B u c h a n a n R e c o r d . Lo ok Here J ?CTBUSHED EVERY THURSDAY, Having again engaged in the —BY— T O m S F Q.HOI jMES. TERMS, SI.SO PER YEAR R ecord. PAYABLE JIT ADVANCE. AWERTIS1US RATES Mfti Ki® 08 APPUC&TICU. NUMBER 48. volume xxm . llrif'H AX A \ BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1889. In Buchanan, (at Cathcart’s Old Gallery), OFFICE—InRecordBuiiaing.QakStreet I will be pleased to see all my old THE MEN WHO'MISS THE XBAIN. Some Curious Wills. It may be you will love her yourself, hole of my doublet. Will that satisfy friends at the above place. j my Charles.” you of our good understanding ?” BV s. W. VOSS. The St. Louis Republic, some time READY FOR THE “It may be,” replied Westleigh, com­ Speechless with rage, Charles replied ago, had a chapter on wills; showing !3 easiness Directory. I loafe a’ onu’ the deepo jest to see the Pull­ placently. “You promise me, then, by a fierce gesture and strode toward the testators to have possessed minds man scoot, that you will woo my sister only, and liis sister, followed by the page, beneath SABBATH SERVICES. singularly constituted. An’ to soothe people scamper w’en thcylioar not my cousin ?” whose mask could beperceived a sud­ Often quoted is the remarkable-will 'ERVICES arc field every Ssablmfc at 10:30 the ingine toot; den access of color. Coming dose to A o’clock a. s., at the Cluircli or the “ Larger “I swear it to you, Charles.” b lint w’at makes the most impression on my of Solomon Sanborn, of Medferd,Mass., iopu 'i” also, Sabbatli School services iramecliatc- Snowball, whose eyes had expanded the Iady-in:waiting, who was carrying who died about fifteen years ago. San­ y after the morning meeting. Prayer and eonfer- som'w’at active brain. to twice their natural dimensions while on a very animated conversationiwith mco meeting every Thursday evening. A cordial Is tlio careless men who get there jest in time born was a great patriot, and specially AT REASONABLE PBICES. i ivitatlon la extended, to all. listening to tlie unknown and fearful tlie count, he paused a moment, then to miss the train. gloried in the part Masaclrasetls took W e Lave matte very Heavy purchases for tones issuing from those bearded lips, kneeling before her, said,— in the Revolution struggle. In his 0 .0 . F-—Buchanan Lodge No. 75 holds its the Holiday trader lit eaclt of our depart­ An’ Some cuss the railroad oomp’ny, an’ somo nowr turned hastily into a long avenue; “Sweet Gillian, I beg a boon for fair will he left his body to Dr. Oli­ [ , regular meeting, at Odd Fellows Hall, on ments will be found many articles that are loudly cuss tlicir stars, and drove up at furious speed. A love’s sake. Is it granted ?” each Tuesday evening. ver Wendell Holmes and Prof. Agas­ H. E. BRADLEY. very desirable for presents. An’ some jest gallop down tho track an’ try to quarter of a mile brought the carriage “What is it, saucy page?” siz, not, however without imposing catch the cars; to the front of a large and handsome “Hong for the blue forget-me-nots some of the most unheard of provi­ . & A . JT.—Buchanan Lodge N o. 65 holds a An’ some with aloud laft' an’ joke will poul­ country house illuminated along its upon your bosom. Kiss them once, and wi_- ., regular ineetingMonday evening on or before W E ZEaZ-^YTE sions and conditions. His skeleton he Legal Don’ts About W ills. tie full moon in each month. tice up tlicir pain— whole facade. then fasten them above my heart. Re­ desired prepared in the most arti tic Var'us kin’s er people get there just in time to member all they meat).” Don’t make a will without two wit­ OP H.—Buchanan Grange N o 40 meets On “It is in your honor, Bergmann,’’said. manner known to the profession, and .Gents’ Night Shirts, Gents' Dress miss the train.' nesses; and it’s better to have three. P • the second and fourth Saturday o f each Shirts, Gents’ Cuffs and Collars, Charles, in pleased surprise. Westleigh clenched his hand and placed with the many others in the nonth, at 2 o’clock p. n. Gents’ Neckties, Gents’ Kid Gloves, An’ there is many deepos an’ flag-stations “The fraulein could not have known frownetl heavily, while the count start­ anatomical department of Harvard Don’t neglect to declare it your last Gents’ Regular Made Underwear; ed,, stepped hastily for ward, then recol­ will and testament. * O.TJ. W,—Buchanan Lodge No. flSholdslts Table Linens, Towels, Napkins; ’ithout name, of our intentions with regard to her?” College. While preliminary prepara­ A . reular meeting the ls t and 3d Tuesday even­ SplashersJrahlo Spreads, stand Along the