APPENDIX F: SPECIAL-STATUS SPECIES APPENDIX The 34th America’s Cup / Environmental Assessment F-1 APPENDIX F SPECIAL-STATUS UPLAND SPECIES CONSIDERED IN EVALUATION OF THE PROJECT AREA Listing Status Potential for Common Name USFWS/ Species Occurrence Scientific Name CDFG/CNPSa General Habitat Within Project Area STATE OR FEDERALLY LISTED SPECIES San Bruno elfin butterfly FE/-- Inhabits rocky outcrops and cliffs on Low. Species occurrences at Milagra Callophrys mossii north-facing, often shady slopes in Ridge but no suitable habitat in bayensis coastal scrub and relatively project area. undisturbed grasslands. Larval host plant is Sedum spathulifolium. Bay checkerspot butterfly FT/-- Restricted to native grasslands on Low. Suitable native serpentine Euphydras editha outcrops of serpentine, with dwarf grasslands do not occur on project bayensis plantain and owl’s clover as host area. plants. Mission blue butterfly FE/-- Coastal scrub and grassland habitat. Present. Found in Tennessee Valley, Icaricia icariodes Requires Lupinus albifrons, L. variicolor, Marin Headlands including Fort missionensis or L. formosus as larval host plant. Baker. Callippe silverspot butterfly FE/-- Occurs in grasslands with a native Absent. Current populations known Speyeria callippe callippe component. Host plant is Viola only south of San Francisco. pedunculata. California red-legged frog FT/CSC Breeds in stock ponds, pools, and slow- Absent. Although present at various Rana draytonii moving streams. localities within Marin County, including Muir Beach and Rodeo Lagoon, no suitable habitat in project area. San Francisco garter snake FE/CE Most often observed in the vicinity of Absent. Historically occurred on Thamnophis sirtalis standing water; ponds, lakes, marshes, San Francisco peninsula but current tetrataenia and sloughs. Temporary ponds and populations known only south of seasonal bodies of water are also used. San Francisco. Banks with emergent and bankside vegetation are preferred and used for cover. American peregrine falcon DL/DL Woodlands, coastal habitats, riparian Moderate. Although the species is Falco peregrinus anatum areas, coastal and inland waters, present near the Bay Bridge, it is humanmade structures that may be unlikely to forage in the project area. used as nest or temporary perch sites. Western snowy plover FT/CSC Sandy coastal beaches, salt pans, Present. Overwintering populations Charadrius alexandrius coastal dredged spoils sites, dry salt on Ocean Beach and smaller nivosus ponds, salt pond levees, and gravel population at Wildlife Protection bars. Nests in sandy substrate and Area at Crissy Field. Periodically forages in sandy marine and estuarine sighted at other beaches such as bodies. Baker Beach and Rodeo Beach. Brown pelican DL/DL&FPS Nests on protected islets near Present. Forage and roost within the Pelecanus occidentalis freshwater lakes and marine waters. project area. California least tern FE/FPS Feeds in relatively shallow, near-shore Present. Forages within the project Sterna antillarum browni waters, coastal freshwater ponds, area. Nearest extant breeding colony channels, and lakes occupied by small in San Francisco Bay is located at the fish. Colonial nesters on sand, gravel, or former Alameda Naval Air Station. shell beaches where visibility is good. Bank swallow --/ST Requires vertical banks/cliffs with fine Present. Species nests in the Fort Riparia riparia textured/sandy soils near streams, rivers, Funston cliffs. lakes, ocean to dig nesting burrows. APPENDIX F SPECIAL-STATUS UPLAND SPECIES CONSIDERED IN EVALUATION OF THE PROJECT AREA Listing Status Potential for Common Name USFWS/ Species Occurrence Scientific Name CDFG/CNPSa General Habitat Within Project Area STATE OR FEDERALLY LISTED SPECIES (cont.) San Francisco lessingia FE/CE/List 1B Remnant dunes in coastal scrub Present. Extant at Baker Beach. Lessingia germanorum Presidio manzanita FE/CE/1B Chaparral, coastal prairie, coastal scrub. Present. Extant at Baker Beach. Arctostaphylos hookeri ssp. ravenii Marin dwarf-flax (Marin FT/CT Serpentine chaparral (coastal prairie- Present. Extant at Baker Beach.. western flax) grassland) habitat. Hesperolinon congestum California seablite FE/ 1B.1 Coastal salt marshes. Present at Crissy Marsh Suaeda californica Presidio clarkia FE/CE/List 1B.1 Inhabits coastal scrub, valley and Present. Known from Inspiration Clarkia franciscana foothill grasslands. Point and along bluffs east and north of Baker Beach. OTHER SPECIAL-STATUS SPECIES ANIMALS San Francisco forktail None Permanent freshwater marshes Low. The damselfly is limited to damselfly wetland vegetation. Reported from Ischnura gemina ditch adjacent to Marine Drive. Tree lupine moth FSC/-- Coastal sand dunes are typically Moderate. The tree lupine moth is Actinemys marmorata associated