—One thing about rais- —The average woman ing children — they’ll realizes that money isn’t grow in almost any kind everything — there are of dirt. The Glengarry News also charge accounts. THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO VOL. LXI—No. 23 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 6th, 1952 $2.50 A YEAR 1 TO RESUME DRIVE* FOR OLEIiOARSV; BARRENS $10,000 More Needed To Ensure Hydro Forestry Gang Accepts Call To Douglas V. Lacombe New Boys’ Choir To Make Bow Here Permanently Kirk Hill United Gets Promotion New Arena For Winter Season A Hydro forestry gang which will At Concert Here Next Week work exclusively on tree trimming Rev. S. A. ;R. Delve, B.A., B.D., His many .friends will be glad to in the area covered by the Martin- who for the past six years has been learn of the announcement made Withdrawal Of Legion From Joint Appeal town rural lines is now stationed minister of thfe Seeleys Bay pastoral last week by the Canadian National Group Of 36 Voices From St. Joseph’s permanently in Alexandria. Fore- Makes Possible Immediate Start charge of the ttoited Church of Railways appointing Douglas Vin- School To Entertain For First Time man of the gang is L. E. Hall of Canada, has j^ist accepted a call to cent Lacombe to the position of On Building And Final Drive For Funds Burlington, Ont., who is occupying succeed Rev. J. Maxwell Allan as assistant manager, Press Bureau, At Thursday Concert In Alexander Hall an apartment in the McRae block, minister of tjhe Kirk Hill United and his transfer from Halifax to An immediate start will be made on erection of cement block walls Dominion street north. Church. C.N.R. headquarters in Montreal, A new boys’ choir -of 36 voices, “La Manécanterie de 1’ecole St. Joseph”, Mrs. Hall is the former Mamie for the new Glengarry Gardens and, simultaneously, a final drive will be The change in pastorate will take to take effect by the end of July. will make its bow to the public next Thursday evening, at a concert to be Munro of Apple Hill, daughter of place subject to approval by the Douglas Laeomibe was bom in made to secure $10,000 for completion of the roof. This was the decision Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Munro. They held in Alexander Hall. The premiere will be the culmination of re- of directors of Glengarry Gardens Company at a meeting late last week. Kingston Presbytery, Bay of Quinte August, 1911, and received his early hearsals extending over several months since the group was organized have two children. Conference, and Transfer Commit- education in Glen Robertson public A general meeting of all shareholders is being held tonight (Friday) in in January under the direcjàôn of Brother Reynald, principal of St Hall was among six Hydro erew^ tee, at the end of the Conference school and at St. Margaret’s Con- the Hub hall, to ratify the program. men who, on May 5th at a banquet Joseph’s Boys’ School, him§<»f an accomplished musician. 1 year, June 30th. vent school in Alexandria. He com- An ladditional $10,000, some of* in the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, re- The Brockville Recorder, report- menced his service with the C.N.R. Brother Reynald has had the which is already pledged, will en- ceived awards for saving the life ing on the transfer, has this to say at the age of 15 years when he assistance of members of the senior :sure a new rink before the winter Total Pledged In of. Neil Hunter of Vankleek Hill, of Mr. Delve: entered the railway at Montreal as men’s choir of Sacred Heart Church, season sets in. seriously injured at Williamstown A graduate pf Queen’s University an office boy. He has been with some of whom will sing with the The decision of Alexandria Legion a year ago, when Lome Deavy of and Theological College, where he the Public Relations Department of boys in their first public concert. Branch to withdraw from the joint Drive Now $8,094 Breadalbane, died by electrocution was heavyweight wrestling cham- the company for 25 years and has The premiere will see the choir 'drive instituted in early February, in a Hydro mishap. The six re- pion and active In other Intercol- successfully filled a number of colorfully garbed in soutannes for Since last listing of the total has brought the rebuilding of the ceived miniature replicas of the legiate sports. Rev. Delve became the religious numbers opening the pledged in the joint drive to re- positions in that department. After Gardens closer to realization. Canadian Electrical Associations’ minister of the Seeleys Bay, Olivet serving as news writer at Montreal programme. Later they will change place Glengarry Gardens, an Coupled with the new arena was to resuscitation medal for