Grand Trunk Railroad thet leads to asked the count, quite flattered with lectin’ himself, stood in suspense star­ tions were being made in carrying out Don’t let a person Who is interest in ing o f each month. Covers, Elegant white Blankets, wealth and fame, surprise and pleasure. ing at Gillian, who, without a word it be a witness. White Silk Mufflers, Colored Silk this extraordinary request, lie desired An' men rush to these deepos as fast as they unfastened the flowers and-pressed Don’t add a codicil unless you exe­ 71 A . R. -Win. Perrott Post No.22. Regnlar Mufliers, White Silk Handk’chiefs, “Pardon, Rupert, but I gave her one the surgeons to be very careful with •X. meeting on the Brat and third Saturday Gents' Linen Hnndk'ch'fs, Gents’ eaii fly, little hint-in writing to announce our them to her lips; then, stooping over the skin so that it could be tanned in cute it in the sttae way as the original veiling or each month. Visiting comrades al­ Black Silk Uantlk’ch’ fs, Ladies.’ As the Train of Opportunity jest goes a thun­ will. Linen Handk’ch’fs, Ladies’ Em­ approach ” the still kneeling page, she thrust the pieces of sufficient size to make a pair ways welcome- broidered Ilandk'ch’fs, Ladies’ derin' byr “ The illumination, then, may be a stems through the buttonho'e of bis Don’t make a new will unless yoU Linen Collars and Cuffs, Lathes’ of drumheads. Upon one of the drum­ VSTOMAN’ S RELIEF CORPS,IVm.Perrott Post They rush down to the stations with their hair maiden’s shy acceptance of a proffered doublet, saying,— heads the “Declaration of Indepen­ revoke or destroy the old one. YV No-SI. hteettnes held regularly, in Grange Luce Collars and Cuffs, Vandyke “There, silly boy, now begone.” Don’t neglect to make your witness­ Hall, first and third Saturday of each month. Lace for Collars, Cuffs and" Kuch­ all stood on end, lover,” murmured the count. dence” was to be written, and upon ing, Pocket Books, Fancy Silks As the platform o f tlio tail-end car goes Whirl­ He follow’ed his friend up the steps “Thanks, dearest,” And the page, es write their full name and addresses. and Fringes, Side Board Covers, Absolutely Fure« the other Pope's “Universal Prayer.” U. LEWIS W. BAKER, Physician and Sur­ ing roan’ tho Bond; and into a large, old-fasbioned hall, seizing the llitle hand, kissed it, press­ Don’t forget that, if a woman, your D geon. Night calls promptly attended to Silk Drapes, Linen Drapes, Fancy Thispowderrows never varies. A marvel o f purity Pitted in its proper wooden frame this Ifiice in Kinyon's block. Towels, Towel Racks, Wisp-broom strengthrth and wholesomeness. More economical An’ some men groan an’ cry aloud, an’ some crowded with so strange a group of ed it to his heart, and rising turned to ghastly relic was to be presented to a marriage will invalidate a will already Holders. Ladies’ Wool, Silk and than the Ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold in conceal their pain, revellers that both young men Stopped Westleigh, saying, “Are you convinc­ made. Kid Mittens, Ladies’, Misses’ and competition with the multitude of low test, short local drummer, whom the testator des­ RS. HENDERSON & BRADLEY, Physicians W’ en they find thet they have got there jest in ed?” Don’t make a new will without spe­ U and Surgeons. Ofl'tce in Opera House Bloch Gents’ Kid Gloves, Fancy Glove weightalnm or pnosphate powders. S oldonlyin upon the threshold, uncertain w’hether and Necktie Cases, Ribbons for time to miss the train. ignates a “distinguished friend,” upon 0lesidenceive No 90uvpiMiuctnuueuuui Front St~ one door Westlu-atwt of Perrya v u j cans, Rovax. B aking Powder Co., 108 Wall St.,' or not to enter. The doubt was re-" Charles did not at once reply; but, condition that he would promise to cifically revoking the former will and Fox’s. Calls answered all hours o f day or night. Neckwear, Fancy Silk Ties. Side N .Y . • >10-16 after standing for a, moment looking physically destroying it. One always in the office. It. HendcrSon and W. J. Combs 'Infants' Isacques, Infants’ Bill tho cars puff through valleys, an’ go a moved by a page, dressed in blue carry it to the foot of Bunker Hill Bradley. Bootees, Ladies’ Cashmere Hose, whi’ lin’ by, „ velvet, white satin and silver orna­ from one to another of the little group* monument on each succeeding anniver­ Don’t make*a will that does not pro­ Ladies' Silk Hose, Ladies’ Silk ments, with a cap and plume set jaunt­ be laid a heavy hand upon the count’s vide for children that may be born.
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