d VOLUME 13, NO. 4 WINTER, 1959 the Bank of Montreal serves well over 2,000,000 customers in all walks of life. A U. B. C. ALUMNI CHRONICLE 2 U. B. C. ALUMNI CHRONICLE CONTENTS Editor: James A. Bunham, B.A.’51 Assistunt Editor: Frurzces Tucker, B.A.’50 Publishedquarterly by theAlumni Association Alumni News of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 4 Homecoming 7 Community Relations Conference BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Alumnaeand Alumni EXECUTIVECOMMIITEE: President, 8 MarkCollins, B.A.. B.Com.’34:past president, -By Frances Tucker NormanJ. Hyland. B.Com.’34;first vice- 10 Around the World with U.B.C. president, Don F. Miller,B.Com.’47: second -By F. H. Soward vice-president,William C.Gibson. B.A.’33, M.Sc., M.D., Ph.D.;third vice-president, Mrs. AlexW. Fisher, B.A.’31; treasurer.Donald B. Features Fields,B.Com.’43; director, A. H. Sager,B.A. 14 Counselling Services at U.B.C. ‘38: (exofficio), James A. Banham. B.A.’51. ”By A. F. Shirran MEMBERS-AT-LARGE: Rika Wright, B.A. ‘33; Russell Palmer, B.A.’26. M.D..C.M.; 16 AutobiographicalProfile Hon.James Sinclair, B.A.Sc.’28; Harry J. -By Charles Armstrong Franklin, B.A.’49; Terry D. Nicholls,B.Com. 18 Victoria College Appeal ’55, LL.B.’56; Mrs. I-. H.Leeson, B.A.’23. “By AnthonyEmery ALUMNISENATE APPOINTEES: J. NormanHyland. B.Com.’34, Nathan T. 20 Higher Education in B.C. Nemetz, Q.C., B.A.’34, H. L. Purdy, B.A.’26, “By N. A. M. MacKenzie Ph.D. DEGREEREPRESENTATIVES: Agricul- The University ture,N. S. Wright, M.S.A.’46. Ph.D.;Applied Science, E. DouglasSutcliffe, B.A.Sc.’43; 25 No News is Good News Architecture,James Y. Johnstone,B.Arch’52; “By DaveBrock Artsand Science, Mrs. ArthurF.McKay, B.A.’33; Commerce,Emerson H. Gennis, 27 The Faculty B.Com.’48; Education,John L. Prior, B.A.’35; 28 Sport News Forestry, Kingsley F. Harris, B.Com.’47, B.S.F. “By R. J. ’Bus’ Phillips ’48; HomeEconomics, Anne E.Howorth, B.H.E.’52; L.aw, IvanR.Feltham, B.A.’53, LL.B.’54,B.C.L.; Medicine, John(Bud) M. Fredrickson, B.A.’53, M.D.’57; Nursing, Margaret E. Leighton,B.N.(McGill); Pharm- acy, D. B. Franklin, B.S.P.’52; Physical Ednca- tion,Reid Mitchell, B.P.E.’49, B.Ed.’55;Social Work, Edwin F. Watson, B.S.W.’49, M.S.W.’55. COVER AlmaMater Society representative: A.M.S. president,Peter Meekison. Homecominghighlight on EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: Chairman: November 7 um thepre- W. C. Gibson,B.A.33, M.Sc., M.D.. Ph.D.; sentation of Greatthe Technical advisers: J. Stuart Keate, B.A.’35, R. Trekker award for 1959 to CampbellKenmuir. Arts ’42, R. E. “Buzz” Walker, B.Com.’47. Jimmy Sinclair, B.A.Sc.’H, Chroniclebusiness and editorial offices: left,by A.M.S. president 252 BrockHall, U.B.C., Vancouver 8, B.C. Authorizedas second class mail, Post Office Pete Meekison at half time Department,Ottawa. of thefootball game. The U.B.C.Alumni Chronicle is sentfree of chargeto alumni donating to the annual giving program and U.B.C. Development Fund. WINTER, 1959 Non-donors may receive the magazine by paying ~~~~:::~:~.:~:~~~:~:~,~~:~:~~::~~~v.~.:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.~.~.:~:.~.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:._,.,._,.,.,.,,~ .,.................... _,.,..._.,._.... ., . ............................. ........................... .... .. ... .. .... .”......... .+!j&. .......................................... ..:..... ’ ..’.‘.....’... .................................... .. .. ....................... .””””””””””” ............ a subscription of $3.00 a year. 3 U. B. C. ALUMNI CHRONICLE First reunionof U.B.C. medicalschool graduates took place Soundingthe call to the class of 19253, whichheld a re- at theliniversity Club on thefirst night Home-of union in theFaculty Club Friday night is HaroldKing, cornzng. TellingBeverley Tamboline, who will graduate composer ofthe University song, "Hail U.B.C." Among nextyear, what its like to bea practising doctor are (left thosewho heeded the callare (leftto right). Professor to right) John Hunt, '58; HerbForward, '57; Dwight ArchiePeebles, department of cizjil engtneerzng;Mrs. Peretz,'56; Gordon Heydon, '54; andGordon Gell, '55. ClaudineTait Hambleton, Colonel Harry T. Logan,former Morethan 60 medicalgraduates attended the banquet head ofthe classics department;Mrs. Mary Carter Morri- ulhich was addressed by Dr. HaroldCopp. son,and Mrs. Gerry Whittaker Birkett. HOMECOMING - 1959 Honouredguests at the annual Homeconting luncheon in Gay,Louise Grant, Heather Dauies,Sandra Cusack, Satya Brock Hall at noon on Saturday were ten of the winners of Brown, Wendy Dobson, Valerie Perkins, Edward Grande, and the 1959 Alumni Regional Scholarships. The students,who are Mike Campbell. The students were presented to those gradu- at U.B.C. this year, are (left to right), Michael Wayman, Errol ates whoattended the Homecoming luncheon. U. B. C. ALUMNI CHRONICLE 4 InternationalHouse at UBC was the setting for the re- The Jokers were ut it again at the class of 1939 reunion which unionof the class of 1934 on Suturcfuy night. Among took place in