their part and Lyndhurst congregations fol- he was transferred to Moncton, to their second costumes, red blazers additional $400 has been record- have been provision of memorial in saving Hunter’s life. lowing recovery from injuries re- N.B., in October, 1947, as assistant and grey trousers, for their semi- ed by the campaign treasurer. clubrooms for the Legion Branch. H. A. McDonald of Apple Hill, ceived overseas as a chaplain in the Public Relations representative for classical and popular numbers which When building estimates disclosed This brings the total of cash was another of those so recognized. will be sung in four parts, in three and pledges to $8,094: Canadian Army. the Atlantic Region of the Cana- that an additional $30,000 would o During his pastorate, there has dian National Railways and Trans- languages. There will be solos and Previously acknowledged $7,694 have to be raised to provide these been a happy Christian fellowship, other specialty numbers as well. Leopold Lalonde 100 Canada Air Lines, and in December, facilities, the Legionnaires suggested and a progressive spirit has pre- 1949, he was appointed Press repre- - The costumes have been financed T. G. Barbara 100 M.C. MacKinnon that their withdrawal might hasten through a subscription for funds Alexandria Glove Works vailed amongst the people. sentative at Halifax, covering the rebuilding of the arena. At Tues- The Seeleys Bay church was re- provinces of Nova Scotia and New- by members of the senior men’s day’s meeting of the Branch at (Geo. Barbara, Prop.).. 100 Died Suddenly choir, who report a generous re- Joseph A. Lalonde 25 built — the building raised and a foundland, from which position he Maxville, this decision was ratified. basement constructed, also a new is promoted to his new post in sponse by local business people. Next week’s issue of the News will Maurice Lalonde 25 Malcolm C. MacKinnon, a widely o Eastern Ontario Review. 25 chancel, heating system and electric Montreal. Prior to his transfer from carry a full statement from Legion known and highly respected resident organ installed. Montreal in 1947, he gained con- officials in connection with their Lloyd Barbara 10 of the Glen Nevis area, died sud^ Smaller donations 15 A fine basement was also con- sidérable experience after his regu- withdrawal from the joint drive and denly, shortly before midnight Fri- structed under the Olivet church, lar hours of duty as a reporter for A.H.S. Students To their plans to provide the Branch day, May 30th, at his home, lot 14 Total to date $8,094 with a new heating system and several weekly newspapers, includ- DOUGLAS V. LACOMBE with urgently needed clubrooms. in the 8th Lancaster. Mr. MacKin- ing the Verdun Guardian, .the Ver- The committee is particularly 1 various improvements in the church press representative, Canadian Tour In Quebec . During recent months, officers of non's death followed, within an building. dun Messenger and The Canadian appreciative of the gesture of hour, a severe heart attack. He had National Railways, for Nova Sco- the Gardens Company and drive Ninety-four members were added Register, Montreal, and served as Some forty boys from Alexandria Andrew Boyer, publisher of the been about his usual farm duties tia and Newfoundland, who has officials have been securing cost to the church membership roll of news editor of the latter publication, High School will tour the Eastern Eastern Ontario Review, Vank- throughout the day and the news been appointed assistant manager estimates on various plans for re- the pastoral charge, seventy-five of which is now known as The Ensign. Townships and the north shore of leek Hill, in donating to the ex- of his passing came as a distinct of the press bureau for the system building. It has been tentatively whom were received on profession During the past two "years, Mr. the St. Lawrence to Quebec City on tent of a $25 share. He is in a shock to family and friends. He at Montreal. Mr. Lacombe, who decided to build a 12-ft. cement of faith. Lacombe has served as chairman,of this year’s end-of-term trip. Un- position to know what com- was aged 69. brings more thafi 25 years service block wall on the present founda- In going to Kirk Hill, Rev. Delve the public information committee of der the aegis of Lome Whelan, munity effort was needed in A lifelong resident of Glengarry, to his new post, served as chair- tions, with a timber-truss supported becomes minister^a^YSngregation the Nova Scotia division of the teacher of agriculture in the- school Vankleek Hill’s successful drive Mr. MacKinnon had farmed in the Hian "W the public information tar and gravel roof.
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