SEPTEMBER 1934 SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE WASHINGTON VOLUME 14 NUMBER 9 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN STATISTICAL SERIES SINCE PUBLICATION OF THE 1932 ANNUAL SUPPLEMENT For convenience there is listed below a tabulation of the changes which have been made in the past 2 years. If back data have been presented for the new series, a reference to the monthly issues in which such statistics appeared may be found in the footnotes which are included on pages 22 to 56, inclusive. NEW SERIES ADDED JUNE 1934 JUNE 1933 Agricultural loans outstanding (six series). Bond prices, domestic, United States Liberty (New DECEMBER 1932 Agricultural products, cash income received from marketings of. York Trust Co.). Brick, face, production (brick drawn from kilns). Auto accessories and parts, composite index of ship- Beverages: ments. Fermented malt liquors: Building costs, by types of construction (American Production, consumption, and stocks. Appraisal Co.). Canadian statistics, electric-power production index. Distilled spirits: Cotton textiles, production, shipments, stocks, etc. Chain-store sales index (Chain Store Age). Production, consumption, and stocks in bonded Farm products—price index of dairy and poultry Civil service employment, United States. warehouses. products (combined index). Convection type radiators, new orders. Cotton cloth (bleached, dyed, and printed), pro- Glass containers, net new orders. Department-store sales, Philadelphia. duction and stocks. Gold, held under earmark for foreign account. Factory employment (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Factory employment, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Mary- Hours of work per week in factories, nominal or land, and Massachusetts. Factory pay rolls (Bureau of Labor Statistics). full-time week (National Industrial Confer- Factory pay rolls, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Philadel- Imports for consumption. ence Board). phia, Maryland, and Massachusetts. Index of new-passenger-car sales. McLellan 5- and 10-cent stores (sales and stores). Fairchild retail price index. Indexes of variety-store sales (new index). Rope paper sacks, shipments. Gas oil and distillates, production and stocks. Miik, receipts, Greater New York. Rubber, scrap, stocks at reclaimers. Gypsum, imports, production and shipments. Registrations, commercial truck. Unemployment, applicants, at employment agencies. Hourly earnings, factory {National Industrial Silk machinery activity (Silk Code Authority). Wool-machinery activity, sets of cards. Conference Board). Sugar, refined, imports and receipts from Hawaii Illuminating glassware, new orders, production, arid Puerto Rico. DECEMBER 1933 shipments and stocks. Vacuum cleaners (hand type), shipments. Mechanical stokers, new orders. Animal glues, production and stocks. Building cost index of electric light and power con- Net gold imports, including gold released from ear- JULY 1934 struction (Richey). mark. Hosiery (Hosiery Code Authority). Pyroxylin rods, sheets and tubes, production and Building material costs, frame and brick house. shipments. Restaurant, total sales and stores (three chains). Castings, gray iron, orders, production, receipts, and Plumbers' brass, shipments. Silk spindles (machine activity), Code Administra- stocks. tion Committee for the Throwing Industry. Plumbing fixtures, wholesale price. Explosives, production, shipments and stocks. Fabricated structural steel, orders and shipments Residual fuel oil, production and stocks. AUGUST 1934 with percent of capacity. Rubber heels and soles, total shipments. Silk cloth, production, shipments, stocks. Federal-aid highway, work approved for construc- Tin consumption in the manufacture of tin and tion and balance of Federal-aid funds available terneplate. for new construction (new work now paid for by Tin and terneplate production. funds appropriated under N.R.A.). Trade union members employed, by groups. SERIES DROPPED F. W. Grand, stores and sales (merged with H. L. Weekly earnings, factory, Massachusetts. Green Co., Inc.). World prices, foodstuffs and raw materials. DECEMBER 1932 Hoists, electric, orders and shipments. Index, new orders. Applicants at employment agencies, Western States. Index, unfilled orders. JUNE 1933 Binders' board, production. Illuminating glassware, percent of full operation of Construction volume (A.G.C.) orders, production, and shipments. Airplane travel, passengers carried, passenger miles Copper: Isaac Silver & Bros., stores and sales (merged with flown. Production, all series. H. L. Green Co., Inc.). Bond prices, United States Government (Standard Statistics). Shipments, domestic, refined. Paper board, production and shipments. Building costs, all types (American Appraisal Stocks (North and South America), blister and Plumbers' woodwork, orders, shipments, and stocks. Co.). refined. Pyroxylin products, production and shipments of Employment, miscellaneous—Federal and State Enameled sanitary ware, baths, lavatories, sinks, sheets, rods, and tubes. highways, construction and maintenance. miscellaneous, all series. United States Steel Corporation, unfilled orders. Face brick, machine production. Enameled sheet-metal ware, shipments. Yarn, carded sales, all series. Factory operations, proportion full time worked, Factory employment, Chicago. JUNE 1934 Factory pay rolls, New York and Chicago. miscellaneous group. Farm products, price indexes of dairy and poultry Galvanized sheet-metal ware, all series. Bank suspensions. products. Gas and fuel oil, production and stocks (combined Cotton cloth finishing. Household furniture, plant operations, all districts. series). Delinquent accounts, electrical trade. Lard compound, wholesale price, tierces, Chicago. Glass containers, unfilled orders. Factory employment (adjusted and unadjusted) Lard, refined, wholesale price, tierces, Chicago. Hides and skins, stocks, all series. Federal Reserve Board. Illuminating glassware, orders, production, ship- Factory operations, proportion of full time worked. Leather production (Tanners' Council). ments, and stocks. Nonmanufacturing employment—banks, brokerage Factory pay-roll indexes (Federal Reserve Board)t Industrial production indexes: Copper (mined), Highway construction under the Federal Highway houses, etc.; dyeing and cleaning; and laundries. metals, nonferrous. Nonmanufacturing pay rolls—banks, brokerage Act. Iron and steel, boilers (round and square) and Indexes of five-and-ten (variety) stores sales (old houses, etc.; dyeing and cleaning; and laundries. radiators, new orders. Rope paper sacks, shipments. index). Leather, sole and belting, production, stocks, all Marketings, forest products. series. Milk, receipts, Greater New York. Leather, upper, production, stocks, all series. DECEMBER 1933 Nonmanufacturing employment, canning and pre- Lumber, walnut, orders, production, shipments, and serving. stocks. Cellulose plastic products, production and ship- Nonmanufacturing pay rolls, canning and pre- ments of nitrocellulose and cellulose acetate Methanol, stocks: serving. sheets, rods, and tubes. At crude plants. At refineries and in transit. Paper, stocks, all grades, book paper, writing paper, Construction wage rates (E.N.R.). wrapping paper, and all other grades of paper. Highway construction under the National Indus- Milk, condensed and evaporated, total exports, production, and stocks. Restaurant sales and stores operated: trial Recovery Act. Childs Co. Home Loan Bank, loans outstanding. Newsprint, production, percent of capacity. J. R. Thompson Co. H. L. Green Co., Inc., stores and sales. Paints, varnish and lacquer products, unclassified Waldorf System, Inc. Paper board, production and shipments. sales, 315 establishments. Rope paper sacks. Pittsburgh employment index. Pine, North Carolina, production and shipments. Sugar, Cuban, raw, receipts at ports and exports. Pittsburgh pay-roll index. Pine-oil stocks. Silk machinery activity (Silk Association of Purchasing power of the dollar. Plumbing fixtures, wholesale price (six pieces). America). Reconstruction Finance Corporation, loans out- Porcelain, nail knobs, tubes, shipments. Wood-pulp stocks, standing. Stock indexes, world copper stocks. United States Steel Corporation, shipments of Stokers, mechanical, large (see new series), new JULY 1934 finished products. orders. Hosiery, Census Bureau series. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Volume 14 SEPTEMBER 1934 Number 9 WEEKLY DATA THROUGH AUGUST 25, 1931 MONTHLY DATA THROUGH JULY SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS PUBLISHED B\ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE WASHINGTON CONTENTS SUMMARIES AND CHARTS STATISTICAL DATA—Continued Page Page Business indicators 2 Monthly business statistics: Business situation summarized 3 Business indexes 22 Comparison of principal data, 1930-34 4 Commodity prices 23 Construction and real estate 24 Commodity prices 5 Domestic trade 25 Domestic trade 6 Employment conditions and wages 27 Employment 7 Finance 30 Finance 8 Foreign trade 34 Foreign trade 9 Transportation and communications 35 Statistics on individual industries: Real estate and construction 10 Chemicals and allied products 36 Transportation 11 Electric power and gas 39 Survey of individual industries: Foodstuffs and tobacco 39 Automobiles and rubber 12 Fuels and byproducts 43 Forest products 13 Leather and products 44 Lumber and manufactures 45 Iron and steel 14 Metal and manufactures:
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