STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT LTP3 Scoping Report Client: Isle of Wight Council Report No.: UE-0076_IoW Scoping Report_3_280410NCB Status: Consultation Version Date: 28th April 2010 Author: NCB Checked: NJD Approved: NEJP SEA of the Isle of Wight Local Transport Plan 3: Scoping Report April 2010 UE-0076_IoW Scoping Report_3_280410NCB Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose of this Report 1 1.2 The Isle of Wight LTP3 1 1.3 Overview of LTP area 3 1.4 Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Isle of Wight LTP3 5 2 Approach to the SEA 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Best Practice Guidance 7 2.3 Stages of SEA 8 2.4 Consultation on the Scoping Report 8 3 Presenting the SEA scoping information 11 3.1 Environmental information themes 11 3.2 Presenting the policy and plan review, the baseline and the key environmental issues 12 4 Accessibility and Transport 15 4.1 Summary of policy and plan review 15 4.2 Baseline data 16 4.3 Key issues for accessibility and transportation 21 5 Air Quality 23 5.1 Summary of policy and plan review 23 5.2 Baseline data 23 5.3 Key issues for air quality 25 6 Biodiversity and Geodiversity 27 6.1 Summary of policy and plan review 27 6.2 Baseline data 28 6.3 Key issues for biodiversity and geodiversity 41 7 Climate Change 43 7.1 Summary of policy and plan review 43 7.2 Baseline data 44 UE Associates Ltd © 2010 Page i SEA of the Isle of Wight Local Transport Plan 3: Scoping Report April 2010 UE-0076_IoW Scoping Report_3_280410NCB 7.3 Key issues for climate change 49 8 Health 51 8.1 Summary of policy and plan review 51 8.2 Baseline data 52 8.3 Key issues for health 55 9 Historic Environment 57 9.1 Summary of policy and plan review 57 9.2 Baseline data 58 9.3 Key issues for the historic environment 62 10 Landscape 63 10.1 Summary of policy and plan review 63 10.2 Baseline data 64 10.3 Key issues for landscape 69 11 Material Assets 71 11.1 Summary of policy and plan review 71 11.2 Baseline data 72 11.3 Key issues for material assets 74 12 Population 75 12.1 Summary of policy and plan review 75 12.2 Baseline data 76 12.3 Key issues for population 85 13 Soil 87 13.1 Summary of policy and plan review 87 13.2 Baseline data 88 13.3 Key issues for soil 89 14 Water 91 14.1 Summary of policy and plan review 91 14.2 Baseline data 92 14.3 Key issues for water 100 15 SEA Framework 101 15.1 The purpose of the SEA Framework 101 UE Associates Ltd © 2010 Page ii SEA of the Isle of Wight Local Transport Plan 3: Scoping Report April 2010 UE-0076_IoW Scoping Report_3_280410NCB 15.2 SEA objectives 101 16 Subsequent stages of the SEA process to be carried out following scoping, and the assessment methods to be used 103 16.1 Introduction 103 16.2 Stage B: Developing and refining alternatives and assessing effects 103 16.3 Stage C: Preparing the Environmental Report 104 16.4 Stage D: Consultation on the draft plan and Environmental Report 105 16.5 Stage E: Monitoring the implementation of the plan 106 17 Consultation on the Scoping Report 107 17.1 Purpose of Consultation 107 17.2 Consultation Details 107 Appendix A: Annex I of the SEA Directive Appendix B: Draft SEA Framework for the Isle of Wight LTP3 Appendix C: Example of a Detailed Assessment Matrix Appendix D: Review of Policies, Plans and Programmes UE Associates Ltd © 2010 Page iii SEA of the Isle of Wight Local Transport Plan 3: Scoping Report April 2010 UE-0076_IoW Scoping Report_3_280410NCB This page is intentionally blank. UE Associates Ltd © 2010 Page iv SEA of the Isle of Wight Local Transport Plan 3: Scoping Report April 2010 UE-0076_IoW Scoping Report_3_280410NCB Abbreviations AONB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty LLTI Limiting long-term illness AQMA Air Quality Management Area LTP2 Isle of Wight Local Transport Plan 2006-11 BAP Biodiversity Action Plan LTP3 Isle of Wight Local Transport Plan 2011-2038 BOA Biodiversity Opportunity Area NO2 Nitrogen dioxide CAMS Catchment Area Management Strategy ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (now CLG) CLG Department of Communities and Local ONS Office of National Statistics Government CO2 Carbon dioxide PAS Planning Advisory Service CPRE Council for the Protection of Rural England PFI Private Finance Initiative DCLG Department of Communities and Local PM10 Particulates Government Defra Department of the Environment, Food and PPPs Policies, plans and programmes Rural Affairs DfT Department for Transport PPS Planning Policy Statement EC European Commission PSA Public Service Agreement EU European Union RIGS Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Site GIS Geographical information systems RSS Regional Spatial Strategy Ha Hectares SAC Special Area of Conservation HAP Habitat Action Plan SAP Species Action Plan HLC Historic