David R. White, Artistic Director and Conductor Grand Finale Concert with Special Guests: The American Boychoir The Floriday BoyChoir The Newark Boys Chorus The GAMAC Boys Choir The Palmetto State The McCallie School Men’s Boychoir Ensemble Saturday, February 18,2012 Peachtree Road United Methodist Church Establishing a Legacy of Excellence P R O G R A M Fanfare For a Festival Ron Nelson All praise! All praise to music! Heaven sent. The voice that lifts all hearts in perfect melody, And leaves the soul fulfilled with joy and peace. All praise! All praise to music! Heaven sent. In open song! ~ Walter Rodby Amazing Grace arr. Stephen Hatfield Jay Bopp, bagpipes Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I’m found; was blind, but now I see. T’was grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fear relieved. How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed. When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we first begun. ~ John Newton T H E F E S T I V A L C H O I R T H E A M E R I C AN B O Y C H O I R Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, Music Director Selections announced from the stage. T H E NE W A R K B O Y S C H O R U S Donald Morris, Music Director Non Nobis, Domine Roger Quilter adapted, Donald Morris Non nobis, Domine Not unto us, O Lord, The praise and glory be Of any deed or word. For in Thy judgment lies To crown or bring to nought All knowledge and device That man has reached or wrought. And we confess our blame, How all too high we hold That noise which men call fame, That dross which men call gold. For these we undergo Our hot and godless days, But in our souls we know Not unto us the praise. O Power by whom we live Creator, Judge and Friend, Upholdingly forgive, Nor leave us at the end. But grant us yet to see, In all our piteous ways, Non Nobis, Domine, Not unto us the praise. Ee-Oh from Friday Afternoons Benjamin Britten The fox and his wife they had a great strife, They never eat mustard in all their whole life; They eat their meat without fork or knife, And loved to be picking a bone, ee-oh! The fox jumped up on a moonlight night; The stars they were shining, and all things bright; "O-ho!" said the fox, "It's a very fine night, For me to go through the town, ee-oh!" The fox, when he came to yonder stile, He lifted his lugs' and he listened a while! "Oh, ho!" said the fox, 'it's a very short mile From this unto yonder wee town, ee-oh!" The fox when he came to the farmer's gate, Who should he see but the farmer's drake? "I love you well for your master's sake And long to be picking your bone, ee-oh!" The grey goose she ran round the farmer's stack, "Oh, ho!" said the fox, "you are plump and fat; You'll grease my beard and ride on my back, From this into yonder wee town, ee-oh!" The farmer's wife she jumped out of bed, And out of the window she popped her head! "Oh, husband! Oh, husband! The geese are all dead, For the fox has been through the town, ee-oh!" The farmer he loaded his pistol with lead, And shot the old rogue of a fox through his head. "Ah, ha!" said the farmer, "I think you're quite dead; And no more you'll trouble the town, ee-oh!" Ride On, King Jesus arr. Moses Hogan Ride on, King Jesus; ride on, the conquerin’ King. No man can hinder thee. I was but young when I begun. But now my race is almost done. King Jesus rides a milk white horse. The river of Jordan He did cross. He’s the King and the Lord. He’s the First and the Last. He’s the Lord of Lords. Jesus is the Prince of peace. T H E M c C A L L I E M E N ‘ S E N S E M B L E Lew Cisto, Conductor Ride the Chariot Spiritual arr. W.H. Smith Michael Prentice & Chris Lee, Tenor Soloists I'm gonna ride in the chariot in the morning, Lord, I'm gonna ride in the chariot in the morning, Lord, I'm gettin' ready for the judgment day, My Lord, my Lord. Are you ready, my brother, sister? Are you ready for the journey? Do you want to see your Jesus? I'm waitin' for the chariot 'cause I'm ready to go. Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel Spiritual Arr. Emerson Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel, deliver Daniel. Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel? Then why not every Man? He delivered Daniel for the lion's den, Jonah from the belly of the whale, And the Hebrew Children from the fiery furnace, Then why not every man? I set my foot on the gospel ship, and the ship began to sail; It landed me over on Canaan's shore, and I'll never come back no more. Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel, then why not every man. T H E F L O R I D A B O Y C H O I R Brian Collar, ChoirMaster Hodie Apparuit Orlando di Lasso Translation: Today appeared in Israel, from the Virgin Mary, was born a King. In the Beginning of Creation Daniel Pinkham In the beginning of creation, when God made heaven and earth The earth was without form and void With darkness over the face of the abyss And a mighty wind swept over the surface of the waters God said, “Let there be light” and there was light. ~ Genesis 1:1-3 T HE G E O R G I A B O Y C H O I R David R. White, Artistic Director and Conductor I Will Sing With the Spirit John Rutter I will sing with the Spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also. Alleluia. ~ I Corinthians 14:15 Spaseniye Sodelal Pavel Chesnokov Translation: Salvation is created in the midst of the earth, O God. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. ~ Kievan Communion Chant Barter from Garden of Beauty Rene Clausen Life has loveliness to sell, All beautiful and splendid things, Blue waves whitened on a cliff, Soaring fire that sways and sings, And children’s faces looking up Holding wonder like a cup. Life has loveliness to sell. Music like a curve of gold, Scent of pine trees in the rain, Eyes that love you, Arms that hold, And for your spirit’s still delight, Holy thoughts that star the night. Life has loveliness to sell. Spend all you have for loveliness; Buy it and never count the cost; For one white shining hour of peace Count many a year of strife well lost; And for a breath of ecstasy Give all you have been or could be. ~ Sara Teasdale Mary Speaks David Childs O you who bear the pain of the whole earth, I bore you. O you whose tears gave human tears their worth, I laughed with you. You, who when your hem is touched, give power, I nourished you. Who turn the day to night in this dark hour, light comes from you. O you who hold the world in your embrace, I carried you. Whose arms encircled the world with your grace, I once held you. O you who laughed and ate and walked the shore, I played with you. And I, who with all others, you died for, now I hold you. May I be faithful to this final test, in this last time I hold my child, my son; His body close enfolded to my breast: the holder held, the bearer borne. Mourning to joy, darkness to morn. Open, my arms; your work is done. ~ Madeleine L’Engle Gloria ad modem tubae Guillaume Dufay Translation: Glory to God in the highest. And on earth, peace to men of good will. We praise you. We bless You. We worship You. We glorify You. We give You thanks for Your great glory. LORD God, Heavenly King, God the Father Almighty. Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son. Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father. You, Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. You, Who take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. You Who sit at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For You alone are holy. You alone are Lord. You alone, O Jesus Christ are most high, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. ~ from the Mass Omnia Sol Z. Randall Stroope Somewhere far from nowhere, I grew both strong and tall, Longing to become, but knowing not the path at all. But the footprints of the winter melted to fields of spring; One last embrace before I cross the threshold; To Life we sing! O stay your soul and leave my heart its song, O stay your hand, the journey may be long. And when we part and sorrow can’t be sway’d, Remember when and let your heart be staid.
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