
THE 279 N Medina St, Suite 150, Loretto, MN 55357 OF Volume XLVII VOICE ZION Number 11 November 2020 When my afflictions press me down and try me, through loving kindness You uplift and guide me, for You remember I am only dust. Your grace and mercy I can hold and trust, hold and trust. SHZ 328:3 Siblings and Forgiveness Read about siblings and forgiveness on pages 10–11. PHOTO: KATRIINA EDOH EDITORIAL Unity of the Spirit IN THE WORLD TODAY we hear many calls for unity – from educators, politicians and leaders of all sorts. Unity and agreement are needed to accomplish goals and mutual efforts. In God’s kingdom we speak of unity of the Spirit. 7KH7KLUG$UWLFOHRIWKH&UHHGFODULÀHVZKDWWKH+RO\6SLULW DIIHFWV2QHUHVXOWRIWKH+RO\6SLULW·VZRUNLV*RG·VFRQJUHJD- WLRQKHUHRQHDUWKZKLFKWKH+RO\6SLULWKDVFDOOHGJDWKHUHG DQGVDQFWLÀHGDQGZKLFKLWSURWHFWVLQPXWXDOIDLWK$SDOSDEOH HIIHFWRIWKH+RO\6SLULW·VZRUNLVWKHFRQQHFWLRQZHVKDUHWKH IHOORZVKLSRIVDLQWVLHEHOLHYHUV:HDUHQRWVDLQWO\RUKRO\ through our own goodness or innocence or a life well lived, Siblings and Forgiveness EXWEHFDXVHRXUVLQVDUHIRUJLYHQWKH+RO\6SLULWPDNHVXV holy, as Luther reminds us in the Large Catechism. Kevin Ruonavaara exact revenge on his brothers for what they had $SRVWOH-RKQLQKLVÀUVWOHWWHUFRQQHFWVWKHIHOORZVKLSRIWKH done – he had the authority to do so. Instead, he had saints with forgiveness: “If we walk in the light, as he is in the And he fell upon his brother Benjamin’s neck, and DIRUJLYLQJKHDUW:KHQKHÀQDOO\UHYHDOHGWRWKH light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of wept; and Benjamin wept upon his neck. Moreover unsuspecting brothers that he was their brother -HVXV&KULVWKLV6RQFOHDQVHWKXVIURPDOOVLQµ -RKQ he kissed all his brethren, and wept upon them: and -RVHSKKHZDVPRYHGWRWHDUV+HZDVJUDWHIXOWR 7KLVLVZKDWZHVLPSO\EHOLHYH,QWKLV%LEOHSRUWLRQ-RKQ after that his brethren talked with him. see them again and had especially missed his GHVFULEHVIHOORZVKLSDVDVKDULQJRIWKHSDWKLQXQLW\:HZDON Genesis 45:14,15 younger brother Benjamin as our text shows. this path together toward our heavenly home, and the path is In this story, we see the humanity of Jacob, LOOXPLQDWHGE\WKH+RO\6SLULW uch had happened in the life of -RVHSK·VEURWKHUVDQG-RVHSKKLPVHOI7KH\ZHUH Fellowship is not just belonging to a church as a member Joseph since he was sold into faulty human beings. But in the end, we see that they and participating in group activities. Rather, it is unity with slavery by his brothers who were could forgive each other. Forgiveness is essential to *RGDQG+LVFRQJUHJDWLRQ7KLVXQLW\LQFOXGHVDUHFRQFLOLDWLRQ jealous of him. Jacob, Joseph’s human relationships, beginning with the family with God, the righteousness we own through the redemption M father, favored Joseph and even where siblings live together and share family ties work God’s Son did on our behalf. Fellowship is to remain in gave him a special coat of many colors. Joseph DQGUHVSRQVLELOLWLHV7KHUHDUHDOVRRWKHUH[DPSOHV *RGDQGLQ&KULVWRZQLQJWKHPE\IDLWKRIWKHKHDUW caused more jealousy when he told his brothers of families in the Bible that give us a glimpse into Fellowship with the kingdom of God means that in addition about two dreams that depicted metaphorically the sibling relationships. to partaking in