Landscape Characterisation SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment HRA Habitats Regulations Assessment SI Statutory Instrument IMD Indices of Multiple Deprivation SINC Site of Importance for Nature Conservation IOWC Isle of Wight Council SPA Special Protection Area JSA Jobseekers Allowance SPZ Source Protection Zone Km Kilometres SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest LBAP Local Biodiversity Action Plan TAG Transport Analysis Guidance LDF Local Development Framework UKCP09 UK Climate Projections 2009 UE Associates Ltd © 2010 Page v SEA of the Isle of Wight Local Transport Plan 3: Scoping Report April 2010 UE-0076_IoW Scoping Report_3_280410NCB This page is intentionally blank. UE Associates Ltd © 2010 Page vi SEA of the Isle of Wight Local Transport Plan 3: Scoping Report April 2010 UE-0076_IoW Scoping Report_3_280410NCB 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this Report This Scoping Report has been prepared for Isle of Wight Council as part of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the third Local Transport Plan (LTP3) for the Isle of Wight. The report has been published for consultation with the consultation bodies1 as required by Regulation 12 (5) of the UK SEA Regulations 2004. Scoping is the process of deciding the scope and level of detail of an SEA, including the relevant background and environmental issues, the assessment methods to be used, and the structure and contents of the Environmental Report. Documenting this process, the Scoping Report sets out the scope of, and methodology for the SEA of the LTP3 and summarises the tasks and outcomes of the first stage of the SEA process. 1.2 The Isle of Wight LTP3 Isle of Wight Council (IOWC), as the local transport authority for the Isle of Wight, is currently preparing the third Local Transport Plan (LTP3) for the Island. This will replace the Isle of Wight’s second Local Transport Plan (LTP2), which was adopted in April 2006, and covers the five year period between 2006-11. The LTP3 will: ` Set out the Island’s transport policies and their relation with national, regional and local policy objectives; ` Identify local transport issues, challenges and opportunities; ` Outline the background to the Island’s highway maintenance Private Finance Initiative (PFI); ` Provide guidance on transport issues for the emerging Island Plan Local Development Framework; and ` Leave open the opportunity of an early ‘refresh’ should funding allocations and opportunities change significantly from expected levels. The lifespan of the LTP3 will be from 2011 to 2038. This time period aligns with that of the Highways Maintenance Private Finance Initiative (PFI) for the Island, which is due to begin in 1 Natural England, English Heritage and the Environment Agency. UE Associates Ltd © 2010 Page 1 SEA of the Isle of Wight Local Transport Plan 3: Scoping Report April 2010 UE-0076_IoW Scoping Report_3_280410NCB April 2013, and covers a period of 25 years.2 The longer timeframe will also enable IOWC to set, and help deliver, longer term strategic priorities. 1.2.1 The LTP3 strategy and Implementation Plan The LTP3 will include a longer term strategy. Presenting the longer term aspirations for the LTP3, the strategy will set out transport policies covering the period to 2038. In line with LTP3 guidance, the longer term strategy will be delivered through a series of Implementation Plans. The first Implementation Plan will focus on delivery of strategy for the LTP3 in the period 2011-13, and will: ` Set out the types of projects to be pursued; ` The projected funding and budget source; ` Acknowledge programme and project risks; and ` Consider possible remedial and mitigation measures if those risks materialise. The first Implementation Plan is designed to align with the start of the Public Finance Initiative. For this reason it will be shorter term than the strategy for the LTP3, and will cover a two year period. Table 1.1 sets out the key facts relating to the LTP3. 2 The Department for Transport has approved a PFI Credit of £364m for the Isle of Wight Council to rehabilitate the Island’s roads, footways, street lighting and most other aspects that are related to the highway network. The PFI will begin in April 2013 and cover a 25 year period to 2038. UE Associates Ltd © 2010 Page 2 SEA of the Isle of Wight Local Transport Plan 3: Scoping Report April 2010 UE-0076_IoW Scoping Report_3_280410NCB Table 1.1: Key facts relating to the Isle of Wight LTP3 Name of Responsible Isle of Wight Council Authority Title of plan Isle of Wight Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) What prompted the The LTP3 will be the third Local Transport Plan to be developed for the plan (e.g. legislative, Isle of Wight.
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