La Salle University La Salle University Digital Commons Faculty Bulletins University Publications 12-31-1991 Faculty Bulletin: December 13, 1991 La Salle University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/faculty_bulletins Recommended Citation La Salle University, "Faculty Bulletin: December 13, 1991" (1991). Faculty Bulletins. 209. http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/faculty_bulletins/209 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at La Salle University Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Bulletins by an authorized administrator of La Salle University Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. LA SALLE UNIVERSITY FACULTY Philadelphia, Pennsylvania BULLETIN Volume 31, December 13,1991, Number 1 LASALLE HONORS THREE DISTINCTIVE WOMEN AT FALL CONVOCATION La Salle University honored three dis­ tinctive women, a physician, a Naval Re­ serves Rear Admiral, and a local civic leader, at the Fall Honors Convocation on Sunday, October 20 in the Union Ballroom, on cam­ pus. La Salle’s Brother President Patrick Ellis, F.S.C., Ph.D., presided over the Con­ vocation and presented each woman, Sister Anne Brooks, S.N.J.M., a doctor and Catho­ lic nun working in a poor Mississippi Delta town; Rear Admiral Maryanne Gallagher Ibach, the first woman to be appointed to the t-ASAltlAXA rank of rear admiral in the history of the Naval Reserves; and Patricia Johnson Clifford, a member of the university's Board of Trust­ ees, with an honorary doctor of humane letters degree. La Salle’s Brother President Patrick Ellis, F.S.C., Ph.D., presented honorary doctor of humane letters degrees to local civic leader Patricia Clifford (left), physician Sister Anne Brooks, S.N.J.M., (center) and During the ceremony Brother Patrick Rear Admiral Maryanne G. Ibach, (right), at the Fall Honors Convocation on Sunday, October 20. also recognized 524 La Salle Dean’s List students, including 140 from the School of Continuing Studies. she left the clinic which is still operating nia, and a master of arts degree in education today. and a certificate in gerontology nursing from Dr. Joanne Jones Barnett, assistant to George Washington University. the provost, sponsored Sister Anne Brooks In 1978, at the urging of her doctor and for her honorary degree while Dr. Gloria friend, who was treating her for debilitating Patricia Johnson Clifford was honored Donnelly, chairman of La Salle’s Nursing rheumatoid arthritis, she entered the Univer­ as a woman dedicated to the support of Department sponsored Rear Admiral Mary­ sity of Michigan School of Osteopathic Med­ human dignity, freedom and well being. icine. She graduated in 1983 at the age of anne Gallagher Ibach and Dr. Glenda Kuhl, A graduate of Fisk University and a res­ 45. dean of the School of Continuing Studies ident of Philadelphia, Clifford is a member of sponsored Patricia Clifford. As a new doctor Sister Anne was look­ La Salle University’s Board of Trustees as In addition, Peter J. Filicetti, Ph.D., as­ ing for a town where she could help the most. well as that of Temple University. She also sistant director of the Counseling Center and She found Tutwiler, which had been without serves on the Board of Directors of The Fund Michael Kerlin, Ph.D., professor of philoso­ a doctor for many years. She took over the For Philadelphia, Inc. and on the National, phy, were recognized for 25 years of service vacant clinic and set up a three-part staff, Commonwealth and Women’s Boards of the to the university, and La Salle Spanish medical, office and clerical, and outreach Medical College of Pennsylvania. ministry. She has now served this Mississippi Professor Leonard Brownstein received the In addition Ms. Clifford is a member of Delta community, day and night, for seven second annual Sears Roebuck Foundation the Coalition of 100 Black Women, Delta years. Teaching Excellence and Campus Leader­ Sigma Theta Sorority and Fisk University ship Award. Rear Admiral Ibach, a native of Philadel­ Alumni Association. This award is given to the faculty mem­ phia, and a registered nurse, was honored as "a leader in the U.S. Navy, in the nursing "In all of these leadership capacities," ber who has made a distinct difference in the her citation read in part, "Mrs. Clifford has teaching climate of the college in such areas profession, in family life and in the Archdio­ cese of Arlington, (Va.)