with the moth’s larval host found at several locations south of plant, yellow bush lupine (Lupinus the Golden Gate Bridge. arboreus). Western pond turtle FSC/CSC Freshwater ponds and slow streams Low. Aquatic habitat not available in Actinemys marmorata edged with sandy soils for laying eggs. the project area. Nearest occurrence is Lake Merced. Great blue heron --/* Nest colonially in groves of trees. Low. Breeding has been observed at Ardea herodias Rookeries only Rookery sites located near marshes, Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park, and tide-flats, irrigated pastures, and at Lake Merced,. Known to nest at margins of rivers and lakes. Alcatraz as individuals. Great horned owl --/3503.5 Often uses abandoned nests of corvids Present. Breeds in the historic forest Bubo virginianus or squirrels; nests in large oaks, of the Presidio. conifers, eucalyptus. Cooper’s hawk --/3503.5 Nests mainly in dense evergreen and Known to occur. Accipiter cooperii deciduous forests or riparian zones. Sharp-shinned hawk --/CSC Nests in forest canopy Present. Breeds in the historic forest Accipiter striatus of the Presidio. Red-shouldered hawk --/3503.5 Usually nests in large trees, often in Present. Breeds in the historic forest Buteo lineatus woodland or riparian deciduous of the Presidio. habitats. Forages over open grasslands and woodlands. Red-tailed hawk --/3503.5 Usually nests in large trees, often in Present. Breeds in the historic forest Buteo jamaicensis woodland or riparian deciduous of the Presidio. habitats. Northern harrier --/CSC Mostly nests in emergent vegetation, Probable, but does not breed in the Circus cyaneus wet meadows or near rivers and lakes, historic forest of the Presidio. but may nest in grasslands away from water. White-tailed kite --/FPS Nests in isolated trees in open Known to occur. Elanus leucurus grasslands, meadows, and marshes. APPENDIX F SPECIAL-STATUS UPLAND SPECIES CONSIDERED IN EVALUATION OF THE PROJECT AREA Listing Status Potential for Common Name USFWS/ Species Occurrence Scientific Name CDFG/CNPSa General Habitat Within Project Area OTHER SPECIAL-STATUS SPECIES (cont.) ANIMALS (cont.) American kestrel --/3503.5 Nests in cavities in large trees near Probable. Breeds in the historic forest Falco sparverius open areas. of the Presidio. Western screech owl --/3503.5 Nests in dense evergreen or deciduous Known to occur. Megascops kennicottii forests and riparian woodlands. Barn owl --/3503.5 Nests in old buildings or hollow trees Known to occur. Tyto alba in lowlands including farmlands, marshes, shrub lands, and woodlands. Double-crested cormorant --/CSC Nests colonially on coastal cliffs, Present. Breeds on Yerba Buena Phalacrocorax auritus offshore islands, and along lake Island and roosts on Little Alcatraz margins. just offshore Alcatraz and forages throughout the project area. Allen’s hummingbird FSC/* (AWLY) Inhabits coastal scrub and a variety of Low. Suitable nesting and foraging Selasphorus sasin woodlands and riparian habitat, as well habitat is present throughout San as gardens in the urban-wildland Francisco, but not along the northern interface. waterfront at spectator sites or secondary viewing areas. Black-crowned night-heron *(Nesting Nests colonially on along margins of Present. Breeds on Alcatraz and Nycticorax nycticorax colony) water bodies. forages throughout the project area. Snowy egret *(Nesting Nests colonially on along margins of Present. Breeds on Alcatraz and Egretta thula colony) water bodies. forages throughout the project area. Black oystercatcher *(Nesting Nests frequently on islands, where a Present. Nests near Pier 98, Alcatraz, Haematopus bachmani colony) pair builds a nest above the high tide Marin Headlands, and Baker Beach. mark and then defends an adjacent feeding area. Caspian tern *(Nesting Nests in colonies on sandy estuarine Present. Nests at Pier 64. Sterna caspia colony) shores, on levees in salt ponds, and on islands in alkali and freshwater lakes Townsend’s Pacific big- FSC/CSC Inhabits a variety of habitats, requires Present. Potential roosting habitat is eared bat caves or human made structures for available in abandoned or underused Corynorhinus townsendii roosting. buildings throughout the project townsendii area. Recorded CNDDB occurrence at Angel Island. Fringed and Yuma myotis FSC/-- Inhabits a variety of woodland habitats, Low. Potential roosting abandoned Myotis thysanodes, roosts in crevices or caves, and forages or underused buildings in the project yumanenesis over water and open habitats. area. Angel Island mole /CSC Inhabits northern coastal scrub and Presumed present on Angel Island. Scapanus latimanus insularis chaparral. PLANTS Dune gilia //List 1B.1 Restricted to coastal dunes and sandy Present.
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