the tconzen’s gymnasium on Saturday night. thosewho attended this event are (left to right) Harold Ironically, the ’49ers, whodid much to help build the War Lando, Jim Bardsley,one of theall-time greats irr Cana- Memorial Gym, bud to meet in the women’s gym because the dianbasketball; Fred Bolton, Mrs. Hilda BoneMuch‘enzie, nzuin gym u‘us in use that night for a busketball gdme. Howls CyrilChaue, one of the organizers ofthe reunion, and of delight came from the meeting place horc.et,er us the Jokers NathanNemetz, who is now amember of the bourd of sruged many 01 their old gags. Wawning up abo1.e are the governors of theUniuersity. Lel,y twins, Jack and Leo, and John Tennant. Takeseveral thousand U.B.C. gradu- ates,add two days packed full of semi- nars,class reunions, coffee parties and sporting events, throw in a spoonful of nostalgia and mix well in the atmosphere of anexpanding campus. Alumni Asso- ciationofficials used this recipe to pro- ducethe most successful Homecoming in historyon November h and 7. A committee of graduates led by King- sley Harrisspent several months plan- ning the 1959 Homecomingevents down to the last detail.A note of serioumrss wasadded to thecelebrations for the second time in as many years with three seminarson the general theme of “The challenge of science today.” G. L. Hol- lingsworth,director of researchfor the Boeing AirplaneCompmy inSeattle, openedthe seminars with atalk on Fri- day night entitled“The challenge of outerspace.” He dwelt on thebenefits to be derived from space exploration. the challenge to our technology and the need to view spaceresearch in relation to otherresearch needs. While Mr. Hollingsworthspoke in the Buchanan building the class of 1929 Was holding their reunion in the new Faculty Cluband the current edition of the Thunderbirdbasketball team was meet- ing a team of graduates in the War Me- morialGymnasium. The grads managed to topplethe ’Birds in a hard-follght contest. OnSaturday morning two more semi- narsmet in thelaw building following coffeeparties in Brock Hall where pro- fessorshad a chance to meetreturning graduates.The seminars. which dealt with theeducation of artsmenand the hazards of nuclearfallout, were chaired by Dean S. N. F. Chant.head of the Faculty of Arts and Science and Dr. Wil- liam C. Gibson,head of thedepartment of neurologicalresearch. respectively. The Homecoming luncheon which fol- lowed was well attendedand graduates had anopportunity to meetten of the Dean Li. D. MacPhee, acting for President MrccKenzie, uho zl’as ubsent durirrg Home- studentswho were this year awarded conling for meetings of the Canuda Council in Winnipeg, crowned the 1959 Home- AlumniRegional Scholarships. Follow- coming Queen, Naida Chernenkou, at the first of two student ddnces in the Armoury. 5 U.B.C. ALUMNI CHRONICLE ing the buffettheing luncheon graduates marched to thestadium where they saw theThunderbirds take on theUniversity of Saskatchewan in the final game of the WesternIntercollegiate Football Union schedule. The ’Birds swampedthe Hus- kies by ascore of 38to 7. Inthe eveningfive classes gathered atvarious campus points to reminisce aboutold timesand learn what had be- come of oldclassmates. More than 700 graduates returned to Brock Hall later the sameevening for theannual alumni dance which featured the music of Ernie Prenticeand the singing Eleanorof Collins. The highlight of the day however, was the presentation to ‘Jimmy’ Sinclair of the GreatTrekker award for 1959at half time of thefootball game. Mr. Sinclair, presidentof the B.C. FisheriesAssocia- tion,graduated in1928 with the degree of bachelor of appliedscience and was Rhodes Scholar at Oxford from 1928 to 193 1. Thestudent award is madean- nually to a graduatewho has a record of continuousservice to theUniversity. The class of 1924 (top of page) met in the Faculty Club Saturduy night for their reunion.Obviously enjoying themselves are (left to right) Dr. R. P. Steeues, Dr. RossDauidson, Murray Brink, James Mitchell,Mrs. Frances McMorrisMor- den, Miss MyrtleKieuell, Fred Coffin and John Burton. Class of 1939 (center picture)met in BrockHall. “Things werenever like this in our day,” says MulcolmBrown, as hepoints to un urtist’s sketch of a futureU.B.C. develop- ment.The ladiesare Mrs. Lin Brown Lathum (left), and Mrs. Ruth Barss Eng- lish. At bottomsome members of the cluss of 1944, whichmet in theold Faculty Club, check ouer the script for a skit which they put on during the eue- ?zing.Seated are (leftto right), Mrs. Lloyd Ross, Mrs. LeslieSandison and Mrs. LionelSalt. Standing are (left to right), NickReimer, Alec Rome, Stun Todhunter, John Shaw andLeslie Smith. All Universities Boxing Day Bal I * Saturday December 26 CommodoreCabaret $7 Per Couple-Formal * Tickets - ALma 4200 U.B. c. ALUMNI CHRONICLE 6 Delegatesfrom 27 B.C. communities and Seattle came to the campus on Sep- tember 18 and 19 totake part in the secondannual Community Relations Conferenceand to discuss andexpress opinions on Universityproblems.
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