God’s righteousness, we also partake in God’s brothers bowing before him. After Joseph shared SHDFHDQGWKHMR\RIEHOLHYLQJ:KHQE\IDLWKZHRZQ*RG·V these dreams, the jealousy became so intense that Jesus Taught Forgiveness grace and love, it affects in our hearts the desire to remain the brothers sought to kill him. Because of our sin-corrupt nature, siblings in a EHOLHYLQJDQGGZHOOLQJLQWKHFRQJUHJDWLRQ7KH+RO\6SLULW One brother, Reuben, hesitated and suggested believing family are not immune to broken love and does not direct us to isolate ourselves from church fellow- that they should spare Joseph’s life and instead disputes. It is especially sorrowful when children VKLSRUWRDYRLGFKLOGUHQRI*RG +HE 7KH+RO\ throw him into a pit. Joseph was in the pit when become estranged from parents and siblings. 6SLULWRSHQVWKH:RUGRI*RGOHDGLQJDQGJXLGLQJWKH Midianite merchantmen were passing by and they Estrangement and anger may be a result of not FRQJUHJDWLRQRI&KULVW7KXVZKHQZHOLVWHQWRWKHYRLFHRI conspired to sell Joseph to Ishmaelites who wanting to forgive, bitterness, or inability to WKH+RO\6SLULWLQWKHFRQJUHJDWLRQZHKHDUWKHYRLFHRI brought him to Egypt. acknowledge one’s personal faults. Sometimes even *RG²IRUWKH+RO\6SLULWLV*RG,IZHUHMHFWWKHYRLFHRI small matters not cared for have over time grown out WKH+RO\6SLULWZHUHMHFWWKHYRLFHRIRXUKHDYHQO\)DWKHU Unchecked Jealousy of proportion and cause grudges such that family DQG+LV6RQRXU/RUG-HVXV Reuben hadn’t been present and returned to the pit members no longer speak to each other. 7KHYLWDOLPSRUWDQFHRIUHPDLQLQJLQWKLVIHOORZVKLSLV WRÀQG-RVHSKJRQH7KHLUIDWKHU-DFREDQGOLWWOH For this reason, Jesus’ teaching of love and illustrated by Paul’s image of the congregation, the kingdom brother Benjamin were at home waiting and forgiveness is of utmost importance. Jesus taught RI*RGDVWKHERG\RI&KULVWKHUHRQHDUWK&KULVWLVWKHKHDG -RVHSKZRXOGQRWEHFRPLQJKRPH7KHEURWKHUV clearly how to correct offenses between brothers and RIWKHERG\DQG+LVIROORZHUVDUHPHPEHUVRIWKDWERG\ feared telling their father Jacob about their deed, sisters: “Moreover if thy brother shall trespass (Rom. 12:5). Staying attached to this body is the only way the that they had sold his favorite son into captivity. against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee PHPEHUVRIWKHERG\FDQVWD\DOLYHVSLULWXDOO\ -RKQ² Instead of telling the truth, the brothers decided to and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained 7KHUHLVQRHWHUQDOOLIHRXWVLGHRI&KULVWDQG+LVFRQJUHJD- kill an animal, dip Joseph’s coat in the blood and thy brother” (Matt. 18:15). WLRQ&KULVWDQG+LVFRQJUHJDWLRQDUHLQVHSDUDEOH say that he had been killed by a wild animal. It is ,QFDULQJIRURIIHQVHVRXUÁHVKVXIIHUVEXWWKH -HVXVH[KRUWHG+LVIROORZHUVWRORYHRQHDQRWKHUWRFDUU\ startling to see what unchecked jealousy had done care is not solely a human endeavor; rather, it is one another, to avoid disintegration and to live in unison to these brothers. Jealousy led to discussion of SURPSWHGE\WKH+RO\6SLULWWKDWGZHOOVLQWKHKHDUWV -RKQ² 7KHPHPEHUVRIWKHERG\RI&KULVW murder, betrayal and abandonment of their of believers. It is good that brothers and sisters can GRQRWÀJKWDJDLQVWHDFKRWKHUDQGGRQRWUHPDLQLQGLIIHUHQW EURWKHU7KDWWKHQOHGWRO\LQJDQGGHFHLW:KHQ care for