." contributed a strong and shining vision for as model classroom teaching, campus the betterment of all peoples.... She is a leadership, pioneering teaching methodol­ She has served in many capacities for gracious and forcefull voice needed and ogy, creative course development and/or in­ the U.S. Navy including 13 months on the sought by organizational groups who care structional support. hospital ship USS Repose off the coast of deeply about the human mind, body and Sister Anne Brooks is a doctor of osteo­ Vietnam. She also served at the Naval Hos­ spirit." pathic medicine and a member of the Sisters pitals in Portsmouth, N.H., and in Philadel­ phia, where she was head nurse in the For her volunteer service and commu­ of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary who nity activism, she has received several administers to the residents of Tutwiler, Mis­ ambulatory surgical ward caring for person­ nel from Vietnam. awards including the Community Service sissippi, a community of just over 1000 peo­ Award from the National Council of Negro ple, mostly black and mostly poor, with a per Rear Admiral Ibach is involved in numer­ Women, Philadelphia Council, the Commu­ capita income of less than $3,000. ous professional and community organiza­ nity Service Award from the YMCA of Ger­ After earning a degree in elementary tions including the Association of Military mantown, and the Human Rights Award from education at Barry University in Miami, she Surgeons of the United States, American the Philadelphia Commission on Human Re­ worked for 17 years as a teacher and prin­ Nurses Association, Naval Reserve Associ­ lations. cipal at Catholic Schools in Florida. In 1973 ation, National Association of Life Underwrit­ ers and her Church Parish Advisory Board. Mrs. Clifford is married to Maurice C. she became a full-time medical worker and Clifford, M.D., and has three children. started a clinic in St. Petersburg, FI. In 1977 She holds a bachelor of science degree in nursing from the University of Pennsylva­ Examination of Pre-Service Teachers’ Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Vene­ Conferences Attended Knowledge and Reflections About the Read­ zuela in July. ing Process" at the National Reading Con­ Boyle, Darren, staff assistant in the News George, David, Ph.D., associate professor Bureau, attended the College and University ference 41 st Annual Meeting in Palm Springs on December 5. of economics, presented "Obscuring the Public Relations Association of Pennsylva­ Normative: How the Texts Evaluate Monop­ nia (CUPRAP) Fall Professional Develop­ Clabaugh, Gary, Ed.D., professor of educa­ olistic Competition" at the annual meetings ment Conference at St. Joseph's University. tion, presented "The School as Temple, Fac­ of the Pennsylvania Economic Association in Clabaugh, Gary, Ed.D., professor of educa­ tory and Town Meeting" at the 1991 Confer­ May. ence of the American Educational Studies tion, participated in the biannual meeting of Hennessy, Arthur L., Jr., Ph.D., associate Association in Kansas City in October. the Publications Advisory Board of Educa­ professor of history, presented a paper at the tional Horizons, a publication of Pi Lamda Devlin, Msgr. Joseph W., adjunct professor Middle Atlantic Association of Catholic Col­ Theta, a national honors society in educa­ of graduate religion and assistant professor leges and Universities at Seton Hall Univer­ tion. He was appointed to the eight member of undergraduate religion, served as a dele­ sity in South Orange, N.J. in March. board in July. gate from Lourdes Hospital in Camden, N.J., Hofmann, Charles, Ph.D., associate pro­ at the annual meeting of the Catholic Health Hofmann, Charles, Ph.D„ associate pro­ fessor of mathematical sciences, presented Association in St. Louis in May. In July he fessor of mathematical sciences, attended "Derive Calculus" at the Fall Conference of participated in an hour-long call-in radio pro­ the Conference on Software Engineering the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, gram on WMCA (New York) on T he Ques­ Education held at the Software Engineering Philadelphia and vicinity in October. Institute of Carnegie Mellon University on tion of Vatican Recognition of the State of October 7 and 8.. He also participated in the Israel" with connection to Jerusalem and live Kelly, Geffrey B., Ph.D., professor of reli­ Educator Development Workshop on Octo­ response from Moshe Gilboa, Prime Minister gion, presented "Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Dic­ ber 9. Shamir's official for religious affairs. In Sep­ tatorships and the Challenge of Peace" at tember Msgr. Devlin delivered an address the Washington, D.C., conference on T he Lombardo, Rosalie, associate director, titled "Attitudes Toward the Dying in Judaism, Future of the American Church" in Septem­ News Bureau, attended the annual College Christianity, and in the Oriental Religions" at ber. and University Public Relations Association the annual Ethics Conference sponsored by of Pennsylvania (CUPRAP) annual Fall Pro­ Shore Memorial Hospital, Somers Point, N.J. Lombardo, Rosalie, associate director, fessional Development Conference at St. At this conference he also participated in a News Bureau, conducted a panel on "Kids Joseph’s University in October. panel discussion concerning ethical ap­ and Careers: How Do We Do It?" at the Fall proaches to problems involving patients who Professional Development Conference of McManus, Margaret, assistant professor of the College and University Public Relations mathematical sciences, attended the Inter­ are critically ill.
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