• ,xldfõ iuk¨ka ,yq ;iff; F upa tz; zj ;J g; G+r; rpfs; Butterflies of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Birdwing - (Triodes darsius) iuk,hska wh;Ajkafka wdf;%dafmdavd jxYfha bkafilAgd j¾.fha • ,xldjg wdfõksl iuk¨ka f,msfvdmafgrd f.da;%hgjk w;r mems,sfhdaksfâ" mshßfâ" ,yq;iff;Fupa tz;zj;Jg;G+r;rpfs; • ,xldfõ cd;sl iuk,hd Njrpa tz;zj;Jg;G+r;rp National Butterfly ksï*,sfâ" ,hslksfâ" ßfhdaäksfâ" iy fyiamsßfâ hk l=<hkag. • ,xldfõ isák úYd,;u" wdfõksl yd ;¾ckhg ,lajQ mems,sfhdksfâ l=,hg wh;a wh;A iuk¨k a • ,xldfõ oelsh yel. • ,xldfõ iuk, Endemic Butterflies of Sri Lanka iuk, úfYaIhls' .eyekq yd msrsñ i;+ka myiqfjka fjkalr y÷kd.; yels w;r úfYaI 245 la we;s w;r thska 26 la • ,xldjg wdfõksljk by,ska mshdir lrhs' fudjqka W;+re m<d; yerekqfkdg Odrl YdLh mj;sk osjhsfka w;r we;eï úfYaI ;¾ckhg ,laj we;s nj r;= o;A; fmdf;A fmdÿ ku úoHd;Aul ku iEu fldgilu cSj;afõ' imai| Ydlh Odrl Ydlh fõ i|ykafõ. iuk¨kaf.a m%Odk wdydr m%Nj u,a meKs yd bÿKq ggpypnahdpnl FLk;g tupirapd; fPOs;s ,yq;iff;Fupj;jhd kpfg;ngupa m,;+re hqI fú' óg wu;rj mia Wrdîfuka Lksc ,jK Common Name Binomial name tz;zj;Jg;G+r;rp ,yq;if Ngl;tpq;f; (Sri Lankan Bird Wing) MFk;. ,e;j wjYH;djh imqrd .kS. rpwg;Gtha;e;j tz;zj;Jg;G+r;rp tl khfhzk; jtpu;e;j mjw;Ffe;j 1 Sri Lanka Tree-Nymph Idea iasonia Ngh\fr;nrb ,Uf;Fk; ehl;bd; midj;Jg; gFjpfspYk; caukhf gwe;J 2 Sri Lanka Tiger Parantica taprobana jpuptij tof;fkhff; nfhz;Ls;sJ. ngz; kw;Wk; Mz; ,dj;jpw;fpilapy; tz;zj;jg;G+r;rpfshdJ tFg;G ,d;nrl;lhtpYk; tu;zk; nygpnlhg;nl tpj;jpahrk; cs;sJ> mjhtJ ngz; Miztpl cUtj;jpy; ngupaJ. uhtpYk; tifg;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sJ. nygpnlhg;nluh NkYk; MW gpujhd 3 Sri Lanka Palmfly Elymnias singhala FLk;g gpupthf gpupf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ> mitahtd@ ggpypnahdpnl> gpupnl> The Largest, endemic butterfly of Sri Lanka is recognized as Sri Lanka Birdwing epk;gypnl> iyf;fhdpnl> upNahbdpnl kw;Wk; nf];nghupnl MFk;. 4 Sri Lanka Treebrown Lethe daretis which comes under the family Papilionidae. This magnificent butterfly usually flies ehl;Lf;Fupj;jhd ,Ugj;jpahW (26) ,dq;fs; cl;gl ,UE}w;W 5 Sri Lanka Forester Lethe dynsate very high and spread throughout the Island where its host plant (Sapsanda, ehw;gj;ije;J (245) tz;zj;Jg;G+r;rp ,dq;fs; ,yq;ifapy; cs;sjhf Aristochia indica) excepting Northern part. Female and male are different as the gjpTfs; $Wfpd;wd. rptg;G gl;bay; jfty;fSf;;fpzq;f rpy ,dq;fs; 6 Cingalese Bushbrown Mycalesis rama female is much larger than the male. mr;RWj;jYf;Fs;shfpAs;sJ. 7 Jewel Four-ring Ypthima singala gOj;j fdpfspd;; rhWk; kyh;j;NjDk; tz;zj;Jg;G+r;rpfspd; gpujhd 8 Blue Oak Leaf Kallima philarchus czT topfshf cs;sNjhL rpy tz;zj;Jg;G+r;rpfs; cztpd; Cl;lf;Fiwit epthj;jpnra;tjw;fhf kz;zpYs;s fdpg;nghUl;fis 9 Ormiston's Oakblue Arhopala ormistoni rhwhf cwpQ;Rfpd;wd. , 10 Sri Lanka Cerulean Jamides coruscans Butterflies are categorized under the Class Insecta and Order 11 Milky Cerulean Jamides lacteata Lepidoptera. Lepidoptera has been divided into six main families 12 Woodhouse's Four Lineblue Nacaduba ollyetti as Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae, Lycanidae, Riodinidae 13 Pale Sri Lanka Six Lineblue Nacaduba sinhala Chilades lajus and Hesperiidae. In Sri Lanka it has been recorded two hundred Danaus genutia Neptis hylas and forty five (245) species of which twenty six(26) are endemic. 