even the smallest offenses so that they don’t toward one another. If one member suffers, all others suffer, the brothers returned home with the false news, begin to grow roots of bitterness. and if one member gains glory, all other members rejoice with Jacob was devastated. LW &RU² -RVHSKVSHQWGLIÀFXOW\HDUVLQ(J\SW+HZDV Caring for the Home Congregation Unity is not something we ourselves can create; rather the separated from everything he had known and thrust 7KHDSRVWOH3DXOVSHDNVRIWKH´FRQJUHJDWLRQWKDWLV +RO\6SLULWFUHDWHVDQGSUHVHUYHVXQLW\RIIDLWKDQGXQGHU- LQWRWKHZRUOGLQ(J\SW7KHUHZDVWKHWULDOZLWKWKH in thy house” (Phil. 1:2), referring to a home Zion. standing. It does so across oceans, languages and cultures. evil wife of Potiphar, after which Joseph was put into Like siblings in a family, the congregation of And it can do so even in local settings where unity has been SULVRQ7KHHYHQWVLQ-RVHSK·VOLIHFRXOGKDYHFDXVHG believers needs forgiveness in order to stay in unity. WULHG:KHQ*RG·VFKLOGUHQVSHDNLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK+LV him bitterness and anger towards his brothers, but 7KHKRPHFRQJUHJDWLRQLVDPLFURFRVPRIWKH :RUGIUHHO\DQGRSHQO\LQGLDORJXHWKHQWKH6SLULWVKRZV instead Joseph was a happy man. kingdom of God where brothers and sisters in faith the pathway. care for one another with the gospel of forgiveness. A child of God needs connection with other believers. Love Forgiveness Is Essential May it be that as brothers and sisters in our indi- FRQQHFWVXV &RO 7KH+RO\6SLULWJLYHVELUWKWRIDLWKRI Years later during a time of famine, Joseph’s vidual families, and as members of the family of the heart and love toward God and fellow believers. Love is brothers traveled to Egypt to buy corn in order to God, we would love each other and forgive from our the glue or mortar that connects different members together. survive. By God’s hand, Joseph had risen to the hearts, as Joseph was able to forgive his brothers &KULVWWHDFKHVWKDWORYHLVDVLJQRIEHOLHYHUV -RKQ second in command under the Pharaoh and was who had wronged him. From the unity and fellowship of the battling congregation personally in charge of selling the corn. Now, under Forgiveness brings forth the fruits of the spirit – of God here on earth, we will once be carried to the kingdom very different circumstances, Joseph and his love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, RIJORU\LQKHDYHQ7KHUHQRWKLQJZLOOVHYHUXVIURP*RG) brothers met again. Joseph could have chosen to faith, meekness, temperance (Gal. 5:22,23). ) PAGE 2 | NOVEMBER 2020 THE VOICE OF ZION News and Notes from LLC VZ/11 Eric Jurmu 1RYHPEHU²7KHWKHPHIRUWKH a$SSURYHG/HD:DDUDQLHPL·VDSSRLQW- weekend is “God is faithful, who will not PHQWWRWKH//&0XVLF&RPPLWWHH Page 4 THE COLD WINDS OF WINTER are suffer you to be tempted above that ye are :HZLVK/HD*RG·VEOHVVLQJVDVVKH starting to bite in the upper Midwest. An DEOHµ &RU $SUHVHQWDWLRQZLOO takes Saana Johnson’s spot on the THE SOWER'S BASKET: early snow reminds us that another year is be kept Friday evening titled “Bear One FRPPLWWHH:HDOVRWKDQN6DDQDIRU A Christian Found FRPLQJWRDFORVHZKDWD\HDULWKDVEHHQ Another’s Burdens,” followed by an her years of
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