurd person singular 2547572X DR:FL 6 Ayckbourn, Alan Bedroom farce 18383394 DR:FL 8 Ayckbourn, Alan Chorus of disapproval 18385524 DR:FL 13 Ayckbourn, Alan Comic potential 26891166 DR:FL 10 Ayckbourn, Alan Confusions 18847293 DR:FL 5 Ayckbourn, Alan Henceforward... 18383645 DR:FL 7 Ayckbourn, Alan How the other half loves 18848311 DR:FL 6 Ayckbourn, Alan Intimate exchanges. Vol 1 18383386 DR:FL 2 Ayckbourn, Alan Intimate exchanges. Vol. 2 1838336X DR:FL 2 Ayckbourn, Alan Invisible friends 18383440 DR:FL 7 Ayckbourn, Alan It could be any one of us 2254190X DR:FL 6 Ayckbourn, Alan Joking apart 18383378 DR:FL 8 Ayckbourn, Alan Just between ourselves 18383777 DR:FL 5 Ayckbourn, Alan Living together 18847889 DR:FL 6 Ayckbourn, Alan Man of the moment 18383718 DR:FL 10 Ayckbourn, Alan Mr A's amazing maze plays 1838367X DR:FL 8 Ayckbourn, Alan Mr Whatnot 18383955 DR:FL 11 Ayckbourn, Alan Norman conquests 18847226 DR:FL ?? Ayckbourn, Alan Relatively speaking 18384056 DR:FL 4 Ayckbourn, Alan Revenger's comedies 18383920 DR:FL 15 Ayckbourn, Alan Round and round the garden 18384048 DR:FL 6 Ayckbourn, Alan Season's greetings: a play 2883285X DR:FL 9 Ayckbourn, Alan Season's greetings: a play 2252245X DR:FL 9 Ayckbourn, Alan Sisterly feelings 18384188 DR:FL 12 Ayckbourn, Alan Snake in the grass: a play 28832914 DR:FL 3 Ayckbourn, Alan Table manners 18384196 DR:FL 6 Ayckbourn, Alan Taking steps 18383882 DR:FL 6 Ayckbourn, Alan Ten times ten 18383947 DR:FL 10 Ayckbourn, Alan Things we do for love 26135027 DR:FL 4 Ayckbourn, Alan Time and time again 18383890 DR:FL 5 Ayckbourn, Alan Time of my life 18391958 DR:FL 7 Ayckbourn, Alan Way upstream 18383998 DR:FL 7 Ayckbourn, Alan Wildest dreams 18702686 DR:FL 8 Ayckbourn, Alan Woman in mind 1838398X DR:FL 8 Bagnold, Enid Chalk garden 1838837X DR:FL 9 Barnes, Peter Ruling class 2017909X DR:FL 19 Barnes, Wilson Cock-a-doodle-doo 20146353 DR:FL 9 Barrie, J. M. Admirable Crichton 25214535 DR:FL 25 Barrie, J. M. Dear Brutus 1838661X DR:FL 11 Barrie, J. M. Quality Street 2014640X DR:FL 15 Barrie, J. M. What Every Woman Knows 18389201 DR:FL 11 Barton, John Hollow crown 18388566 DR:FL 4 Barwis, Michael Captain Swing 20146485 DR:FL 7 Bate, Sam End of the honeymoon 20146515 DR:FL 9 Bate, Sam Murder at Deem House 18386032 DR:FL 10 Bates, H. E. Darling buds of May 1839129X DR:FL 16 Batson, George House on the Cliff 21490872 DR:FL 6 Bax, Clifford Rose without a thorn 21490880 DR:FL 12 Benfield, Derek Anyone for breakfast? 18399428 DR:FL 6 Benfield, Derek Bedside manners 0167224X DR:FL 5 Benfield, Derek Beyond a joke 21491011 DR:FL 8 Benfield, Derek Bird in the hand 21491038 DR:FL 10 Benfield, Derek Caught on the hop 1839065X DR:FL 8 Benfield, Derek Fish out of water 18393896 DR:FL 9 Benfield, Derek Fly in the ointment 18391362 DR:FL 6 Benfield, Derek Flying feathers 18847501 DR:FL 9 Benfield, Derek In at the deep end 28833058 DR:FL 6 Benfield, Derek In for the kill 1672657 DR:FL 5 Benfield, Derek Off the hook! 21491151 DR:FL 10 Benfield, Derek Running riot 18394256 DR:FL 9 Benfield, Derek Toe in the water 18394221 DR:FL 6 Benfield, Derek Two and two together: a comedy 25475649 DR:FL 7 Benfield, Derek Up and running! 