14 Green's Silverline Spindasis greeni Some species are threatened according to the Red List. 15 Clouded Silverline Spindasis nubilus Flower nectar and ripen fruit juices are main food sources of 16 Sri Lanka Indigo Royal Tajuria arida butterfly and some butterflies suck soil to extract minerals to 17 Sri Lanka Hedge Blue Udara lanka overcome nutrients deficiency of diet. 18 Lesser Albatross Appias galene 19 One Spot Grass Yellow Eurema andersonii l++,h Family Species Tirumala limniace 20 Sri Lanka Rose Pachliopta jophon Chilasa clytia Papilio demoleus Papilionidae 15 21 Common Birdwing Troides darsius Pieridae 28 22 Black Flat Celaenorrhinus spilothyrus Nymphalidae 69 23 Decorated Ace Halpe decorata Lycaenidae 86 24 Tamil Bushbrown Mycalesis rama Hesperiidae 46 25 Hedge Hopper Baracus vittatus Riodinidae 1 Catopsilia pomona Delias eucharis 26 Sri Lanka Paint Brush swift Baoris pencillata Papilio polytes Nissanga patnia cSjk pl%h tho;f;if tl;lk; Life Cycle iuk¨kaf.a p¾hdrgd tz;zj;Jg;G+r;rpfspd; elj;ijfs; Butterfly Behaviors iuk¨kaf.a meje;aug úúO ;¾ck rdYshla we;s w;r iuk<hdf.A cSjk pl%h m%Odk iuk,qkaf.a m%Odk p¾hdrgd f,i mia" c,h yd uv Wrd Lksc ,jK ,nd .ekSu" wõj;emSu" ;u N=ñ m%foaYh jkdka;r úkdYh ksid isÿjk jdiia:dk wysùu m%Odk fõ' óg lSghd wjê jk ì;a;r, lSghd, ms<jd wdrÌd lsrSu" iqÿiq iyldrshl fidhd .ekSu i|yd tlu m:hl by, yd my, mshd ierSu" m¾hgkh yd wu;rj wl%uj;a m,sfndaO kdYl Ndú;h" jdhq ¥IKh yd yd iqyqUq,d hk wx. j,ska wkqlrkh oelsh yel iajNdúl úf,damslhka jeks ;¾cko fõ Larva iukajs;fõ. kz;zpy; Njq;fpa ePu;> jz;zPh;; kw;Wk; rfjpapypUe;J fdpg;nghUl;fis gpupj;njLj;jy;> rhjfkhd jl;gntg;g vz;zw;w mr;RWj;jy;fspdhy; ,yq;ifapYs;s Egg t z ; z j ; J g ; G + r ; r p f s p d ; tz;zj;Jg;G+r;rpfspd; ,dg;gy;tifik FiwtilfpwJ ì;A;r tho;f;if tl;lk; ehd;F epiyia NgZtjw;fhf R+upa xspapy; jpisj;jy;> vjpupfsplkpUe;J ghJfhj;Jf;nfhs;tjw;fhf vd;gJ milahsq;fhzg;gl;Ls;sJ. fhl;il Kl;il f l ; l q ; f i s cah;fhg;gplq;fspy; jq;fpapUj;jy;> Mw;wYila xU Jizia NjLtjw;fhf xNu jlj;jpy; mopg;gjdhy; mtw;Wf;fhd ,Ug;gpl kw;Wk; c s ; s l f ; f k h f f ; xOq;FKiwg;gb NkYk; fPOk; Rw;wpg;gwe;Jjpupjy;> fhyepiy> czT kw;Wk; rpWgaz kPl;rp ,lk;ngau;jypy; Ngh\fr;nrbfspd; ,og;G> tsp khriljy;> G+r;rpf;nfhy;yp kUe;Jfspd; msTf;F kPwpa ghtid> kpFjpahd n f h z ; b U f ; f p w J > njhlu;GilajhapUf;fpwJ kw;Wk; mit vjpupfsplkpUe;J ghJfhg;gjw;fhf Nghypg; gz;Gfis mitahtd@ Kl;il> Ntl;ilahly; vd;gd milahsk; fz;Lnfhs;sg;gl;l Flk;gp (fk;gspg;GO)> ntspf;fhl;Lfpd;wd. Kf;fpa mr;RWj;jy;fshFk;. $l;Lg;GO (GOtif)> epiwclyp (Kw;WU) MFk;. Puddling in soil, water and mud for mineral extraction, basking in sun for keep optimal temperature, Perching for Numerous threats have been identified for the reduction of protection of the territory, Patrolling in same track regularly up and down seeking a potential mate, Migration which species diversity of butterflies in Sri Lanka. Among them loss Adult Butterflies have a complete life involves weather and food and including a return trip and Mimicry for protection from the enemies. of habitats and host plants due to deforestation, air pollution, Pupa cycle comprising of four stages over use of pesticides and over predation are recognized key iqyqUq,d n a m e l y , e g g , l a r v a threats. ms<jd (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis) Concept, Design and Photographs and adult (imago). Central Environemtnal Authority Ajith R . Gunawardena T.T. Fernando .
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