SCOTCH PLAINS PUBLIC LLBRAHX. 1927 BARTf.E AVENUE -A—t.f PLAINS. N.J. 07076 SCOTCH PLAINS FANWOOD THE— Servirig Scotch PlainsTIME and Fanwood Since 1959 — S 2 8 1994 USPS4H520O Published Second Class Postmjt Paid al Scotch Plains, N J. Thursday, July 28,1994 Every Thursday 232-4407 FORTY CENTS WESTFIELD. SCOTCH PLAINS MAYORS AGAINST SUIT State Law Mandating Dumping Of Waste on In-County Basis Opposed in Federal Lawsuit Lawsuit Seen by Mayors as Undermining Union County's Broad Efforts To Handle Waste and Adequately Finance Rahway-Based Incinerator By PAUL J.PEYTON that the state's Department of Envi- solid waste management system and Specially Written fur The WestfleU Umler anil The Vmes ronmental Protection and Energy has jeopardize the authority's ability to A lawsuit filed last week by an created a network of county-based repay $283 million in bonds issued organization representing trash haul- "monopolies" that have forced towns for the construction of the County ers and joined by two municipalities to pay "artificially high disposal fees." Resource Facility." seeking to overturn the state's waste Mayor Boothe also said he was The New Jersey lawsuit was disposal system does not have the supportive of the efforts of United brought by C&A Cnrbone, Mayor support of the mayors of Westfield States Senator Frank R. Lautenberg Schundler, Mayor John Rooney of and Scotch Plains. and Representative Robert D. Franks Northvale, who is also an Assembly- The lawsuit, filed in federal court to seek passage of legislation that man; the Scotch Plains-based Waste in Newark, alleges that the state's would restrict the interstate transpor- Management Association of New system is unconstitutional because it tation of solid waste. Jersey and the National Solid Waste restricts where a community can The legislation is in response to a Management Association. dump its solid waste. The New Jersey ruling by the United States Supreme Carbone was the plaintiff in the Solid Waste Management Act re- Court that similar restrictions in New Clarkstown case. quires the state's 567 municipalities York state are unconstitutional. In a letter to Senator Lautenberg to transport their waste to disposal In its decision, the court ruled that opposing the legislation before Con- and processing facilities that are lo- restrictions on Clarkstown, New York gress, the Waste Management Asso- cated within their county. to transport its garbage to a desig- ciation indicated that the bill "vio- Based on this law, Westfield, Scotch nated facility was unlawful because lates every premise of interstate com- Plains and Fanwood must send their it interfered with interstatecommerce. merce provisions under the constitu- trash to the Union County Resource tion and places an unfair economic FOR CONTINUING BEAUTY...Scotch Plains Mayor William F. McClintock, Jr., center, looks over the new planting Scotch Plains Mayor William F. Recovery Plant in Rahway. McClintock, Jr. said he was also op- burden on state taxpayers and mu- at the Village Green Park in the center of the township with Mrs. Shirley Farkas, left, President of the Scotch Plalns- nicipalities." Fanwood Garden Club, and Mrs. Carmen Estevez, the club's outgoing President. Club members have been taking care Westfield Mayor Garland C. "Bud" posed to the lawsuit. He said the of the park and its planters since 1980 by donating and planting flowers and by providing weekly maintenance. The Mayor Boothe, Jr. said he cannot support the county has put aconsiderable amount The association said the average thanked all the members of the club for their demonstration of civic pride. New members are always being sought, and lawsuit because, in his opinion, it of money, time and effort into getting cost to dump solid waste in New information can be obtained by calling 889-6208. would only produce a short term sav- the Rahway facility on-line. He said Jersey is $94 per ton. They claim ings to solid waste disposal when the the facility needs to be utilized by the New Jersey has among the highest issue in fact is a long-range problem. county to its fullest extent to ensure rates in the country. For instance, the He said the Union County Board of that it is a financially strong facility. cost in the western region of the coun- Funding Plan for Schools Draws Chosen Freeholders and the Union He said any effort to allow haulers to try, they indicted, is $16 per ton. The County Utilities Authority have de- dump where they choose, in the end, cost in the pacific region is $33, $30 veloped a long-term solution to the would only cause a rise in property in the Midwest, $33 in the Southeast Cool Reception by Area Legislators problem with the opening of the in- taxes. and $67 in the Northeast, they said. cinerator. "We should make sure it gets