18245439 DR:FL 6 Benfield, Derek Wild Goose Chase 21491232 DR:FL 10 Bennett, Alan Enjoy 18385087 DR:FL 13 Bennett, Alan Forty years on 21491275 DR:FL 7 Bennett, Alan Getting On 21491267 DR:FL 7 Bennett, Alan Habeas corpus: a play 28832922 DR:FL 11 Bennett, Alan Madness of George III 18389392 DR:FL 20 Bennett, Alan Old Country 21491313 DR:FL 6 Besier, Rudolf Barretts of Wimpole Street 18389546 DR:FL 19 Bethencourt, Joao Day they kidnapped the pope 18389589 DR:FL 7 Bill, Stephen Curtains 18389651 DR:FL 8 Blackmore, Peter Mad about men 18243932 DR:FL 10 Bleasdale, Alan Having a ball 1839616X DR:FL 8 Bloomfield, Robert Portrait of murder 18847021 DR:FL 6 Bolt, Robert Flowering Cherry 21491348 DR:FL 7 Bolt, Robert Man for all seasons 18399800 DR:FL 14 Bolt, Robert Vivat!Vivat!Regina! 21491429 DR:FL 15 Bond, Edward Bingo 21491461 DR:FL 11 Bond, Edward Saved 26134896 DR:FL 10 Bowen, John Disorderly women 21491631 DR:FL 6 Brecht, Bertolt Caucasian chalk circle 25470132 DR:FL 20 Brecht, Bertolt Life of Galileo 2149181X DR:FL 20 Brecht, Bertolt Mother Courage and her children 18396836 DR:FL 20 Resistible rise of Arturo Ui. Translated by Brecht, Bertolt 18848206 DR:FL 20 Ralp Brecht, Bertolt Threepenny opera 18395112 DR:FL 19 Brenton, Howard Epsom Downs 1884765X DR:FL 6 Pravda, by Howard Brenton and David Brenton, Howard 18244084 DR:FL 20 Hare Brett, Michael Full treatment 18244114 DR:FL 11 Brett, Michael This happy home 18244157 DR:FL 7 Brett, Simon Bad dream 28832442 DR:FL 20 Brett, Simon Murder in Play 18244165 DR:FL 8 Brett, Simon Silhouette 2254223X DR:FL 8 Pocket dream by Elly Brewer and Sandi Brewer, Elly 18244173 DR:FL 6 Toksvig Brian, Clemens Inside job 2149083X DR:FL 3 Hobson's choice: a Lancashire comedy in Brighouse, Harold 18394760 DR:FL 12 four act Bronte, Emily Wuthering heights 18244254 DR:FL 10 Let sleeping wives lie, by Harold Brooke Brooke, Harold 18244335 DR:FL 10 and Kay Brooks, Vanessa Let's pretend 18390110 DR:FL 7 Burney, Fanny Busy day 26890801 DR:FL 14 Lady Audley's secret or Death in Lime Burton, Brian J 18244548 DR:FL 8 Tree Walk. Sweeney Todd the barber. Adapted from Burton, Brian J 18244556 DR:FL 16 the Victor Burton, Brian J. Being of sound mind 1050513X DR:FL 5 East Lynne, or Never called me mother! Burton, Brian J. 18847013 DR:FL 9 Based on Burton, Brian J. Murder of Maria Marten, or The red barn 18388396 DR:FL 13 Caddy, Leonard H. Jekyll and Hyde 1839812X DR:FL 8 Boeing-Boeing, by M.Camoletti and Camoletti, Marc 18848362 DR:FL 6 Beverley Cross Camoletti, Marc Don't Dress for Dinner 22541780 DR:FL 6 Cargill, Patrick Don't misunderstand me 1824470X DR:FL 5 Carmichael, Fred Out of sight... out of murder 10505164 DR:FL 9 Cartwright, Jim Road 18395155 DR:FL 7 Cary, Falkland L. Candied peel 18399649 DR:FL 12 Proof of the poison, by F.L. Cary and Cary, Falkland L. 18397018 DR:FL 9 Philip Wea Chapman, John Diplomatic baggage 18244939 DR:FL 11 Chapman, John Dry rot 18244920 DR:FL 10 Keeping down with the Joneses, by J. Chapman, John 18395767 DR:FL 9 Chapman and Key for two, by John Chapman and Dave Chapman, John 18848664 DR:FL 7 Freeman Chapman, John Look, no Hans!, by John Chapman and 18244963 DR:FL 8 Michael Pert Chapman, John Nil by mouth 28832841 DR:FL 18 Oh, Clarence!, from the novel 'Blandings Chapman, John 1824498X DR:FL 13 Castle' Shut your eyes and think of England, by Chapman, John 18245005 DR:FL 9 John Cha Chappell, Eric Haunted 18388094 DR:FL 6 Chappell, Eric Heatstroke: a comedy 2613487X DR:FL 7 Chappell, Eric Natural causes 18245013 DR:FL 5 Chappell, Eric Something's burning 26890607 DR:FL 5 Chappell, Eric Summer end: a play 2883271X DR:FL 5 Chappell, Eric Theft 18391338 DR:FL 5 Murder at the vicarage. Adapted from Charles, Moie 18846637 DR:FL 13 Agatha Chri Chekhov, Anton Seagull, by A. Chekhov, translated by 18245196 DR:FL 10 Pavlovich Michael Fr Chekhov, Anton Three sisters: play 28832973 DR:FL 15 Pavlovich Chekhov, Anton Three sisters: a drama in four acts 26134551 DR:FL 14 Pavlovich Chekhov, Anton Uncle Vanya, by A. Chekhov, translated 18387373 DR:FL 8 Pavlovich by Michae Chekhov, Anton Wild honey, by A. Chekhov, translated 18949479 DR:FL 16 Pavlovich and adapte Cherrett, Don Disappearance of Katie 18396593 DR:FL 12 Chinn, Jimmie After September 18384129 DR:FL 11 Chinn, Jimmie Albert make us laugh 18390676 DR:FL 14 Chinn, Jimmie Garden party 26890828 DR:FL 8 Chinn, Jimmie Straight and narrow 18397948 DR:FL 7 Christie, Agatha And then there were none 18848443 DR:FL 11 Christie, Agatha Black coffee 18949517 DR:FL 13 Christie, Agatha Hollow 18396526 DR:FL 12 Christie, Agatha Mousetrap 18949541 DR:FL 8 Christie, Agatha Murder on the Nile 18848494 DR:FL 13 Christie, Agatha Spider's web 18949606 DR:FL 11 Christie, Agatha Towards zero 18388426 DR:FL 11 Christie, Agatha Verdict 18949622 DR:FL 10 Christie, Agatha Witness for the prosecution 18949649 DR:FL 13 Christopher-Wood, Elsie and Norm's "Macbeth" 18949681 DR:FL 3 John Churchett, Stephen Heritage 22542302 DR:FL 5 Churchett, Stephen Tom & Clem 22541616 DR:FL 4 Churchill, Caryl Cloud nine 18949703 DR:FL 7 Churchill, Caryl Ice Cream and Hot Fudge 18702724 DR:FL 10 Churchill, Caryl Mad Forest: a Play from Romania 1870235X DR:FL 20 Churchill, Caryl Serious money 18384757 DR:FL 20 Churchill, Donald Decorator 18949746 DR:FL 3 My friend Miss Flint, by Donald Churchill, Donald 18385664 DR:FL 6 Churchill and Pe Clapham, Peter Little women: a play 28833139 DR:FL 11 Clark, Brian Can you hear me at the back? 2389541 DR:FL 5 Clark, Brian Whose life is it anyway? 1672770 DR:FL 14 Clayton, Tony Murder assured 21490767 DR:FL 6 Anybody for murder?,by B.
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