fully They said Union County has the Accountability, Not Money, Pictured as the Major Issue Before the State Legislature He added the lawsuit has little im- used and that people don't walk away highest debt of any county in the state pact on Westfield's taxpayers and from it," said Mayor McClintock. for a solid waste facility at By PAUL J, PEYTON The panel has recommended that Assemblyman Richard H. Bagger, would have a greater impact on cities He said the facility "belongs to $282,790,000. The only county close Specially Written fur The Timrs the state more than double the amount who represents the 22nd Legislative like Jersey City where refuse is col- Union County, and "we ought to get to that figure is Mercer County at Last week's release of a report for of money it spends on education, District which includes Westfield, lected by the city itself. Jersey City the biggest advantage from it." $261,000,000, they said. funding public schools in the state estimated at $4.6 billion, to $9.2 bil- Scotch Plains and Fanwood, said at Mayor Bret Schundler, a Westfield The utilities authority, in a press Edward Cornell, Executive Direc- developed by an education advisory lion by 1999-2000 school year. The least part of the panel's plan closely native, is one of the supporters of the release, said that the Carbone versus tor at Waste Management, said he is panel has been met with both criti- panel, the Education Funding Re- resembles that of a concept endorsed lawsuit. Clarkstown decision, should not be asking towns like Westfield, Scotch cism and cautiousness on the part of view Commission, has said the state f Association for Public Mr, Schundler, at a press confer- taken as a broad interpretation of the Plains and Fanwood to join the suit at local state legislators. The report could pay for this significant increase dtot f solid waste. The authority no cost to the towns; He said a victory comes on the heels of a decision by by abolishing the recently passed in- ing a largo increase in taxes to sup- su£h an interpretation "could in the lawsuit would generate savings the New Jersey Supreme Court which come tax cuts implemented by the and its impact a "disaster" and charged undermine the state's 15-year-old to all taxpayers in the three towns and ruled the Quality of Education Act of port additional education funding. Governor, Mrs. Christine Todd Mr. Bagger said he is confident . the state as a whole. 1990 as unconstitutional because of Whitman, and the legislature, in ad- the contrived disparity in funding that the legislature will not approve dition to increasing the state sales tax any substantial tax increases due to between wealthy and poor districts. to seven per cent. its impact on its citizens and on the Fanwood Board of Adjustment Okays state's economy. Mr. Bagger said he disagrees with Representative Robert Franks part of the court's ruling which said Addition of Cray Terrace Front Porch the 30 poorest districts, which are referred to as special needs districts, Has $115,786 War Chest should be funded, so they fall at the Borough Body Confirms Four Actions Taken at June 23 Meeting top of the list of the highest spending BySUZETTESTALKER Fire Department, Police Department Robert Smith of 48 Fourth Street While He Is Expected to Have an Easy Reelection Bid, districts in the state. He said by fol- Specially Written for Vu TtMl lowing this formula the state would or Environmental Commission, ac- got the board's green light to build an Two Real Congressional Horse Races Are Shaping Up The Fanwood Zoning Board of cording to the board. addition onto his home, which had be faced with the continued problem Adjustment, during its regular meet- of keeping these districts at the top of The Four resolutions memorialized required variances for rear yard and By KURT C. BAUER Gonnley of Margate, the winner, ing last Thursday, heard one new last week involved applications which Specially Written for The Times the list. He said funding the special side yard setbacks. Frank A. LoBiondo, has raised application and memorialized four were heard by the board during its Representative Robert D. Franks, needs districts so they are In line with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dodge of 67 $92,343 in the latest six-week report- resolutions confirming its decisions June 23 meeting. Glenwood Road obtained board ap- a Republican representing the Sev- the average spending districts would ing period ended June 30. on recent cases. Mrs. Donna Dolce of 5 Carsam proval to build a 16-foot deck onto enth Congressional District, which be a better concept. This leaves Mr, LoBiondo $39,338 John Piccola of 14 Cray Terrace Street received permission to install the rear of their house.
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